831 resultados para ALMATracker tracking antenna satellite orbita LabVIEW
Many industrial applications need object recognition and tracking capabilities. The algorithms developed for those purposes are computationally expensive. Yet ,real time performance, high accuracy and small power consumption are essential measures of the system. When all these requirements are combined, hardware acceleration of these algorithms becomes a feasible solution. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current state of these hardware acceleration solutions, which algorithms have been implemented in hardware and what modifications have been done in order to adapt these algorithms to hardware.
In this paper, we review the advances of monocular model-based tracking for last ten years period until 2014. In 2005, Lepetit, et. al, [19] reviewed the status of monocular model based rigid body tracking. Since then, direct 3D tracking has become quite popular research area, but monocular model-based tracking should still not be forgotten. We mainly focus on tracking, which could be applied to aug- mented reality, but also some other applications are covered. Given the wide subject area this paper tries to give a broad view on the research that has been conducted, giving the reader an introduction to the different disciplines that are tightly related to model-based tracking. The work has been conducted by searching through well known academic search databases in a systematic manner, and by selecting certain publications for closer examination. We analyze the results by dividing the found papers into different categories by their way of implementation. The issues which have not yet been solved are discussed. We also discuss on emerging model-based methods such as fusing different types of features and region-based pose estimation which could show the way for future research in this subject.
Celebrity endorsement has increased in popularity over the past decades and companies are willing to spend increasingly excessive amounts of money into it. Even though multiple studies support celebrity endorsement, further research on its impact on advertising effectiveness is called for. Fur-ther, the role of consumers’ product class involvement in advertising needs to be further studied. The purpose of this study is to explore if consumers’ product class involvement and exposure to celebrity endorsers affect consumers brand recall. Supported by earlier studies, brand recall was used as a measure for advertising effectiveness in this study. In general, a psychological approach was chosen for building the theoretical framework. Concept of classical conditioning was presented in order to understand why people act how they do. Balanced theory and meaning transfer model were presented in order to study how celebrities can be used effectively in advertising context. Further, the importance of product class involvement in advertising effectiveness was evaluated. Hypotheses were formulated based on a literature review of the existing research. Because of the versatility of the research design, a mixed methods approach for this study was adopted. Empirical part of the study was conducted in three stages. First, a pre-test was conducted in order to choose suitable product endorsers for the advertisement stimuli used in the experiment. Second, an eye-tracking experiment with 30 test subjects was conducted in order to study how people view advertisements and whether the familiarity of the product endorser and consumers’ product class involvement affects brand recall. For the experiment, a fictional brand was created in order to avoid bias on brand recall. Third, qualitative interviews for 15 test subjects were conducted in the post-experiment stage in order to gain deeper understating of the phenomenon and to make sense of the findings from the experiment. Findings from this study support celebrity endorsement by suggesting that a famous spokesperson does not steal attention from brand information more than a non-celebrity product endorser. As a result, the use of a celebrity endorser did not decrease brand recall. Results support earlier research as consumer’ higher product class involvement resulted in a better brand recall. Findings from the interviews suggest that consumers have positive perceptions of celebrity endorsement in general. However, the celebrity–brand congruence is a crucial factor when creating attitudes towards the advertisement. Future research ideas were presented based on the limitations and results of this study
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The influence of peak-dose drug-induced dyskinesia (DID) on manual tracking (MT) was examined in 10 dyskinetic patients (OPO), and compared to 10 age/gendermatched non-dyskinetic patients (NDPD) and 10 healthy controls. Whole body movement (WBM) and MT were recorded with a 6-degrees of freedom magnetic motion tracker and forearm rotation sensors, respectively. Subjects were asked to match the length of a computer-generated line with a line controlled via wrist rotation. Results show that OPO patients had greater WBM displacement and velocity than other groups. All groups displayed increased WBM from rest to MT, but only DPD and NDPO patients demonstrated a significant increase in WBM displacement and velocity. In addition, OPO patients exhibited excessive increase in WBM suggesting overflow DID. When two distinct target pace segments were examined (FAST/SLOW), all groups had slight increases in WBM displacement and velocity from SLOW to FAST, but only OPO patients showed significantly increased WBM displacement and velocity from SLOW to FAST. Therefore, it can be suggested that overflow DID was further increased with increased task speed. OPO patients also showed significantly greater ERROR matching target velocity, but no significant difference in ERROR in displacement, indicating that significantly greater WBM displacement in the OPO group did not have a direct influence on tracking performance. Individual target and performance traces demonstrated this relatively good tracking performance with the exception of distinct deviations from the target trace that occurred suddenly, followed by quick returns to the target coherent in time with increased performance velocity. In addition, performance hand velocity was not correlated with WBM velocity in DPO patients, suggesting that increased ERROR in velocity was not a direct result of WBM velocity. In conclusion, we propose that over-excitation of motor cortical areas, reported to be present in DPO patients, resulted in overflow DID during voluntary movement. Furthermore, we propose that the increased ERROR in velocity was the result of hypermetric voluntary movements also originating from the over-excitation of motor cortical areas.
The 3700 A - 3000 A absorption spectra of CH3CHO and its isotopic compounds such as CH3CDO, CD3CHO and CD3CDO were studied in the gas phase at room temperature and low temperatures. The low resolution spectra of the compounds were recorded by a 1.5 m Baush and Lomb grating spectrograph. The high resolution spectra were recorded by a Ebert spectrograph with the Echelle grating and the holographic grating separately. The multiple reflection cells were used to achieve the long path length. The pressure-path length used for the absorption spectrum of CH 3CHO was up to 100 mm Hg )( 91 . 43mo The emission spectrum and the excitation spectrum of CH3CHO were also recorded in this research. The calculated satellite band patterns \vhich were ob-tailied by the method of Lewis were used to compare with the observed near UV absorption spectrum of acetaldehyde. These calculated satellite band patterns belonged to two cases: namely, the barriers-in-phase case and the barriers- out-of-phase case. Each of the calculated patterns corresponded to a stable conformation of acetaldehyde in the excited state . The comparisons showed that the patterns in the observed absorption spectra corresponded to the H-H eclipsed conformations of acetaldehyde in the excited state . The least squares fitting analysis showed that the barrier heights in the excited state were higher than in the ground state. Finally, the isotopic shifts for the isotopic compounds of acetaldehyde were compared to the compounds with the similar deuterium substitution.
Genetic Programming (GP) is a widely used methodology for solving various computational problems. GP's problem solving ability is usually hindered by its long execution times. In this thesis, GP is applied toward real-time computer vision. In particular, object classification and tracking using a parallel GP system is discussed. First, a study of suitable GP languages for object classification is presented. Two main GP approaches for visual pattern classification, namely the block-classifiers and the pixel-classifiers, were studied. Results showed that the pixel-classifiers generally performed better. Using these results, a suitable language was selected for the real-time implementation. Synthetic video data was used in the experiments. The goal of the experiments was to evolve a unique classifier for each texture pattern that existed in the video. The experiments revealed that the system was capable of correctly tracking the textures in the video. The performance of the system was on-par with real-time requirements.
Characterizing Dynamic Optimization Benchmarks for the Comparison of Multi-Modal Tracking Algorithms
Population-based metaheuristics, such as particle swarm optimization (PSO), have been employed to solve many real-world optimization problems. Although it is of- ten sufficient to find a single solution to these problems, there does exist those cases where identifying multiple, diverse solutions can be beneficial or even required. Some of these problems are further complicated by a change in their objective function over time. This type of optimization is referred to as dynamic, multi-modal optimization. Algorithms which exploit multiple optima in a search space are identified as niching algorithms. Although numerous dynamic, niching algorithms have been developed, their performance is often measured solely on their ability to find a single, global optimum. Furthermore, the comparisons often use synthetic benchmarks whose landscape characteristics are generally limited and unknown. This thesis provides a landscape analysis of the dynamic benchmark functions commonly developed for multi-modal optimization. The benchmark analysis results reveal that the mechanisms responsible for dynamism in the current dynamic bench- marks do not significantly affect landscape features, thus suggesting a lack of representation for problems whose landscape features vary over time. This analysis is used in a comparison of current niching algorithms to identify the effects that specific landscape features have on niching performance. Two performance metrics are proposed to measure both the scalability and accuracy of the niching algorithms. The algorithm comparison results demonstrate the algorithms best suited for a variety of dynamic environments. This comparison also examines each of the algorithms in terms of their niching behaviours and analyzing the range and trade-off between scalability and accuracy when tuning the algorithms respective parameters. These results contribute to the understanding of current niching techniques as well as the problem features that ultimately dictate their success.
Ce mémoire s’intéresse au système binaire massif CV Serpentis, composé d’une Wolf- Rayet riche en carbone et d’une étoile de la séquence principale, de type spectral O (WC8d + O8-9IV). D’abord, certains phénomènes affectant les étoiles massives sont mentionnés, de leur passage sur la séquence principale à leur mort (supernova). Au cours du premier cha- pitre, un rappel est fait concernant certaines bases de l’astrophysique stellaire observa- tionnelle (diagramme Hertzsprung-Russell, phases évolutives, etc...). Au chapitre suivant, un des aspects les plus importants de la vie des étoiles massives est abordé : la perte de masse sous forme de vents stellaires. Un historique de la découverte des vents ouvre le chapitre, suivi des fondements théoriques permettant d’expliquer ce phénomène. Ensuite, différents aspects propres aux vents stellaires sont présentés. Au troisième chapitre, un historique détaillé de CV Ser est présenté en guise d’introduc- tion à cet objet singulier. Ses principales caractéristiques connues y sont mentionnées. Finalement, le cœur de ce mémoire se retrouve au chapitre 4. Des courbes de lumière ultra précises du satellite MOST (2009 et 2010) montrent une variation apparente du taux de perte de masse de la WR de l’ordre de 62% sur une période orbitale de 29.701 jours. L’analyse des résidus permet de trouver une signature suggérant la présence de régions d’interaction en corotation (en anglais corotating interaction regions, ou CIR) dans le vent WR. Une nouvelle solution orbitale est présentée ainsi que les paramètres de la région de collision des vents et les types spectraux sont confirmés.
Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur.
Les troubles du spectre autistique (TSA) sont actuellement caractérisés par une triade d'altérations, incluant un dysfonctionnement social, des déficits de communication et des comportements répétitifs. L'intégration simultanée de multiples sens est cruciale dans la vie quotidienne puisqu'elle permet la création d'un percept unifié. De façon similaire, l'allocation d'attention à de multiples stimuli simultanés est critique pour le traitement de l'information environnementale dynamique. Dans l'interaction quotidienne avec l'environnement, le traitement sensoriel et les fonctions attentionnelles sont des composantes de base dans le développement typique (DT). Bien qu'ils ne fassent pas partie des critères diagnostiques actuels, les difficultés dans les fonctions attentionnelles et le traitement sensoriel sont très courants parmi les personnes autistes. Pour cela, la présente thèse évalue ces fonctions dans deux études séparées. La première étude est fondée sur la prémisse que des altérations dans le traitement sensoriel de base pourraient être à l'origine des comportements sensoriels atypiques chez les TSA, tel que proposé par des théories actuelles des TSA. Nous avons conçu une tâche de discrimination de taille intermodale, afin d'investiguer l'intégrité et la trajectoire développementale de l'information visuo-tactile chez les enfants avec un TSA (N = 21, âgés de 6 à18 ans), en comparaison à des enfants à DT, appariés sur l’âge et le QI de performance. Dans une tâche à choix forcé à deux alternatives simultanées, les participants devaient émettre un jugement sur la taille de deux stimuli, basé sur des inputs unisensoriels (visuels ou tactiles) ou multisensoriels (visuo-tactiles). Des seuils différentiels ont évalué la plus petite différence à laquelle les participants ont été capables de faire la discrimination de taille. Les enfants avec un TSA ont montré une performance diminuée et pas d'effet de maturation aussi bien dans les conditions unisensorielles que multisensorielles, comparativement aux participants à DT. Notre première étude étend donc des résultats précédents d'altérations dans le traitement multisensoriel chez les TSA au domaine visuo-tactile. Dans notre deuxième étude, nous avions évalué les capacités de poursuite multiple d’objets dans l’espace (3D-Multiple Object Tracking (3D-MOT)) chez des adultes autistes (N = 15, âgés de 18 à 33 ans), comparés à des participants contrôles appariés sur l'âge et le QI, qui devaient suivre une ou trois cibles en mouvement parmi des distracteurs dans un environnement de réalité virtuelle. Les performances ont été mesurées par des seuils de vitesse, qui évaluent la plus grande vitesse à laquelle des observateurs sont capables de suivre des objets en mouvement. Les individus autistes ont montré des seuils de vitesse réduits dans l'ensemble, peu importe le nombre d'objets à suivre. Ces résultats étendent des résultats antérieurs d'altérations au niveau des mécanismes d'attention en autisme quant à l'allocation simultanée de l'attention envers des endroits multiples. Pris ensemble, les résultats de nos deux études révèlent donc des altérations chez les TSA quant au traitement simultané d'événements multiples, que ce soit dans une modalité ou à travers des modalités, ce qui peut avoir des implications importantes au niveau de la présentation clinique de cette condition.
A dual-port microstrip antenna with a crescent shaped patch with excellent isolation betwecn the ports has been reportcd [I]. Since circular-sided geometries are inore compact than rectangular oncs, thcy find morc applications in microstrip arrays. The crcscent shaped antenna geometry [ I ] provides greater area rcductioii compared to other circular sided patches for broadband operation [2]. In this Lctter, formulac for calculating thc TM, I and TMZI mode resonant frequencies of this microstrip antenna, obtained by modifying the equations of a standard circular patch [3] are presentcd. Thcorctical results are compared with experimental observations aid the validity of the computation is established.