991 resultados para desenvolvimento pós-embrionário
Herbicidas que inviabilizam tubérculos de tiririca (Cyperus rotundus) quando absorvidos nas folhas ou na solução do solo, garantem melhor desempenho para a desinfestação gradativa da área. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os estádios de crescimento mais adequados para a aplicação de herbicidas em pós-emergência, além da possibilidade de ação dos principais herbicidas na parte subterrânea da tiririca após aplicação localizada na parte aérea, no solo e sobre ambos os meios. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos em casa de vegetação do Departamento de Fitossanidade da Universidade Estadual Paulista, campus de Jaboticabal-SP. Os resultados do primeiro experimento mostraram que todos os herbicidas estudados (trifloxysulfuron-sodium + ametrine, halosulfuron, sulfentrazone e imazapic) proporcionaram reduções significativas no número de tubérculos viáveis, de forma coerente com suas características de atuação e pela via em que são recomendados. No segundo experimento, as maiores porcentagens de tubérculos afetados na seqüência das cadeias, a partir das manifestações epígeas originais e derivadas, foram obtidas nas aplicações de trifloxysulfuron-sodium + ametrine nos estádios jovem e de pré-florescimento das plantas de tiririca, de halosulfuron no estádio jovem e de glyphosate no de pré-florescimento.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Trigonometry, branch of mathematics related to the study of triangles, developed from practical needs, especially relating to astronomy, Surveying and Navigation. Johann Müller, the Regiomontanus (1436-1476) mathematician and astronomer of the fifteenth century played an important role in the development of this science. His work titled De Triangulis Omnimodis Libri Quinque written around 1464, and published posthumously in 1533, presents the first systematic exposure of European plane and spherical trigonometry, a treatment independent of astronomy. In this study we present a description, translation and analysis of some aspects of this important work in the history of trigonometry. Therefore, the translation was performed using a version of the book Regiomontanus on Triangles of Barnabas Hughes, 1967. In it you will find the original work in Latin and an English translation. For this study, we use for most of our translation in Portuguese, the English version, but some doubt utterance, statement and figures were made by the original Latin. In this work, we can see that trigonometry is considered as a branch of mathematics which is subordinated to geometry, that is, toward the study of triangles. Regiomontanus provides a large number of theorems as the original trigonometric formula for the area of a triangle. Use algebra to solve geometric problems and mainly shows the first practical theorem for the law of cosines in spherical trigonometry. Thus, this study shows some of the development of the trigonometry in the fifteenth century, especially with regard to concepts such as sine and cosine (sine reverse), the work discussed above, is of paramount importance for the research in the history of mathematics more specifically in the area of historical analysis and critique of literary sources or studying the work of a particular mathematician
The docent formation has been instigating researchers who look for ways to better qualify teachers in a way they can form and reform their practice in class. The category we brought for investigation and discussion is the formation that happens in the school these teachers work. This paper aims to study the repercussion of an inter-formative practice for the professional development of teachers from EJA 1st segment. The empirical field for the study was Professor Emília Ramos State School in Natal-RN/Brazil where, since its creation in 1988, has been developing a practice of formation continued on services characterized as Procedure of Inter-formation. The study fits in the qualitative approach of educational research. In methodological terms, it is a study case. Also, we were inspired by some elements from life history since we work on the teachers experiences in the School. Methodological tools such as semi-structured interviews, analysis of documents and participant observation were used. We invited 07 (seven) teachers from the night period of the school to revisit their formation history as teachers from EJA, counting on by their narrations apprehending the contributions of this formation on their professional development. The results collected show the school grants privileges to inter-formative practices based on collective and pair work, as well as on the teacher s reflection about his/her own practice. The Inter-formative Practice that happens in the School has an action-reflection-action basis where the docent action is read under the light of the theoretical support that fundaments the School s Pedagogical Proposal. The results also highlight the relevance of the inter-formative practices on the teachers professional development. This practice contributes to the construction of knowledge and competences, as well as to the identity of the teacher from EJA. For all the teachers interviewed, the School s formation has been the most significant contribution to their development as a teacher from EJA. Despite of the limitations found on using this kind of approach, we hope our study that talks about a well-succeeded experience can contribute to the widening of this type of practice, increasing then, the chances of making the dream of having a democratic high quality public school, despite all the difficulties, come true
This article refers to a research which tries to historically (re)construct the conceptual development of the Integral and Differential calculus, taking into account its constructing model feature, since the Greeks to Newton. These models were created by the problems that have been proposed by the history and were being modified by the time the new problems were put and the mathematics known advanced. In this perspective, I also show how a number of nature philosophers and mathematicians got involved by this process. Starting with the speculations over scientific and philosophical natures done by the ancient Greeks, it culminates with Newton s work in the 17th century. Moreover, I present and analyze the problems proposed (open questions), models generated (questions answered) as well as the religious, political, economic and social conditions involved. This work is divided into 6 chapters plus the final considerations. Chapter 1 shows how the research came about, given my motivation and experience. I outline the ways I have gone trough to refine the main question and present the subject of and the objectives of the research, ending the chapter showing the theoretical bases by which the research was carried out, naming such bases as Investigation Theoretical Fields (ITF). Chapter 2 presents each one of the theoretical bases, which was introduced in the chapter 1 s end. In this discuss, I try to connect the ITF to the research. The Chapter 3 discusses the methodological choices done considering the theoretical fields considered. So, the Chapters 4, 5 and 6 present the main corpus of the research, i.e., they reconstruct the calculus history under a perspective of model building (questions answered) from the problems given (open questions), analyzing since the ancient Greeks contribution (Chapter 4), pos- Greek, especially, the Romans contribution, Hindus, Arabian, and the contribution on the Medium Age (Chapter 5). I relate the European reborn and the contribution of the philosophers and scientists until culminate with the Newton s work (Chapter 6). In the final considerations, it finally gives an account on my impressions about the development of the research as well as the results reached here. By the end, I plan out a propose of curse of Differential and Integral Calculus, having by basis the last three chapters of the article
This study focuses on processes of learning and professional development experienced by elementary school teachers who have students with special educational needs in their classrooms. Cases and case methods can be used as methodological resource to articulate the continued training of teachers in an inclusive perspective. This research-intervention adopted a constructive-collaborative model for continued teachers formation. The main objective was to investigate the possible contributions of teaching cases, while investigative and formative strategies, for the processes of learning and professional development of teachers who work in the regular school. The data were collected by means of analytical activities, drafting collective discussion and teaching cases, having eight teachers as participants in a regular public school, located in the municipality of Natal/RN, Brasil. The theoretical reference covers the inclusive education, teaching learning, teachers professional development, the knowledge base for teaching and teaching cases as a resource for continued teachers formation in an inclusive perspective. The results indicated that teaching cases allowed description and analysis of educational practices developed by regular education teachers and adoption of reflective processes about situations reported and on their own pedagogical actuation, achieving indications of changes. It also indicates the contribution of cases for the clarification, systematization and extension of professional knowledge about inclusive education process as well as for involvement by the teachers of the study in a pedagogical thinking process. The lessons learned are related mainly to own role as teachers of regular education, to the role of professional support and specialized institutions faced to school inclusion. The analyses showed the methodological option was suitable to develop a schoolcentric training process, allowing teachers to seek in their actual environment alternatives for construction of a new logic of teaching that encloses diversity. The conclusion is that the cases, while bringing educational situations closer to the reality experienced by teachers in their daily professional role, causes relevant improvement on teachers education, because it offers training in conjunction with the experience and knowledge that teachers already have
This study focuses on processes of learning and professional development experienced by elementary school teachers who have students with special educational needs in their classrooms. Cases and case methods can be used as methodological resource to articulate the continued training of teachers in an inclusive perspective. This research-intervention adopted a constructive-collaborative model for continued teachers formation. The main objective was to investigate the possible contributions of teaching cases, while investigative and formative strategies, for the processes of learning and professional development of teachers who work in the regular school. The data were collected by means of analytical activities, drafting collective discussion and teaching cases, having eight teachers as participants in a regular public school, located in the municipality of Natal/RN, Brasil. The theoretical reference covers the inclusive education, teaching learning, teachers professional development, the knowledge base for teaching and teaching cases as a resource for continued teachers formation in an inclusive perspective. The results indicated that teaching cases allowed description and analysis of educational practices developed by regular education teachers and adoption of reflective processes about situations reported and on their own pedagogical actuation, achieving indications of changes. It also indicates the contribution of cases for the clarification, systematization and extension of professional knowledge about inclusive education process as well as for involvement by the teachers of the study in a pedagogical thinking process. The lessons learned are related mainly to own role as teachers of regular education, to the role of professional support and specialized institutions faced to school inclusion. The analyses showed the methodological option was suitable to develop a schoolcentric training process, allowing teachers to seek in their actual environment alternatives for construction of a new logic of teaching that encloses diversity. The conclusion is that the cases, while bringing educational situations closer to the reality experienced by teachers in their daily professional role, causes relevant improvement on teachers education, because it offers training in conjunction with the experience and knowledge that teachers already have
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as alterações tegumentares (morfogênese da pena), em embriões de frangos de corte de linhagens de diferentes padrões de crescimento, obtidos de ovos incubados sob diferentes temperaturas. Os ovos foram obtidos de matrizes das linhagens Cobb 500 e ISA JA57, distribuídos proporcionalmente em três incubadoras. do primeiro (D1) ao sexto dia (D6) de incubação, utilizou-se uma temperatura padrão (37,8°C). A partir do sétimo dia (D7) e até o momento do nascimento aos 21 dias (D21), uma das incubadoras teve a temperatura reduzida para 36,8°C (fria) e uma outra alterada para 38,8°C (quente). A terceira incubadora foi mantida a 37,8°C (controle). O delineamento adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 x 2 (temperatura de incubação e linhagem). A temperatura de incubação e a linhagem não alteraram a densidade dos folículos da pena (número médio de folículos por área de 337,5µm²) nas regiões femural e dorsopélvica dos embriões até os 11 dias (D11). Entretanto, observou-se aumento na densidade folicular na região dorsal dos embriões aos 16 dias (D16) devido ao aumento da temperatura, permanecendo até o momento do nascimento. É possível oncluirque embriões incubados em temperatura acima da recomendada (38,8°C) apresentam uma maior densidade de folículos na região dorsopélvica. Apesar disso, a morfogênese dos folículos permaneceu inalterada.
Este trabajo trata de un estudio sobre la relación entre la formación continuada de los profesores y el desarrollo del pensamiento teórico. Es nuestro objetivo comprender la relación entre la formación profesional de los profesores de los años iniciales de la Enseñanza Primaria y el desarrollo de su pensamiento. En términos específicos pretendemos reconstruir los procesos formativos de las profesoras, identificando sus necesidades y los elementos que interfieren en su práctica pedagógica; diagnosticar la fase del desenvolvimiento del pensamiento y dar inicio al proceso formativo de desenvolvimiento del pensamiento; además de analizar la conexión entre ese proceso y la elaboración conceptual, tomando como referencia el concepto de pensamiento. La referencia empírica se constituye de profesoras de la Escuela Municipal Professor Arnaldo Monteiro Natal/RN, que actúan en los grados iniciales de la Enseñanza Primaria y da Educación Infantil. Para desencadenar el proceso investigativo utilizamos como referencial teórico el materialismo histórico-dialéctico como método para análisis de los fenómenos, por entender que a través de esa lógica es que podremos buscar los elementos que nos darán sustentación a una mediación pedagógica que puede posibilitar mayor eficacia en la comprensión de los fenómenos. Recorreremos a pesquisa colaborativa, una vez que es nuestra intención desenvolver una acción investigativa compartida, teniendo en vista buscar medios para resolver los problemas que la práctica pedagógica nos impone. La investigación colaborativa posibilita al sujeto partícipe reflexionar, ser investigador y co-constructor da su práctica. Así, algunos procedimientos metodológicos fueron considerados adecuados para que pudiésemos alcanzar los resultados deseados, como Reuniones, Sondeado Diagnóstica, Ciclos de Estudios Reflexivos, Sesiones Reflexivas y la Autobiografía de Formación. Ni todas las profesoras están en el nivel de elaboración conceptual, en función del proceso vivido a lo largo de nuestras vidas, aún así, toda a trayectoria de la pesquisa posibilitó la descubierta de aspectos significativa sobre nuestro objeto de investigación. Para hacer el análisis de ese proceso nos utilizamos de las teorías de Vigotski, Guetmanova, Kopnin, Rubinstein. Podemos decir que, en la perspectiva de la colaboración, la reflexión sobre la práctica puede desencadenar una nueva mirada del profesor sobre su proceso de formación, el desenvolvimiento de su pensamiento y la acción desarrollada con su alumno. No fue posible verificar, en la práctica, los resultados de nuestro trabajo, ya que, ese no era nuestro objetivo, mas nuestras fallas presentan mudanzas teóricas significativas. Entretanto, resaltamos que las conclusiones a que llegamos están lejos que se acaben , una vez que es un tema complejo, que puede posibilitar el surgimiento de nuevos estudios, de nuevas pesquisas, de nuevos conocimientos
Se discute en este estudio la relación entre o desarrollo de la atención y el aprendizaje de la lengua escrita realizada con los alumnos del 5º grado de la Enseñanza Primaria, compuesta de 25 alumnos, con la edad entre 9 e 13 años, de la Escola Municipal Professor Arnaldo Monteiro Natal/RN. Para el desarrollo de este proceso investigativo, utilizamos como aporte teórico el materialismo histórico-dialéctico, pues ese método posibilita el análisis de los fenómenos y, a través de esa lógica, se revelan los elementos que dieron sustentación a la mediación pedagógica y comprensión de los fenómenos con mayor eficacia. También fueron usados los estudios de Vigotski (1991), Rubinstein (1973), Ferreira (2003), Ibiapina (2007), y otros que convergen con ese posicionamiento. Se adoptó la pesquisa colaborativa que supone la construcción de un objeto del conocimiento entre investigador y profesor y también asocia al mismo tiempo actividades de producción del conocimiento y de desenvolvimiento profesional, proponiéndose una mediación entre comunidad de investigadores y comunidad de profesores. Utilizamos como elementos metodológicos el diagnóstico de la atención, el diagnóstico de la producción escrita del texto narrativo, siguiendo las etapas elaboradas por Infante (1998), los diarios reflexivos, el planeamiento y las sesiones reflexivas (con alumnos y con los pares). Para análisis del desarrollo de la atención, utilizamos las categorías definidas por Luria (1991): volumen de la atención, estabilidad de la atención, oscilación de la atención. El análisis de la producción textual tuve como parámetros las categorías de cohesión y coherencia (COSTA VAL, 1999). Para esto, se reflexionó con ellos sobre la importancia del desenvolvimiento de la atención para aprendizajes más efectivas. Propusimos situaciones de aprendizajes que posibiliten el desarrollo de la atención de esos alumnos y el dominio de la producción textual; y se analizaron las interrelaciones entre desenvolvimiento de la atención y la producción de textos narrativos. Los resultados presentados en los textos permiten afirmar que es notoria la relación entre la atención y el aprendizaje de la escritura. Vale resaltar que la reflexión no puede tener un fin en si mismo o entonces ser usada apenas para justificar una acción, mas debe tener como objetivo mejorar la enseñaza y tornar los profesores más conscientes y, por lo tanto, más capacitados para ejercer su profesión
Inclusion of students with autism in regular education settings is a topic that has not been much explored by the national scientific literature. This matter is complex and, due to the extent of various aspects involved, it is essential to delimitate a focus of investigation. The direction taken by this study was to evaluate the effects of an intervention program in the communicative interactions between a student with autism and his teacher in a regular classroom. Data were collected in an elementary private school, located in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte during the 2010 academic school year. The study included a teacher and a non-vocal, 10-year-old student diagnosed with autism. A quasi-experimental A-B research design was employed. During the intervention program the teacher was trained to use Naturalistic Teaching Strategies and Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) resources to increase the frequency of interactions with the student during three classroom routines (entry time, snack and pedagogical activity). The results indicated qualitative and quantitative changes in the interactions of the dyad after the implementation of the intervention program. The student began to use pictograms to communicate with the teacher in two of the three routines investigated. The frequency of AAC use was also observed in the teacher‟s repertoire, especially when the student failed to understand gestures and words. The teacher positively evaluated the intervention program
This research has the objective of studying the teacher-engineers awareness regarding their teaching practice of courses Civil, Electrical and Materials at the Federal University of Campina Grande. It presents and analyses major themes concerning the teaching work. At the same time, it pinpoints the need to develop good teaching practice in higher education. The study is based on the concepts of bricolage (KINCHELOE; BERRY, 2007) and multi-referentiality (ARDOINO, 1998). The Case Study procedure was adopted as an investigation strategy (YIN, 2004; AFONSO, 2005). The data collection was done through the application of questionnaires based on the teacher education paradigms (ZEICHNER, 1983; SACRISTAN, 1998; ALTET, 2001; BRÜTTEN, 2008). The theoretical background for the thematic axis is oriented by reflections on university teaching (MASETTO, 2003; 2007; ZABALZA, 2004; CUNHA et al, 2005; GRILLO, 2008; PIMENTA; ANASTASIOU, 2010 ); on Engineering teaching (BAZZO, 2001; MASETTO, 2009) and on the present-day relationship between educational policies and higher education (MENEZES, 2001; SANTOS, 1995;2005; BOSI, 2007). The data analysis was done by means of a quantitative and qualitative approach (SAMPIERI; COLLADO; LUCIO, 2006), allow us to understand how the teachers surveyed live their professional activity. The results make it possible to generalize that the teacher-engineers give value to research as part of their teacher education and they view the university pedagogy as an important aspect to improve their practice. A considerable number of them is interested in being part of reflection groups, aiming to enhance teaching at higher education. The teacher-engineers dedicate themselves to university teaching without sharing their experience with other teachers, consolidating a present tendency seen in the international and national literature. They tend to apply a pedagogy originated from their daily teaching practice, because they believe that teaching is perfected through practice, though they admit that practice alone is not sufficient for professional development. In the view of most informants, good teaching requires willingness, along with the political element, the mastery of the lesson contents and familiarity with the discipline objectives, if we regard teachers as advisors in the educational process. Throughout the teaching process, the teachers use diversified pedagogical strategies, such as contextualization and exemplification of the lesson contents, epistemological basis in the scientific field, and group work. They do not share any bond of relationship between them and the students, though they consider it important. In general terms, they lack preparation for university teaching and no involvement or interest in institutional issues, by supporting and improving the teaching quality
Ese estudio se firma en el camino de la formación y del desarrollo profesional de profesores de Matemáticas, objetivando comprender, a partir del discurso de profesores de dicha asignatura, el sentido atribuido a la autonomía profesional y cómo ese sentido es reflejado en la producción y desarrollo curricular de la asignatura de Matemáticas. Para tal, utilizamos la entrevista comprensiva, metodología basada en el supuesto fundamental de la palabra en la construcción del objeto de estudio. A partir del discurso de cinco profesores que imparten la asignatura de Matemáticas en el Centro Federal de Educación Tecnológica de Rio Grande do Norte, percibimos que la autonomía está unida a una posición de soberanía en aula, lo que se traduce en un trabajo volcado al individualismo. Constatamos que las reuniones pedagógicas, espacios por excelencia para discusiones y reflexiones acerca de la enseñanza de Matemáticas y consecuente desarrollo profesional, no contribuyen para la mejora de la enseñaza de dicha disciplina. Percibimos, también, que el libro didáctico es utilizado para estandarizar el trabajo de los profesores y que la selectividad todavía es punto de referencia en lo que concierne al currículum de Matemáticas en la institución, lo que impide la realización de un desarrollo curricular de la asignatura de Matemáticas en que sean considerados conjuntamente todos sus componentes
O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o efeito da idade das matrizes pesadas sobre o desenvolvimento do trato gastrointestinal (TGI) dos embriões no terço final do período de incubação, bem como a utilização das reservas do saco vitelino nas 24 h pós-eclosão, em pintos alimentados ou em jejum. Foram utilizados ovos férteis da linhagem Cobb 500, oriundos de matrizes pesadas com 30 e 60 semanas de idade. O desenvolvimento do TGI (proventrículo+moela, segmentos do intestino delgado e saco vitelino) foi estudado entre o 17º e 21º dias de incubação (Experimento 1). Nas 24 h pós-eclosão foi pesquisado o efeito da presença ou não de alimento no lúmen intestinal sobre a utilização das reservas do saco vitelino (Experimento 2). Os achados deste trabalho mostraram que, ao contrário do embrião, o desenvolvimento do intestino delgado e o peso do saco vitelino não sofreram influência da idade das matrizes. Na fase pós-eclosão, na ausência de alimento, o desenvolvimento do intestino delgado foi maior nas matrizes com 60 semanas, sendo dependente do crescimento do jejuno. A presença do alimento no lúmen teve influência na utilização das reservas do saco vitelino apenas nas matrizes com 30 semanas de idade. Os resultados deste experimento mostraram que a idade da matriz é importante fator no desenvolvimento do trato gastrointestinal do embrião, sendo fator relevante no crescimento pós-ecloão dos pintos.
La Post-Graduación brasilera ha desarrollado, a lo largo de los años, un papel central en la formación de cuadros académicos de alto nivel, para el desarrollo nacional. En el contexto de la UFRN, el Programa de Post-Graduación en Educación, creado inicialmente en 1977 para formar maestres en Educación, implementando el doctorado en esa área, después de diez y siete años, es pionero. En esa trayectoria, avanza y se destaca en el Estado y en las regiones Norte y Nordeste, como uno de los programas con una fuerte lideranza en la formación de profesores investigadores y de otros profesionales de la educación. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo central, tornar público y revelar el alcance del PPGEd como importante centro de formación de investigadores en educación. Para esa finalidad fue definido un recorte teórico-metodológico apoyados en cuestiones posibles de se identificar, tal como: ¿Cuál es el impacto de ese proyecto de formación de maestreados y doctores en educación en el periodo de 1981 a 2005?. ¿Cuál es la trayectoria de los egresados de ese proyecto de formación?. ¿ Dónde actuaban en el momento de ingreso al programa?, y ¿a dónde pasaron a actuar profesionalmente con el título de la postgraduación?. ¿Cuál es contribución de ese proyecto de Postgraduación en la formación de cuadros para la UFRN y para las regiones del país?.La investigación y la colecta de datos fueron realizadas en el mismo Programa de Postgraduación por medio de consultas a varios documentos, como: proyecto curricular, del PPGED, resoluciones, pareceres ( del Programa, de la UFRN, de la CAPES), informes DATA CAPES, anuarios de congresos ( ANPED y ANPED Regional ), fichas individuales de los egresos, además de entrevistas con estudiantes, profesores, e ex coordinadores del PPGEd. El referencial teórico se apoyó en trabajos de autores aue han ganado una expresión en esa temática, como Gatti, Cury, Fávero, Madeira, Marcondes, Horta, sabían, entre otros. Después de trazar la trayectoria de los egresos, maestres y dotores, el estudio se propone, con sus desdoblamientos y continuidad, la elaboración de un Sistema de Control Académico de los Egresos ( SCAE ), apoyado en indicadores para dar visibilidad y relevancia social y académica a la formación de Maestres y Doctores por el PPGEd de la UFRN