913 resultados para high-resistant material
While concentrator photovoltaic cells have shown significant improvements in efficiency in the past ten years, once these cells are integrated into concentrating optics, connected to a power conditioning system and deployed in the field, the overall module efficiency drops to only 34 to 36%. This efficiency is impressive compared to conventional flat plate modules, but it is far short of the theoretical limits for solar energy conversion. Designing a system capable of achieving ultra high efficiency of 50% or greater cannot be achieved by refinement and iteration of current design approaches.
This thesis takes a systems approach to designing a photovoltaic system capable of 50% efficient performance using conventional diode-based solar cells. The effort began with an exploration of the limiting efficiency of spectrum splitting ensembles with 2 to 20 sub cells in different electrical configurations. Incorporating realistic non-ideal performance with the computationally simple detailed balance approach resulted in practical limits that are useful to identify specific cell performance requirements. This effort quantified the relative benefit of additional cells and concentration for system efficiency, which will help in designing practical optical systems.
Efforts to improve the quality of the solar cells themselves focused on the development of tunable lattice constant epitaxial templates. Initially intended to enable lattice matched multijunction solar cells, these templates would enable increased flexibility in band gap selection for spectrum splitting ensembles and enhanced radiative quality relative to metamorphic growth. The III-V material family is commonly used for multijunction solar cells both for its high radiative quality and for the ease of integrating multiple band gaps into one monolithic growth. The band gap flexibility is limited by the lattice constant of available growth templates. The virtual substrate consists of a thin III-V film with the desired lattice constant. The film is grown strained on an available wafer substrate, but the thickness is below the dislocation nucleation threshold. By removing the film from the growth substrate, allowing the strain to relax elastically, and bonding it to a supportive handle, a template with the desired lattice constant is formed. Experimental efforts towards this structure and initial proof of concept are presented.
Cells with high radiative quality present the opportunity to recover a large amount of their radiative losses if they are incorporated in an ensemble that couples emission from one cell to another. This effect is well known, but has been explored previously in the context of sub cells that independently operate at their maximum power point. This analysis explicitly accounts for the system interaction and identifies ways to enhance overall performance by operating some cells in an ensemble at voltages that reduce the power converted in the individual cell. Series connected multijunctions, which by their nature facilitate strong optical coupling between sub-cells, are reoptimized with substantial performance benefit.
Photovoltaic efficiency is usually measured relative to a standard incident spectrum to allow comparison between systems. Deployed in the field systems may differ in energy production due to sensitivity to changes in the spectrum. The series connection constraint in particular causes system efficiency to decrease as the incident spectrum deviates from the standard spectral composition. This thesis performs a case study comparing performance of systems over a year at a particular location to identify the energy production penalty caused by series connection relative to independent electrical connection.
Strength at extreme pressures (>1 Mbar or 100 GPa) and high strain rates (106-108 s-1) of materials is not well characterized. The goal of the research outlined in this thesis is to study the strength of tantalum (Ta) at these conditions. The Omega Laser in the Laboratory for Laser Energetics in Rochester, New York is used to create such extreme conditions. Targets are designed with ripples or waves on the surface, and these samples are subjected to high pressures using Omega’s high energy laser beams. In these experiments, the observational parameter is the Richtmyer-Meshkov (RM) instability in the form of ripple growth on single-mode ripples. The experimental platform used for these experiments is the “ride-along” laser compression recovery experiments, which provide a way to recover the specimens having been subjected to high pressures. Six different experiments are performed on the Omega laser using single-mode tantalum targets at different laser energies. The energy indicates the amount of laser energy that impinges the target. For each target, values for growth factor are obtained by comparing the profile of ripples before and after the experiment. With increasing energy, the growth factor increased.
Engineering simulations are used to interpret and correlate the measurements of growth factor to a measure of strength. In order to validate the engineering constitutive model for tantalum, a series of simulations are performed using the code Eureka, based on the Optimal Transportation Meshfree (OTM) method. Two different configurations are studied in the simulations: RM instabilities in single and multimode ripples. Six different simulations are performed for the single ripple configuration of the RM instability experiment, with drives corresponding to laser energies used in the experiments. Each successive simulation is performed at higher drive energy, and it is observed that with increasing energy, the growth factor increases. Overall, there is favorable agreement between the data from the simulations and the experiments. The peak growth factors from the simulations and the experiments are within 10% agreement. For the multimode simulations, the goal is to assist in the design of the laser driven experiments using the Omega laser. A series of three-mode and four-mode patterns are simulated at various energies and the resulting growth of the RM instability is computed. Based on the results of the simulations, a configuration is selected for the multimode experiments. These simulations also serve as validation for the constitutive model and the material parameters for tantalum that are used in the simulations.
By designing samples with initial perturbations in the form of single-mode and multimode ripples and subjecting these samples to high pressures, the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability is investigated in both laser compression experiments and simulations. By correlating the growth of these ripples to measures of strength, a better understanding of the strength of tantalum at high pressures is achieved.
Part I:
The earth's core is generally accepted to be composed primarily of iron, with an admixture of other elements. Because the outer core is observed not to transmit shear waves at seismic frequencies, it is known to be liquid or primarily liquid. A new equation of state is presented for liquid iron, in the form of parameters for the 4th order Birch-Murnaghan and Mie-Grüneisen equations of state. The parameters were constrained by a set of values for numerous properties compiled from the literature. A detailed theoretical model is used to constrain the P-T behavior of the heat capacity, based on recent advances in the understanding of the interatomic potentials for transition metals. At the reference pressure of 105 Pa and temperature of 1811 K (the normal melting point of Fe), the parameters are: ρ = 7037 kg/m3, KS0 = 110 GPa, KS' = 4.53, KS" = -.0337 GPa-1, and γ = 2.8, with γ α ρ-1.17. Comparison of the properties predicted by this model with the earth model PREM indicates that the outer core is 8 to 10 % less dense than pure liquid Fe at the same conditions. The inner core is also found to be 3 to 5% less dense than pure liquid Fe, supporting the idea of a partially molten inner core. The density deficit of the outer core implies that the elements dissolved in the liquid Fe are predominantly of lower atomic weight than Fe. Of the candidate light elements favored by researchers, only sulfur readily dissolves into Fe at low pressure, which means that this element was almost certainly concentrated in the core at early times. New melting data are presented for FeS and FeS2 which indicate that the FeS2 is the S-hearing liquidus solid phase at inner core pressures. Consideration of the requirement that the inner core boundary be observable by seismological means and the freezing behavior of solutions leads to the possibility that the outer core may contain a significant fraction of solid material. It is found that convection in the outer core is not hindered if the solid particles are entrained in the fluid flow. This model for a core of Fe and S admits temperatures in the range 3450K to 4200K at the top of the core. An all liquid Fe-S outer core would require a temperature of about 4900 K at the top of the core.
Part II.
The abundance of uses for organic compounds in the modern world results in many applications in which these materials are subjected to high pressures. This leads to the desire to be able to describe the behavior of these materials under such conditions. Unfortunately, the number of compounds is much greater than the number of experimental data available for many of the important properties. In the past, one approach that has worked well is the calculation of appropriate properties by summing the contributions from the organic functional groups making up molecules of the compounds in question. A new set of group contributions for the molar volume, volume thermal expansivity, heat capacity, and the Rao function is presented for functional groups containing C, H, and O. This set is, in most cases, limited in application to low molecular liquids. A new technique for the calculation of the pressure derivative of the bulk modulus is also presented. Comparison with data indicates that the presented technique works very well for most low molecular hydrocarbon liquids and somewhat less well for oxygen-bearing compounds. A similar comparison of previous results for polymers indicates that the existing tabulations of group contributions for this class of materials is in need of revision. There is also evidence that the Rao function contributions for polymers and low molecular compounds are somewhat different.
Na Odontologia, ao se confeccionar peças restauradoras dentárias, pela técnica indireta, o processo mais rotineiramente empregado utiliza um modelo de gesso, obtido a partir de um molde de elastômero, tomado de um dente preparado. Vários fatores podem influenciar na boa precisão de ajustes destas peças como o escoamento do material de vazamento dentro da moldagem, a compatibilidade do material de vazamento com o da moldagem, o tempo de presa, a estabilidade dimensional, a resistência mecânica do material quando da separação moldagem/modelo, a resistência a abrasão e a fidelidade de reprodução de detalhes. Materiais foram introduzidos na odontologia para utilização na confecção de troquéis no intuito de minimizar as desvantagens do gesso, como baixa resistência a abrasão e ligeira expansão de presa. Dentre eles os troquéis metalizados e as resinas epóxicas, que tem vantagens em relação às propriedades mecânicas, porém o primeiro exige técnica demorada e de alto custo e o segundo apresenta contração. O presente trabalho se propõe a testar uma nova composição de poliéster insaturado com estireno adicionado ao carbonato de cálcio em diferentes proporções (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 e 70%) e compará-la ao gesso tipo IV e a resina epoxídica com óxido de alumínio, através de ensaios mecânicos, de abrasão e de alteração dimensional, para avaliar a possibilidade de sua utilização como material de confecção de troquéis para a construção de restaurações indiretas. Para caracterização dos materiais foram feitas análises de espectrometria no infravermelho, Calorimetria de varredura diferencial, termogravimétrica e Microscopia eletrônica de varredura. O compósito a base de poliéster insaturado com 50% de carbonato de cálcio se mostrou viável para utilização como material para troquel. Quando comparado aos materiais de controle mostrou propriedades mecânicas próximas as da resina epoxídica e bem superiores ao gesso, resistência a abrasão superior ao gesso e inferior a resina epoxídica e alteração dimensional próxima a resina epoxídica e maior ao gesso. Sendo a formulação do poliéster/carbonato de cálcio apenas constituída de polímero, catalisador e carga, é possível melhorar a formulação modificando a carga e/ou acrescentando aditivos visando minimizar a contração de polimerização.
Hydrogen is the only atom for which the Schr odinger equation is solvable. Consisting only of a proton and an electron, hydrogen is the lightest element and, nevertheless, is far from being simple. Under ambient conditions, it forms diatomic molecules H2 in gas phase, but di erent temperature and pressures lead to a complex phase diagram, which is not completely known yet. Solid hydrogen was rst documented in 1899 [1] and was found to be isolating. At higher pressures, however, hydrogen can be metallized. In 1935 Wigner and Huntington predicted that the metallization pressure would be 25 GPa [2], where molecules would disociate to form a monoatomic metal, as alkali metals that lie below hydrogen in the periodic table. The prediction of the metallization pressure turned out to be wrong: metallic hydrogen has not been found yet, even under a pressure as high as 320 GPa. Nevertheless, extrapolations based on optical measurements suggest that a metallic phase may be attained at 450 GPa [3]. The interest of material scientist in metallic hydrogen can be attributed, at least to a great extent, to Ashcroft, who in 1968 suggested that such a system could be a hightemperature superconductor [4]. The temperature at which this material would exhibit a transition from a superconducting to a non-superconducting state (Tc) was estimated to be around room temperature. The implications of such a statement are very interesting in the eld of astrophysics: in planets that contain a big quantity of hydrogen and whose temperature is below Tc, superconducting hydrogen may be found, specially at the center, where the gravitational pressure is high. This might be the case of Jupiter, whose proportion of hydrogen is about 90%. There are also speculations suggesting that the high magnetic eld of Jupiter is due to persistent currents related to the superconducting phase [5]. Metallization and superconductivity of hydrogen has puzzled scientists for decades, and the community is trying to answer several questions. For instance, what is the structure of hydrogen at very high pressures? Or a more general one: what is the maximum Tc a phonon-mediated superconductor can have [6]? A great experimental e ort has been carried out pursuing metallic hydrogen and trying to answer the questions above; however, the characterization of solid phases of hydrogen is a hard task. Achieving the high pressures needed to get the sought phases requires advanced technologies. Diamond anvil cells (DAC) are commonly used devices. These devices consist of two diamonds with a tip of small area; for this reason, when a force is applied, the pressure exerted is very big. This pressure is uniaxial, but it can be turned into hydrostatic pressure using transmitting media. Nowadays, this method makes it possible to reach pressures higher than 300 GPa, but even at this pressure hydrogen does not show metallic properties. A recently developed technique that is an improvement of DAC can reach pressures as high as 600 GPa [7], so it is a promising step forward in high pressure physics. Another drawback is that the electronic density of the structures is so low that X-ray di raction patterns have low resolution. For these reasons, ab initio studies are an important source of knowledge in this eld, within their limitations. When treating hydrogen, there are many subtleties in the calculations: as the atoms are so light, the ions forming the crystalline lattice have signi cant displacements even when temperatures are very low, and even at T=0 K, due to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Thus, the energy corresponding to this zero-point (ZP) motion is signi cant and has to be included in an accurate determination of the most stable phase. This has been done including ZP vibrational energies within the harmonic approximation for a range of pressures and at T=0 K, giving rise to a series of structures that are stable in their respective pressure ranges [8]. Very recently, a treatment of the phases of hydrogen that includes anharmonicity in ZP energies has suggested that relative stability of the phases may change with respect to the calculations within the harmonic approximation [9]. Many of the proposed structures for solid hydrogen have been investigated. Particularly, the Cmca-4 structure, which was found to be the stable one from 385-490 GPa [8], is metallic. Calculations for this structure, within the harmonic approximation for the ionic motion, predict a Tc up to 242 K at 450 GPa [10]. Nonetheless, due to the big ionic displacements, the harmonic approximation may not su ce to describe correctly the system. The aim of this work is to apply a recently developed method to treat anharmonicity, the stochastic self-consistent harmonic approximation (SSCHA) [11], to Cmca-4 metallic hydrogen. This way, we will be able to study the e ects of anharmonicity in the phonon spectrum and to try to understand the changes it may provoque in the value of Tc. The work is structured as follows. First we present the theoretical basis of the calculations: Density Functional Theory (DFT) for the electronic calculations, phonons in the harmonic approximation and the SSCHA. Then we apply these methods to Cmca-4 hydrogen and we discuss the results obtained. In the last chapter we draw some conclusions and propose possible future work.
Techniques are described for mounting and visualizing biological macromolecules for high resolution electron microscopy. Standard techniques are included in a discussion of new methods designed to provide the highest structural resolution. Methods are also discussed for handling samples on the grid, for making accurate size measurements at the 20 Å level, and for photographically enhancing image contrast.
The application of these techniques to the study of the binding of DNA polymerase to DNA is described. It is shown that the electron micrographs of this material are in agreement with the model proposed by Dr. Arthur Kornberg. A model is described which locates several active sites on the enzyme.
The chromosomal material of the protozoan tetrahymena has been isolated and characterized by biochemical techniques and by electron microscopy. This material is shown to be typical of chromatin of higher creatures.
Comparison with other chromatins discloses that the genome of tetrahymena is highly template active and has a relatively simple genetic construction.
High resolution electron microscope procedures developed in this work have been combined with standard biochemical techniques to give a comprehensive picture of the structure of interphase chromosome fibers. The distribution of the chromosomal proteins along its DNA is discussed.
The work described in this thesis represents an attempt to summarize to date the information collected on the process of high energy heavy ion induced enhanced adhesion. Briefly, the process involves the irradiation of materials covered by thin (≾3μm) films with high energy (E > 200 keV I nucleon) heavy ion beams (such as Fluorine or Chlorine). Enhanced adhesion has been observed on all material combinations tested, including metal on metal, metal on semiconductor, metal on dielectric and dielectric on dielectric systems. In some cases, the enhancement can be quite large, so that a film that could be wiped off a substrate quite easily before irradiation can withstand determined scrubbing afterwards.
Very little is understood yet about this adhesion mechanism, so what is presented are primarily observations about systems studied, and descriptions of the actual preparation and irradiation of samples used. Some discussion is presented about mechanisms that have been considered but rejected.
Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar, in vitro, a influência do material de confecção das matrizes, traçando um perfil da conversão monomérica de um compósito micro-híbrido, além de avaliar qual dos materiais testados mais se assemelha a uma matriz de dentina. A avaliação foi feita através da análise do grau de conversão (GC). Foram confeccionadas 3 matrizes bipartidas, sendo estas de teflon negro, tefon branco e aço inoxidável, ambas com 10mm de diâmetro e 2 mm de profundidade. Para o grupo controle foi utilizado um incisivo central bovino, o qual teve sua face vestibular aplainada em uma lixadeira sob refrigeração constante, com o auxílio de uma lixa de carbeto de silício, número 800. Após, este dente foi preparado com uma broca diamantada número 2294 (KG Sorensen) em alta rotação, própria para a preparação de cavidades padronizadas para ensaios de laboratório, apresentando um limitador de penetração. Em seguida, com um motor de baixa rotação foi realizado o acabamento das paredes, obtendo-se uma cavidade de 2,0 mm de profundidade por 9,0 mm de diâmetro. Pela palatina desse dente, com uma broca carbide cilíndrica de numeração 2056 (KG Sorensen), fez-se uma penetração até se obter uma parede de dentina extremamente fina, porém sem que esta fosse rompida. Assim, com uma agulha, fez-se uma pequena perfuração no centro dessa dentina para que este instrumental servisse como um pino para remoção do corpo de prova de dentro da matriz de dente. Os corpos de prova (CP) foram obtidos a partir da inserção do compósito no interior da perfuração das matrizes em um único incremento e cobertos na superfície externa com uma matriz de poliéster mais uma lamínula de vidro. Os CP foram fotopolimerizados por 40 s pela fonte de luz halógena Optilux 501 (Demetron), com 500 mW/cm. Imediatamente após a polimerização, os corpos de prova eram submetidos no topo e na base para a análise de espectrometria no infravermelho para a determinação da profundidade de polimerização, pela técnica do filme vazado para o compósito não polimerizado e pela técnica da pastilha de brometo de potássio (KBr) para o compósito polimerizado. Foram confeccionados 5 CP de cada grupo. Em cada grupo, o compósito da base e do topo das amostras foi moído até se obter de 1,5 a 2,0 mg de pó e misturado com 70 mg de KBr, para obtenção da pastilha de KBr. Foi feita a análise de espectrofotometria no infravermelho por Transformada de Fourier (FTIR). As absorções selecionadas para o cálculo foram 1610 cm-1 e 1637 cm-1, os picos dos espectros das ligações dos carbonos aromáticos e alifáticos, respectivamente. Os dados obtidos foram tratados estatisticamente. Os grupos Gr1B, Gr2B, Gr3B e Gr4B representam, respectivamente, as bases dos CP confeccionados pelas matrizes de DB, TN, TB e AI. Já os Gr1T, Gr2T, Gr3T e Gr4T representam os topos. Médias (%) e DP: Gr1T (46,461,99), Gr2T (39,864,51), Gr3T (44,053,44) e Gr4T (38,045,08). Gr1B (40,441,49), Gr2B (36,153,81), Gr3B (40,093,18) e Gr4B (35,593,35). Em posse dos resultados, pôde-se concluir que os grupos do teflon negro, teflon branco e aço inoxidável não apresentaram diferenças entre o grau de conversão do topo e da base, enquanto que o grupo da dentina apresentou maior conversão do topo. Comparando as matrizes entre elas, pôde-se perceber que no topo, o GC do dente bovino é maior que o GC do aço inoxidável e do que o de teflon negro, o GC do teflon branco é maior que o GC do aço inoxidável e do que o de teflon negro. Já o topo dos grupos de dente bovino e teflon banco foram semelhantes. Nas bases dos CPs, não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos testados. De acordo com os resultados obtidos no experimento, pôde-se concluir que nos grupos do teflon negro, teflon branco e aço inoxidável não houve diferença entre 0 e 2 mm, ou seja, topo e base, o que mostra que o material de confecção da matriz não influênciou o grau de conversão do compósito. Já para o grupo da matriz de dentina, o topo apresentou valor de conversão monomérica maior, mostrando que, neste caso, o material da matriz interferiu no grau de conversão. Pode-se perceber também que existe uma tendência da matriz de teflon branco se assemelhar mais a matriz de dentina, pois foi o único grupo que apresentou semelhança nos valores de conversão monomérica no topo das amostras. Porém analisando a base das amostras, percebe-se que todos os grupos se comportaram de forma semelhante, obtendo valores do grau de conversão sem diferença significante.
While photovoltaics hold much promise as a sustainable electricity source, continued cost reduction is necessary to continue the current growth in deployment. A promising path to continuing to reduce total system cost is by increasing device efficiency. This thesis explores several silicon-based photovoltaic technologies with the potential to reach high power conversion efficiencies. Silicon microwire arrays, formed by joining millions of micron diameter wires together, were developed as a low cost, low efficiency solar technology. The feasibility of transitioning this to a high efficiency technology was explored. In order to achieve high efficiency, high quality silicon material must be used. Lifetimes and diffusion lengths in these wires were measured and the action of various surface passivation treatments studied. While long lifetimes were not achieved, strong inversion at the silicon / hydrofluoric acid interface was measured, which is important for understanding a common measurement used in solar materials characterization.
Cryogenic deep reactive ion etching was then explored as a method for fabricating high quality wires and improved lifetimes were measured. As another way to reach high efficiency, growth of silicon-germanium alloy wires was explored as a substrate for a III-V on Si tandem device. Patterned arrays of wires with up to 12% germanium incorporation were grown. This alloy is more closely lattice matched to GaP than silicon and allows for improvements in III-V integration on silicon.
Heterojunctions of silicon are another promising path towards achieving high efficiency devices. The GaP/Si heterointerface and properties of GaP grown on silicon were studied. Additionally, a substrate removal process was developed which allows the formation of high quality free standing GaP films and has wide applications in the field of optics.
Finally, the effect of defects at the interface of the amorphous silicon heterojuction cell was studied. Excellent voltages, and thus efficiencies, are achievable with this system, but the voltage is very sensitive to growth conditions. We directly measured lateral transport lengths at the heterointerface on the order of tens to hundreds of microns, which allows carriers to travel towards any defects that are present and recombine. This measurement adds to the understanding of these types of high efficiency devices and may aid in future device design.
A new humidity-resistant highly sensitive acrylamide-based photopolymeric holographic recording material has been developed. The photopolymer is resistant to the humidity of environment. Diffraction efficiencies near 50% are obtained with exposure energy of 60 mJ/cm(2) in materials of 150 mu m. thickness. Diphenyl iodonium chloride is added to the material and can increase the exposure sensitivity by a factor of more than 4 (to about 28 mJ/cm(2)). An image has been successfully stored in the material with a small distortion. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We present our experimental results supporting optical-electrical hybrid data storage by optical recording and electrical reading using Ge2Sb2Te5as recording medium. The sheet resistance of laser- irradiated Ge2Sb2Te5. lms exhibits an abrupt change of four orders of magnitude ( from 10 7 to 10 3./ sq) with increasing laser power, current- voltage curves of the amorphous area and the laser- crystallized dots, measured by a conductive atomic force microscope ( C- AFM), show that their resistivities are 2.725 and 3.375 x 10- 3., respectively, the surface current distribution in the. lms also shows high and low resistance states. All these results suggest that the laser- recorded bit can be read electrically by measuring the change of electrical resistivity, thus making optical electrical hybrid data storage possible.
Three kinds of rare earth complexes derived from dibenzoylmethane (DBM) ligand were synthesized by reacting free ligand and different rare earth ions(La (3+), Sm3+ and Gd3+). Their contents and structures were postulated based on elemental analysis, LDI-TOF-MS, FT-IR spectra and UV-Vis spectra. Smooth films on K9 glass substrates were prepared using the spin-coating method. Their solubility in organic solvents, absorption and reflection properties of thin film and thermal stability of these complexes were evaluated. These complexes would be a promising recording material for high-density digital versatile disc-recordable (HD-DVD-R) system. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Este estudo teve como objetivo principal caracterizar os padrões de distribuição do material particulado em suspensão ao longo da baía de Sepetiba, associando as variabilidades espaciais e temporais com ciclos de maré. Além disso, o estudo também avalia a utilização de equipamentos acústicos como ferramentas à estimativa das concentrações de material particulado em suspensão. A aquisição de dados foi realizada num total de sete campanhas realizadas entre novembro de 2010 e dezembro de 2011. Sete estações foram posicionadas nas proximidades do canal principal de acesso à baía, ao longo de um transecto que se estende do seu interior até sua desembocadura. As sete campanhas amostrais se distribuem em duas séries longas, de 13 e 25 horas, de aquisição em um ponto fixo, e cinco amostragens ao longo das estações. A aquisição de dados envolve: coleta de amostras de água, utilizadas nas estimativas das concentrações de material particulado; coleta de sedimentos de fundo para caracterização granulométrica das estações amostradas; perfis de parâmetros físico-químicos; dados de correntômetria adquiridos junto ao fundo. O processamento das amostras de água e sedimentos foi realizado no laboratório de Geologia Marinha da Faculdade de Oceanografia da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. As concentrações de material particulado em suspensão foram utilizadas na calibração de sensores acústicos e óticos, permitindo uma avaliação espaço-temporal mais detalhada dos padrões de distribuição junto ao fundo e ao longo da coluna dágua. Os dados observados permitiram identificar que as maiores concentrações de material particulado em suspensão ocorrem em condições de maré enchente, e estão associadas à assimetria de maré. A baía pode ser dividida em dois setores: um na porção mais interna, onde se observou maior influência do aporte fluvial, onde as concentrações de material particulado em suspensão respondem à propagação da pluma do canal de São Francisco; e outro que se estende da porção central até sua desembocadura, onde predomina o domínio marinho, com influência de eventos oriundos da plataforma continental. Também pode ser identificada a influência do fenômeno La Niña, que provavelmente foi responsável por: altas salinidades encontradas no interior da baía e ocorrência da Água Central do Atlântico Sul à baixas profundidades. Quanto à utilização de equipamentos acústicos nas estimativas das concentrações de material particulado, os dados se demonstraram ricos em detalhes, que permitiram avaliar o comportamento do material particulado junto ao fundo frente a diferentes condições de maré, turbulência e incidência de oscilações.
A mutagenicidade do material particulado é atribuída primeiramente aos hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPA). Investigamos a atividade mutagênica do material particulado (MP2,5) em amostras coletadas em três pontos da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. As coletas foram realizadas com auxílio de um amostrador de grande volume na Avenida Brasil, no campus da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e no Túnel Rebouças em filtros de fibra de vidro. Metade de cada filtro foi submetido à extração por sonicação com o solvente diclorometano. Seis HPA foram identificados e quantificados por cromatografia gasosa com espectrometria de massa (GC/MS). Após a análise química as concentrações dos HPA obtidos foram correlacionados ao fatores físicos, além de ser realizado avaliação de risco para cada HPA estudado. Linhagens de Salmonella typhimurium (TA98 e derivadas TA98/1.8-DNP6, YG1021 e YG1024) foram utilizadas no ensaio de mutagenicidade e tratadas (10-50 g/placa) com extrato orgânico na presença e na ausência de metabolização exógena. Células de raiz de cebola foram tratadas com extratos orgânicos nas concentrações (5-25g/mL). A alta umidade encontrada no Túnel Rebouças pode ter influenciado na deposição de cinco dos seis HPA estudados em material particulado. Além disso, em diferentes condições de tráfego, motoristas de ônibus que cruzam a Avenida Brasil e o Rebouças túnel estão expostos ao risco induzidos por HPA na ordem de 10-6. Mutagenicidade foi detectada tanto na presença quanto na ausência de metabolização, para as linhagens YG1021 e YG1024 nos três pontos, sugerindo a presença de nitro e amino derivados de HPA. As amostras do Túnel Rebouças apresentaram os maiores valores para rev/g e rev/m3. Estes resultados podem estar relacionados ao longo trajeto e a restrita ventilação. Efeito citotóxico foi detectado pelo ensaio Allium cepa nos três pontos de monitoramento. Além disso os extratos orgânicos provenientes das coletas da Avenida Brasil, UERJ e do Túnel Rebouças induziram efeito clastogênico em células de raiz de Allium cepa
(100 - x)TeO2 - xNb(2)O(5) (x=5-20) mobic tellurite glasses doped with 0.5 mol.% Er2O3 were synthesized, and their thermal, mechanical, and spectroscopic properties were measured and compared to the properties of the typical 75TeO(2)-20ZnO-5Na(2)O (TZN) tellurite glass. The refractive index (n(d)), density (p), and glass transition temperature (T-g) of bulk glasses increase with the Nb2O5 content. The Vickers microhardness (H-v) of bulk glass in niobic tellurite glasses also increases with the Nb2O5 content. The values (2.5-3.2 GPa) of H, in the niobic tellurite glasses are 47-88% larger than that (1.7 GPa) in TZN glass. The effect of Nb2O5 content on absorption spectra, the Judd-Ofelt parameters Omega(t) (t = 2, 4, 6), fluorescence spectra and the lifetimes of Er3+ :I-13/2 level were also investigated, and the stimulated emission crosssection was calculated from McCumber theory. With increasing Nb2O5 content in the glass composition, the Omega(t) (t = 2, 4, 6) parameters, fluorescence full width at half maximum (FWHM) Of I-13/2 of Er3+ increase, while the I-4(13/2) lifetimes of Er3+ decreases. Compared with TZN glass, the gain bandwidth properties of Er3+-doped TeO2-Nb2O5 glass is much larger than in tellurite glass based TeO2-ZnO-Na2O system, bismush-based glass, germanate, and silicate glasses, which indicates that TeO2-Nb2O5 glasses are better choice as a practical available host material for broadband Er3+-doped amplifier. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.