999 resultados para SEXUALIDADE FEMININA


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O Projeto ´Grupo de Discussões sobre Sexualidade, Gênero e Mídia´ foi baseado na importância de dialogar sobre como os temas Sexualidade e gênero são representados nos meios de comunicação. Os participantes foram dez estudantes universitários dos cursos de Psicologia e Comunicação (Jornalismo, Rádio e Televisão, Relações Públicas e Design). O objetivo foi propiciar um espaço de diálogo entre as áreas de Psicologia e Comunicação, com discussões sobre pesquisas acadêmicas e materiais midiáticos, com discussões e reflexões que contribuíssem para a formação dos estudantes destas áreas. Foram 17 encontros semanais, com a duração de uma hora e meia, realizados em uma sala de uma Clínica de Psicologia universitária. As principais discussões versaram sobre como a mídia produz e reproduz padrões normativos, estereótipos, preconceitos e uma compreensão repressiva da sexualidade e do gênero, pensando juntos sobre formas possíveis de abordar o tema considerando a pluralidade, a diversidade e a multiplicidade da sexualidade humana. Buscou-se também refletir sobre o processo de construção dos produtos midiáticos e a importância dos profissionais que trabalham com o tema refletirem a respeito da própria história de educação sexual, a trajetória pessoal e profissional e o quanto as próprias experiências, concepções, valores e também preconce


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The present study aimed to know the training and guidance for managers and teachers in sexuality, in order to ascertain whether there was a demand for a training course covering these topics. The participants of this study of the qualitative and quantitative nature were managers and teachers of a municipality in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, more precisely 40 professionals who were invited to participate in a study by answering a questionnaire with semi-enclosed 20 questions. The purpose of this instrument was to know their training and information on sexuality. In general, in various questions about the trajectory of these professionals, contained in the questionnaire, it was evident the lack of training in sexuality and related issues, denouncing the training demand in this area. Considering this, it was developed and implemented a training course on sexuality for these professionals, which was conceived to treat different subjects in order to instigate in them a rethinking about the importance of sex education in the school environment. The results obtained so far show the mobilization of them in order to implement the proposed sex education in the school where they are working. Anyway, we know that there is much to do considering contributing in training of sexuality education, but this initiative shows that it necessary to provide more opportunities for initial and continuing education for these professionals.


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This article aims at the application of semiotic theory of French line to soap advertisements publicized in the magazine O Cruzeiro in the year 1949. Our objective is to reconstruct the women’s figure present in these texts and to establish its relation to the persuasion of the reader who is led to acquire not only the products, but mainly the values hidden in the announced objects. From the theory we use the generative course of meaning, focusing on the discourse level and assimilating the consumption axiologies proposed by each advertisement. Finally, we intend to assimilate the standard behavior of that society post-Second World War.


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The present study aimed to identify the conceptions of students of a Pedagogy course about infantile sexuality and gender relations, checking the needs that they appointed concerning studies about sexuality and sex education in their graduation. Using this information, the authors implemented an interventional course. The instruments used for data collection were two questionnaires. 342 students participated in the first phase of the study, corresponding to the completion of the questionnaire. 38 people participated on the second step – applying the course. The issues they indicated as necessary in their course were: sexuality, sex education, child sexuality, sexual abuse, adolescence and sexuality and disability. Finally, the results of the course were very satisfactory, however, reveals how much we still need to do for training professionals to implement the work of sex education in the school context.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Besides producing a vast literary work, Angela Carter (1940-1992) participated of the screenplay’s production for two movies based on her books, The Company of Wolves and The Magic Toyshop. Either through the influence that cinema had in her life or through the very own style of her writing, the relation of the British author with the seventh art is visible. Considering the importance of significations in literary works, this paper proposes a comparative study between Angela Carter’s The Magic Toyshop (1967) and the film of the same title, based on Carter’s novel, directed by David Wheatley and produced by Granada Television, in 1987. Based on Tania Carvalhal’s conception about intertextuality and film theories, the focus of this paper is the gender study, since its ideology is subscribed, represented and reproduced in every cultural practice, including literature and cinema. The characters construction in both cases, especially the female characters, is filled with symbols which are going to bring the film closer to the literary work and contribute to express the critics suggested in the work’s leading: the complaint to the patriarchal system. However, given the different nature of each work, it is necessary to stress that this present comparison doesn’t intend to establish a total identification between novel and film, but to set a dialogue between both, observing the approximation and distance of these two instances.


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In this research, we discuss important aspects related to the scope of the adult female prostitution in a municipality located in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. We rely on the theoretical contributions provided by the Cultural Studies, the Queer Theory and other aspects referenced by gender studies, by sexualities and other subjective processes, in parallel with the analysis of the reported life stories of two women linked to the context of commercial sexual practice in the studied city. From the presented informations, we observed multiple stories of women in the process of resistance to some standards of femininity, and come to the conclusion that the economic factor is not always preponderant for the entry/residence in female commercial sex practice, especially today, when relationships tend be established by the confluence of multiple interests.


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This article is part of a master's degree dissertation that studied the way as stigmas and stereotypes regarding lesbianity influence the life, in the sphere of the sexuality, of women that denominate themselves as lesbians, resident in a city in the interior of the State of São Paulo. The stigma here analyzed is that lesbians are women that frustrated with men. We tried to show, through the narratives of the research s participants and basing on gender and feminist studies, how the heteronormativist system naturalizes the masculinity to the men and the sexuality in the masculinity, and how it legitimates speeches about lesbian woman through the heterosexual referential. Also, we tried to show some strategies of the biopoder for the maintenance of that system and, starting from interviews in depth, we presented how the participants of the research (lesbian women) make speeches on that stigma and how they re-significate it through their own narratives. That research was financed by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo FAPESP, and accomplished by the Pos-Graduation Program of the Universidade Estadual Paulista Campus of Assis-SP.Key words: Gender. Sexuality. Lesbianity. Heteronormativity.


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Using a questionnaire for quantitative and qualitative analysis, this descriptive study investigated the opinion of 451 teachers about sexuality and sexual education of students with intellectual disabilities. The majority (94.2%) perceives the sexuality of their students with intellectual disabilities, identifies their desire to date (38.3%), occurrence of questions (35.8%), sexual games and masturbation (19.6%) and the inappropriate behavior (6.3%); before that, they have positive feelings (37.5%) and negative (53.8%). Teachers believe they can contribute to the sexual education of their students (87.8%), however, they considered necessary the own training (39.9%) or the support of the school and the family (24.4%). It is important to invest in continuous training in sexual education for teachers working in inclusive schools.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The authors present data obtained from the analysis of a questionnaire regarding sexuality among 1,437 adolescent students in the Botucatu municipal district. The student's age varied from 15 to 19 years. The results demonstrate the evolving characteristics of the student's sexuality and suggest that sexual orientation and guidance should be part of the child and adolescent educational process. The authors pointed out that the members of Health care team should stimulate the discussion of sexuality while providing medical advice.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR