382 resultados para NVIDIA Jetson K1


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Estudou-se atraves de um experimento em blocos ao acaso, os efeitos de quatro niveis de nitrogenio, em diferentes condicoes de umidade, sobre os estagios de crescimento, embonecamento, formacao de graos e prdutividade do milho (Zea mays L.) e as relacoes entre a produtividade e os tres primeiros estagios. Os fatores da resposta de producaobaseados na equacao de Doorenbos e Kassam variaram acentuadamente, nao so com os diferentes estatios de crescimento, mas tambem com diferentes niveis de nitrogenio e os diferentes niveis de agua. Assim, esta equacao nao pareceu ser valida para explicar a resposta de produtividade a niveis de agua. Sugeriu-se um equacao linear modificada. Nesta equacao, a intercessao K1 e inclinacao K2 sao os fatores da resposta de producao. Estes fatores para a cultura do milho foram desenvolvidos para todos os quatro estagios de crescimento e nveis de nitrogenio. Pode-se obter uma eficiencia media do uso de agua, em termos de produtividade, de, aproximadamente, 57,5 kg/ha-cm de agua, sendo, contudo, pequeno o incremento, em face dos niveis crescentes de nitrogenio aplicado ate 120 kg/ha. Os coeficientes de cutura (Kc) calculados estao muito abaixo da estimativa da FAO, para todos os niveis de nitrogenio. Por essa razao, deve haver consideravel economica de agua se estes coeficientes forem usados em lugar da estimativa da FAO. A informacao mostradapode imediatamente ser utilizada para turno de irrigacao e para projetos de irrigacao suplementar planejado para as condicoes doe Nordeste do Brasil.


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En el campo de la medicina clínica es crucial poder determinar la seguridad y la eficacia de los fármacos actuales y además acelerar el descubrimiento de nuevos compuestos activos. Para ello se llevan a cabo ensayos de laboratorio, que son métodos muy costosos y que requieren mucho tiempo. Sin embargo, la bioinformática puede facilitar enormemente la investigación clínica para los fines mencionados, ya que proporciona la predicción de la toxicidad de los fármacos y su actividad en enfermedades nuevas, así como la evolución de los compuestos activos descubiertos en ensayos clínicos. Esto se puede lograr gracias a la disponibilidad de herramientas de bioinformática y métodos de cribado virtual por ordenador (CV) que permitan probar todas las hipótesis necesarias antes de realizar los ensayos clínicos, tales como el docking estructural, mediante el programa BINDSURF. Sin embargo, la precisión de la mayoría de los métodos de CV se ve muy restringida a causa de las limitaciones presentes en las funciones de afinidad o scoring que describen las interacciones biomoleculares, e incluso hoy en día estas incertidumbres no se conocen completamente. En este trabajo abordamos este problema, proponiendo un nuevo enfoque en el que las redes neuronales se entrenan con información relativa a bases de datos de compuestos conocidos (proteínas diana y fármacos), y se aprovecha después el método para incrementar la precisión de las predicciones de afinidad del método de CV BINDSURF.


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After a decade evolving in the High Performance Computing arena, GPU-equipped supercomputers have con- quered the top500 and green500 lists, providing us unprecedented levels of computational power and memory bandwidth. This year, major vendors have introduced new accelerators based on 3D memory, like Xeon Phi Knights Landing by Intel and Pascal architecture by Nvidia. This paper reviews hardware features of those new HPC accelerators and unveils potential performance for scientific applications, with an emphasis on Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC) and High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) used by commercial products according to roadmaps already announced.


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Keratins are cytoskeletal proteins that hierarchically arrange into filaments, starting with the dimer sub-unit. They are integral to the structural support of cells, in skin, hair and nails. In skin, keratin is thought to play a critical role in conferring the barrier properties and elasticity of skin. In general, the keratin dimer is broadly described by a tri-domain structure: a head, a central rod and a tail. As yet, no atomistic-scale picture of the entire dimer structure exists; this information is pivotal for establishing molecular-level connections between structure and function in intermediate filament proteins. The roles of the head and tail domains in facilitating keratin filament assembly and function remain as open questions. To address these, we report results of molecular dynamics simulations of the entire epithelial human K1/K10 keratin dimer. Our findings comprise: (1) the first three-dimensional structural models of the complete dimer unit, comprising of the head, rod and tail domains; (2) new insights into the chirality of the rod-domain twist gained from analysis of the full domain structure; (3) evidence for tri-subdomain partitioning in the head and tail domains; and, (4) identification of the residue characteristics that mediate non-covalent contact between the chains in the dimer. Our findings are immediately applicable to other epithelial keratins, such as K8/K18 and K5/K14, and to intermediate filament proteins in general.


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Forbidden disulfides are stressed disulfides found in recognisable protein contexts previously defined as structurally forbidden. The torsional strain of forbidden disulfides is typically higher than for structural disulfides, but not so high as to render them immediately susceptible to reduction under physionormal conditions. The meta-stability of forbidden disulfides makes them likely candidates as redox switches. Here we mined the Protein Data Bank for examples of the most common forbidden disulfide, the aCSDn. This is a canonical motif in which disulfide-bonded cysteine residues are positioned directly opposite each other on adjacent anti-parallel β-strands such that the backbone hydrogen bonded moieties are directed away from each other. We grouped these aCSDns into homologous clusters and performed an extensive physicochemical and informatic analysis of the examples found. We estimated their torsional energies using quantum chemical calculations and studied differences between the preferred conformations of the computational model and disulfides found in solved protein structures to understand the interaction between the forces imposed by the disulfide linkage and typical constraints of the surrounding β-sheet. In particular, we assessed the twisting, shearing and buckling of aCSDn-containing β-sheets, as well as the structural and energetic relaxation when hydrogen bonds in the motif are broken. We show the strong preference of aCSDns for the right-handed staple conformation likely arises from its compatibility with the twist, shear and Cα separation of canonical β-sheet. The disulfide can be accommodated with minimal distortion of the sheet, with almost all the strain present as torsional strain within the disulfide itself. For each aCSDn cluster, we summarise the structural and strain data, taxonomic conservation and any evidence of redox activity. aCSDns are known substrates of thioredoxin-like enzymes. This, together with their meta-stability, means they are ideally suited to biological switching roles and are likely to play important roles in the molecular pathways of oxidative stress.


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This work gives sufficient conditions for the solvability of the fourth order coupled system┊ u⁽⁴⁾(t)=f(t,u(t),u′(t),u′′(t),u′′′(t),v(t),v′(t),v′′(t),v′′′(t)) v⁽⁴⁾(t)=h(t,u(t),u′(t),u′′(t),u′′′(t),v(t),v′(t),v′′(t),v′′′(t)) with f,h: [0,1]×ℝ⁸→ℝ some L¹- Carathéodory functions, and the boundary conditions {<K1.1/>┊ u(0)=u′(0)=u′′(0)=u′′(1)=0 v(0)=v′(0)=v′′(0)=v′′(1)=0. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time in the literature where two beam equations are considered with full nonlinearities, that is, with dependence on all derivatives of u and v. An application to the study of the bending of two elastic coupled campled beams is considered.