998 resultados para Vehicle Stability.
Mosaics have been commonly used as visual maps for undersea exploration and navigation. The position and orientation of an underwater vehicle can be calculated by integrating the apparent motion of the images which form the mosaic. A feature-based mosaicking method is proposed in this paper. The creation of the mosaic is accomplished in four stages: feature selection and matching, detection of points describing the dominant motion, homography computation and mosaic construction. In this work we demonstrate that the use of color and textures as discriminative properties of the image can improve, to a large extent, the accuracy of the constructed mosaic. The system is able to provide 3D metric information concerning the vehicle motion using the knowledge of the intrinsic parameters of the camera while integrating the measurements of an ultrasonic sensor. The experimental results of real images have been tested on the GARBI underwater vehicle
In this paper, we give a new construction of resonant normal forms with a small remainder for near-integrable Hamiltonians at a quasi-periodic frequency. The construction is based on the special case of a periodic frequency, a Diophantine result concerning the approximation of a vector by independent periodic vectors and a technique of composition of periodic averaging. It enables us to deal with non-analytic Hamiltonians, and in this first part we will focus on Gevrey Hamiltonians and derive normal forms with an exponentially small remainder. This extends a result which was known for analytic Hamiltonians, and only in the periodic case for Gevrey Hamiltonians. As applications, we obtain an exponentially large upper bound on the stability time for the evolution of the action variables and an exponentially small upper bound on the splitting of invariant manifolds for hyperbolic tori, generalizing corresponding results for analytic Hamiltonians.
This paper is a sequel to ``Normal forms, stability and splitting of invariant manifolds I. Gevrey Hamiltonians", in which we gave a new construction of resonant normal forms with an exponentially small remainder for near-integrable Gevrey Hamiltonians at a quasi-periodic frequency, using a method of periodic approximations. In this second part we focus on finitely differentiable Hamiltonians, and we derive normal forms with a polynomially small remainder. As applications, we obtain a polynomially large upper bound on the stability time for the evolution of the action variables and a polynomially small upper bound on the splitting of invariant manifolds for hyperbolic tori.
Actualment el cotxe és un dels mitjans de transport més utilitzats,comportant problemes de trànsit i aparcament, contaminació acústica i ambiental i una important despesa econòmica. Ja fa uns anys, i davant d'aquesta nova realitat, va sorgir la idea del carpooling, un sistema de transport privat compartit protagonitzat per particulars i que pot esdevenir una molt bona alternativa de mobilitat sostenible. Tot i això, els projectes de carpooling són actualment poc dinàmics I majoritàriament acotats a portals web. Molt pocs disposen de portals adaptats adispositius mòbils i, encara menys, disposen d’aplicacions natives. Amb tot, avui en dia elsaparells mòbils, ja siguin smartphones o PDAs, obren un ventall de possibilitats encara noexplotat en aquest camp.Per altra banda, compartir un viatge amb algú desconegut i de qui no se’n tenenreferències és quelcom que ens fa sentir insegurs, però això es pot resoldre gràciesal trust i reputation, un sistema basat en les valoracions dels usuaris que ja han viscutl’experiència, i que per tant, ens permet conèixer la reputació i confiança de que disposaun usuari dins el sistema. A tots aquests punts, cal afegir-hi la importància que té avui endia rebre en tot moment una informació clara i actualitzada.Aquest projecte vol exprimir aquestes oportunitats donant una plataforma d’accésusable per aquesta mena de dispositius, per tal de que no hi hagi cap barrera per estarconnectat al sistema en qualsevol lloc i moment. A més a més, aquests terminals donen lapossibilitat de saber la seva localització en temps real, cosa que pot resultar molt útil per agent que comparteix viatges i que s’està movent d’un lloc a un altre.Així doncs, partint de totes aquestes possibilitats de millora, es van idear una sèried’estratègies per a un projecte de carpooling ja existent anomenat e-hitchhiking, dotant aaquest sistema d’una major comunicació, protecció i seguretat per a que l’experiència del’usuari sigui molt més gratificant, on a més, hi ha la possibilitat de rebre informaciótotalment veraç i actualitzada en certs dispositius mòbils.Per tant la motivació principal per dur a terme aquest projecte és, a part de lesesmentades anteriorment, la de dotar un sistema de compartició de vehicle d’un majordinamisme, més realisme, més fiabilitat i fer-lo més sociable. El sistema s’implanta oficialment al setembre del 2011 amb la creació de lacomunitat UdG
Nessie is an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) created by a team of students in the Heriot Watt University to compete in the Student Autonomous Underwater Competition, Europe (SAUC-E) in August 2006. The main objective of the project is to find the dynamic equation of the robot, dynamic model. With it, the behaviour of the robot will be easier to understand and movement tests will be available by computer without the need of the robot, what is a way to save time, batteries, money and the robot from water inside itself. The object of the second part in this project is setting a control system for Nessie by using the model
Aquest projecte s’ha portat a terme per tal de millorar en diferentsaspectes el motor Honda Gx35 , del vehicle de baix consum de la Universitat deGirona (Udg). Aquest és un motor de combustió interna de gasolina (cicle Otto).L’objectiu és el disseny d’una culata per poder minimitzar el consum de gasolina, la qual s’ha de poder acoblar amb el motor Honda Gx35. Aquest motor,prèviament s’haurà de modificar per poder-hi instal•lari la nova culata
El projecte es desenvolupa amb la intenció de millorar ell cotxe queparticipa, en nom de la Universitat de Girona, a la shell eco-marathon en lacategoria de prototips i amb gasolina com a combustible.El motiu principal que ha donat peu a aquest projecte és la realització d’unestudi aerodinàmic que ha desembocat en un disseny totalment nou de lageometria de la carrosseria. Aquest estudi i el disseny aerodinàmic de lacarrosseria obtingut es pot consultar al projecte titulat “Disseny i estudi del’aerodinàmica del vehicle àliga” de l’autor Albert Marron
Report submitted by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Iowa Department of Transportation to the General Assembly as required by Senate File 458, section 152, passed by the 2003 General Assembly and signed May 30, 2003.
Animals can often coordinate their actions to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. However, this can result in a social dilemma when uncertainty about the behavior of partners creates multiple fitness peaks. Strategies that minimize risk ("risk dominant") instead of maximizing reward ("payoff dominant") are favored in economic models when individuals learn behaviors that increase their payoffs. Specifically, such strategies are shown to be "stochastically stable" (a refinement of evolutionary stability). Here, we extend the notion of stochastic stability to biological models of continuous phenotypes at a mutation-selection-drift balance. This allows us to make a unique prediction for long-term evolution in games with multiple equilibria. We show how genetic relatedness due to limited dispersal and scaled to account for local competition can crucially affect the stochastically-stable outcome of coordination games. We find that positive relatedness (weak local competition) increases the chance the payoff dominant strategy is stochastically stable, even when it is not risk dominant. Conversely, negative relatedness (strong local competition) increases the chance that strategies evolve that are neither payoff nor risk dominant. Extending our results to large multiplayer coordination games we find that negative relatedness can create competition so extreme that the game effectively changes to a hawk-dove game and a stochastically stable polymorphism between the alternative strategies evolves. These results demonstrate the usefulness of stochastic stability in characterizing long-term evolution of continuous phenotypes: the outcomes of multiplayer games can be reduced to the generic equilibria of two-player games and the effect of spatial structure can be analyzed readily.
El projecte presenta el disseny d'un vehicle a motor elèctric construït sobre el sistema microcontrolador LPC1769 amb comunicacions sense fils via xarxes WiFi i detecció d'obstacles per sonar.
The riboregulator RsmY of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 is an example of small regulatory RNAs belonging to the global Rsm/Csr regulatory systems controlling diverse cellular processes such as glycogen accumulation, motility, or formation of extracellular products in various bacteria. By binding multiple molecules of the small regulatory protein RsmA, RsmY relieves the negative effect of RsmA on the translation of several target genes involved in the biocontrol properties of strain CHA0. RsmY and functionally related riboregulators have repeated GGA motifs predicted to be exposed in single-stranded regions, notably in the loops of hairpins. The secondary structure of RsmY was corroborated by in vivo cleavage with lead acetate. RsmY mutants lacking three or five (out of six) of the GGA motifs showed reduced ability to derepress the expression of target genes in vivo and failed to bind the RsmA protein efficiently in vitro. The absence of GGA motifs in RsmY mutants resulted in reduced abundance of these transcripts and in a shorter half-life (< or = 6 min as compared with 27 min for wild type RsmY). These results suggest that both the interaction of RsmY with RsmA and the stability of RsmY strongly depend on the GGA repeats and that the ability of RsmY to interact with small regulatory proteins such as RsmA may protect this RNA from degradation.
Background: With increasing computer power, simulating the dynamics of complex systems in chemistry and biology is becoming increasingly routine. The modelling of individual reactions in (bio)chemical systems involves a large number of random events that can be simulated by the stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA). The key quantity is the step size, or waiting time, τ, whose value inversely depends on the size of the propensities of the different channel reactions and which needs to be re-evaluated after every firing event. Such a discrete event simulation may be extremely expensive, in particular for stiff systems where τ can be very short due to the fast kinetics of some of the channel reactions. Several alternative methods have been put forward to increase the integration step size. The so-called τ-leap approach takes a larger step size by allowing all the reactions to fire, from a Poisson or Binomial distribution, within that step. Although the expected value for the different species in the reactive system is maintained with respect to more precise methods, the variance at steady state can suffer from large errors as τ grows. Results: In this paper we extend Poisson τ-leap methods to a general class of Runge-Kutta (RK) τ-leap methods. We show that with the proper selection of the coefficients, the variance of the extended τ-leap can be well-behaved, leading to significantly larger step sizes.Conclusions: The benefit of adapting the extended method to the use of RK frameworks is clear in terms of speed of calculation, as the number of evaluations of the Poisson distribution is still one set per time step, as in the original τ-leap method. The approach paves the way to explore new multiscale methods to simulate (bio)chemical systems.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the hemodynamic effects of L-canavanine (an inhibitor of inducible, but not of constitutive, nitric oxide synthase) in endotoxic shock. DESIGN: Controlled, randomized, experimental study. SETTING: Animal laboratory. SUBJECTS: Wistar rats. INTERVENTIONS: Rats were anesthetized with pentobarbital, and hemodynamically monitored. One hour after an intravenous challenge with 5 mg/kg of Escherichia coli endotoxin, the rats were randomized to receive a continuous infusion of either L-canavanine (20 mg/kg/hr; n = 8) or vehicle only (isotonic saline, n = 11). In all animals, the infusion was given over 5 hrs at a rate of 2 mL/kg/hr. These experiments were repeated in additional rats challenged with isotonic saline instead of endotoxin (sham experiments). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Arterial blood pressure, heart rate, thermodilution cardiac output, central venous pressure, mean systemic filling pressure, urine output, arterial blood gases, blood lactate concentration, and hematocrit were measured. In sham experiments, hemodynamic stability was maintained throughout and L-canavanine had no detectable effect. Animals challenged with endotoxin and not treated with L-canavanine developed progressive hypotension and low cardiac output. After 6 hrs of endotoxemia, both central venous pressure and mean systemic filling pressure were significantly below their baseline values, indicating relative hypovolemia as the main determinant of reduced cardiac output. In endotoxemic animals treated with L-canavanine, hypotension was less marked, while cardiac output, central venous pressure, and mean systemic filling pressure were maintained throughout the experiment. L-canavanine had no effect on the time-course of hematocrit. L-canavanine significantly increased urine output and reduced the severity of lactic acidosis. CONCLUSIONS: Six hours after an endotoxin challenge in rats, low cardiac output develops, which appears to be primarily related to relative hypovolemia. L-canavanine, a selective inhibitor of the inducible nitric oxide synthase, increases the mean systemic filling pressure, thereby improving venous return, under these conditions.