939 resultados para Liquidity proxies
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli määrittää, kuinka suljettuja sijoitusrahastoja tulisi arvioida, jotta voitaisiin ymmärtää, miksi suljetut sijoitusrahastot arvostetaanalennuksella suhteessa niiden substanssiarvoon. Aiemmat yritykset selittää suljettujen rahastojen substanssialennusilmiö esitettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksessa. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osio suoritettiin aineistotutkimus- ja kyselytutkimusmenetelmin hyödyntäen suomalaisia suljettuja sijoitusrahastoja Norvestia Oyj:tä ja Neomarkka Oyj:tä. Teoriaosiossa esitettiin, kuinka substanssialennus on kausaalisten tekijöiden ja markkinatunnelman funktio. Suljettu sijoitusrahasto arvostetaanyli tai alle substanssiarvonsa riippuen johdon aiheuttamien kustannusten, heikosti informoitujen sijoittajien ja rahaston ulkoisen epälikviditeetin suhteesta johdon suorituskykyyn, rahaston avaamisen mahdollisuuteen ja sisäisiin likviditeettietuihin. Suomalaiset suljetut sijoitusrahastot arvostetaan alle substanssiarvonsa mahdollisesti johdon heikon suorituskyvyn, sopimuseriarvoisuuden, heikosti informoitujen sijoittajien läsnäolon ja rahaston osakkeiden epälikviditeetin takia.
The aim of this research was to determine whether a cash basis financial statement would give additional value for the financial management of a local government and whether the cash flow statement would assist in getting a true and fair view of the financial position of the local government. The goal was to develop a cash flow statement and cash flow based key ratios for the needs of local government and the possibilities to utilise them were studied. In the theoretical part of this work, the literature review section,municipal economy, the main objectives and key ratios of financial control in municipal financial management, central control systems, control instruments and different financial statements were studied. In the empirical part the possibilities of utilising the information of these different financial statements as onecontrol instrument of municipal financial management were compared. Also empirical testing of the exploitation of these financial statements was carried out. The suggestion for municipal cash flow statement and its key ratios were defined on the basis of the theoretical and empirical parts. The results show that the municipal cash flow statement is most effective in a three-part form: cash flow from ordinary operations, cash flow from investments and funding cash flow. The added value of the cash flow statement comes from its ability to better attest the financial ability for investments better than the profit and loss account. Themunicipal cash flow statement is therefore especially suitable when analysing of the sufficiency of money. In addition to absolute ratios, such as the financial margin, also relative cash basis ratios such as the financial margin percentage, liquidity percentage and investment income financing percentage are important. Also the simple cash based calculation about receiving and using money is applicable to local governments. The statement could be a part of municipal financial statements, budgets and annual reports. On the other hand, working capital flow and expense and revenue flow statements do not give added value for municipal financial management.
Approximate models (proxies) can be employed to reduce the computational costs of estimating uncertainty. The price to pay is that the approximations introduced by the proxy model can lead to a biased estimation. To avoid this problem and ensure a reliable uncertainty quantification, we propose to combine functional data analysis and machine learning to build error models that allow us to obtain an accurate prediction of the exact response without solving the exact model for all realizations. We build the relationship between proxy and exact model on a learning set of geostatistical realizations for which both exact and approximate solvers are run. Functional principal components analysis (FPCA) is used to investigate the variability in the two sets of curves and reduce the dimensionality of the problem while maximizing the retained information. Once obtained, the error model can be used to predict the exact response of any realization on the basis of the sole proxy response. This methodology is purpose-oriented as the error model is constructed directly for the quantity of interest, rather than for the state of the system. Also, the dimensionality reduction performed by FPCA allows a diagnostic of the quality of the error model to assess the informativeness of the learning set and the fidelity of the proxy to the exact model. The possibility of obtaining a prediction of the exact response for any newly generated realization suggests that the methodology can be effectively used beyond the context of uncertainty quantification, in particular for Bayesian inference and optimization.
A new, quantitative, inference model for environmental reconstruction (transfer function), based for the first time on the simultaneous analysis of multigroup species, has been developed. Quantitative reconstructions based on palaeoecological transfer functions provide a powerful tool for addressing questions of environmental change in a wide range of environments, from oceans to mountain lakes, and over a range of timescales, from decades to millions of years. Much progress has been made in the development of inferences based on multiple proxies but usually these have been considered separately, and the different numeric reconstructions compared and reconciled post-hoc. This paper presents a new method to combine information from multiple biological groups at the reconstruction stage. The aim of the multigroup work was to test the potential of the new approach to making improved inferences of past environmental change by improving upon current reconstruction methodologies. The taxonomic groups analysed include diatoms, chironomids and chrysophyte cysts. We test the new methodology using two cold-environment training-sets, namely mountain lakes from the Pyrenees and the Alps. The use of multiple groups, as opposed to single groupings, was only found to increase the reconstruction skill slightly, as measured by the root mean square error of prediction (leave-one-out cross-validation), in the case of alkalinity, dissolved inorganic carbon and altitude (a surrogate for air-temperature), but not for pH or dissolved CO2. Reasons why the improvement was less than might have been anticipated are discussed. These can include the different life-forms, environmental responses and reaction times of the groups under study.
BACKGROUND: There is an urgent need to assess and improve the consent process in clinical trials of innovative therapies for neurodegenerative disorders. METHODS: We performed a longitudinal study of the consent of Huntington's disease patients during the Multicenter Fetal Cell Intracerebral Grafting Trial in Huntington's Disease (MIG-HD) in France and Belgium. Patients and their proxies completed a consent questionnaire at inclusion, before signing the consent form and after one year of follow-up, before randomization and transplantation. The questionnaire explored understanding of the protocol, satisfaction with the information delivered, reasons for participating in the trial and expectations regarding the transplant. Forty-six Huntington's disease patients and 27 proxies completed the questionnaire at inclusion, and 27 Huntington's disease patients and 16 proxies one year later. RESULTS: The comprehension score was high and similar for Huntington's disease patients and proxies at inclusion (72.6% vs 77.8%; P > 0.1) but only decreased in HD patients after one year. The information satisfaction score was high (73.5% vs 66.5%; P > 0.1) and correlated with understanding in both patients and proxies. The motivation and expectation profiles were similar in patients and proxies and remained unchanged after one year. CONCLUSIONS: Cognitively impaired patients with Huntington's disease were capable of consenting to participation in this trial. This consent procedure has presumably strengthened their understanding and should be proposed before signing the consent form in future gene or cell therapy trials for neurodegenerative disorders. Because of the potential cognitive decline, proxies should be designated as provisional surrogate decision-makers, even in competent patients.
[cat] Aquest article metodològic ofereix estimacions del PIB per càpita regional de les regions portugueses, entre 1890 i 1980. Aquestes estimacions s’han obtingut seguint la metodologia proposada per (Geary and Stark, 2002) per a la industria, i considerant estimacions de producció directa per la resta de sectors.
[cat] Aquest article metodològic ofereix estimacions del PIB per càpita regional de les regions portugueses, entre 1890 i 1980. Aquestes estimacions s’han obtingut seguint la metodologia proposada per (Geary and Stark, 2002) per a la industria, i considerant estimacions de producció directa per la resta de sectors.
We empirically investigate whether the transmission of the recent crisis in euro area sovereign debt markets was due to fundamentals-based or pure contagion. To do so, we examine the behaviour of EMU sovereign bond yield spreads with respect to the German bund for a sample of both central and peripheral countries from January 1999 to December 2012. First we apply a dynamic approach to analyse the evolution of the degree of Grangercausality within the 90 pairs of sovereign bond yield spreads in our sample, in order to detect episodes of significantly increased causality between them (which we associate with contagion) and episodes of significantly reduced interconnection (which we associate with immunisation). We then use an ordered logit model to assess the determinants of the occurrence of the episodes detected. Our results suggest the importance of variables proxying market sentiment and of variables proxying macrofundamentals in determining contagion and immunisation outcomes. Therefore, our findings underline the coexistence of “pure” and “fundamentals-based contagion” during the recent European debt crisis.
We empirically investigate whether the transmission of the recent crisis in euro area sovereign debt markets was due to fundamentals-based or pure contagion. To do so, we examine the behaviour of EMU sovereign bond yield spreads with respect to the German bund for a sample of both central and peripheral countries from January 1999 to December 2012. First we apply a dynamic approach to analyse the evolution of the degree of Grangercausality within the 90 pairs of sovereign bond yield spreads in our sample, in order to detect episodes of significantly increased causality between them (which we associate with contagion) and episodes of significantly reduced interconnection (which we associate with immunisation). We then use an ordered logit model to assess the determinants of the occurrence of the episodes detected. Our results suggest the importance of variables proxying market sentiment and of variables proxying macrofundamentals in determining contagion and immunisation outcomes. Therefore, our findings underline the coexistence of “pure” and “fundamentals-based contagion” during the recent European debt crisis.
[spa] Utilizando dos indicadores alternativos de redistribución –las transferencias sociales y el gasto social- durante el periodo de tiempo comprendido entre 1880 y 1933, y utilizando dos indicadores alternativos de desigualdad –el porcentaje de explotaciones agrarias no familiares y los top income shares-, este papel muestra que, al contrario de lo que muchos estudios sobre los origines del Estado del Bienestar suelen sugerir, la desigualdad no favoreció el desarrollo de la política social ni siquiera en sus etapas iniciales. Ello significa que la política social se desarrolló más rápidamente en los países que previamente ya eran más igualitarios, lo que sugiere que los países con más desigualdad se encontraban en una especie de trampa de la desigualdad, donde la desigualdad en si misma fue uno de los obstáculos a la redistribución.
[spa] Utilizando dos indicadores alternativos de redistribución –las transferencias sociales y el gasto social- durante el periodo de tiempo comprendido entre 1880 y 1933, y utilizando dos indicadores alternativos de desigualdad –el porcentaje de explotaciones agrarias no familiares y los top income shares-, este papel muestra que, al contrario de lo que muchos estudios sobre los origines del Estado del Bienestar suelen sugerir, la desigualdad no favoreció el desarrollo de la política social ni siquiera en sus etapas iniciales. Ello significa que la política social se desarrolló más rápidamente en los países que previamente ya eran más igualitarios, lo que sugiere que los países con más desigualdad se encontraban en una especie de trampa de la desigualdad, donde la desigualdad en si misma fue uno de los obstáculos a la redistribución.
TeliaSoneran SME-viestintäjärjestelmän tarkoituksena on toimia demo- ja kehitysalustana uusille viestintäpalveluille. Näitä palveluita ovat esimerkiksi tilatiedon seuraaminen ja muuttaminen sekä pikaviestien lähettäminen ja vastaanottaminen eri alustoilla, kuten matkapuhelimilla, PDA-laitteilla, PC:eillä. Järjestelmän tulee myös toimia helppona yhteysrajapintana mahdollisille tuleville tiedonsiirtoteille. Pikaviestien lähetys- ja puhelujensignalointiprotokollana järjestelmässä toimii SIP. Järjestelmän sisäisenä kommunikaatioprotokollana toimii CORBA. Työn osuus ja tämän dokumentin fokus ovat järjestelmäytimessä eli Core:ssa. Core:n avulla järjestelmän eri komponentit, kuten SIP-, WAP- ja WWW-viestinvälityspalvelimet sidotaan toisiinsa sekä tietokantaan. Ytimen tehtäviin kuuluu myös käyttäjien tilatietojen ylläpito, viestien reititys eri päätelaitteisiin, ryhmäviestintä sekä pikaviestikomentojen toiminnallisuus, eli sanalla sanoen älykkyys. Lisäksi työssä tarkastellaan ytimen käyttämiä rajapintoja ja niiden toteutustekniikoita, projektin toteutukseen käytettyjä työkaluja sekä järjestelmän tarjoamia palveluita yksityiskohtaisemmin ytimen kannalta. Lopuksi luodaan silmäys tulevaisuuden näkymiin ja järjestelmän nykytilaan sekä kokonaisuutena hyvin menneen projektin tavoitteisiin.
This paper contributes to the literature by applying the Granger causality approach and endogenous breakpoint test to offer an operational definition of contagion to examine European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) countries public debt behaviour. A database of yields on 10-year government bonds issued by 11 EMU countries covering fourteen years of monetary union is used. The main results suggest that the 41 new causality patterns, which appeared for the first time in the crisis period, and the intensification of causality recorded in 70% of the cases, provide clear evidence of contagion in the aftermath of the current euro debt crisis.
This paper contributes to the literature by applying the Granger causality approach and endogenous breakpoint test to offer an operational definition of contagion to examine European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) countries public debt behaviour. A database of yields on 10-year government bonds issued by 11 EMU countries covering fourteen years of monetary union is used. The main results suggest that the 41 new causality patterns, which appeared for the first time in the crisis period, and the intensification of causality recorded in 70% of the cases, provide clear evidence of contagion in the aftermath of the current euro debt crisis.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on ollut selvittää käyttöpääoman hallintaa. Tutkielmassa on tarkasteltu ajanjaksoa 1990-1999, jolloin suhdannevaihtelut osoittautuivat varsin merkittäviksi Suomen kansantaloudessa. Tutkimuksen keskeinen ongelma on laskusuhdanteen vaikutus kohdeyritysten käyttöpääoman hallintaan ja toimenpiteet, joita on käytetty toiminnan tuloksellisuuden parantamisessa. Tutkielmassa on pyritty analysoimaan kasvun vaikutusta käyttöpääomaa kuvaaviin tunnuslukuihin. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan case-tutkimus, jossa on osittain komparatiivisen tutkimusotteen piirteitä. Tutkielman teoriaosassa on paneuduttu käyttöpääoman ja sen eri osakomponenttien hallintaan. Kohdeyrityksiä on tarkasteltu mm.maksuvalmiuden, kiertoaikojen, kannattavuuden ja taloudellisen lisäarvon alueilta. Kahdessa tarkasteltavassa yrityksessä on myös tehty haastattelut, jotka ovat täydentäneet tutkimustuloksia. Kohdeyritykset on valittu sen mukaan, että niiden toimintaan kuuluvat laajat varastot. Tarkasteltavat yritykset ovat eri toimialoilta, joten keskinäisissä vertailuissa on isojakin eroja. Kohdeyritykset ovat päivittäistavaramarkkinoilla toimiva Kesko, energiatuotantoon keskittynyt Fortum ja telekommunikaatiotoimintaan keskittynyt Nokia. Tutkimustulosten perusteella käyttöpääomaan kohdistuvat toimenpiteet on havaittu vaikuttavan ratkaisevasti myös kannattavuuteen. Vaihto-omaisuuden koon pienentäminen on ollut tavoitteena jokaisessa kohdeyrityksessä. Yrityksen kasvaessa nettokäyttöpääoman rahoittamiseen käytetään pääsääntöisesti lyhytaikaista vierasta pääomaa ja omaa pääomaa. Taloudellisten vaikeuksien yhteydessä toiminnan kuluja karsitaan ja keskitytään ydinliiketoiminta-alueille. Vaikeudet näkyvät toiminnan tuloksessa ja sijoitetun pääoman tuotossa. Yrityksen kannattavuutta selittää korkea nettokäyttöpääomaprosentti. Jotta yritys pystyisi tuottamaan taloudellista lisäarvoa, täytyy sen menestyä keskimäärin muita paremmin. Tutkimustulosten mukaan käyttöpääomapolitiikka on enemmän ei-muodollista kuin tarkoin määriteltyä.