930 resultados para Bos taurus - Meat tenderness
The nature of domestic cattle origins in Africa are unclear as archaeological data are relatively sparse. The earliest domesticates were humpless, or Bos taurus, in morphology and may have shared a common origin with the ancestors of European cattle in the Near East. Alternatively, local strains of the wild ox, the aurochs, may have been adopted by peoples in either continent either before or after cultural influence from the Levant. This study examines mitochondrial DNA displacement loop sequence variation in 90 extant bovines drawn from Africa, Europe, and India. Phylogeny estimation and analysis of molecular variance verify that sequences cluster significantly into continental groups. The Indian Bos indicus samples are most markedly distinct from the others, which is indicative of a B. taurus nature for both European and African ancestors. When a calibration of sequence divergence is performed using comparisons with bison sequences and an estimate of 1 Myr since the Bison/Bos Leptobos common ancestor, estimates of 117-275,000 B.P. and 22-26,000 B.P. are obtained for the separation between Indians and others and between African and European ancestors, respectively. As cattle domestication is thought to have occurred approximately 10,000 B.P., these estimates suggest the domestication of genetically discrete aurochsen strains as the origins of each continental population. Additionally, patterns of variation that are indicative of population expansions (probably associated with the domestication process) are discernible in Africa and Europe. Notably, the genetic signatures of these expansions are clearly younger than the corresponding signature of African/European divergence.
Six Bos taurus (Hereford) steers (body weight 324 22 kg) were used in a 45-day study with a replicated 3 x 3 Latin-square design. Three treatments [ad libitum feeding (ADLIB); limit feeding, 85% of ad libitum (LIMIT); bunk management feeding where steers were only given access to feed from 1600 to 0800 hours the following day (BUNK)] were imposed over 3 periods, with 2 steers assigned to each treatment in each period. Cattle were managed in a temperature-controlled metabolism unit and were exposed to both thermoneutral (17.7degreesC-26.1degreesC) and hot (16.7degreesC-32.9degreesC) environmental conditions. By design, during the thermoneutral period, the ADLIB cattle displayed greater intake (P < 0.05) than the LIMIT group, with the BUNK group being intermediate. However, during the hot period, both the LIMIT and BUNK treatment groups increased feed intake 4-5%, whereas feed intake of the ADLIB treatment group declined nearly 2%. During both periods respiration rate (RR, breath/min) followed the same pattern that was observed for feed intake, with the greatest (P < 0.05) RR found in the ADLIB treatment group (81.09 and 109.55, thermoneutral and hot, respectively) and lowest (P < 0.05) RR in the LIMIT treatment group (74.47 and 102.76, thermoneutral and hot, respectively). Rectal temperature (RT) did not differ among treatments during the thermoneutral period or the first hot day, although during the thermoneutral period the ADLIB treatment group did tend to display a lower RT, possibly as a result of other physiological processes (pulse rate and RR) aiding to keep RT lower. During the hot period, differences in RT were found on Day 5, with the LIMIT cattle having lower (P < 0.10) RT (38.92degreesC) than the ADLIB (39.18degreesC) cattle, with BUNK cattle RT (39.14degreesC) being intermediate. However, when hourly data were examined, the ADLIB cattle had greater(P < 0.05) RT than the BUNK and LIMIT at 1800 hours and greater RT (P < 0.05) than the LIMIT group at 1400, 1500, and 1600 hours. Clearly, a change in diurnal RT pattern was obtained by using the LIMIT and BUNK feeding regimen. Both of these groups displayed a peak RT during the hot conditions, between 2100 and 2200 hours, whereas the ADLIB group displayed a peak RT between 1400 and 1500 hours, a time very close to when peak climatic stress occurs. Based on these results it is apparent that feedlot managers could alleviate the effects of adverse hot weather on cattle by utilising either a limit-feeding regimen or altering bunk management practices to prevent feed from being consumed several hours prior to the hottest portion of the day.
Observations of cattle in central and southern Queensland are collated to de. ne the prevalence and area of Stephanofilaria lesions associated with infestations of the buffalo fly, Haematobia irritans exigua. The observations were made on herds that were being used for other purposes. In a survey of similar to 1500 animals at Belmont in central Queensland in 1982, 98% of cows and 70% of calves had lesions. Most lesions were on the neck and dewlap and 10% were raw and weeping at the time of sampling. The total area of lesions per animal was strongly related to cattle breed and age. Old Bos taurus animals had the greatest area of lesions, whereas young Bos indicus had the least. Heritability estimates were low, averaging 0.01 for calves and 0.18 for cows. A smaller survey of cows and steers at Craighoyle in central Queensland in 1986 showed a higher numbers of lesions and positive correlations between the total lesion area and animal size. The lesion area increased with tick survival, suggesting that tick-resistant animals are also resistant to Stephanofilaria infection. Steers had smaller areas of lesions than cows, as found previously with cattle ticks. Long-term monitoring observations in central and southern Queensland between 1981 and 1986 showed that the total area of lesions was seasonal with a peak in late summer, consistent with the seasonal incidence of buffalo fly. Animals segregated into Low and High lesion herds maintained their differences over time. The lesions penetrated the dermis of the cattle hides and rendered the affected area unusable, but few lesions occurred on valuable parts of the hide so such economic effects are likely to be insignificant. One animal nearly died of a haemorrhage from a lesion on the dewlap and had to be treated. The results can inform policy on buffalo fly control, and biosecurity preparations in relation to the potential establishment of the OldWorld screw-worm fly, Chrysomyia bezziana, in Australia, which will be facilitated by the lesions. The results emphasise the significant animal welfare and biosecurity risks posed by the lesions in northern Australia.
La trazabilidad y el correcto etiquetado de los piensos y sus ingredientes son factores esenciales para prevenir fraudes y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria. En el ámbito de la lucha contra las Encefalopatías Espongiformes Transmisibles (EETs), la prohibición de la Unión Europea (UE) de alimentar a rumiantes y otros animales de granja con harinas de carne y huesos derivadas de animales, hace necesaria la disponibilidad de metodologías que permitan identificar el origen de las materias primas e ingredientes presentes en los piensos. El método oficial de análisis microscópico tradicionalmente empleado para este fin presenta limitaciones a la hora de diferenciar entre los huesos de mamíferos y de aves, así como para determinar el origen animal específico de las partículas detectadas. Por ello, una de las prioridades de la UE en los últimos años ha sido potenciar la búsqueda y desarrollo de técnicas analíticas alternativas que permitan la detección específica de todos los componentes que integran los piensos. Teniendo en cuenta estos aspectos, en esta Tesis Doctoral se han desarrollado técnicas de PCR en tiempo real con sondas TaqMan® para el control de autenticidad y trazabilidad de ingredientes de origen animal utilizados en la fabricación de los piensos. Las especies objeto de este trabajo han sido: vaca (Bos taurus), oveja (Ovis aries), cabra (Capra hircos), grupo rumiante, cerdo (Sus scrofa), pollo (Gallus gallos), pavo (Meleagris g-allopavo), pato (Anal platyrhynchos x Cairina moschata), oca (Anser anser), grupo aviar, caballo (Equus caballus), conejo (Oryctolagus cuniculus), liebre (Lepus capensis), grupo lepórido (conejo y liebre) y pescados...
Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Zootécnica, 7 de Abril de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Zootécnica, 18 de Julho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.
Resumen Esta revisión compila el desarrollo y la dinámica folicular con una perspectiva histológica y de biología del desarrollo, desde la etapa fetal hasta prepuberal en bovinos (Bos taurus). Se trata de un proceso complejo y coordinado, con cambios fisiológicos y morfológicos que intervienen en la diferenciación y el desarrollo ovocitario. Los folículos son la unidad fundamental del ovario y comandan los procesos reproductivos y las fases del ciclo estral, con dos funciones fundamentales, la producción de hormonas y de ovocitos. La formación de folículos primordiales se conoce como el proceso de ensamblaje folicular, en el cual “nidos” de ovocitos completan su proliferación mitótica y comienzan la meiosis, mientras que muchos de estos folículos se vuelven apoptóticos, favoreciendo la desorganización de los nidos. El proceso de formación de folículos primordiales comienza durante el desarrollo fetal en bovinos, aproximadamente a los 80 días de gestación. Existe gran variación individual en el número de folículos, existiendo un pool de reserva ya al nacimiento. De unos 2.700.000 folículos primordiales constituidos al final del ensamblaje folicular, 90% degeneran, quedando al nacimiento aproximadamente 135.000 células germinales, las cuales declinan rápidamente hasta la pubertad y luego de ella. Los folículos primordiales se desarrollan a folículos primario, secundario, antral y preovularorio (en hembras adultas). Estas transiciones implican cambios citológicos, histológicos y morfológicos que son descritos. En terneras, igual que en animales adultos, ocurren ondas de crecimiento folicular, que aparecen a la segunda semana de vida. En la pubertad se observan importantes cambios endócrinos y ováricos y es influida por múltiples factores. El desarrollo folicular está íntimamente vinculado al futuro desempeño reproductivo de las hembras, por lo cual su conocimiento es fundamental para un adecuado manejo reproductivo de la hembra bovina y para ampliar las investigaciones vinculadas a esta disciplina
A crescente resistência aos pesticidas em populações do carrapato Rhipicephalus microplus e da mosca-dos-chifres Haematobia irritans tem provocado prejuízos aos pecuaristas do Brasil. Testes fenotípicos, que detectam a suscetibilidade de diferentes populações desses parasitas a vários pesticidas estão disponíveis e deveriam ser usados com maior frequência, como critério na seleção de bases com melhor eficácia. Testes que detectam mutações específicas devido ao uso de pesticidas piretroides e organofosforados foram recentemente desenvolvidos e servem para monitorar a ocorrência de altos níveis de resistência, tendo em vista que a resistência ocorre somente em parasitas submetidos a tratamentos constantes com o mesmo princípio químico. Assim neste experimento foi investigado o uso dos pesticidas nas fazendas de gado de corte no estado de São Paulo e a resistência fenotípica e genotípica dos carrapatos e mosca-dos-chifres colhidos nesses rebanhos. Além disso, os testes genotípicos foram validados para as populações de parasitas e padronizados para serem usados na rotina do Laboratório de Sanidade Animal da Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste. Foram testadas dez populações de moscas e dez de carrapatos, Resistência aos pesticidas piretróides em populações de Rhipicephalus microplus e aos piretróides e organofosforados em Haematobia irritans colhidas em rebanhos de corte no Estado de São Paulo colhidas em propriedades rurais no estado de São Paulo. As moscas foram submetidas aos testes com papéis de filtro impregnados com cipermetrina e diazinon, e os carrapatos, ao Teste do Pacote de Larvas (LPT) impregnado com cipermetrina. Os resultados de mortalidade dos parasitas para cada diluição do inseticida foram anotados em planilhas e analisadas pelo procedimento Probit do programa Statistical Analisys System (SAS), para a obtenção das concentrações letais para 50% (CL50) e para 90% (CL90) e o cálculo do Fator de Resistência (FR) das populações de parasitas. As moscas que sobreviveram às maiores concentrações dos pesticidas foram submetidas à extração do DNA para a pesquisa de mutação específica para resistência a cipermetrina (KDR e sKDR) e diazinon (G262A). As larvas de carrapatos sobreviventes foram submetidas à extração de DNA individualmente e testadas para a mutação do tipo KDR. Das 17 propriedades amostradas para moscas e carrapatos, 11 tinham rebanhos compostos por animais Bos taurus indicus (10 propriedades de Nelore e uma de Guzerá), três de Bos t. taurus (uma de Caracu e duas de Angus) e três de bovinos cruzados. Os responsáveis pelos rebanhos taurinos afirmaram que o principal problema era o carrapato, no caso da raça Angus, e a mosca-dos-chifres, no caso da Caracu. Para os rebanhos de animais cruzados, os dois ectoparasitas eram igualmente difíceis de combater e, para os zebuínos, a mosca-dos-chifres era o principal problema. Os inseticidas do grupo dos piretroides foram os mais usados nos rebanhos estudados (11/17), seguidos da combinação piretroide + fosforado (4/17) e abamectina (2/17). As populações de H. irritans mostraram FR entre 0,75 e 6.434,26 para a cipermetrina e, apesar disso, apenas 3,79% das moscas genotipadas (n=686) apresentavam o alelo mutante para KDR e nenhuma para sKDR. Para o diazinon, os FR variaram entre 1,00 e 103,00 e das 587 moscas testadas, nenhuma apresentou o alelo mutante para resistência. Os testes com os carrapatos mostraram FR entre 1,00 e 718,52. A mutação KDR só foi detectada em 3,6% (com o genótipo heterozigoto SR) e 0,48% (com o genótipo homozigoto RR) das 631 larvas testadas. Podemos concluir que, no estado de São Paulo, existem populações de H. irritans e R. microplus resistentes aos grupos pesticidas piretroides e organofosforados, sendo predominante nas populações avaliadas a resistência aos piretroides. Os pecuaristas deverão ser instruídos no sentido de resguardar ao máximo esses princípios químicos, uma vez que poderão se tornar ineficientes em um curto período de tempo no controle da maioria das populações de ectoparasitas presentes nos rebanhos bovinos paulistas.
A análise tricológica é um método não invasivo com potencial para a identificação de mamíferos por meio das características microscópicas de seus pelos. Permite identificar e diferenciar amostras ao nível de Ordem, Família, Gênero, Espécie e até mesmo Subespécies em alguns grupos zoológicos. A caracterização morfométrica de estruturas da cutícula em pelos de animais de raças bovinas criadas no Brasil poderia indicar a possibilidade de uso desta técnica como marcador racial. Um total de 120 animais (machos e fêmeas), pertencentes às raças Caracu, Curraleiro Pé-Duro e Nelore, provenientes de rebanhos de diferentes regiões geográficas foi amostrado. Os dados de área e perímetro das escamas cuticulares foram submetidos à análise de variância, sendo o efeito de raça significativo (P<0,001) e as médias das variáveis estudadas significativamente diferentes entre as raças (P<0,05). A técnica tricológica apresentou elevada acurácia na diferenciação das raças bovinas estudadas. O método, que tem como característica baixo custo de execução, se mostrou como uma ferramenta de grande utilidade para identificação não invasiva de bovinos, com potencial de uso e aplicação para outras espécies de interesse para a pecuária.
The article was published in the journal Meat Science, Vol. 46, No.4. The focus is data collected for cattle temperament and the quality of meat produced.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of diet supplementation with vitamin E on the physical and chemical characteristics of ground, frozen and stored or aged Quadriceps femoris (QF) and Longissimus dorsi (LD) muscles from Nellore steers fed high concentrate diets. Muscles were obtained from 24 animals that were 30 months old with a mean live weight of 279 kg. Half of the animals received daily doses of 1,000 mg of alpha-tocopherol acetate (VIT E) per head per day that was added to 100 g of corn meal. The other half received 100 g of corn meal without the antioxidant. Twenty-four hours after slaughtering, QF samples from each animal were ground, frozen and stored for up to 6 months. In addition, 4 samples from the LD of each animal were vacuum packed individually and kept for 21 days. All samples were analyzed to determine the pH, color and water-holding-capacity. The VIT E supplementation improved only the water loss characteristics of frozen ground QF and did not have any positive effect on the physical-chemical characteristics of the aged LD.
Bos indicus bulls 20. months of age grazed on pasture in Minas Gerais, Brazil either received 2 doses of the GnRF vaccine Bopriva at d0 and d91 (group IC, n. =. 144) or were surgically castrated on d91 (group SC, n. =. 144). Slaughter on d280, was 27. weeks after castration. Adverse safety issues in 8% of group SC bulls following surgery contrasted with 0% in group IC bulls. At d105 testosterone levels were suppressed to similar levels in both groups. Importantly, group IC bulls had higher live weight, hot carcass weight, ADG (P<. 0.005) and dressing percentage (P<. 0.0001) compared to group SC animals. There were no negative effects on carcass or meat quality traits, thus immunocastration was concluded to offer a safe and effective method that provides production gains, and improves animal welfare in Bos indicus beef bulls without impacting meat and carcass quality. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Abstract. This study was aimed to determine the influences of turmeric extract supplementation on water holding capacity, cooking loss, pH value and tenderness of broiler chicken meat Data analysis was subject to completely randomized design 5 treatments namely T0, T1, T2, T3 and T4 containing non-turmeric extract, 100 mg/kgBW/day, 200 mg/kgBW/day, 300 mg/kgBW/day and 400 mg/kgBW/day, respectively. Each unit of experiment administered 3 heads with four replications. The results indicated no effect from turmeric extract supplementation on water holding capacity, cooking loss, pH value and tenderness of broiler chicken meat. The average treatments of T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 had water holding capacities of 39.86, 37.58, 36.41, 36.94, respectively; cooking losses of 26.00, 27.58, 27.57, 27.11, and 27.49%, respectively; tenderness of 1.97, 1.95, 1.63, 1.77 and 1.99 Nmm, respectively, and final Body weights of 1,618.5, 1,568, 1,692.5, 1,651.75 and 1,462 g/head, respectively. However, a highly significant influence was observed on the pH values of 6.46, 6.04, 6.21, 6.08 and 5.98. The results indicated that none of the turmeric extract supplementation increased water holding capacity, cooking losses, tenderness and body weight. Key words: broiler, cooking loss, pH values, tenderness, water holding capacity, turmeric Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak kunyit terhadap daya ikat air, susut masak, nilai pH dan keempukan daging ayam broiler. Manfaat penelitian yaitu tersedianya informasi ilmiah tentang ekstrak kunyit terhadap danging ayam broiler. Perlakuan yang diterapkan adalah T0 tanpa ekstrak kunyit, T1 100, T2 200, T3 300, dan T4 400 mg/kgBB/hari. Data analisis yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap yang terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dan 4 replikasi. Setiap unit percobaan terdiri dari 3 ekor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh pemberian ekstrak kunyit terhadap daya ikat air, susut masak, dan keempukan daging ayam broiler. Rataan untuk perlakuan T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 pada Daya Ikat Air masing–masing 39,86; 37,58; 36,41; 36,94; 34,78%; susut masak 26,00; 27,58; 27,57; 27,11; 27,49%, keempukan 1,97; 1,95; 1,63; 1,77; 1,99 Nmm, dan bobot badan akhir 1.618,5; 1.568; 1.692,5; 1.651,75; 1.462g/ekor. Namun, memberikan pengaruh sangat nyata pada nilai pH 6,46; 6,04; 6,21; 6,08; 5,98. Hasil  menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak kunyit tidak meningkatkan daya ikat air, susut masak, keempukan dan bobot badan. Kata Kunci : Broiler, Susut Masak, pH, Keempukan, Daya Ikat Air, Kunyit