742 resultados para Communities of practice


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This design-based research project addresses the gap between formal music education curricula and the knowledge and skills necessary to enter the professional music industry. It analyses the work of a teacher/researcher who invited her high school students to start their own business venture, Youth Music Industries (YMI). YMI also functioned as a learning environment informed by the theoretical concepts of communities of practice and social capital. The students staged cycles of events of various scales over a three-year period, as platforms for young artists to engage and develop new, young audiences across Queensland, Australia. The study found that students developed an entrepreneurial mindset through acquisition of specific skills and knowledge. Their learning was captured and distilled into a set of design principles, a pedagogical approach transferrable across the creative industries more broadly.


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There is widespread agreement that entrepreneurial skills are crucial for young people today, yet there are few studies of high school students engaging in entrepreneurship education that might prepare them for music industry careers. This study has been developed in response to these challenges. It explores a group of high school students (15 – 17 years) who alongside their teacher, have co-designed, developed and driven a new business venture, Youth Music Industries (YMI) since 2010. This venture staged cycles of differently scaled events featuring young artists for a young audience. The project was designed to give students a real business situation for developing their project management skills and a broader understanding of working in the music industry. Informed by concepts of social capital and communities of practice, the study examines the process of learning with and through others. This high-stakes environment increased their sense of presence and participation and made it possible for these young people to distribute expertise and learn from each other in a reciprocal and more democratic way. The ongoing success of this organisation can be attributed to the entrepreneurial competencies students developed. The resulting model and design principles talk to an ongoing challenge that has been identified in music education, and creative industries more generally. These principles offer a way forward for other music and creative industries educators or researchers interested in developing models of, and designs for, nurturing an entrepreneurial mindset.


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This paper contributes a number of design principles for developing large-scale online communities of pre-service and early career teachers (PS&ECTs). It presents the paradigms of connected learning, networked learning and communities of practice and contrasts them. It describes the potential for online communities to meet the needs of PS&ECTs and it identifies gaps that exist within certain types of existing online communities that currently support PS&ECTs. The paper proposes design principles for a new type of online community for PS&ECTs. These principles are drawn from the literature and from the preliminary outcomes of a pilot study.


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This study examines supervisors' emerging new role in a technical customer service and home customers division of a large Finnish telecommunications corporation. Data of the study comes from a second-generation knowledge management project, an intervention research, which was conducted for supervisors of the division. The study exemplifies how supervision work is transforming in high technology organization characterized with high speed of change in technologies, products, and in grass root work practices. The intervention research was conducted in the division during spring 2000. Primary analyzed data consists of six two-hour videorecorded intervention sessions. Unit of analysis has been collective learningactions. Researcher has first written conversation transcripts out of the video-recorded meetings and then analyzed this qualitative data using analytical schema based on collective learning actions. Supervisors' role is conceptualized as an actor of a collective and dynamic activity system, based on the ideas from cultural historical activity theory. On knowledge management researcher has takena second-generation knowledge management viewpoint, following ideas fromcultural historical activity theory and developmental work research. Second-generation knowledge management considers knowledge embedded and constructed in collective practices, such as innovation networks or communities of practice (supervisors' work community), which have the capacity to create new knowledge. Analysis and illustration of supervisors' emerging new role is conceptualized in this framework using methodological ideas derived from activity theory and developmental work research. Major findings of the study show that supervisors' emerging new role in a high technology telecommunication organization characterized with high speed of discontinuous change in technologies, products, and in grass-root practices cannot be defined or characterized using a normative management role/model. Their role is expanding two-dimensionally, (1) socially and (2) in new knowledge, and work practices. The expansion in organization and inter-organizational network (social expansion) causes pressures to manage a network of co-operation partners and subordinates. On the other hand, the faster speed of change in technological solutions, new products, and novel customer wants (expansion in knowledge) causes pressures for supervisors to innovate quickly new work practices to manage this change. Keywords: Activity theory, knowledge management, developmental work research, supervisors, high technology organizations, telecommunication organizations, second-generation knowledge management, competence laboratory, intervention research, learning actions.


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There has been substantial growth in the provision of, and importance attached to, coach education in many Western countries in particular, but there is also an emerging interest in the developing world (Gilbert & Trudel, 1999; Lyle, 2002). Yet this growth in interest has not resulted in a corresponding increase in research activity. Much of the focus of the existing coach education literature has been on coach development and learning (Cushion, Armour,& Jones, 2003; Malete et al, 2000; Sage, 1989; Weiss et al, 1991), coaching behavior and coach effectiveness training in the context of youth sports (Smith & Smoll, 1990; Smith, Smoll, & Barnett, 1995; Smoll et al.,1993) and the problems associated with the privileging of technical, tactical, and bio-scientific knowledges that have been characteristic features of much coach education provision (Abraham & Collins, 1998; Campbell, 1993; Potrac et al, 2000; Schempp, 2000). While this scholarship has provided valuable insights into some aspects of coach education, it underlines the absence of research addressing a range of topics such as the development of coach education curricula, the structures for coach learning, coaches’ learning processes and coach certification (Gilbert & Trudel, 2000). In this paper we discuss a new theoretical frame for coach education research centered on the idea of communities of practice.


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This chapter presents an inquiry learning framework that can be used as a pathway for the development of information literacy in both K-12 and higher education. Inquiry learning is advocated as an authentic and active approach that draws upon students’ natural curiosity. The pedagogical and curriculum framework incorporates three major elements: questioning frameworks, information literacy and an iterative research cycle. Models and strategies for the elements of the framework are presented and discussed. The chapter ends with an acknowledgement of the challenges associated with implementing inquiry learning.


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This article draws on the design and implementation of three mobile learning projects introduced by Flanagan in 2011, 2012 and 2014 engaging a total of 206 participants. The latest of these projects is highlighted in this article. Two other projects provide additional examples of innovative strategies to engage mobile and cloud systems describing how electronic and mobile technology can help facilitate teaching and learning, assessment for learning and assessment as learning, and support communities of practice. The second section explains the theoretical premise supporting the implementation of technology and promulgates a hermeneutic phenomenological approach. The third section discusses mobility, both in terms of the exploration of wearable technology in the prototypes developed as a result of the projects, and the affordances of mobility within pedagogy. Finally the quantitative and qualitative methods in place to evaluate m-learning are explained.


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[EUS] Laurogeita hamarreko hamarkadan, Eusko Jaurlaritzako Berriztapen Pedagogikoaren Zuzendaritzak eta Bartzelonako Unibertsitateko CREA (Gizarte eta Heziketarako Ikerkuntza Zentroa) ikerkuntza-taldeak Ikas Komunitateen proiektua jarri zuten martxan, elkarlanean, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko lau zentrotan. Zentro horiek hezkuntza-proiektu berri bat abiatzeko bidea ematen dute; izan ere, porrot akademiko handia izatearren hautatu dira, ikasle-taldeen aniztasunaren egoerari heltzeko arazo ugari dituztelako edota dauden lekuetan gizarte-bazterkeriarekin loturiko arazo anitz daudelako. Aldi berean, proiektuak eraldaketa proposatzen du, bai eskolarena, baita inguruarena ere, eta, horretarako, eskolako partaide guztiak hartzen ditu kontuan. Emaitza onak ikusi ostean, eta, hezkuntza-berriztapenaren alorrean lehentasuna izanik, ekimena zabaltzen hasi zen hastapeneko zentroez bestelako ezaugarri sozioedukatiboak dituzten eskoletara ere. Esperientzia berritzaile horiek aurrera eramateko gogo handiz agertu ziren, baita ere, «praktika on»en paradigma ez zirenak, eta, emaitzei begiratzen badiegu, dirudienez, etekin onak lortzen ari dira zentroetan. Ikas Komunitateen proiektuak berekin daraman gaitasun eraldatzaileak egokitzeko berezko ahala erakusten du. Egokitzapen horretan, eskolaren —inguruarekin batera— eta proiektuaren arteko sinbiosia lortzen da, hezkuntzako arrakasta- ekintzak sustatuz.


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Comunidade de prática (CoP) é um termo recente e que se aplica a indivíduos que compartilham um objetivo comum que pode englobar desde uma temática específica, um problema ou uma paixão, sendo o aprendizado em conjunto e o sentimento de pertença os diferenciais dessa teoria que pode refletir, positivamente, na aquisição de conhecimento como um processo participativo. Esta dissertação de mestrado procura averiguar a pertinência da construção de uma comunidade de prática para conselheiros de saúde dentro da política do Sistema Único (SUS) de valorizar a participação popular. Inicialmente, descrevemos de forma resumida o que foi a implantação do SUS e como se inserem os Conselhos de Saúde dentro de suas prerrogativas de participação popular. A partir desse panorama, discorremos sobre o que são, como podem funcionar e qual a importância das CoPs. Por último, investigamos a opinião de uma amostra de conselheiros de saúde da região Sudeste do país e com acesso à Internet. Qual é a visão deles sobre a estruturação e capacitação dentro dos Conselhos de Saúde ? Verificamos que há uma estreita relação de poder e alienação dentro dos Conselhos e, em virtude disso, uma demanda grande por capacitação. Porém, diante das limitações de nosso estudo, que só investigou os conselheiros com acesso à Internet, não podemos extrapolar conclusões de uma CoP poderia ser eficaz para capacitação de conselheiros de todo o país, pois verificamos que a baixa escolaridade nacional também se reflete dentro dos Conselhos assim como a exclusão digital. Estes fatores colocam, portanto, a maior parte dos conselheiros de saúde excluídos da possibilidade de capacitação através de uma CoP


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O Núcleo de Apoio Psicopedagógico ao Residente (NAPPRE) em parceria com a Coordenadoria de Desenvolvimento Acadêmico (CDA) do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE) da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), desenvolve desde 2010 o Curso de Formação Pedagógica para a Prática da Preceptoria (CFPPP) curso de extensão na modalidade aperfeiçoamento, tendo como eixos estruturantes cuidado, educação e gestão. Sustentado nos princípios e diretrizes do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e orientado pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais de Graduação em Saúde (DCNs), o curso apresenta-se como uma estratégia de Educação Permanente em Saúde (EPS) desta instituição utilizando, tanto nas atividades presenciais como na educação à distância, metodologias ativas para o desenvolvimento da competência pedagógica do preceptor. O projeto político pedagógico do curso valoriza a integração dos profissionais de diferentes categorias para o trabalho em equipe. O alcance dos objetivos educacionais e a construção de projetos de intervenção a serem desenvolvidos nas instituições de origem durante o curso exige interação constante dos participantes e desenvolvimento de espaços colaborativos facilitados por estratégias mistas de educação em atividades presenciais e à distância. Considerando que, aproximadamente, 57% da carga horária do curso corresponde à atividades no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem é fundamental compreender a relevância e funcionalidade deste modelo pedagógico para promover a aprendizagem e induzir práticas colaborativas interdisciplinares compreendidas como um caminho para o desenvolvimento da capacidade criativa, da solidariedade e da inteligência coletiva favorecendo a autonomia crescente, individual e coletiva, a autoria e a produção de cuidado e educação. Estes são elementos constitutivos de práticas educacionais coerentes com as necessidades de formação dos profissionais para qualificar o cuidado em saúde no nosso País. Este projeto de pesquisa tem como objetivo principal avaliar como a Educação à Distância (EaD) favorece a construção de ambientes colaborativos na formação pedagógica de preceptores. Trata-se de um estudo de caso único, retrospectivo, com duas unidades de análise, explanatório, intrínseco e educacional. São integrantes dessa pesquisa, como participantes, todos os preceptores da 1 e 2 turmas (anos 2010 e 2011 respectivamente). O planejamento educacional do curso foi contextualizado considerando as competências pedagógicas que são objetivos de aprendizagem. Foram analisados documentos produzidos de forma individual e coletiva durante as etapas do curso. Os dados quantitativos foram analisados através de estatística descritiva e a análise dos dados coletados no material documental foi por análise de conteúdo segundo as proposições de Bardin com identificação de núcleos e/ou validação destes núcleos através das nuvens de palavras construídas através do wordle.


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Communities of faith have appeared online since the inception of computer -­ mediated communication (CMC)and are now ubiquitous. Yet the character and legitimacy of Internet communities as ecclesial bodies is often disputed by traditional churches; and the Internet's ability to host the church as church for online Christians remains a question. This dissertation carries out a practical theological conversation between three main sources: the phenomenon of the church online; ecclesiology (especially that characteristic of Reformed communities); and communication theory. After establishing the need for this study in Chapter 1, Chapter 2 investigates the online presence of Christians and trends in their Internet use, including its history and current expressions. Chapter 3 sets out an historical overview of the Reformed Tradition, focusing on the work of John Calvin and Karl Barth, as well as more contemporary theologians. With a theological context in which to consider online churches in place, Chapter 4 introduces four theological themes prominent in both ecclesiology and CMC studies: authority; community; mediation; and embodiment. These themes constitute the primary lens through which the dissertation conducts a critical-­confessional interface between communication theory and ecclesiology in the examination of CMC. Chapter 5 continues the contextualization of online churches with consideration of communication theories that impact CMC, focusing on three major communication theories: Narrative Theory; Interpretive Theory; and Speech Act Theory. Chapter 6 contains the critical conversation between ecclesiology and communication theory by correlating the aforementioned communication theories with Narrative Theology, Communities of Practice, and Theo-­Drama, and applying these to the four theological themes noted above. In addition, new or anticipated developments in CMC investigated in relationship to traditional ecclesiologies and the prospect of cyber-­ecclesiology. Chapter 7 offers an evaluative tool consisting of a three-­step hermeneutical process that examines: 1) the history, tradition, and ecclesiology of the particular community being evaluated; 2) communication theories and the process of religious-­social shaping of technology; and 3) CMC criteria for establishing the presence of a stable, interactive, and relational community. As this hermeneutical process unfolds, it holds the church at the center of the process, seeking a contextual yet faithful understanding of the church.


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This article is the result of a doctoral thesis that aims to understand the reality of teacher trainers at a given moment, when their professional role changes from being a managing training advisor to a role that is more centred on process counselling. Using in-depth interviews, we defined the personal and professional profile of training counsellors in the Balearic Islands, their career path, the process for their inclusion in Teacher Centres (CEP) and, finally, the duties and skills that they perform as teacher trainers. The data that has been collected shows the coexistence of different professional roles in the group of education advisors. Moreover, it also indicates a lack of definition of the profile needed to access an advisor's position. There are indeed some coincidences determining the access route to such a position when it comes to the teaching profession since their leadership qualities and group dynamics expertise are a common indicator in most cases. The research also shows that they are subjected not only to a wide range of roles and tasks but also to a vast array of competences required to tackle the education advisor's tasks.


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This paper explores a novel perspective on patient safety improvements, which draws on
contemporary social network and learning theories. A case study was conducted at a Portuguese
acute university hospital. Data collection followed a staged approach, whereby 46 interviews
were conducted involving 49 respondents from a broad array of departments and professional
backgrounds. This case study highlights the importance of two major interlinked factors in
contributing to patient safety improvements. The first of these is the crucial role of formal and
informal, internal and external social networks. The second is the importance and the possible
advantage of combining formal and informal learning. The analysis suggests that initiatives
rooted in formal learning approaches alone do not necessarily lead to the creation of long-term
grounded internal safety networks, and that patient safety improvements can crucially depend on
bottom-up initiatives of communities of practice and informal learning. Traditional research on
patient safety places a strong emphasis on top-down and managerialist approaches and is often
based on the assumption that „safety? learning is primarily formal and context-independent. This
paper suggests that bottom-up initiatives and a combination of formal and informal learning can
make a major contribute to patient safety improvements.


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This paper considers whether there is value in introducing student teachers to schools of different ethos as part of their initial teacher education. A 2-year study of undergraduate post-primary student teachers at a university college in Northern Ireland reveals that encounters with schools of different ethos can help student teachers to understand differences between schools and their visions of education, as well as correcting misunderstandings and challenging stereotypes. It is argued that as a result of experiencing diverse examples of ethos, student teachers may also be helped to understand the complexity of schools as organisations and to position themselves and their professional practice within wider debates about the aims of education and schools as communities of practice. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Com enquadramento nas áreas de Ciência da Informação, Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação e Educação, o estudo em voga visa formular propostas para o uso de rede social on-line de literatura infantil, em torno da biblioteca, para a educação básica, fundamentadas na teoria de comunidades de prática. O estudo de caso recaiu sobre quatro escolas, do 1º ciclo, da Educação Básica, do Agrupamento de Escolas de Aveiro-Portugal, tendo como instrumento para o experimento o Portal Biblon. A análise dos dados permite afirmar que a leitura de livros on-line não está inclusa nas atividades habituais da comunidade escolar pesquisada e, assim, o aluno encontra-se sem referencial para inserir esta prática cultural em suas rotinas e momentos de ócio. O cenário escolar atual não estimula a confluências da prática da leitura literária e da escrita dos alunos com as redes sociais on-line. O estudo aponta que, em uma rede social on-line, o livro de literatura infantil tem o papel de interagente, agregando leitores, em interação, em torno de si e que nas redes sociais on-line tem-se a presença dos “mediadores sociais centrais” que propiciam reforço e sustentação das práticas de leitura, através do contágio e da influência social e são propulsionadores da estrutura e do dinamismo da rede. Como conclusão geral tem-se que os utilizadores do Biblon desenvolvem experiências de leituras e escritas através da interação social, por meio de práticas, rotinas, diálogos e atividades comuns construídas na rede. A interação dentro da rede influencia o uso das ferramentas e o aprendizado para manuseá-las ocorre com as práticas. Assim, os laços associativos e as reações individuais envolvendo a leitura conduzem à formação de rede social em torno dos livros e os comportamentos e as preferências dos atores motivam a leitura e a escrita. Dessa forma, o Portal Biblon configura-se como um instrumento para formação de rede social on-line em torno da literatura infantil.