997 resultados para CIM-OSA


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Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on ollut tarkastella lapsiperheiden palveluihin käytettyjen kulutusmenojen muutoksia 1990-luvulla. Tavoitteena on ollut selvittää poikkesiko yhden ja kahden huoltajan talouksien palvelumenojen muutokset toisistaan. Aineistona on käytetty Tilastokeskuksen kulutustutkimuksista tehtyä aikasarjaa 1990-1998. Vertailut kotitaloustyyppien välillä on tehty aina kulutusyksikköä kohden. Palvelumenoja on selvitetty ensin kokonaisuudessaan ja sen jälkeen palveluryhmittäin. Osa palveluryhmistä on jaettu vielä edelleen kahteen osaan. Tutkimus osoitti, että lapsiperheiden palvelumenoissa tapahtui muutoksia. Palvelumenot laskivat yhden ja kahden huoltajan talouksissa vuodesta 1990 vuoteen 1994/96, jonka jälkeen palvelumenot kääntyivät kahden huoltajan talouksissa kasvuun. Yhden huoltajan talouksissa palvelumenot laskivat edelleen vuotta 1998 kohden. Palveluryhmittäisessä tarkastelussa voitiin havaita, että muutokset palvelumenoissa olivat tavallisesti lapsiperheissä saman suuntaisia. Yhden huoltajan talouksissa muutokset olivat tavallisesti jyrkempiä. Palvelumenoissa 1990-luvun alussa olleet tasoerot yhden ja kahden huoltajan talouksien välillä myös säilyivät lähes samana vuosikymmenen loppuun saakka. Kotitalouden tuotantoteoriasta johdettiin tutkimusta varten taustateoreettinen viitekehys, jossa kuvataan kotitalouksien vaihtoehtoisia tapoja tuottaa perushyödykkeitä. Johtopäätöksinä havaittiin teorian soveltuvan palvelumenojen muutosten kuvaamiseen. Kotitalouksien toiminnan kannalta vaihtoehtoisia tapoja tuottaa perushyödykkeitä on oltava, jotta tarpeet saataisiin tyydytetyksi erilaisissa taloudellisissa olosuhteissa. Tutkielman tulokset ovat yleisesti ottaen yhteneviä aikaisempien lapsiperheitä koskevien tutkimusten tulosten kanssa. Avainsanat: lapsiperhe, palvelumeno, muutos, 1990-luku


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Tässä työssä selvitetään lentosääennusteiden käyttöä lennon suunnittelun ja toteutuksen perusteena. Tuodaan esille määräyksiä ja lentosäätietojen käyttöä kaikissa lennon vaiheissa. Perehdytään ennustettujen olosuhteiden ja ennusteiden laadun merkitykseen lentojen toteutuksessa. Selvitetään lentosääennusteisiin liittyviä lentoliikenteen kustannuksia. Työn aineistona käytettiin joulukuu 2006 - heinäkuu 2007 välisenä aikana eri pituisina jaksoina kerättyä 185 liikennelennon lennonsuunnittelumateriaalia ja 126 satunnaisella otoksella otettuja Suomen GAFOR -ennusteita. Liikennelennot toteutettiin Suomen ja Euroopan alueella. Työssä todennettiin METAR –lentopaikkasanoman avulla TAF -lentopaikka-, TREND -laskeutumis-, GAFOR -yleisilmailuennusteita. Yleisestä sääpalvelusta saatua materiaalia käsiteltiin EXCEL –taulukkolaskentaohjelmalla Lentosääennusteita käsiteltiin usean eri käyttäjäryhmän kannalta. Reittilentomittauksilla tutkittiin SIGMET –varoituspalvelun, SWC –merkitsevän sään ja yläilmakehän tuulen sekä lämpötilan ennusteita. TAF –pilvikorkeusennusteiden keskimääräinen hyvyysluku oli lähes sama pilvikorkeudesta riippumatta. Suhteellisen hyvissä olosuhteissa toimivat käyttäjät saivat ennusteista paljon hyötyä. Vaakanäkyvyysennusteiden keskimääräinen hyvyysluku oli suurempi hyvissä kuin huonoissa olosuhteissa. Huonojen olosuhteiden ennusteet olivat lentotoiminnalle enemmän harmillisia kuin hyödyllisiä. Ennustustyö olisi tarvinnut apuvälinettä. Tutkittiin TREND –ennusteiden ominaista osuvuutta. NOSIG –ennuste oli suhteellisen usein julkaistu vaikka sitä seurasi olosuhteen muutos. BECMG -ennuste toteutui pääsääntöisesti ennusteajan alkupuolella. Ajoittaisten olosuhdemuutosten aikana TEMPO -ennusteita julkaistiin hyvin, mutta ennusteen osuvuus vaihteli. Tässä muodossa jaettu ennustetieto ei palvele kovin hyvin päätöstilannetta, jossa on arvioitava polttoaineen riittävyys lennon loppuosalle. GAFOR -pintatuuliennusteet olivat onnistuneita kuten TAF -ennusteissa. Vaakanäkyvyys- ja pilvikorkeusolosuhteissa vertailupisteissä oli 10% havainnoista ennustettua huonompaa olosuhdetta, jos käytettiin vain GAFOR –ennusteen perusosaa lennonsuunnittelussa ja 6% havainnoista, jos käytettiin koko ennustetta. Ilma-aluksen päällikön on valvottava näkölento-olosuhteiden kehitystä lennon aikana ja varmistettava aina näkölento-olosuhteinen lentoreitti laskupaikalle. Lentosääennusteet ovat osa lentotoimintaa mahdollistavaa järjestelmää. Ennusteet hallitsevat vaihtelevasti olosuhteita ja luonnollisesti aiheuttavat ongelmallisia tilanteita. Käyttäjiä sitovat määräykset on luotu, jotta toiminta olisi turvallista. Laadukkaita ennusteita tarvitaan isoilla liikennepaikoilla lentoliikenteen kapasiteetin hallintaan. Pienillä lentopaikoilla laitevarustus ei vielä takaa lentotoimintaa kaikissa olosuhteissa. Näkölentotoimintaa harjoitetaan jatkuvasti sekä hyvissä että kohtalaisen huonoissa olosuhteissa.


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Cellulose can be used as a renewable raw material for energy production. The utilization requires degradation of cellulose into glucose, which can be done with the aid of enzymatic hydrolysis. In this thesis, various x-ray methods were used to characterize sub-micrometer changes in microcrystalline cellulose during enzymatic hydrolysis to clarify the process and factors slowering it. The methods included wide-angle x-ray scattering (WAXS), small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and x-ray microtomography. In addition, the samples were studied with transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The studied samples were hydrolyzed by enzymes of the Trichoderma reesei species for 6, 24, and 75 hours, which corresponded to 31 %, 58 %, and 68 % degrees of hydrolysis, respectively. Freeze-dried hydrolysis residues were measured with WAXS, SAXS and microtomography, whereas some of them were re-wetted for the wet SAXS and TEM measurements. The microtomography measurements showed a clear decrease in particle size in scale of tens of micrometers. In all the TEM pictures similar cylindrical and partly ramified structures were observed, independent of the hydrolysis time. The SAXS results were ambiguous and partly imprecise, but showed a change in the structure of wet samples in scale of 10-30 nm. According to the WAXS results, the degrees of crystallinity and the crystal sizes remained the same. The gained results support the assuption, that the cellulosic particles are hydrolyzed mostly on their surface, since the enzymes are unable to penetrate into the nanopores of wet cellulose. The hydrolysis therefore proceeds quickly in easily accessible particles and leaves the unaccesible particles almost untouched. The structural changes observed in the SAXS measurements might correspond to slight loosening of the microfibril aggregates, which was seen only in the wet samples because of their different pore structure.


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Alueellisten ilmastomallien vaakasuuntainen erottelukyky on globaaleja malleja huomattavasti tarkempi, minkä vuoksi niillä on useita käyttökohteita ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutusten arvioinnissa. Tässä Pro Gradu – työssä tutkittiin alueellisten ilmastomallien tuottamia sademääräsimulaatioita sekä sadehavaintoaineistoja Euroopassa. Aineistona käytettiin ENSEMBLES-hankkeen tarjoamia 10 alueellista ilmastosimulaatiota, kahta hilamuotoista havaintoaineistoa sekä Ilmatieteen laitoksen sadeasemahavaintoja. Aineisto oli päiväkohtaista. Vuositasolla ilmastomallit ovat pääsääntöisesti sademäärää yliennustavia, mutta harha vaihtelee alueiden ja vuodenaikojen kesken. Osa tästä harhasta selittyy kuitenkin sillä, että havaintoaineistoihin sisältyy tyypillisesti sademäärän mittaustapahtumasta aiheutuva virhe. Alueellisten simulaatioiden harha pyritään minimoimaan kun halutaan kvantifioida tulevaisuuden sademääriä ilmastomallitulosten avulla. Tutkimuksessa sovellettiin tähän tarkoitettua empiiristä korjausmenetelmää tapauskohtaisella testialueella Suomessa. Korjausmenetelmä huomioi sadetapahtumien harhan niiden intensiteetin mukaan, jolloin se periaatteessa soveltuu paremmin myös rankkasateiden korjaamiseen. Korjausmenetelmässä harhan riippuvuus sadetapahtuman intensiteetistä oletetaan skenaariojaksolla samaksi kuin vertailujaksolla. Edellytyksenä korjausmenetelmän käytölle on se, että sadetapahtumien intensiteettijakauma simulaatioaineistoissa on kohtuullisen lähellä havaittua jakaumaa. Korjausmenetelmä parantaa sademäärän vuodenaikaiskeskiarvoja tarkastelualueella vertailujaksolla, vuoden kokonaissadekertymän harhan suuruus aineiston keskiarvossa on vain 7 mm. Koska sadetapahtumien intensiteettijakauma muuttuu simulaatioissa vertailu- ja skenaariojaksojen välillä, korjausmenetelmä vaikuttaa kuitenkin sademäärän muutoksen suuruuteen. Lisäksi menetelmän vaikutus sademäärän muutokseen jakautuu epätasaisesti sadetapahtuman intensiteetistä riippuen: menetelmä pienentää rankkasateiden kertymien muutosta, mutta kasvattaa sitä tavallisten sadetapahtumien osalta. Rankkasadetapahtumien erilliskäsittely korjausmenetelmässä aiheuttaa sen, että korjatusta sadetapahtumien intensiteettijakaumasta tulee epäjatkuva riippumatta siitä, mikä tarkastelujakso on kyseessä. Tässä työssä käytetty korjausmenetelmä ei ole ainoa laatuaan, perinteisesti mallitulosten korjaamiseen on käytetty vakiokertoimiin perustuvaa menetelmää kaikille sadetapahtumille. Korjausmenetelmien testaaminen on monien sovellusten kannalta tärkeää, mutta parhaan menetelmän löytäminen ei ole yksiselitteisen helppoa. Globaaleihin malleihin verrattuna alueellisten ilmastomallien ja korjausmenetelmien käyttö aiheuttavat molemmat ylimääräisen epävarmuuslähteen ilmastosimulaatioihin.


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Tietokonetomografiatutkimusten (TT-tutkimusten) määrä on kasvussa, ja niistä aiheutuu merkittävä osa röntgentutkimusten väestölle aiheuttamasta kollektiivisesta annoksesta. Jotta potilaan saama säteilyannos voitaisiin määrittää tarkasti, luotettavasti ja vertailukelpoisesti, mittalaitteet on kalibroitava kansainväliseen mittausjärjestelmään jäljittyvällä tavalla käyttä-en sovittuja standardisäteilylaatuja. TT-laitteen annosmittauksissa käytetään erityisiä pitkiä sylinterin mallisia ionisaatiokammiota (TT-kammio eli DLP-kammio), joilla mitataan ilma-kerman ja pituuden tuloa. TT-kammioidenkalibrointiin ei ole ollut vakiintunutta menettelyä Säteilyturvakeskuksessa (STUK) eikä yleisesti hyväksyttyä kansainvälistä ohjetta. STUK osallistuu Kansainvälisen atomienergiajärjestön IAEA:n ohjeluonnoksen (2005) koekäyttöön. Tässä työssä oli tarkoitus testata ohjeessa esitettyä TT-kammioiden kalibrointimenetelmää sekä aikaisemmin julkaistuja menetelmiä, kehittää niiden pohjalta STUKille oma kalibrointikäytäntö ja testata sen toimintaa. Työssä tarkasteltiin erilaisia kalibrointimenetelmiä ja TT-kammion toimintaa. Mittausten perusteella päädyttiin menettelyyn, jossa kalibrointi suoritetaan mittaamalla TT-kammion vastetta kolmella erilevyisellä säteilykeilan lisärajoittimen aukolla. Kammion vasteen tasai-suutta voidaan lisäksi tutkia 1 cm:n levyisellä aukolla. Kalibrointikerroin saadaan vertaamal-la kalibroitavalla TT-kammiolla mitattuja tuloksia vertailumittarilla (mittanormaalilla) saa-tuihin tuloksiin. TT-kammion kalibroinnissa vertailumittari on sylinteri-ionisaatiokammio. Jos halutaan arvioida kalibroitavan TT-kammion efektiivistä pituutta, on kammion kalib-rointikerroin laskettava myös TT-kammiolla avokentässä tehtyjen mittausten perusteella. Työssä esitellyllä menetelmällä saadun kalibrointikertoimen kokonaisepävarmuus on 2,4 %. TT-laitteen annosmittaustilanteessa yksinkertaisinta on arvioida sopiva kalibrointikerroin pelkän putkijännitteen avulla, joka nostaa kalibrointikertoimesta tulokseen aiheutuvat kokonaisepävarmuuden 4,7 prosenttiin, sillä kalibrointikerroin riippuu sekä röntgenputken jännitteestä että säteilyn suodatuksesta.


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The efforts of combining quantum theory with general relativity have been great and marked by several successes. One field where progress has lately been made is the study of noncommutative quantum field theories that arise as a low energy limit in certain string theories. The idea of noncommutativity comes naturally when combining these two extremes and has profound implications on results widely accepted in traditional, commutative, theories. In this work I review the status of one of the most important connections in physics, the spin-statistics relation. The relation is deeply ingrained in our reality in that it gives us the structure for the periodic table and is of crucial importance for the stability of all matter. The dramatic effects of noncommutativity of space-time coordinates, mainly the loss of Lorentz invariance, call the spin-statistics relation into question. The spin-statistics theorem is first presented in its traditional setting, giving a clarifying proof starting from minimal requirements. Next the notion of noncommutativity is introduced and its implications studied. The discussion is essentially based on twisted Poincaré symmetry, the space-time symmetry of noncommutative quantum field theory. The controversial issue of microcausality in noncommutative quantum field theory is settled by showing for the first time that the light wedge microcausality condition is compatible with the twisted Poincaré symmetry. The spin-statistics relation is considered both from the point of view of braided statistics, and in the traditional Lagrangian formulation of Pauli, with the conclusion that Pauli's age-old theorem stands even this test so dramatic for the whole structure of space-time.


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Miniaturized mass spectrometric ionization techniques for environmental analysis and bioanalysis Novel miniaturized mass spectrometric ionization techniques based on atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) and atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) were studied and evaluated in the analysis of environmental samples and biosamples. The three analytical systems investigated here were gas chromatography-microchip atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-mass spectrometry (GC-µAPCI-MS) and gas chromatography-microchip atmospheric pressure photoionization-mass spectrometry (GC-µAPPI-MS), where sample pretreatment and chromatographic separation precede ionization, and desorption atmospheric pressure photoionization-mass spectrometry (DAPPI-MS), where the samples are analyzed either as such or after minimal pretreatment. The gas chromatography-microchip atmospheric pressure ionization-mass spectrometry (GC-µAPI-MS) instrumentations were used in the analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in negative ion mode and 2-quinolinone-derived selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) in positive ion mode. The analytical characteristics (i.e., limits of detection, linear ranges, and repeatabilities) of the methods were evaluated with PCB standards and SARMs in urine. All methods showed good analytical characteristics and potential for quantitative environmental analysis or bioanalysis. Desorption and ionization mechanisms in DAPPI were studied. Desorption was found to be a thermal process, with the efficiency strongly depending on thermal conductivity of the sampling surface. Probably the size and polarity of the analyte also play a role. In positive ion mode, the ionization is dependent on the ionization energy and proton affinity of the analyte and the spray solvent, while in negative ion mode the ionization mechanism is determined by the electron affinity and gas-phase acidity of the analyte and the spray solvent. DAPPI-MS was tested in the fast screening analysis of environmental, food, and forensic samples, and the results demonstrated the feasibility of DAPPI-MS for rapid screening analysis of authentic samples.


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Radioactive particles from three locations were investigated for elemental composition, oxidation states of matrix elements, and origin. Instrumental techniques applied to the task were scanning electron microscopy, X-ray and gamma-ray spectrometry, secondary ion mass spectrometry, and synchrotron radiation based microanalytical techniques comprising X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, X-ray fluorescence tomography, and X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy. Uranium-containing low activity particles collected from Irish Sea sediments were characterized in terms of composition and distribution of matrix elements and the oxidation states of uranium. Indications of the origin were obtained from the intensity ratios and the presence of thorium, uranium, and plutonium. Uranium in the particles was found to exist mostly as U(IV). Studies on plutonium particles from Runit Island (Marshall Islands) soil indicated that the samples were weapon fuel fragments originating from two separate detonations: a safety test and a low-yield test. The plutonium in the particles was found to be of similar age. The distribution and oxidation states of uranium and plutonium in the matrix of weapon fuel particles from Thule (Greenland) sediments were investigated. The variations in intensity ratios observed with different techniques indicated more than one origin. Uranium in particle matrixes was mostly U(IV), but plutonium existed in some particles mainly as Pu(IV), and in others mainly as oxidized Pu(VI). The results demonstrated that the various techniques were effectively applied in the characterization of environmental radioactive particles. An on-line method was developed for separating americium from environmental samples. The procedure utilizes extraction chromatography to separate americium from light lanthanides, and cation exchange to concentrate americium before the final separation in an ion chromatography column. The separated radiochemically pure americium fraction is measured by alpha spectrometry. The method was tested with certified sediment and soil samples and found to be applicable for the analysis of environmental samples containing a wide range of Am-241 activity. Proceeding from the on-line method developed for americium, a method was also developed for separating plutonium and americium. Plutonium is reduced to Pu(III), and separated together with Am(III) throughout the procedure. Pu(III) and Am(III) are eluted from the ion chromatography column as anionic dipicolinate and oxalate complexes, respectively, and measured by alpha spectrometry.


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The literature part of the thesis mainly reviews the results of the use of titanium catalysts for ethene and caprolactone polymerisation. The behaviour of titanium catalysts bearing phenoxy-imino ligands has been the focus of more detailed investigations in ethene polymerisation. Reasons for the production of multimodal polyethene for a range of catalysts are also given. The experimental part of the thesis is divided into two sections based on the monomers used in the polymerisations: Part A (ethene) and part B (caprolactone). Part A: Titanium(IV) complexes bearing phenoxy-imino ligands are known to possess high ethene polymerisation activities after MAO activation. Depending on the ligand, the activities of the catalysts in polymerisation can vary between 1 and 44000 kgPE/(mol*cat*h*bar). Depending on the polymerisation temperature and the electronic and steric properties of the catalyst ligands, low to high molar mass values and uni- and multimodal polydispersity values can been observed. In order to discover the reasons for these differences, 22 titanium(IV) complexes containing differently substituted phenoxy-imino derivatives as di- and tetradentate ligands were synthesised with high yields and used as homogeneous catalysts in ethene polymerisations. Computational methods were used to predict the geometry of the synthesised complexes and their configuration after activation. Based on the results obtained, the geometry of the catalyst together with the ligand substituents seem to play a major role in defining the catalytic activity. Novel titanium(IV) complexes bearing malonate ligands were also synthesised. Malonates are considered to be suitable ligand pre-cursors since they can be produced by the simple reaction of any primary or secondary alcohol with malonylchloride, and thus they are easily modifiable. After treatment with MAO these complexes had polymerisation activities between 10 and 50 kgPE/(mol*cat*h*bar) and surprisingly low polydispersity values when compared with similar types of catalysts bearing the O?O chelate ligand. Part B: One of the synthesis routes in the preparation of the above mentioned phenoxy-imino titanium dichloride complexes involved the use of Ti(NMe2)4 with a range of salicylaldimine type compounds. On reaction, these two compounds formed an intermediate product selectively and quantitatively which was active in the ring-opening polymerisation of caprolactone. Several mono-anionic alcoholates were also combined with Ti(NMe2)4 in different molar ratios and used as catalysts. Full conversion of the monomer was achieved within 15 minutes with catalysts having a co-ordination number of 4 while after 22 hours full conversion was achieved with catalysts having a co-ordination number of 6.


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The commodity plastics that are used in our everyday lives are based on polyolefin resins and they find wide variety of applications in several areas. Most of the production is carried out in catalyzed low pressure processes. As a consequence polymerization of ethene and α-olefins has been one of the focus areas for catalyst research both in industry and academia. Enormous amount of effort have been dedicated to fine tune the processes and to obtain better control of the polymerization and to produce tailored polymer structures The literature review of the thesis concentrates on the use of Group IV metal complexes as catalysts for polymerization of ethene and branched α-olefins. More precisely the review is focused on the use of complexes bearing [O,O] and [O,N] type ligands which have gained considerable interest. Effects of the ligand framework as well as mechanical and fluxional behaviour of the complexes are discussed. The experimental part consists mainly of development of new Group IV metal complexes bearing [O,O] and [O,N] ligands and their use as catalysts precursors in ethene polymerization. Part of the experimental work deals with usage of high-throughput techniques in tailoring properties of new polymer materials which are synthesized using Group IV complexes as catalysts. It is known that the by changing the steric and electronic properties of the ligand framework it is possible to fine tune the catalyst and to gain control over the polymerization reaction. This is why in this thesis the complex structures were designed so that the ligand frameworks could be fairly easily modified. All together 14 complexes were synthesised and used as catalysts in ethene polymerizations. It was found that the ligand framework did have an impact within the studied catalyst families. The activities of the catalysts were affected by the changes in complex structure and also effects on the produced polymers were observed: molecular weights and molecular weight distributions were depended on the used catalyst structure. Some catalysts also produced bi- or multi-modal polymers. During last decade high-throughput techniques developed in pharmaceutical industries have been adopted into polyolefin research in order to speed-up and optimize the catalyst candidates. These methods can now be regarded as established method suitable for both academia and industry alike. These high-throughput techniques were used in tailoring poly(4-methyl-1-pentene) polymers which were synthesized using Group IV metal complexes as catalysts. This work done in this thesis represents the first successful example where the high-throughput synthesis techniques are combined with high-throughput mechanical testing techniques to speed-up the discovery process for new polymer materials.


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It has been known for decades that particles can cause adverse health effects as they are deposited within the respiratory system. Atmospheric aerosol particles influence climate by scattering solar radiation but aerosol particles act also as the nuclei around which cloud droplets form. The principal objectives of this thesis were to investigate the chemical composition and the sources of fine particles in different environments (traffic, urban background, remote) as well as during some specific air pollution situations. Quantifying the climate and health effects of atmospheric aerosols is not possible without detailed information of the aerosol chemical composition. Aerosol measurements were carried out at nine sites in six countries (Finland, Germany, Czech, Netherlands, Greece and Italy). Several different instruments were used in order to measure both the particulate matter (PM) mass and its chemical composition. In the off-line measurements the samples were collected first on a substrate or filter and gravimetric and chemical analysis were conducted in the laboratory. In the on-line measurements the sampling and analysis were either a combined procedure or performed successively within the same instrument. Results from the impactor samples were analyzed by the statistical methods. This thesis comprises also a work where a method for the determination carbonaceous matter size distribution by using a multistage impactor was developed. It was found that the chemistry of PM has usually strong spatial, temporal and size-dependent variability. In the Finnish sites most of the fine PM consisted of organic matter. However, in Greece sulfate dominated the fine PM and in Italy nitrate made the largest contribution to the fine PM. Regarding the size-dependent chemical composition, organic components were likely to be enriched in smaller particles than inorganic ions. Data analysis showed that organic carbon (OC) had four major sources in Helsinki. Secondary production was the major source in Helsinki during spring, summer and fall, whereas in winter biomass combustion dominated OC. The significant impact of biomass combustion on OC concentrations was also observed in the measurements performed in Central Europe. In this thesis aerosol samples were collected mainly by the conventional filter and impactor methods which suffered from the long integration time. However, by filter and impactor measurements chemical mass closure was achieved accurately, and a simple filter sampling was found to be useful in order to explain the sources of PM on the seasonal basis. The online instruments gave additional information related to the temporal variations of the sources and the atmospheric mixing conditions.


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Structural biology is a branch of science that concentrates on the relationship between the structure and function of biological macromolecules. The prevalence of a large number of three dimensional structures offers effective tools for bio-scientists to understand the living world. Actin is the most abundant cellular protein and one of its main functions is to produce movement in living cells. Actin forms filaments that are dynamic and which are regulated by a number of different proteins. A class of these regulatory proteins contains actin depolymerizing factor homology (ADF-H) domains. These directly interact with actin through their ADF-H domains. Although ADF-H domains possess very similar three dimensional structures to one another, they vary in their functional properties. One example of this is the ability to bind to actin monomers or filaments. During the work for this thesis two structures of ADF-H domains were solved by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). The elucidated structures help us understand the binding specificities of the ADF-H family members.


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The main purpose of the research was to illustrate chemistry matriculation examination questions as a summative assessment tool, and represent how the questions have evolved over the years. Summative assessment and its various test item classifications, Finnish goal-oriented curriculum model, and Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy of Cognitive Objectives formed the theoretical framework for the research. The research data consisted of 257 chemistry questions from 28 matriculation examinations between 1996 and 2009. The analysed test questions were formulated according to the national upper secondary school chemistry curricula 1994, and 2003. Qualitative approach and theory-driven content analysis method were employed in the research. Peer review was used to guarantee the reliability of the results. The research was guided by the following questions: (a) What kinds of test item formats are used in chemistry matriculation examinations? (b) How the fundamentals of chemistry are included in the chemistry matriculation examination questions? (c) What kinds of cognitive knowledge and skills do the chemistry matriculation examination questions require? The research indicates that summative assessment was used diversely in chemistry matriculation examinations. The tests included various test item formats, and their combinations. The majority of the test questions were constructed-response items that were either verbal, quantitative, or experimental questions, symbol questions, or combinations of the aforementioned. The studied chemistry matriculation examinations seldom included selected-response items that can be either multiple-choice, alternate choice, or matching items. The relative emphasis of the test item formats differed slightly depending on whether the test was a part of an extensive general studies battery of tests in sciences and humanities, or a subject-specific test. The classification framework developed in the research can be applied in chemistry and science education, and also in educational research. Chemistry matriculation examinations are based on the goal-oriented curriculum model, and cover relatively well the fundamentals of chemistry included in the national curriculum. Most of the test questions related to the symbolism of chemical equation, inorganic and organic reaction types and applications, the bonding and spatial structure in organic compounds, and stoichiometry problems. Only a few questions related to electrolysis, polymers, or buffer solutions. None of the test questions related to composites. There were not any significant differences in the emphasis between the tests formulated according to the national curriculum 1994 or 2003. Chemistry matriculation examinations are cognitively demanding. The research shows that the majority of the test questions require higher-order cognitive skills. Most of the questions required analysis of procedural knowledge. The questions that only required remembering or processing metacognitive knowledge, were not included in the research data. The required knowledge and skill level varied slightly between the test questions in the extensive general studies battery of tests in sciences and humanities, and subject-specific tests administered since 2006. The proportion of the Finnish chemistry matriculation examination questions requiring higher-order cognitive knowledge and skills is very large compared to what is discussed in the research literature.


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The autoxidation of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is poorly understood in spite of increasing interest in the beneficial biological properties of CLA and growing consumption of CLA-rich foods. In this thesis, the autoxidation reactions of the two major CLA isomers, 9-cis,11-trans-octadecadienoic acid and 10-trans,12-cis-octadecadienoic acid, are investigated. The results contribute to an understanding of the early stages of the autoxidation of CLA methyl ester, and provide for the first time a means of producing and separating intact CLA methyl ester hydroperoxides as well as basic knowledge on lipid hydroperoxides and their hydroxy derivatives. Conjugated diene allylic monohydroperoxides were discovered as primary autoxidation products formed during autoxidation of CLA methyl esters in the presence and absence of α-tocopherol. This established that one of the autoxidation pathways of CLA methyl ester is the hydroperoxide pathway. Hydroperoxides were produced from the two major CLA methyl esters by taking advantage of the effect of α-tocopherol to promote hydroperoxide formation. The hydroperoxides were analysed and separated first as methyl hydroxyoctadecadienoates and then as intact hydroperoxides by HPLC. The isolated products were characterized by UV, GC-MS, and NMR techniques. In the presence of a high amount of α-tocopherol, the autoxidation of CLA methyl ester yields six kinetically-controlled conjugated diene monohydroperoxides and is diastereoselective in favour of one particular geometric isomer as a pair of enantiomers. The primary autoxidation products produced from the two major CLA isomers include new positional isomers of conjugated diene monohydroperoxides, the 8-, 10-, 12-, and 14-hydroperoxyoctadecadienoates. Furthermore, two of these new positional isomers have an unusual structure for a cis,trans lipid hydroperoxide where the allylic methine carbon is adjacent to the cis instead of the usual trans double bond. The 1H and 13C NMR spectra of nine isomeric methyl hydroxyoctadecadienoates and of ten isomeric methyl hydroperoxyoctadecadienoates including the unusual cis,trans hydroperoxides, i.e. Me 8-OOH-9c,11t and Me 14-OOH-10t,12c, were fully assigned with the aid of 2D NMR spectroscopy. The assigned NMR data enabled determination of the effects of the hydroxyl and hydroperoxyl groups on the carbon chemical shifts of CLA isomers, identification of diagnostic signals, and determination of chemical shift differences of the olefinic resonances that may help with the assignment of structure to as yet unknown lipid hydroperoxides either as hydroxy derivatives or as intact hydroperoxides. A mechanism for the hydroperoxide pathway of CLA autoxidation in the presence of a high amount of α-tocopherol was proposed based on the characterized primary products, their relative distribution, and theoretical calculations. This is an important step forward in CLA research, where exact mechanisms for the autoxidation of CLA have not been presented before. Knowledge of these hydroperoxide formation steps is of crucial importance for understanding the subsequent steps and the different pathways of the autoxidation of CLA. Moreover, a deeper understanding of the autoxidation mechanisms is required for ensuring the safety of CLA-rich foods. Knowledge of CLA oxidation and how it differs from the oxidation of nonconjugated polyunsaturated fatty acids may also be the key to understanding the biological mechanisms of CLA activity.


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The use of ionic liquids in chemical research has gained considerable interest and activity in recent years. Due to their unique and varied physicochemical properties, in comparison to molecular solvents, the potential applications for ionic liquids are enormous. The use of microwave irradiation, as a powerful dielectric heating technique, in synthetic organic chemistry has been known since 1986. Since then, it has gained significant recognition for its research and application in both academia and industry. The use of either ionic liquids or microwave irradiation in synthetic organic chemistry has been known to afford improved, alternative or complimentary selectivities, in comparison to traditional processes. In this study, the use of ionic liquids as solvents, co-solvents and catalytic media was explored in Friedel-Crafts, deuterolabelling and O-demethylation reactions. Alternative methods for the production of a variety of aromatic ketones using the Friedel-Crafts acylation methodology were investigated using ionic liquid catalyst or ionic liquid acidic additive systems. The disclosed methods, i.e. metal bistriflamides and chloroindate ionic liquids systems, possessed good catalytic activity in the synthesis of typical benzophenones. These catalytic systems were also recyclable. Microwave irradiation was found to be useful in the synthesis of various polyhydroxydeoxybenzoins and arylpropanones as synthetic precursors to naturally occurring or potentially bioactive compounds. Under optimized condition, the reaction occurred in only four minutes using systems such as [bmim][NTf2]/HNTf2 and [bmim][BF4]/BF3·OEt2. Naturally occurring polyphenols, such as isoflavones, can possess various types of biological or pharmacological activity. In particular, some are noted for their beneficial effects on human health. Isotopically labelled analogues of polyphenols are valuable as analytical standards in the quantification of these compounds from biological matrices. A new strategy for deuterolabelling of polyphenols was developed using ionic liquids as co-solvents and 35% DCl/D2O, as a cheap deuterium source, under microwave irradiation. Under these conditions, perdeuterated compounds were achieved in short reaction times, in high isotopic purity and in excellent yields. An O-demethylation reaction was developed, using an ionic liquid reaction medium with BBr3 for the deprotection of a variety methyl protected polyphenolic compounds, such as isoflavons and lignans. This deprotection procedure was found to be very practical as the reaction occurred under mild reaction conditions and in short reaction times. The isolation and purification steps were particularly straightforward and high yielding, in comparison to traditional methods.