999 resultados para NETTRA-G2-FIFO.


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This study combined high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), advanced chemometrics and pathway enrichment analysis to analyse the blood metabolome of patients attending the memory clinic: cases of mild cognitive impairment (MCI; n = 16), cases of MCI who upon subsequent follow-up developed Alzheimer's disease (MCI_AD; n = 19), and healthy age-matched controls (Ctrl; n = 37). Plasma was extracted in acetonitrile and applied to an Acquity UPLC HILIC (1.7μm x 2.1 x 100 mm) column coupled to a Xevo G2 QTof mass spectrometer using a previously optimised method. Data comprising 6751 spectral features were used to build an OPLS-DA statistical model capable of accurately distinguishing Ctrl, MCI and MCI_AD. The model accurately distinguished (R2 = 99.1%; Q2 = 97%) those MCI patients who later went on to develop AD. S-plots were used to shortlist ions of interest which were responsible for explaining the maximum amount of variation between patient groups. Metabolite database searching and pathway enrichment analysis indicated disturbances in 22 biochemical pathways, and excitingly it discovered two interlinked areas of metabolism (polyamine metabolism and L-Arginine metabolism) were differentially disrupted in this well-defined clinical cohort. The optimised untargeted HRMS methods described herein not only demonstrate that it is possible to distinguish these pathologies in human blood but also that MCI patients 'at risk' from AD could be predicted up to 2 years earlier than conventional clinical diagnosis. Blood-based metabolite profiling of plasma from memory clinic patients is a novel and feasible approach in improving MCI and AD diagnosis and, refining clinical trials through better patient stratification.


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Although recent decades have seen an improved cure rate for newly diagnosed paediatric acute lymphoplastic leukaemia (ALL), the treatment options for adult ALL, T-cell ALL (T-ALL) and relapsed disease remain poor. We have developed a novel series of pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine (PBOX) compounds and established their anticancer efficacy in a variety of human tumour cell types. Here, we demonstrate that PBOX-15 inhibits cell growth, and induces G2/M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in both T-ALL and B-cell ALL (B-ALL) cells. In addition, prior to PBOX-15-induced apoptosis, PBOX-15 decreases ALL cell adhesion, spreading and migration. Concurrently, PBOX-15 differentially down-regulates β1-, β2- and α4-integrin expression in ALL cells and significantly decreases integrin-mediated cell attachment. PBOX-15 interferes with the lateral mobility and clustering of integrins in both B-ALL and T-ALL cells. These data suggest that PBOX-15 is not only effective in inducing apoptosis in ALL cells, but also has the potential to disrupt integrin-mediated adhesion of malignant lymphocytes, which represents a novel avenue for regulating leukaemic cell homing and migration.


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BACKGROUND: We proposed to investigate the radiosensitizing properties of PBOX-15, a novel microtubule-disrupting agent, in a panel of cancer cell lines.

RESULTS: PBOX-15 treatment was associated with significant cell kill and increased radiosensitivity in all three cell lines tested. The number of surviving cells in response to the combined treatment was significantly less than PBOX -15 alone in 22Rv1 cells. In these cells, radiosensitisation correlated with induction of G2/M cell cycle arrest by PBOX-15. The compound sustained its activity and increased HIF-1Α expression under hypoxic conditions. PBOX-15 prevented onset of hypoxia-induced radioresistance in hypoxic prostate cells and reduced the surviving fraction of irradiated hypoxic cells to levels similar to those achieved under aerobic conditions.

METHODS: Clonogenic assays were used to determine sensitivity of a panel of cancer cell lines (22Rv1, A549, U87) to PBOX-15 alone or in combination with a single 2Gy dose fraction. Induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis was investigated in 22Rv1 prostate cancer cells. The cytotoxic properties of the compound under hypoxic conditions were correlated with Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1 alpha (HIF-1Α) gene and protein expression levels and its radiosensitisation potential was investigated in hypoxic 22Rv1 using clonogenic assays.

CONCLUSIONS: This preliminary data identifies the potential of PBOX-15 as a novel radiosensitising agent for the management of solid tumours and eradication of hypoxic cells.


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Advanced hormone-refractory prostate cancer is associated with poor prognosis and limited treatment options. Members of the pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine (PBOX) family of compounds exhibit anti-cancer properties in cancer cell lines (including multi-drug resistant cells), ex vivo patient samples and in vivo mouse tumour models with minimal toxicity to normal cells. Recently, they have also been found to possess anti-angiogenic properties in vitro. However, both the apoptotic pathways and the overall extent of the apoptotic response induced by PBOX compounds tend to be cell-type specific. Since the effect of the PBOX compounds on prostate cancer has not yet been elucidated, the purpose of this study was to investigate if PBOX compounds induce anti-proliferative effects on hormone-refractory prostate cancer cells. We examined the effect of two representative PBOX compounds, PBOX-6 and PBOX-15, on the androgen-independent human prostate adenocarcinoma cell line, PC3. PBOX-6 and -15 displayed anti-proliferative effects on PC3 cells, mediated initially through a sustained G2/M arrest. G2/M arrest, illustrated as DNA tetraploidy, was accompanied by microtubule depolymerisation and phosphorylation of anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL and the mitotic spindle checkpoint protein BubR1. Phosphorylation of BubR1 is indicative of an active mitotic checkpoint and results in maintenance of cell cycle arrest. G2/M arrest was followed by apoptosis illustrated by DNA hypoploidy and PARP cleavage and was accompanied by degradation of BubR1, Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL. Furthermore, sequential treatment with the CDK1-inhibitor, flavopiridol, synergistically enhanced PBOX-induced apoptosis. In summary, this in vitro study indicates that PBOX compounds may be useful alone or in combination with other agents in the treatment of hormone-refractory prostate cancer.


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The DNA mismatch repair (MMR) pathway detects and repairs DNA replication errors. While DNA MMR-proficiency is known to play a key role in the sensitivity to a number of DNA damaging agents, its role in the cytotoxicity of ionizing radiation (IR) is less well characterized. Available literature to date is conflicting regarding the influence of MMR status on radiosensitivity, and this has arisen as a subject of controversy in the field. The aim of this paper is to provide the first comprehensive overview of the experimental data linking MMR proteins and the DNA damage response to IR. A PubMed search was conducted using the key words "DNA mismatch repair" and "ionizing radiation". Relevant articles and their references were reviewed for their association between DNA MMR and IR. Recent data suggest that radiation dose and the type of DNA damage induced may dictate the involvement of the MMR system in the cellular response to IR. In particular, the literature supports a role for the MMR system in DNA damage recognition, cell cycle arrest, DNA repair and apoptosis. In this review we discuss our current understanding of the impact of MMR status on the cellular response to radiation in mammalian cells gained from past and present studies and attempt to provide an explanation for how MMR may determine the response to radiation.


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The Bcr-Abl kinase inhibitor, imatinib mesylate, is the front line treatment for chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), but the emergence of imatinib resistance has led to the search for alternative drug treatments and the examination of combination therapies to overcome imatinib resistance. The pro-apoptotic PBOX compounds are a recently developed novel series of microtubule targeting agents (MTAs) that depolymerise tubulin. Recent data demonstrating enhanced MTA-induced tumour cell apoptosis upon combination with the cyclin dependent kinase (CDK)-1 inhibitor flavopiridol prompted us to examine whether this compound could similarly enhance the effect of the PBOX compounds. We thus characterised the apoptotic and cell cycle events associated with combination therapy of the PBOX compounds and flavopiridol and results showed a sequence dependent, synergistic enhancement of apoptosis in CML cells including those expressing the imatinib-resistant T315I mutant. Flavopiridol reduced the number of polyploid cells formed in response to PBOX treatment but only to a small extent, suggesting that inhibition of endoreplication was unlikely to play a major role in the mechanism by which flavopiridol synergistically enhanced PBOX-induced apoptosis. The addition of flavopiridol following PBOX-6 treatment did however result in an accelerated exit from the G2/M transition accompanied by an enhanced downregulation and deactivation of the CDK1/cyclin B1 complex and an enhanced degradation of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) survivin. In conclusion, results from this study highlight the potential of these novel series of PBOX compounds, alone or in sequential combination with flavopiridol, as an effective therapy against CML.


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Low-dose hyper-radiosensitivity (HRS) is the phenomenon whereby cells exposed to radiation doses of less than approximately 0.5 Gy exhibit increased cell killing relative to that predicted from back-extrapolating high-dose survival data using a linear-quadratic model. While the exact mechanism remains to be elucidated, the involvement of several molecular repair pathways has been documented. These processes in turn are also associated with the response of cells to O6-methylguanine (O6MeG) lesions. We propose a model in which the level of low-dose cell killing is determined by the efficiency of both pre-replicative repair by the DNA repair enzyme O6-methylguanine methyltransferase (MGMT) and post-replicative repair by the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) system. We therefore hypothesized that the response of cells to low doses of radiation is dependent on the expression status of MGMT and MMR proteins. MMR (MSH2, MSH6, MLH1, PMS1, PMS2) and MGMT protein expression signatures were determined in a panel of normal (PWR1E, RWPE1) and malignant (22RV1, DU145, PC3) prostate cell lines and correlated with clonogenic survival and cell cycle analysis. PC3 and RWPE1 cells (HRS positive) were associated with MGMT and MMR proficiency, whereas HRS negative cell lines lacked expression of at least one (MGMT or MMR) protein. MGMT inactivation had no significant effect on cell survival. These results indicate a possible role for MMR-dependent processing of damage produced by low doses of radiation.


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We have demonstrated previously that certain members of a series of novel pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine (PBOX) compounds potently induce apoptosis in a variety of human chemotherapy-resistant cancer cell lines and in primary ex vivo material derived from cancer patients. A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the apoptotic effects of these PBOX compounds is essential to their development as antineoplastic therapeutic agents. This study sought to test the hypothesis that proapoptotic PBOX compounds target the microtubules. We show that a representative proapoptotic PBOX compound, PBOX-6, induces apoptosis in both the MCF-7 and K562 cell lines. An accumulation of cells in G2/M precedes apoptosis in response to PBOX-6. PBOX-6 induces prometaphase arrest and causes an accumulation of cyclin B1 levels and activation of cyclin B1/CDK1 kinase in a manner similar to that of two representative antimicrotubule agents, nocodazole and paclitaxel. Indirect immunofluorescence demonstrates that both PBOX-6 and another pro-apoptotic PBOX compound, PBOX-15, cause microtubule depolymerization in MCF-7 cells. They also inhibit the assembly of purified tubulin in vitro, whereas a nonapoptotic PBOX compound (PBOX-21) has no effect on either the cellular microtubule network or on the assembly of purified tubulin. This suggests that the molecular target of the pro-apoptotic PBOX compounds is tubulin. PBOX-6 does not bind to either the vinblastine or the colchicine binding site on tubulin, suggesting that it binds to an as-yet-uncharacterised novel site on tubulin. The ability of PBOX-6 to bind tubulin and cause microtubule depolymerization confirms it as a novel candidate for antineoplastic therapy.


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BACKGROUND: Clathrin is a multimeric protein involved in vesicle coat assembly. Recently clathrin distribution was reported to change during the cell cycle and was found to associate with the mitotic spindle. Here we test whether the recruitment of clathrin to the spindle is indicative of a critical functional contribution to mitosis.

METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Previously a chicken pre-B lymphoma cell line (DKO-R) was developed in which the endogenous clathrin heavy chain alleles were replaced with the human clathrin heavy chain under the control of a tetracycline-regulatable promoter. Receptor-mediated and fluid-phase endocytosis were significantly inhibited in this line following clathrin knockout, and we used this to explore the significance of clathrin heavy chain expression for cell cycle progression. We confirmed using confocal microscopy that clathrin colocalised with tubulin at mitotic spindles. Using a propidium iodide flow cytometric assay we found no statistical difference in the cell cycle distribution of the knockout cells versus the wild-type. Additionally, we showed that the ploidy and the recovery kinetics following cell cycle arrest with nocodazole were unchanged by repressing clathrin heavy chain expression.

CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We conclude that the association of clathrin with the mitotic spindle and the contribution of clathrin to endocytosis are evolutionarily conserved. However we find that the contribution of clathrin to mitosis is less robust and dependent on cellular context. In other cell-lines silencing RNA has been used by others to knockdown clathrin expression resulting in an increase in the mitotic index of the cells. We show an effect on the G2/M phase population of clathrin knockdown in HEK293 cells but show that repressing clathrin expression in the DKO-R cell-line has no effect on the size of this population. Consequently this work highlights the need for a more detailed molecular understanding of the recruitment and function of clathrin at the spindle, since the localisation but not the impact of clathrin on mitosis appears to be robust in plants, mammalian and chicken B-cells.


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A génese de um cancro está dependente da acumulação de mutações genéticas que dão origem a instabilidade genómica, que por sua vez resulta na proliferação descontrolada. Para prevenir a acumulação destas mutações, as células têm mecanismos de controlo (checkpoints) que suspendem o ciclo celular e accionam as vias de reparação do ADN. Estes eventos são muitas vezes regulados por dinâmicas de (des)fosforilação de proteínas. As proteínas fosfatases (PPs), enzimas responsáveis pela remoção do grupo fosfato de resíduos fosforilados, desempenham funções cruciais na regulação de muitos mecanismos celulares. Enquanto que no início do projecto as cinases envolvidas no checkpoint da replicação estavam bem estabelecidas, as PPs envolvidas não eram conhecidas. A Chk1, um componente da maquinaria do checkpoint da replicação, é exemplo dessa regulação por (des)fosforilação, como sejam nos resíduos Ser317 e Ser345. Assim, como primeira abordagem para determinar quais os grupos de PPs envolvidos na regulação do checkpoint da replicação, decidimos investigar o seu papel na regulação da fosforilação da Chk1. A primeira conclusão é que a desfosforilação da Chk1 ao longo do tempo, tanto in vivo como in vitro, ocorre com uma dinâmica bi-fásica. Em segundo, a abordagem in vitro sugere que as famílias PP1, PP2A e PP2C estão envolvidas na desfosforilação da Chk1. Uma vez que a família PP2A foi a que mostrou a maior acção nesta reacção, decidimos investigar outros membros da família in vivo, primeiro com uma abordagem geral (tratando com OA ou sobreexpressando a PME-1), e depois com o knockdown específico da PP4 e PP6 (através de siRNA). Os resultados mostram que a inibição das PPs afectam tanto a desfosforilação como o estado de activação da Chk1 em resposta a tratamento com Hidroxiureia (HU). Todas as PPs testadas in vivo pareceram ser capazes de regular, a níveis diferentes, tanto a fosforilação como a desfosforilação da Chk1. A função das PPs foi também investigada ao nível: da regulação do disparo das origens de replicação, e da recuperação da suspensão da replicação, induzida pela HU. No último caso, os dados indicam que na situação simultânea de knockdown da PP4 com tratamento de HU, há um atraso do ciclo celular na resolução da transição de G2/M. No ensaio de replicação por pulse-chase, os resultamos mostram que tanto o tratamento com OA, como a sobre-expressão de I-2 ou PME-1, atrasam a cronologia do disparo programado das origens de replicação. No entanto, nenhum dos tratamentos efectuados parece desregular o início do checkpoint da replicação. Um rastreio de 2-híbrido de levedura com uma biblioteca de cDNA de testículo humano foi realizado, usando a Chk1 como isco, no sentido de descobrir novos interactores e definir novas possíveis funções para a Chk1 no contexto da meiose. Com base nos resultados do rastreio, duas novas funções são sugeridas: a interacção com a GAGE12 sugere uma função na recombinação genómica/vigilância do genoma durante a meiose, e as interacções com a EEF1α1 e a RPS5 sugerem uma função na regulação da síntese proteíca. Estas experiências fornecem um visão geral para a compreensão da diversidade de funções das proteínas fosfatases envolvidas no checkpoint da replicação, bem como, abre novos caminhos para o desenvolvimento de novas drogas para o tratamento do cancro.


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A leucemia linfoblástica aguda de Linfócitos T (LLA-T) é uma neoplasia agressiva de precursores de células T do timo, que afeta principalmente crianças e adolescentes. A identificação de fatores moleculares que controlam a iniciação e progressão da LLA-T é fundamental para desenvolvimento de terapêuticas mais específicas e eficientes. Devido a atividade de fatores de transcrição estar muitas vezes desregulada na LLA-T e o regulador transcricional CITED2 controla diversos processos no desenvolvimento e oncogénese, levando assim ao objetivo principal, verificar se o CITED2 está envolvido na iniciação e/ou progressão da LLA-T, para se cumprir este iremos verificar se o CITED2está expresso nas linhas celulares leucémicas, quais os seus efeitos e por último verificar se o seu promotor é influenciada por três vias de sinalização: JAK-STAT, NFkB e NOTCH1. Analisou-se a expressão de CITED2 em linhas celulares de leucemia linfoblástica das células T e de células T normais, realizando o PCR quantitativo. Verificou-se que todas as células expressavam o CITED2, algumas com elevada expressão, por exemplo a linha celular EL4.2 expressa sete vezes mais Cited2 que os timócitos normais. Selecionou-se duas linhas celulares, EL4.2 e as DND41, para efetuar a subexpressão de CITED2, utilizando um plasmídeo lentiviral que expressa um RNA de interferência contra o CITED2. Conseguimos obter transdução estável deste plasmídeo para a linha celular DND41, tendo então efetuado análises de proliferação celular em meio de cultura normal ou meio com redução de soro fetal bovino. Verificou-se que a linha celular DND41/shCITED2 apresentava um maior crescimento celular comparando com a linha DND41/pLKO.1, sendo significativo, a partir das 48 horas, mas análise das fases do ciclo celular não demonstrou qualquer diferença. Analisou-se a resistência destas linhas celulares à apoptose, tratando as células com dexametasona, um agente quimioterápico para leucemias LLA-T. Observou-se que existe uma ligeira tendência para a linha celular DND41/shCITED2 ser mais resistente à apoptose. Mas nas linhas celulares sem tratamento, verificou-se diferenças na fase G0/G1 e G2/M, sendo que a linha celular DND41 sh CITED2 apresenta mais células com ciclo celuar ativo. Analisou-se no presente trabalho, se o promotor do CITED2 seria influenciando pela ativação das vias de sinalização JAK-STAT, NF-kB e NOTCH1. Os nossos resultados indicam que a ativação destas vias regulam negativamente o promotor do CITED2. Tendo em conta o conjunto dos nossos resultados, podemos concluir que a inativação do regulador transcricional CITED2 pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento da LLA-T. No entanto, será necessário desenvolver mais estudos para compreender os mecanismos subjacentes.


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Biotecnologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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The cell cycle comprise the four phases of, G1, S-phase, G2 and mitosis. Two critical transitions are G1/S and G2/M; the latter is regulated by WEE1 kinase and CDC25 phosphatases. The scope of this thesis was to investigate the regulation of the G2/M transition of the cell cycle by WEE1 and CDC25, and how these genes interface with plant growth regulators in Arabidopsis thaliana. In Arabidopsis roots, the frequency of lateral roots was found to be increased by ectopic expression of Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Sp)cdc25e and reduced by Arath;WEE1 expression. I examined the effect of Arath;WEE1 and Spcdc25 on induction of shoots and roots in Arabidopsis hypocotyls in vitro. Hypocotyl explants from two over-expressing WEE1 lines , three T-DNA insertion lines and two expressing cdc25 (Spcdc25e) lines together with wild type (WT) were cultured on two-way gradients of kinetin (Kin) and naphthyl acetic acid (NAA). Below a threshold concentration of NAA (100 ng ml-1), WEE1 repressed morphogenesis in vitro, whereas at all NAA/Kin combinations Spcdc25 promoted morphogenesis (particularly root formation) over and above that in WT. Loss of function wee1-1 cultures were very similar to WT. Quantitative data indicated a significant increase in the frequency of root formation in Spcdc25e cultures compared with WT particularly at low Kin concentrations, and WEE1oe’s repressive effect was overcome by NAA but not Kin. In conclusion, WEE1 has a repressive effect on morphogenesis in vitro that can be overcome by auxin whereas Spcd25 by-passes a cytokinin requirement for the induction of morphogenesis in vitro. The role of CDC25 and WEE1 in DNA damage responses was also analysed. Two over-expressing Arath;CDC25 lines and T-DNA mutants showed no difference to WT either in standard conditions or zeocin-supplemented treatments. However, root length was longer in Arath;CDC25oe lines treated with hydroxyurea (HU) and lateral root number was increased compared to WT. This suggests a differential response of Arath;CDC25oe in the DNA replication (HU-induced) and DNA damage (zeocin-induced) checkpoints (Chapter 5). Finally the roles of WEE1 and CDC25 in cell cycle regulation were examined using tobacco TBY-2 cell cultures expressing Arath;WEE1, Nicotiana tabacum (Nicta)WEE1 or Arath;CDC25. Whilst Nicta;WEE1 lengthened G2 of the cell cycle, Arath;WEE1 had an unusual effect of shortening G2 phase and Arath;CDC25 had no observable effect (Chapter 6).


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L'ubiquitination est une modification des protéines conservée, consistant en l'addition de résidus « ubiquitine » et régulant le destin cellulaire des protéines. La protéine « TRAF-interacting protein » TRAIP (ou TRIP) est une ligase E3 qui catalyse l'étape finale de l'ubiquitination. TRAIP est conservé dans l'évolution et est nécessaire au développement des organismes puisque l'ablation de TRAIP conduit à la mort embryonnaire aussi bien de la drosophile que de la souris. De plus, la réduction de l'expression de TRAIP dans des kératinocytes épidermiques humains réprime la prolifération cellulaire et induit un arrêt du cycle cellulaire en phase Gl, soulignant le lien étroit entre TRAIP et la prolifération cellulaire. Comme les mécanismes de régulation de la prolifération jouent un rôle majeur dans l'homéostasie de la peau, il est important de caractériser la fonction de TRAIP dans ces mécanismes. En utilisant des approches in vitro, nous avons déterminé que la protéine TRAIP est instable, modifiée par l'addition d'ubiquitine et ayant une demi-vie d'environ 4 heures. Nos analyses ont également révélé que l'expression de TRAIP est dépendante du cycle cellulaire, atteignant un pic d'expression en phase G2/M et que l'induction de son expression s'effectue principalement au cours de la transition Gl/S. Nous avons identifié le facteur de transcription E2F1 comme en étant le responsable, en régulant directement le promoteur de TRAIP. Aussi, TRAIP endogène ou surexprimée est surtout localisée au niveau du nucléole, une organelle nucléaire qui est désassemblée pendant la division cellulaire. Pour examiner la localisation subcellulaire de TRAIP pendant la mitose, nous avons imagé la protéine TRAIP fusionnée à une protéine fluorescente, à l'intérieur de cellules vivantes nommées HeLa, à l'aide d'un microscope confocal. Dans ces conditions, TRAIP est majoritairement localisée autour des chromosomes en début de mitose, puis est arrangée au niveau de l'ADN chromosomique en fin de mitose. La détection de TRAIP endogène à l'aide d'un anticorps spécifique a confirmé cette localisation. Enfin, l'inactivation de TRAIP dans les cellules HeLa par interférence ARN a inhibé leur capacité à s'arrêter en milieu de mitose. Nos résultats suggèrent que le mécanisme sous-jacent peut être lié au point de contrôle de l'assemblage du fuseau mitotique. - Ubiquitination of proteins is a post-translational modification which decides the cellular fate of the protein. The TRAF-interacting protein (TRAIP, TRIP) functions as an E3 ubiquitin ligase mediating addition of ubiquitin moieties to proteins. TRAIP interacts with the deubiquitinase CYLD, a tumor suppressor whose functional inactivation leads to skin appendage tumors. TRAIP is required for early embryonic development since removal of TRAIP either in Drosophila or mice by mutations or knock¬out is lethal due to aberrant regulation of cell proliferation and apoptosis. Furthermore, shRNA- mediated knock-down of TRAIP in human epidermal keratinocytes (HEK) repressed cell proliferation and induced a Gl/S phase block in the cell cycle. Additionally, TRAIP expression is strongly down- regulated during keratinocyte differentiation supporting the notion of a tight link between TRAIP and cell proliferation. We thus examined the biological functions of TRAIP in epithelial cell proliferation. Using an in vitro approach, we could determine that the TRAIP protein is unstable, modified by addition of ubiquitin moieties after translation and exhibits a half-life of 3.7+/-1-6 hours. Our analysis revealed that the TRAIP expression is modulated in a cell-cycle dependent manner, reaching a maximum expression level in G2/M phases. In addition, the expression of TRAIP was particularly activated during Gl/S phase transition and we could identify the transcription factor E2F1 as an activator of the TRAIP gene promoter. Both endogenous and over-expressed TRAIP mainly localized to the nucleolus, a nuclear organelle which is disassembled during cell division. To examine the subcellular localization of TRAIP during M phase, we performed confocal live-cell imaging of a functional fluorescent protein TRAIP-GFP in HeLa cells. TRAIP was distributed in the cytoplasm and accumulated around mitotic chromosomes in pro- and meta-phasic cells. TRAIP was then confined to chromosomal DNA location in anaphase and later phases of mitosis. Immune-detection of endogenous TRAIP protein confirmed its particular localization in mitosis. Finally, inactivating TRAIP expression in HeLa cells using RNA interference abrogated the cells ability to stop or delay mitosis progression. Our results suggested that TRAIP may involve the spindle assembly checkpoint.