853 resultados para Perguntas abertas e fechadas
The objective of this research is to understand whether the mathematics lessons teachers use ICT and how they see their use. For this, we prepared a questionnaire with four questions for the subjects of our research, which are ex - students of Bachelor in Mathematics FEG / UNESP, in exercise of the profession. The questionnaire data were analyzed following the procedures of phenomenological research. This approach enabled us to draw up three open categories. The first Recourse to boost student learning and school, leads us to interpret that for the interviewees, ICT resources are leading students to do research making them responsible for their learning and providing them with conditions respond the issues raised by the teacher, which generates greater interactivity. The second, Possibility to use software related to mathematical content shows that the subject sees ICT as resources that allow the study of mathematical content, especially geometry and functions, so that student learning is leverage. The third, Obstacles to the use of technology in the classroom shows that even if the subjects recognize the importance of ICT use, they do not use it as often as they would like because of the difficulties that are related to infrastructure and didactic and pedagogical conditions
Poucos são os professores que tiveram a oportunidade de vivenciar em sua formação atividades envolvendo a construção de mapas conceituais. Essa ferramenta, elaborada e difundida por Joseph Novak na década de 70, é de fundamental importância para a organização de elementos necessários à aprendizagem, pois possibilita ao aluno articular ideias e associar novas informações a conhecimentos estudados anteriormente permitindo ao professor utilizá-lo também como um importante instrumento na avaliação da aprendizagem. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a concepção dos professores do Ensino Fundamental sobre a utilização dos mapas conceituais como forma de organizar, avaliar e facilitar a aprendizagem dos alunos, bem como verificar quantos os utilizam em sua prática pedagógica. Para a realização do estudo, foram feitas pesquisa bibliográfica, buscando fundamentação teórico-metodológica e pesquisa de campo descritiva com aplicação de questionário aos professores de seis escolas municipais dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental no município de Bauru, com perguntas fechadas de múltipla escolha, para levantar informações acerca do conhecimento dos professores sobre o assunto. Após o questionário, foi realizado o acompanhamento das aulas de um dos participantes para observar, descrever, analisar e discutir a metodologia adotada na realização do seu trabalho. Para a análise e a interpretação dos dados coletados, foi empregada abordagem qualiquantitativa e extraíram-se inferências dos resultados. Os resultados indicam que ainda é incipiente a aplicabilidade dos mapas conceituais nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Sugerimos que este tema seja abordado em cursos de Formação continuada dos docentes
Este estudo, de natureza quantitativa, investigou alguns fatores psicológicos que podem existir na prática regular de atividade física para praticantes de musculação em academias, como: motivação, vergonha e ansiedade. Foi investigado também quando a prática do exercício físico se torna doença chamada de Síndrome de Adonis ou vigorexia. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido por revisão de literatura e um questionário contendo perguntas fechadas. O estudo foi realizado por 24 indivíduos, sendo 12 do sexo masculino e 12 do sexo feminino, com idades variando de 16 a 40 anos, freqüentadores de uma academia na cidade de Rio Claro, no estado de São Paulo. Esse trabalho foi realizado em duas etapas. A primeira etapa constatou uma revisão de literatura sobre academia, musculação, aderência, estados emocionais e vigorexia. Na segunda etapa foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa exploratória através da aplicação de um questionário anônimo com 10 questões fechadas, entregue aleatoriamente aos 24 indivíduos de ambos os sexos. O estudo de caráter quantitativo teve como objetivo identificar a ocorrência dos estados já mencionados na academia, fazer a comparação entre os dois sexos e sugerir ao professor alguma forma de atuação para o desenvolvimento emocional do aluno. Os dados observados mostraram que os professores de academia devem desenvolver um trabalho visando às emoções e sensações vivenciadas pelos alunos de musculação. Este trabalho será importante para melhorar a motivação e a performance, aprimorando a socialização, bem estar, e saúde gerando satisfação pessoal e aumento da qualidade de vida.
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
The increasing number of gyms and their patrons increasingly concerned about the health, appearance and aesthetics propagated by the media and the supply of ergogenic both food as hormonal some without proof of its effects generated interest for the study of consumption of such ergogenic goers by academies of Bauru/SP; objective was also to assess whether the Physical Education professionals are prepared to guide properly, such as the use of these goers ergogenic. To this end, a questionnaire specific to each category was used, to be answered voluntarily and anonymously, with closed and open questions divided into two parts: one for socio demographic characterization and another in which were discussed issues regarding the use/orientation ergogenic. The research involved a sample of 12 academies and 205 attendees, including 152 men (74.15%) and 53 (25.85) women. Among men, 61.18% (n=93) did use ergogenic(s) food(s), while among women, this percentage was 33.96% (n=18). Regarding the use of hormonal resources, only 4.61% (n=7) of men said they used; there were no cases of women using hormonal resources. Were also interviewed 19 assessors/trainers/teachers, two which fifteen (15) men and four (4) women. Most consumers of ergogenic: (1) is understood in the age group 21-30 years and the socioeconomic classification bands called B1 and B2; (2) practice bodybuilding and consumption ergogenic resources with purpose of muscular hypertrophy; (3) practicing bodybuilding for a period between 1 and 5 years, consumes ergogenic(s) for a period less than one year, and perhaps the most significant event, starts the consumption of ergogenic(s) in a period of less than one year after starting the practice of bodybuilding, and that there are consumers who start consuming ergogenic as soon begin the practice of bodybuilding; (4) has as its main source of indication for the use of ergogenic, the gym instructor, among which, some respondents reported...
This study presents a new treatment technique, that uses TMA archwires with standardized curvatures, associated to intermaxillary elastics, that can do both offer satisfactory results in short period of the treatment time in the open bites cases and in the finishing procedures of the orthodontic treatment.
Aim: observe the knowledge of dental caries and periodontal disease of primary schoolteachers, according to type of institution (public and private) from Araraquara city. methodology: for that participants were 113 teachers from public schools and 57 from private schools. The instrument of analysis was based on a questionnaire with closed and open questions concerning the etiology, prevention and development of dental caries and periodontal disease. Results: 97,3% of public ́s schoolteachers and 91,2% of private ́s schoolteachers answered that they knows what is dental caries, but they didn ́t answer correctly about the caries etiology as being multifactorial and about methods of prevention. Both of schoolteachers (public and private) had more sucessful when answered about bacterial plaque than periodontal disease and yours manifestation. Conclusion: the dental knowledge of schoolteachers in public and private school was evaluated and limited educational programs should be directed to both public and private schoolteachers, in order to increase the level of dental knowledge of them, so that they can act as educational agents with the children.
The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge level on oral health promotion for babies of all mothers (n=60), aged 18-42 years, assisted in the Preventive Dentistry Clinic of the Faculty of Araraquara, at Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), during the period 2005-2008. Methods - An interview was performed using a questionnaire with 18 open and five closed questions about knowledge and practices related to caries prevention as well as demographic information. Methods - The majority believed that breast milk does not cause caries (73,3%), that caries is not a transmissible disease (51,6%) and that anatibiotics cause caries (63,3%). Almost all mothers (93,3%) responded that brushing teeth could prevent the disease, action that should be initiated since first tooth erupts (75%). For 73,3% of the respondents, the use of dental floss should be initiated onle after all deciduous teeth erupt. Results - The majority (83,3%) knew what was fluoride, but a third of them (33,3%) did not know the best time to start using it. The dentist counseling related to oral health of babies was considered imoprtant by 96,7% of mothers. Conslusion - The mothers presented good knowledge about baby's oral hygiene, however, they did not know about other important variables for oral health promotin of babies.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
According to current legislation, is part of the Target of Special Education, students with high abilities/giftedness (HA/G). However, it appears that there are few studies on efficiency and effectiveness of diverse pedagogical practice for students with these characteristics. With increasing globalization, are multiplied opportunities for transnational education programs and educational services, particularly through the Internet, increasing the need for information services and accreditation of institutions and educational programs. This study aims to: a) develop a website containing information on high abilities/giftedness; b) evaluate the design of teachers on applicability of the site; c) analyze the contributions posted on the site. Therefore, it was available to the participants of this research produced site. Consisted on the site, among other information, those relating to HA/G indicators. Was sent a questionnaire via the Internet, with nine closed questions and two open, to 2000 teachers, registered in the database Improvement Course in Educational Practices Inclusive conducted by UNESP, under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Vera Lucia Messias Fialho Capellini. Data were considering frequency responses. For the treatment we used the Google Docs. As result Program Observed how teachers are lacking this subject deserves further Top depth. Concerning the site he was Considered by the participants as a support tool to the teacher, Which helps to identify and recognition of Individuals with HA/G and contributes to information, training and practical pedagogical way. This, is expected to Contribute to the dissemination of this issue in society as well as the Possibility of Minimizing the myths about this population, since such myths exist due to the lack of information
This study aims to investigate the design of elementary school teachers on the use of concept maps as way to organize, assess and facilitate student learning and see how many use them in their practice. For the study, literature search were made, seeking theoretical and methodological and descriptive field research with a questionnaire to teachers from six public schools of the early years of elementary school in the city of Bauru, closed questions with multiple choice to gather information about teacher’s knowledge about the subject.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
This study aims to understand if intellectual work provides conditions for the emergence of psychic suffering inuniversity teachers in a public institution of higher education. Use is made of the philosophical assumptions ofhistorical materialism, work as a category of nuclear analysis of human phenomena, and also the categories ofalienated labor and intellectual work. It also refers to mental illnesses as a social production. The research subjectswere teachers with contracts of employment in exclusive dedication (RDIDP). It is used as an instrument for datacollection, a questionnaire with closed and opened questions of opinative character. Responses were categorized andanalyzed qualitatively and had not intention of giving statistical data. However, in order to better display, the samepercentage of the sample are presented, among which one third (29.6%) have some health problem after enteringuniversity. Of those, 15,5% are related to the organization of work, 5,6% to the working conditions, 2,8%concomitantly to the conditions and the organization of work. The results indicate that the organization of work in apublic university has shown itself as a space of psychic suffering, but also of alienation.
This study examined the newly graduated in pedagogy teachers' perceptions of current school administration concepts and practices. It is an exploratory research study with questionnaire using Likert scale closed-ended questions. The results indicate an emphasis on the official view of the school administration and the sharing of responsibilities as a democratic basis. It is concluded that the respondents have basic perceptions, little criticism on the school administration, reproducing, often a government and media discourse on the subject.