972 resultados para Quasi-1D confinement


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Radiotherapy has shown some efficacy for epilepsies but the insufficient confinement of the radiation dose to the pathological target reduces its indications. Synchrotron-generated X-rays overcome this limitation and allow the delivery of focalized radiation doses to discrete brain volumes via interlaced arrays of microbeams (IntMRT). Here, we used IntMRT to target brain structures involved in seizure generation in a rat model of absence epilepsy (GAERS). We addressed the issue of whether and how synchrotron radiotherapeutic treatment suppresses epileptic activities in neuronal networks. IntMRT was used to target the somatosensory cortex (S1Cx), a region involved in seizure generation in the GAERS. The antiepileptic mechanisms were investigated by recording multisite local-field potentials and the intracellular activity of irradiated S1Cx pyramidal neurons in vivo. MRI and histopathological images displayed precise and sharp dose deposition and revealed no impairment of surrounding tissues. Local-field potentials from behaving animals demonstrated a quasi-total abolition of epileptiform activities within the target. The irradiated S1Cx was unable to initiate seizures, whereas neighboring non-irradiated cortical and thalamic regions could still produce pathological oscillations. In vivo intracellular recordings showed that irradiated pyramidal neurons were strongly hyperpolarized and displayed a decreased excitability and a reduction of spontaneous synaptic activities. These functional alterations explain the suppression of large-scale synchronization within irradiated cortical networks. Our work provides the first post-irradiation electrophysiological recordings of individual neurons. Altogether, our data are a critical step towards understanding how X-ray radiation impacts neuronal physiology and epileptogenic processes.


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Efficient image blurring techniques based on the pyramid algorithm can be implemented on modern graphics hardware; thus, image blurring with arbitrary blur width is possible in real time even for large images. However, pyramidal blurring methods do not achieve the image quality provided by convolution filters; in particular, the shape of the corresponding filter kernel varies locally, which potentially results in objectionable rendering artifacts. In this work, a new analysis filter is designed that significantly reduces this variation for a particular pyramidal blurring technique. Moreover, the pyramidal blur algorithm is generalized to allow for a continuous variation of the blur width. Furthermore, an efficient implementation for programmable graphics hardware is presented. The proposed method is named “quasi-convolution pyramidal blurring” since the resulting effect is very close to image blurring based on a convolution filter for many applications.


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In this article, we develop the a priori and a posteriori error analysis of hp-version interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for strongly monotone quasi-Newtonian fluid flows in a bounded Lipschitz domain Ω ⊂ ℝd, d = 2, 3. In the latter case, computable upper and lower bounds on the error are derived in terms of a natural energy norm, which are explicit in the local mesh size and local polynomial degree of the approximating finite element method. A series of numerical experiments illustrate the performance of the proposed a posteriori error indicators within an automatic hp-adaptive refinement algorithm.


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The Earth's bow shock is very efficient in accelerating ions out of the incident solar wind distribution to high energies (≈ 200 keV/e). Fluxes of energetic ions accelerated at the quasi-parallel bow shock, also known as diffuse ions, are best represented by exponential spectra in energy/charge, which require additional assumptions to be incorporated into these model spectra. One of these assumptions is a so-called "free escape boundary" along the interplanetary magnetic field into the upstream direction. Locations along the IBEX orbit are ideally suited for in situ measurements to investigate the existence of an upstream free escape boundary for bow shock accelerated ions. In this study we use 2 years of ion measurements from the background monitor on the IBEX spacecraft, supported by ACE solar wind observations. The IBEX Background Monitor is sensitive to protons > 14 keV, which includes the energy of the maximum flux for diffuse ions. With increasing distance from the bow shock along the interplanetary magnetic field, the count rates for diffuse ions stay constant for ions streaming away from the bow shock, while count rates for diffuse ions streaming toward the shock gradually decrease from a maximum value to ~1/e at distances of about 10 RE to 14 RE. These observations of a gradual decrease support the transition to a free escape continuum for ions of energy >14 keV at distances from 10 RE to 14 RE from the bow shock.


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We investigate the simple harmonic oscillator in a 1-d box, and the 2-d isotropic harmonic oscillator problem in a circular cavity with perfectly reflecting boundary conditions. The energy spectrum has been calculated as a function of the self-adjoint extension parameter. For sufficiently negative values of the self-adjoint extension parameter, there are bound states localized at the wall of the box or the cavity that resonate with the standard bound states of the simple harmonic oscillator or the isotropic oscillator. A free particle in a circular cavity has been studied for the sake of comparison. This work represents an application of the recent generalization of the Heisenberg uncertainty relation related to the theory of self-adjoint extensions in a finite volume.