986 resultados para Testosterona, Hormones sexuals


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INTRODUCTION: The definition of subclinical hypothyroidism (SH) is an asymptomatic state in which free thyroxine (T4) is normal and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels are elevated. Its relationship with coronary disease is not clear and has been the subject of recent interest. Current evidence is conflicting and there is a lack of studies supported by coronary angiography. OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship between SH and the presence and extent of coronary disease diagnosed by angiography. METHODS: We prospectively studied 354 consecutive patients referred for elective coronary angiography. Those with known thyroid disease, documented coronary disease or previous myocardial infarction were excluded. Fasting blood specimens were collected to measure thyroid hormones, lipid profile, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, fibrinogen and NT-proBNP. Patients with SH were compared with those without to assess differences in clinical characteristics and biochemical and angiographic results. Significant coronary disease was defined as the presence of at least one lesion with > or = 50% luminal stenosis. Lesions with <50% stenosis were considered minimal. RESULTS: SH was diagnosed in 32 (9%) patients. Mean age was similar between the groups. There were more women (66% vs. 39%; p=0.003) and atrial fibrillation was more frequent (25% vs. 11%; p=0.016) in the group of patients with SH. There were no significant differences in the other baseline clinical parameters, and blood biochemistry results were similar in the two groups, with the exception of higher levels of NT-proBNP in SH patients, although without statistical significance. The angiographic results were as follows: significant coronary disease (SH 28.1% vs. non-SH 43.8%; p=0.087); three-vessel disease (9.4% vs. 9.9%; p=0.919); two-vessel disease (12.5% vs. 13.4%; p=0.892); single-vessel disease (6.3% vs. 29.5%; p=0.051); minimal lesions (9.4% vs. 10.9%; p=0.794); and no coronary disease (62.4% vs, 45.3%; p=0.064). CONCLUSION: In this population SH was not associated with the presence or extent of coronary disease diagnosed by coronary angiography.


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The present study was undertaken to assess the effect of the crude extract of Cleome droserifolia (CD) leaves on experimentally infected mice with Schistosoma mansoni. Two groups of mice, showing a patent infection of S. mansoni, one of them was daily treated with an alcoholic extract of CD leaves (0.31 g kg-1 body weight, i.p.) for 21 days. The schistosomicidal activity of the CD extract was evaluated, three weeks post-treatment, on some parasitological and histopathological aspects including worm load, oogram pattern, faecal eggs releasing and granuloma formation. In addition, serum thyroid hormones levels (tri-iodothyronine; T3 and tetra-iodo-thyronin; T4), serum total protein contents and hepatic reduced glutathione (GSH) were evaluated. Treatment using CD extract resulted in a weak reduction in worm burden (32.46%) and affected the viability of both mature and immature eggs as indicated by the increase in the percentage of dead eggs and the decrease in the percentage of live ones. In addition, a week post-treatment, eggs elimination was observed in the stool of the infected-treated group which was low compared to the infected group. There was a suppressive effect of the extract on granuloma formation that could be due to the antioxidant effect of the extract. These data are confirmed by increasing hepatic GSH, serum total proteins and thyroid hormone levels in the infected-treated group as compared to the infected group. Treatment significantly enhanced b globulin fractions of the protein. Based on these assumptions, CD extract has beneficial effects on thyroid hormones status and anti-schistosomiasis activity. The beneficial effects of CD extract could be related to its direct effects on the parasite, and secondary to its effect on the antioxidant capacity of the host. The present study could emphasize the precise mechanism (s) of CD extract protection.


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Introdução: O diagnóstico de Síndrome de Klinefelter é habitualmente tardio (na idade adulta), devido à paucidade de sintomas e amplo espectro clínico e fenotípico, e é frequentemente feito na sequência do estudo de causas de infertilidade. Volume testicular reduzido e azoospermia são as características clínicas mais prevalentes. Caso Clínico: Este artigo descreve o caso clínico de um homem de 40 anos de idade, saudável, que recorreu à consulta de Urologia por testículo esquerdo retráctil e doloroso. Na sequência da avaliação destas queixas foi feita uma ecografia escrotal que mostrou heterogeneidade e atrofia testicular, bem como imagem nodular do testículo direito. Analiticamente, tinha marcadores tumorais normais e o estudo hormonal mostrou diminuição do valor de testosterona e aumento de FSH e LH. Para além disso, o espermograma revelou azoospermia. Foi feita orquidopexia à esquerda e biopsia testicular que mostrou hipertrofia das células de Leydig, sem atipias. O cariótipo feito posteriormente mostrou presença de um cromossoma X supra-numerário em todas as células, compatível com diagnóstico de Síndrome de Klinefelter. Discussão e Conclusão: O estudo da infertilidade é frequentemente aquilo que conduz ao diagnóstico desta síndrome, caracterizada por diminuição das dimensões dos testículos, azoospermia, diminuição do valor sérico de testosterona e alteração do desenvolvimento sexual secundário. É importante o acompanhamento dos doentes para despiste de outras patologias que lhe estão associadas (neoplasia do testículo e da mama, osteoporose), tratamento com suplementação androgénica, quando indicado, e tratamento da infertilidade. Apesar da obtenção de resultados animadores em doentes com espermatozóides identificados na biópsia testicular, por extracção(TESE, testicular sperm extraction) e injecção intracitoplasmática de espermatozóides (ICSI, intracytoplasmic sperm injection), estes restringem-se apenas a alguns centros com experiência.


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Introduction: The 2D:4D digit ratio is sexually-dimorphic, probably due to testosterone action through the perinatal period. We characterize the 2D:4D ratio in newborn (NB) infants, in between the pre- and postnatal surges of testosterone, and relate it to the mother's 2D:4D and to testosterone levels in the amniotic fluid (AF). Subjects and methods: Testosterone was assayed in samples of maternal plasma and AF collected at amniocentesis. Shortly after birth, 106 NBs and their mothers were measured for 2D:4D ratio. Results: NB males had lower mean 2D:4D ratios than females but this dimorphism was significant only for the left hand (males: 0.927; females: 0.950; p=0.004). Mothers who had sons had lower 2D:4D ratios than those who had daughters and the mother's 2D:4D were higher than those of NBs regardless of sex. Both hands of NB females were negatively correlated with AF testosterone and positively correlated with the mother's 2D:4D, but males showed no significant associations. Maternal plasma testosterone also showed a negative weak correlation with NB's digit ratio in both sexes. Conclusions: Sexual dimorphism at birth was only significant for the left hand, in contrast with reports of greater right hand dimorphism, suggesting that postnatal testosterone is determinant for 2D:4D stabilization. The lower 2D:4D ratios in mothers who had sons support claims that hormone levels in parents are influential for determining their children's sex. NB female's digit ratio, but not males', was associated to the level of AF testosterone. The mother's 2D:4D ratios were positively correlated with their daughters' 2D:4D, but the same was not observed for male NBs, suggesting that prenatal testosterone levels in male fetus lead their 2D:4D ratios to stray from their mothers' with high individual variability.


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É de senso comum que os nutrientes são fundamentais à vida e que a subnutrição leva à acumulação de gorduras que pode chegar a casos de obesidade, tendo como consequência inúmeras complicações de saúde. Diferentes estruturas neuroanatómicas do cérebro têm um papel essencial no comportamento digestivo. A ação de várias moléculas de sinalização (hormonas, neurotransmissores e neuropéptidos) resulta na regulação da ingestão de alimentos, sendo que, por exemplo, algumas hormonas podem aumentar a sensação de saciedade podendo diminuir o apetite e a ingestão calórica. A descoberta de hormonas envolvidas no balanço energético proporcionou novas oportunidades para desenvolver meios para o tratamento da obesidade. A transferência de medicação antiobesidade por via tópica ou transdérmica é um desafio pois a pele funciona como uma barreira natural e protetora. Sendo uma barreira com uma grande área de superfície e de fácil acessibilidade, a pele tem potencial interesse na libertação de fármacos específicos a cada terapia. Vários métodos têm sido estudados de modo a permitir um aumento da permeabilidade de moléculas terapêuticas para o interior da pele e através da pele. As biotecnologias transdérmicas são um campo de interesse cada vez maior, devido as aplicações dérmicas e farmacêuticas que lhes estão subjacentes. Existem vários modelos computacionais e matemáticos em uso que permite uma visão mais abrangente de puros dados experimentais e até mesmo permite a extrapolação prática de novas metodologias de difusão dérmica. Contudo, eles compreendem uma complexa variedade de teorias e suposições que atribuem a sua utilização para situações específicas. Este trabalho, primeiramente analisa, de forma extensiva, as várias metodologias teóricas para o estudo da difusão dérmica e sistematiza as suas características, realizando depois a fase prévia duma nova abordagem computacional para o estudo da difusão dérmica, que determina características microscópicas de moléculas capazes de provocar a perda de peso, tais como a Leptina e/ou os seus agonistas.


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Os tumores ováricos secretores de androgénios são raros constituindo cerca de 1% de todas as neoplasias do ovário. Descreve-se o caso clínico de uma doente do sexo feminino, 67 anos de idade, que recorre à consulta por queixas de hirsutismo (score 23) e alopécia com padrão androgenético A avaliação laboratorial revelou níveis séricos elevados de testosterona. A ecografia ginecológica por via transvaginal permitiu identificar a presença de um nódulo sólido no ovário esquerdo com características imagiológicas sugestivas de malignidade pelo que, a doente foi submetida a ooforectomia bilateral. O exame histopatológico revelou a presença de células de Leydig. O seguimento clínico posterior da doente permitiu constatar melhoria do quadro clínico e normalização dos níveis séricos de testosterona.


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The quality of care can be improved by the development and implementation of evidence-based treatment guidelines. Different national guidelines for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exist in Europe and relevant differences may exist among them.This was an evaluation of COPD treatment guidelines published in Europe and Russia in the past 7 years. Each guideline was reviewed in detail and information about the most important aspects of patient diagnosis, risk stratification and pharmacotherapy was extracted following a standardised process. Guidelines were available from the Czech Republic, England and Wales, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain and Sweden. The treatment goals, criteria for COPD diagnosis, consideration of comorbidities in treatment selection and support for use of long-acting bronchodilators, were similar across treatment guidelines. There were differences in measures used for stratification of disease severity, consideration of patient phenotypes, criteria for the use of inhaled corticosteroids and recommendations for other medications (e.g. theophylline and mucolytics) in addition to bronchodilators.There is generally good agreement on treatment goals, criteria for diagnosis of COPD and use of long-acting bronchodilators as the cornerstone of treatment among guidelines for COPD management in Europe and Russia. However, there are differences in the definitions of patient subgroups and other recommended treatments.


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Diabetic macular oedema (DMO) is a leading cause of vision loss in the working-age population worldwide. Corticosteroid drugs have been demonstrated to inhibit the expression of both the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) gene and other anti-inflammatory mediators, such as prostaglandins. Triamcinolone, fluocinolone and dexamethasone are the main steroids that have been studied for the treatment of macular oedema. Over the last few years, several studies have suggested an important role for dexamethasone in the management of DMO. The dexamethasone intravitreal implant (DEX implant) (Ozurdex®; Allergan, Inc., Irvine, CA) is a novel approach approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and by the EU for the intravitreal treatment of macular oedema after branch or central retinal vein occlusion, and for the treatment of non-infectious uveitis affecting the posterior segment of the eye. We reviewed manuscripts that had investigated the pharmacokinetics, efficacy and safety of the DEX implant regarding DMO treatment.


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OBJECTIVE: Mutations of the PROP1 gene lead to combined pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD), which is characterized by a deficiency of GH, TSH, LH/FSH, PRL and, less frequently, ACTH. This study was undertaken to investigate the molecular defect in a cohort of patients with CPHD. DESIGN, PATIENTS AND MEASUREMENTS: A multicentric study involving 46 cases of CPHD (17 familial cases belonging to seven kindreds and 29 sporadic cases) selected on the basis of clinical and hormonal evidence of GH deficiency, central hypothyroidism and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, in the absence of an identified cause of hypopituitarism. Mutations of PROP1 were investigated by DNA sequencing. Clinical, hormonal and neuroradiological data were collected at each centre. RESULTS: PROP1 mutations were identified in all familial cases: five kindreds presented a c. 301-302delAG mutation, one kindred presented a c. 358C --> T (R120C) mutation and one presented a previously unreported initiation codon mutation, c. 2T --> C. Of the 29 sporadic cases, only two (6.9%) presented PROP1 germline mutations (c. 301-302delAG, in both). Phenotypic variability was observed among patients with the same mutations, particularly the presence and age of onset of hypocortisolism, the levels of PRL and the results of pituitary imaging. One patient presented a sellar mass that persisted into adulthood. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of a mutation in the initiation codon of the PROP1 gene and this further expands the spectrum of known mutations responsible for CPHD. The low mutation frequency observed in sporadic cases may be due to the involvement of other unidentified acquired or genetic causes.


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Combined pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD) has an incidence of approximately 1 in 8000 births. Although the proportion of familial CPHD cases is unknown, about 10% have an affected first degree relative. We have recently reported three mutations in the PROP1 gene that cause CPHD in human subjects. We report here the frequency of one of these mutations, a 301-302delAG deletion in exon 2 of PROP1, in 10 independently ascertained CPHD kindreds and 21 sporadic cases of CPHD from 8 different countries. Our results show that 55% (11 of 20) of PROP1 alleles have the 301-302delAG deletion in familial CPHD cases. Interestingly, although only 12% (5 of 42) of the PROP1 alleles of our 21 sporadic cases were 301-302delAG, the frequency of this allele (in 20 of 21 of the sporadic subjects given TRH stimulation tests) was 50% (3 of 6) and 0% (0 of 34) in the CPHD cases with pituitary and hypothalamic defects, respectively. Using whole genome radiation hybrid analysis, we localized the PROP1 gene to the distal end of chromosome 5q and identified a tightly linked polymorphic marker, D5S408, which can be used in segregation studies. Analysis of this marker in affected subjects with the 301-302delAG deletion suggests that rather than being inherited from a common founder, the 301-302delAG may be a recurring mutation.


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An infrequent but devastating late complication of Fontan circulation is protein-losing enteropathy (PLE), which results from unbalanced lymphatic homeostasis. Surgical decompression of the thoracic duct by redirecting its drainage to the pulmonary venous atrium has been introduced recently as a possible treatment. This report describes a single-institution experience with this innovative procedure in 2 patients with failing Fontan circulation with PLE refractory to optimized medical therapy.


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RESUMO: Esta dissertação pretende apresentar uma proposta para um programa de Controlo de Qualidade interno das hormonas tiroideias, segundo as boas práticas da qualidade. Para que se comprove o rigor e fiabilidade dos seus resultados analíticos, condição indispensável para que estes possam servir de base às mais diversas tomadas de decisão, toda a filosofia que envolve a qualidade assume um papel preponderante. Neste contexto a elaboração de um programa de controlo de qualidade adequado é muito importante e imprescindível. A realização do controlo de qualidade permite monitorizar o desempenho de todos os materiais, equipamentos, instrumentos e métodos analíticos bem como criar sinais de alerta para prevenir a emissão de resultados não-conformes e indicar a necessidade de ações corretivas. Permite também indicar a necessidade de melhorias em processos e em atividades ligadas aos operadores e consciencializar o pessoal de que o controlo da qualidade é um dever para com o cliente e tem a função de gerar confiança nos resultados obtidos. O controlo de qualidade interno abrange todos os procedimentos assumidos por um laboratório para avaliação contínua do seu trabalho. A sua finalidade é assegurar a consistência dos resultados diários e a sua conformidade com critérios definidos, avaliando a precisão dos ensaios e dando indicação do momento para se promoverem ações corretivas quando surge uma não conformidade. Segundo as melhores práticas da qualidade, serão calculados os valores do controlo de qualidade interno para as hormonas tiroideias, os seus limites e critérios (regras) de aceitabilidade, com base na relação entre o desempenho analítico e o Erro Máximo Admissível. Pretende-se assim, otimizar o desempenho do Controlo de Qualidade Interno, aperfeiçoando a capacidade de identificação do erro.-------- ABSTRACT: This paper intends to submit a proposal for a thyroid hormones internal quality Control program, according to the best quality practices. The whole philosophy involving quality plays a central role in order to prove the accuracy and reliability of the analytical results, a basic prerequisite for decision making. In this context the elaboration of an appropriate quality control program is essential and very important. Quality control allows the motorization of the performance of all materials, equipment, instruments and analytical methods, as well as the creation of warning signals indicating the need for corrective actions, to prevent the release of non-compliant results. It also indicates the need for improvements in the processes and operating activities as well as making the staff aware that quality control is a duty to the client and promotes confidence in the results. The internal quality control covers all procedures undertaken by a laboratory for a continuous evaluation of its performance. Its purpose is to ensure the consistency of the daily results and compliance with defined criteria, assessing the accuracy of the tests and indicating the moment to promote corrective actions when nonconformity appears. According to the best quality practices, the values of the internal quality control for the thyroid hormones, their limits and criteria (rules) of acceptability will be calculated, based on the relationship between analytical performance and the maximum allowable error. Thus, the aim is to optimize the performance of the Internal Quality Control, improving the ability for error detection and identification.