555 resultados para Murdock, Sophia.


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John Summerson, en El Lenguaje Clásico de la Arquitectura, defiende que los órdenes clásicos que empleaban los arquitectos romanos para decorar sus edificios, no tienen una función estructural pero hacen expresivos a los edificios. Les hacen hablar. Arthur Schopenhauer afirma que “el destino de la Bella Arquitectura es poner de manifiesto la lucha entre el peso y la rigidez de los elementos estructurales”. Y Auguste Perret define la Arquitectura como “el arte de hacer cantar al punto de apoyo”. El objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral es profundizar en la capacidad de expresión de la estructura. A través del estudio de las estructuras históricas, que se realiza en la primera parte de la Tesis, podemos concluir que existen tres categorías, tres maneras de expresión de la Estructura. Estructuras Vistas, que hablan, Estructuras Ocultas, que se esconden y Estructuras Ilusorias, que fingen. El Partenón y la Sainte Chapelle de París se estudian en el apartado de Estructuras Vistas. El Panteón, el Palacio de Carlos V, la Catedral de San Pablo en Londres, y otras arquitecturas renacentistas y romanas, en el apartado de Estructuras Ocultas. Y como Estructuras Ilusorias, la Alhambra (Dos Hermanas, Comares, el Patio de los Leones), Santa Sofía, y otras arquitecturas del barroco italiano. En la segunda parte de la Tesis se analiza la obra completa de Mies van der Rohe desde el punto de vista de esas tres categorías. Lo visto, lo oculto y lo ilusorio en las estructuras de Mies. Se estudia la evolución en la estructura de la casa, desde las primeras casas con Estructura Oculta de muro de ladrillo, hasta las últimas casas con Estructura Vista y columnas adelantadas, pasando por una etapa intermedia de casas con estructura mixta de muro de ladrillo en la que el acero comienza a hacer su aparición. Se analizan también seis soluciones estructurales en los Bloques y en las Torres: Estructura Vista reverberante, expresiva o inexpresiva vs Estructura Oculta con vestido horizontal, vestido reticular o vestido vertical. Y por último, se estudian las tres soluciones de Estructura Ilusoria que emplea Mies en sus Pabellones. La metodología de trabajo que se ha empleado se divide en cuatro apartados: El análisis bibliográfico; el análisis in situ de los edificios, que nos permite comprobar, por ejemplo, los efectos lumínicos de la columna acanalada del Partenón, o el efecto reverberante de las columnas de la Weissenhofsiedlung; el análisis crítico de planos y detalles constructivos, que nos lleva a concluir que la disposición de pantallas del Pabellón de Barcelona anula la lectura de la crujía estructural, y que la columna del restaurante Cantor se dispone con su alma perpendicular a la cercha, y no paralela, como cabría suponer si se quisiera aprovechar toda la capacidad portante del perfil en H; y por último, el análisis numérico y estructural, que nos lleva a confirmar el sobredimensionado de la Estructura del Patio de los Leones de la Alhambra o el sobredimensionado de la Estructura de la Casa Farnsworth. Lo que se confirma con esta Tesis Doctoral es que la Estructura es algo más, mucho más, que sólo transmisión de las cargas. ABSTRACT John Summerson, in The Classic Language of Architecture, argues that the classic orders used by Roman architects in the decoration of their buildings did not have a structural function, but made buildings expressive. They make them speak. Arthur Schopenhauer affirms that “the goal of Great Architecture is to highlight the struggle between the gravity and rigidity of structural elements”. And Auguste Perret defines Architecture as “the art of making the points of support sing”. The objective of this Doctoral Thesis is to examine the expressive capacity of structure. Following a study of historic structures in the first part of the thesis, we conclude that three categories exist, three ways of expressing Structure. Visible Structures that speak, Concealed Structures that are hidden and Illusory Structures that pretend. The Parthenon and the Sainte Chapelle in Paris are studied in the section on Visible Structures. The Pantheon, the Palace of Charles V, Saint Paul’s Cathedral in London, and other Renaissance and Roman architectures are dealt with in the Concealed Structures section. And, as examples of Illusory Structures, we focus on the Alhambra (The Hall of the Two Sisters, the Comares and the Court of the Lions), Saint Sophia, and other Italian Baroque architectures. In the second part of the Thesis the complete work of Mies van der Rohe is analysed from the perspective of these three categories. The visible, the concealed and the illusory, in the structures of Mies. We study how the structure of the house evolves, from the first houses with the Hidden Structure of the brick wall, to the later houses with Visible Structures and columns, via an intermediate phase of mixed-structure houses with brick walls, where steel first began to make its appearance. We also analyse six structural solutions in the Blocks and Towers: reverberant, expressive or inexpressive Visible Structure vs Concealed Structure with horizontal cladding, reticular cladding or vertical cladding. And finally, we look at the three Illusory Structure solutions that Mies employs in his Pavilions. The methodology employed is divided into four sections: a bibliographic analysis; an analysis in situ of the buildings, which allows us to test, for example, the lighting effects of the fluted column in the Parthenon, or the reverberant effect of the Weissenhofsiedlung columns; a critical analysis of plans and constructive details, which leads us to conclude that the arrangement of panels in the Barcelona Pavilion cancels out the structural centreline, and that the column in the Cantor restaurant is placed with its web perpendicular to the truss, and not parallel to it, as one might expect if one wanted to avail of all the load-bearing capacity of the H beam; and lastly, a numeric and structural analysis, which confirms the oversizing of the Court of the Lions structure in the Alhambra or the oversized structure of Farnsworth House. All of which confirms in this Doctoral Thesis that structure is something more, much more, than a mere conveyor of loads.


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No Quarto Evangelho Jesus se apresenta por meio de metáforas, sendo o objeto de nossa pesquisa a frase: “Eu sou o caminho, e a verdade, e a vida”, que será o ponto de partida condutor em busca da identidade do grupo joanino. No final do primeiro século, o grupo joanino se entende como fiéis herdeiros de Jesus, agora seguidores do discípulo João (filho de Zebedeu), o qual caminhou com Jesus. O grupo não se apresenta alheio à realidade da multiplicidade religiosa do período, mas está atento aos conflitos e aos caminhos divergentes para Deus. Isso nos aponta o quão identitário é o tema. A partir de uma leitura em João 13.33-14.31, nossa dissertação tem como objeto o modo como o grupo joanino recebe essa mensagem no imaginário, a exterioriza e reage no cotidiano, bem como os grupos posteriores do gnosticismo —como o Evangelho da Verdade da Biblioteca Copta de Nag Hammadi, elaborado a partir de leituras ulteriores que plasmam o mundo simbólico imaginário, cultivando diferentes características de pertença, gerando a identidade do grupo joanino.


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Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar sob quais aspectos se dá a interação entre mídia e religião, bem como as tensões ou continuidades que a aproximação do ‘sagrado’ com o ‘profano’ na sociedade midiatizada evoca. Para tal, elegemos como objeto de estudo a participação dos artistas evangélicos no Programa Esquenta!, exibido nas tardes de domingo, pela Rede Globo. Tomamos como referencial teórico os conceitos de cultura gospel, de midiatização, especialmente o conceito de bios midiático, e a discussão sobre secularização proposta por Habermas. A metodologia empregada prevê duas etapas. A primeira consiste numa uma análise de conteúdo de cinco edições do programa que contaram com a participação de artistas evangélicos, exibidas nos anos de 2013 e 2014. Nesse momento, o objetivo foi perceber o lugar que a música gospel ocupa dentro da proposta do programa. A segunda etapa consiste na realização de dois grupos de discussão, um formado por evangélicos e o outro por não-evangélicos, para compreender como os conteúdos religiosos deslocados de seu contexto original são ressignificados pela audiência. Resulta desta pesquisa a observação de que a participação dos artistas gospel no Esquenta! oferece novos modos de olhar que ampliam o conceito de cultura gospel, bem como legitima a mídia como lugar de experiência religiosa. Além disso, ilustra a perspectiva habermasiana ao refletir a dupla afetação entre universo religioso e vida secular, que emerge do entrecruzamento entre mídia e religião.


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Human deoxyribonucleoside kinases are required for the pharmacological activity of several clinically important anticancer and antiviral nucleoside analogs. Human deoxycytidine kinase and thymidine kinase 1 are described as cytosolic enzymes in the literature, whereas human deoxyguanosine kinase and thymidine kinase 2 are believed to be located in the mitochondria. We expressed the four human deoxyribonucleoside kinases as fusion proteins with the green fluorescent protein to study their intracellular locations in vivo. Our data showed that the human deoxycytidine kinase is located in the cell nucleus and the human deoxyguanosine kinase is located in the mitochondria. The fusion proteins between green fluorescent protein and thymidine kinases 1 and 2 were both predominantly located in the cytosol. Site-directed mutagenesis of a putative nuclear targeting signal, identified in the primary structure of deoxycytidine kinase, completely abolished nuclear import of the protein. Reconstitution of a deoxycytidine kinase-deficient cell line with the wild-type nuclear or the mutant cytosolic enzymes both restored sensitivity toward anticancer nucleoside analogs. This paper reports that a deoxyribonucleoside kinase is located in the cell nucleus and we discuss the implications for deoxyribonucleotide synthesis and phosphorylation of nucleoside analogs.


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Bipolar mood disorder (BP) is a debilitating syndrome characterized by episodes of mania and depression. We designed a multistage study to detect all major loci predisposing to severe BP (termed BP-I) in two pedigrees drawn from the Central Valley of Costa Rica, where the population is largely descended from a few founders in the 16th–18th centuries. We considered only individuals with BP-I as affected and screened the genome for linkage with 473 microsatellite markers. We used a model for linkage analysis that incorporated a high phenocopy rate and a conservative estimate of penetrance. Our goal in this study was not to establish definitive linkage but rather to detect all regions possibly harboring major genes for BP-I in these pedigrees. To facilitate this aim, we evaluated the degree to which markers that were informative in our data set provided coverage of each genome region; we estimate that at least 94% of the genome has been covered, at a predesignated threshold determined through prior linkage simulation analyses. We report here the results of our genome screen for BP-I loci and indicate several regions that merit further study, including segments in 18q, 18p, and 11p, in which suggestive lod scores were observed for two or more contiguous markers. Isolated lod scores that exceeded our thresholds in one or both families also occurred on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 13, 15, 16, and 17. Interesting regions highlighted in this genome screen will be followed up using linkage disequilibrium (LD) methods.


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Griffonia simplicifolia leaf lectin II (GSII), a plant defense protein against certain insects, consists of an N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc)-binding large subunit with a small subunit having sequence homology to class III chitinases. Much of the insecticidal activity of GSII is attributable to the large lectin subunit, because bacterially expressed recombinant large subunit (rGSII) inhibited growth and development of the cowpea bruchid, Callosobruchus maculatus (F). Site-specific mutations were introduced into rGSII to generate proteins with altered GlcNAc binding, and the different rGSII proteins were evaluated for insecticidal activity when added to the diet of the cowpea bruchid. At pH 5.5, close to the physiological pH of the cowpea bruchid midgut lumen, rGSII recombinant proteins were categorized as having high (rGSII, rGSII-Y134F, and rGSII-N196D mutant proteins), low (rGSII-N136D), or no (rGSII-D88N, rGSII-Y134G, rGSII-Y134D, and rGSII-N136Q) GlcNAc-binding activity. Insecticidal activity of the recombinant proteins correlated with their GlcNAc-binding activity. Furthermore, insecticidal activity correlated with the resistance to proteolytic degradation by cowpea bruchid midgut extracts and with GlcNAc-specific binding to the insect digestive tract. Together, these results establish that insecticidal activity of GSII is functionally linked to carbohydrate binding, presumably to the midgut epithelium or the peritrophic matrix, and to biochemical stability of the protein to digestive proteolysis.


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Nuclear-localized mtDNA pseudogenes might explain a recent report describing a heteroplasmic mtDNA molecule containing five linked missense mutations dispersed over the contiguous mtDNA CO1 and CO2 genes in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients. To test this hypothesis, we have used the PCR primers utilized in the original report to amplify CO1 and CO2 sequences from two independent ρ° (mtDNA-less) cell lines. CO1 and CO2 sequences amplified from both of the ρ° cells, demonstrating that these sequences are also present in the human nuclear DNA. The nuclear pseudogene CO1 and CO2 sequences were then tested for each of the five “AD” missense mutations by restriction endonuclease site variant assays. All five mutations were found in the nuclear CO1 and CO2 PCR products from ρ° cells, but none were found in the PCR products obtained from cells with normal mtDNA. Moreover, when the overlapping nuclear CO1 and CO2 PCR products were cloned and sequenced, all five missense mutations were found, as well as a linked synonymous mutation. Unlike the findings in the original report, an additional 32 base substitutions were found, including two in adjacent tRNAs and a two base pair deletion in the CO2 gene. Phylogenetic analysis of the nuclear CO1 and CO2 sequences revealed that they diverged from modern human mtDNAs early in hominid evolution about 770,000 years before present. These data would be consistent with the interpretation that the missense mutations proposed to cause AD may be the product of ancient mtDNA variants preserved as nuclear pseudogenes.


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Members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family play a critical role in embryonic lung development and adult lung physiology. The in vivo investigation of the role FGFs play in the adult lung has been hampered because the constitutive pulmonary expression of these factors often has deleterious effects and frequently results in neonatal lethality. To circumvent these shortcomings, we expressed FGF-3 in the lungs under the control of the progesterone antagonist-responsive binary transgenic system. Four binary transgenic lines were obtained that showed ligand-dependent induction of FGF-3 with induced levels of FGF-3 expression dependent on the levels of expression of the GLp65 regulator as well as the dose of the progesterone antagonist, RU486, administered. FGF-3 expression in the adult mouse lung resulted in two phenotypes depending on the levels of induction of FGF-3. Low levels of FGF-3 expression resulted in massive free alveolar macrophage infiltration. High levels of FGF-3 expression resulted in diffuse alveolar type II cell hyperplasia. Both phenotypes were reversible after the withdrawal of RU486. This system will be a valuable means of investigating the diverse roles of FGFs in the adult lung.


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The response of the ascorbate-glutathione cycle was investigated in roots of young wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings that were deprived of oxygen either by subjecting them to root hypoxia or to entire plant anoxia and then re-aerated. Although higher total levels of ascorbate and glutathione were observed under hypoxia, only the total amount of ascorbate was increased under anoxia. Under both treatments a significant increase in the reduced form of ascorbate and glutathione was found, resulting in increased reduction states. Upon the onset of re-aeration the ratios started to decline rapidly, indicating oxidative stress. Hypoxia caused higher activity of ascorbate peroxidase, whereas activities of monodehydroascorbate reductase, dehydroascorbate reductase, and glutathione reductase were diminished or only slightly influenced. Under anoxia, activities of ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase decreased significantly to 39 and 62%, respectively. However, after re-aeration of hypoxically or anoxically pretreated roots, activity of enzymes approached the control levels. This corresponds with the restoration of the high reduction state of ascorbate and glutathione within 16 to 96 h of re-aeration, depending on the previous duration of anoxia. Apparently, anoxia followed by re-aeration more severely impairs entire plant metabolism compared with hypoxia, thus leading to decreased viability.


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Four letters dated March 11, 1799, written from debtors' prison ("Debtors' Apartment") in Philadelphia. Includes descriptions of his life in the prison and fellow prisoners.


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Willard thanks his sister for writing to him and asks her to write as often as possible. He also mentions his cousin Sophia Chadwick, who has been living with President Willard.


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Diary concerning chiefly religious matters, mostly Puritanical confessions of Tompson's piety not living up to the expectation of the Lord. There is also mention of the many afflictions God is "pleased" to bestow upon Tompson's wife.


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Mostly correspondence between family members, beginning with Catherine Lawrence and Charles Appleton, the parents of Helen Brooks. Also records of Brooks' voluntary activities, her diaries and personal writings, and material collected by Grace Norton about Henry James.