O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o método de coleta de fezes mais adequado para camarões marinhos (Litopenaeus vannamei) na determinação do coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da proteína bruta e da matéria seca de dietas comerciais, e avaliar o efeito da suplementação de Lactobacillus plantarum na dieta sobre o coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da proteína, da energia e da matéria seca. Foram testados três sistemas de coletas de fezes: decantação, sifonamento e dissecação dos animais. A coleta por decantação foi o sistema mais adequado para a determinação in vivo dos coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da proteína bruta e da matéria seca das dietas, por apresentar baixo grau de lixiviação das fezes e por ser de fácil execução. Nos camarões alimentados com a dieta suplementada com L. plantarum, foi observado maior coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da proteína (84,18±0,35%) e da energia (81,28±0,16%), quando comparado ao grupo controle (82,73±1,01 e 78,63±0,93%, respectivamente). O uso de L. plantarum como aditivo probiótico na ração pode trazer benefícios nutricionais a L. vannamei, com melhor aproveitamento dos nutrientes.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Vitamin+mineral supplement (VMS) and dietary supplement (DS) use is widespread in the general population, but the motivations for such use are poorly known. The prevalence and characteristics of VMS and DS users in Lausanne, Switzerland, were thus assessed. METHOD: Cross-sectional study was performed including 3249 women and 2937 men (CoLaus study). VMS were defined as single or multivitamin-multimineral preparations. DS included omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids, herbal teas, plant or animal extracts and bacterial (Lactobacillus) preparations. Calcium and iron supplements were assessed separately. RESULTS: Twenty-six percent of the subjects reported using VMS or DS. VMS were the most frequently consumed item (16.8%), followed by DS (10%), calcium (6.6%) and iron (1.8%). Women reported a higher consumption than men. In women, VMS, DS and calcium use increased and iron use decreased with age, whereas in men only VMS and calcium intake increased with age. Multivariate analysis showed female gender, being born in Switzerland, increased age, higher education and increased physical activity to be positively related with VMS and DS. On bivariate analysis, VMS and DS users presented more frequently with arthritis, anxiety, depression and osteoporosis, but on multivariate analysis only positive relationships between DS use and anxiety/depression (odds ratio (OR)=1.40; 95% confidence interval (CI): [1.16-1.70]) and calcium and osteoporosis (OR=10.6; 95% CI [7.77-14.4]) were found. CONCLUSION: VMS and DS use is common in the population of Lausanne and associated with a better health profile. Calcium supplements are taken to prevent osteoporosis, whereas the rationale for taking other VMS and DS is unclear.
The combined action of nisin and lactacin F, two bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria, is additive. In this report, the basis of this effect is examined. Channels formed by lactacin F were studied by experiments using planar lipid bilayers, and bactericidal effects were analyzed by flow cytometry. Lactacin F produced pores with a conductance of 1 ns in black lipid bilayers in 1 mM KClat 10 mV at 20°C. Pore formation was strongly dependent on voltage. Although lactacin F formed pores at very low potential (10 mV), the dependence was exponentialabov e 40 mV. The injuries induced by nisin and lactacin F in the membranes of Lactobacillus helveticus produced different flow cytometric profiles. Probably, when both bacteriocins are present, each acts separately; their cooperation may be due to an increase in the number of single membrane injuries
Résumé destiné à un large public Le système immunitaire associé aux muqueuses gastro-intestinales doit être capable de protéger notre organisme contre l'invasion de pathogènes. Parallèlement, il doit identifier en Cant que tels, des composés inoffensifs comme la nourriture ou les milliards de bactéries qui résident dans notre intestin. Le travail présenté ici aborde ces deux aspects essentiels au bon fonctionnement de notre muqueuse intestinale. Dans une première partie, la protéine nommée pièce sécrétoire a été étudiée pour ses propriétés protectrices contre le pathogène viral rotavirus. Le rôle de la pièce sécrétoire est de transporter les anticorps que nous produisons vers la surface des muqueuses. En dehors de cette fonction bien connue, il se peut que cette protéine soit également capable de protéger notre organisme contre certains virus. L'hypothèse de travail était donc que la pièce sécrétoire se lie directement au virus, l'empêchant ainsi d'infecter des cellules épithéliales de l'intestin. En utilisant différentes techniques biochimiques, cette hypothèse s'est révélée fausse car aucune interaction entre la pièce sécrétoire et le virus n'a pu être observée, et logiquement, aucune protection n'a pu prendre place. En revanche, la pièce sécrétoire se lie à d'autres structures pathogéniques et permet ainsi de neutraliser leurs effets néfastes. La pièce sécrétoire participe donc activement à la protection de nos muqueuses, en plus de son rôle de transporteur. La deuxième partie de ce travail avait pour sujet les réactions inappropriées que le système immunitaire induit parfois contre un aliment, ou, autrement dit, les allergies alimentaires. Un modèle d'allergie alimentaire à donc été développé chez la souris et a permis de mesurer plusieurs symptômes et facteurs liés à l'allergie. Puis, ce modèle a été utilisé afin de tester les effets bénéfiques d'une bactérie lactique, dite probiotique, sur le développement de l'allergie. Il a été observé que, sous certaines circonstances, l'administration de la bactérie lactique protégeait entièrement les souris contre les réactions allergiques. L'effet bénéfique dépend donc du probiotique mais également d'autres facteurs encore inconnus â ce jour. Cette étude ouvre la voie sur la compréhension des mécanismes liés aux allergies alimentaires et sur l'impact que peuvent avoir les bactéries probiotiques sur cette maladie. Résumé Le système immunitaire associé aux muqueuses intestinales doit être capable de différencier les antigènes inoffensifs tels que 1a nourriture ou les bactéries commensales des microorganismes potentiellement dangereux. Cet aspect est essentiel pour le maintien de l'homéostase intestinale et fait l'objet du travail présenté ici. Dans un premier projet, les propriétés protectrices de la protéine appelée pièce sécrétoire (SC) ont été étudiées. SC est une protéine connue pour le transport des immunoglobulines à la surface des muqueuses. Cette protéine est fortement glycosylée paz des sucres complexes, ce qui nous a mené à postuler que SC puisse interagir avec le pathogène rotavirus. Cette hypothèse était soutenue par le fait que ce virus adhère aux cellules épithéliales par des résidus glycosylés. Des analyses biochimiques et biologiques ont démontré qu'aucune interaction entre SC et le virus ne prenait place, et que par conséquent SC n'offrait aucune protection contre ce pathogène. En revanche, SC interagit avec d'autres structures pathogéniques, comme la toxine A de Clostridium difficile, et la molécule d'adhésion intimine de la bactérie entéropathogène Escherichia coli. La liaison se fait par l'intermédiaire des sucres et confère ainsi une protection contre ces pathogènes. Ainsi, SC a été identifié comme agent neutralisant au niveau de l'intestin. La deuxième partie de ce travail abordait le sujet des allergies alimentaires, et avait pour but de tester les effets bénéfiques potentiels d'une bactérie probiotique, Lactobacillus paracasei NCC2461, contre les réactions allergiques. Un modèle marin d'allergie alimentaire a été mis au point, permettant de mesurer des immunoglobulines E, des symptômes allergiques, et la dégranulation de mastocytes. Lorsque le probiotique a été administré aux souris, celles-ci ont été complètement protégées des réactions allergiques dans une première expérience. Cependant, cette protection n'a pas été reproduite et suggère que des facteurs environnementaux encore inconnus sont critiques pour que le probiotique agisse positivement. Ce travail a permis de mettre en évidence la complexité de l'approche des traitements liés aux probiotiques et ouvre la voie sur la compréhension des mécanismes liés à l'allergie. Abstract The mucosal immune system associated to the gastrointestinal mucosa must efficiently distinguish between innocuous antigens, such as food proteins and commensal bacteria and potentially infectious agents. The work presented here deals with these two essential aspects guaranteeing intestinal homeostasis. In the first part of this work, the protective properties of secretory component (SC) toward the pathogen rotavirus were investigated. SC, which allows the transport of polymeric immunoglobulins (Ig) to mucosal surfaces, is highly glycosylated with complex glycan structures. The abundance and the nature of these carbohydrates led us to speculate that SC might interact with rotavirus, which is known to bind target cells with glycan receptors. Using various biological and biochemical techniques, we demonstrated that SC did not interact with rotaviruses, nor protected epithelial cells from infection. However, SC was shown to bind to Clostridium difficile toxin A and to the enteropathogenic Echerischia coli adhesion molecule intimin in a glycan-dependent fashion. These interactions allow in vitro protection of epithelial cells using physiological concentrations of SC. These data identify SC as a microbial scavenger at mucosal surfaces, and in the context of secretory IgA, further enhance the neutralising properties of the complex. The second project was inscribed in the domain of food allergy and aimed to test the modulatory functions of a probiotic strain of Lactobacillus paracasei toward allergic reactions. A model of food-mediated allergy was developed in the mouse using mucosal sensitisation. Several parameters associated to allergy were quantified after allergen challenge, and included allergen-specific IgE, allergic signs like diarrhea and temperature drop, and degranulation of mast cells. Administration of the probiotic strain was shown to completely protect mice from allergic reactions. However, these data were not reproduced, suggesting that unknown environmental factors are required so that protection mediated by the probiotic strain occurs. This study paves the way to the understanding of the mechanisms associated to allergy, and highlights the tremendous complexity that probiotic treatments will have to face.
Immaturity of the gut barrier system in the newborn has been seen to underlie a number of chronic diseases originating in infancy and manifesting later in life. The gut microbiota and breast milk provide the most important maturing signals for the gut-related immune system and reinforcement of the gut mucosal barrier function. Recently, the composition of the gut microbiota has been proposed to be instrumental in control of host body weight and metabolism as well as the inflammatory state characterizing overweight and obesity. On this basis, inflammatory Western lifestyle diseases, including overweight development, may represent a potential target for probiotic interventions beyond the well documented clinical applications. The purpose of the present undertaking was to study the efficacy and safety of perinatal probiotic intervention. The material comprised two ongoing, prospective, double-blind NAMI (Nutrition, Allergy, Mucosal immunology and Intestinal microbiota) probiotic interventions. In the mother-infant nutrition and probiotic study altogether 256 women were randomized at their first trimester of pregnancy into a dietary intervention and a control group. The intervention group received intensive dietary counselling provided by a nutritionist, and were further randomized at baseline, double-blind, to receive probiotics (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium lactis) or placebo. The intervention period extended from the first trimester of pregnancy to the end of exclusive breastfeeding. In the allergy prevention study altogether 159 women were randomized, double-blind, to receive probiotics (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG) or placebo 4 weeks before expected delivery, the intervention extending for 6 months postnatally. Additionally, patient data on all premature infants with very low birth weight (VLBW) treated in the Department of Paediatrics, Turku University Hospital, during the years 1997 - 2008 were utilized. The perinatal probiotic intervention reduced the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in the mothers and perinatal dietary counselling reduced that of fetal overgrowth in GDM-affected pregnancies. Early gut microbiota modulation with probiotics modified the growth pattern of the child by restraining excessive weight gain during the first years of life. The colostrum adiponectin concentration was demonstrated to be dependent on maternal diet and nutritional status during pregnancy. It was also higher in the colostrum received by normal-weight compared to overweight children at the age of 10 years. The early perinatal probiotic intervention and the postnatal probiotic intervention in VLBW infants were shown to be safe. To conclude, the findings in this study provided clinical evidence supporting the involvement of the initial microbial and nutritional environment in metabolic programming of the child. The manipulation of early gut microbial communities with probiotics might offer an applicable strategy to impact individual energy homeostasis and thus to prevent excessive body-weight gain. The results add weight to the hypothesis that interventions aiming to prevent obesity and its metabolic consequences later in life should be initiated as early as during the perinatal period.
The prevalence of inflammatory based diseases has increased in industrialized countries over the last decades. For allergic diseases, two primary hypotheses have been proposed to explain this phenomenon, namely the hygiene and dietary evolution based hypothesis. Particularly, the reduced early exposure to microbes and an increase in the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids (especially n-6 PUFA) in the diet have been discussed. Often, these two factors have been studied independently, even though both factors have been shown to possess potential health benefits and their mode of action to share similar mechanisms. The hypothesis of the present study was that demonstrate that PUFA and probiotics are not separate entities as such but do interact with each other. In the present study, we investigated whether maternal diet and atopic status influence the PUFA composition of breast milk and serum fatty acids of infants, and whether the fatty acid absorption and utilization of infant formula fatty acids is affected by supplementation of infant formula with probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus GG and Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12). Moreover, we investigated the mechanisms by which different PUFA influence the physicochemical and functional properties of probiotics as well as functionality of epithelial cells in vitro. We demonstrated a carry-over effect of dietary fatty acids from maternal diet via breast milk into infants’ serum lipid fatty acids. Our data confirmed the previously shown allergy –related PUFA level imbalances, though it did not fully support the impaired desaturation and elongation capacity hypothesis. We also showed that PUFA incorporation into phospholipids of infants was influenced by probiotics in infant formula in a strain dependent manner. Especially,Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12 in infant formula promoted the utilization of n-3 PUFA. Mechanistically, we demonstrated that probiotics (Lactobacillus GG, Lactobacillus casei Shirota and Lactobacillus bulgaricus) did incorporate and interconvert exogenous free PUFA in the growth medium into bacterial fatty acids strain and PUFA dependently. In general, high concentrations of free PUFA inhibited the growth and mucus adhesion of probiotics, whereas low concentrations of specific long chain PUFA were found to promote the growth and mucus adhesion of Lactobacillus casei Shirota. These effects were paralleled with only minor alterations in hydrophobicity and electron donor – electron acceptor properties of lactobacilli. Furthermore, free PUFA were also demonstrated to alter the adhesion capacity of the intestinal epithelial cells; n-6 PUFA tended to inhibit the Caco-2 adhesion of probiotics, whereas n-3 PUFA had either no or minor effects or even promote the bacterial adhesion (especially Lactobacillus casei Shirota) to PUFA treated Caco-2 cells. The results of this study demonstrate the close and bilateral interactions between dietary PUFA and probiotics. Probiotics were shown to influence the absorption and utilization of dietary PUFA, whereas PUFA were shown to alter the functional properties of both probiotics and mucosal epithelia. These findings suggest that a more thorough understanding of interactions between PUFA and intestinal microbiota is a prerequisite, when the beneficial effects of new functional foods containing probiotics are designed and planned for human intervention studies.
OBJETIVO: identificar espécies de lactobacilos isolados do conteúdo vaginal de mulheres saudáveis e assintomáticas; determinar as espécies mais prevalentes e caracterizá-las fenotipicamente. MÉTODOS: lactobacilos foram isolados em meio seletivo a partir de amostras de conteúdo vaginal de 135 mulheres, sem queixa de corrimento e com diagnóstico laboratorial negativo para infecções vaginais, acompanhadas em um ambulatório de Planejamento Familiar. Os isolados foram identificados por PCR multiplex e, quando necessário, submetidos ao sequenciamento do gene RNAr 16S. Foram também avaliados quanto à acidificação do meio de cultura, à produção de ácido láctico, de H2O2, bacteriocinas e a capacidade de adesão às células epiteliais. RESULTADOS: oitenta e três cepas de lactobacilos foram isoladas e identificadas, sendo as espécies predominantes L. crispatus (30,1%), L. jensenii (26,5%), L. gasseri (22,9%) e L. vaginalis (8,4%). Apenas 20 destes isolados não produziram H2O2 em quantidades detectáveis. Das 37 linhagens selecionadas para teste de adesão a células epiteliais, 12 apresentaram adesão entre 50 a 69%, 10 apresentaram 70% ou mais, e as restantes pouca ou nenhuma adesão. Nenhum dos isolados produziu bacteriocinas. CONCLUSÕES: as espécies de lactobacilos mais prevalentes em mulheres sem vulvovaginites, isoladas em meio de cultura seletivo e identificadas por métodos moleculares, foram L. crispatus, L. jensenii e L. gasseri. Além de mais frequentes, tais linhagens também apresentaram melhor produção de H2O2 e atingiram menores valores de pH em meio de cultura.
OBJETIVO: estudar o perfil clínico e microbiológico de mulheres portadoras de vaginose bacteriana participantes de um ensaio clínico randomizado, duplamente mascarado, que comparou aroeira e metronidazol, em uso vaginal, para tratamento do corrimento genital. MÉTODOS: o estudo constitui-se em uma série de casos de 277 mulheres portadoras de vaginose bacteriana diagnosticada, concomitantemente, pelos critérios de Amsel e Nugent, selecionadas a partir de um total de 462 recrutadas, utilizando as informações colhidas antes da intervenção. A análise dos dados foi efetuada utilizando-se o programa Epi-Info 3.32. Para comparar as frequências dos desfechos entre os grupos de intervenção, foi utilizado o teste do χ2 e foi calculada a razão de risco e o intervalo de confiança a 95%. Foi feita análise por intenção de tratar. Além dos parâmetros de diagnósticos, foram também colhidas cultura do conteúdo vaginal e uma citologia de Papanicolaou. RESULTADOS: entre as queixas clínicas, as mais frequentes foram o corrimento genital, observado em 206 participantes (74,4%) e o odor de peixe da secreção vaginal, que ocorreu em 68,6% dos casos (190 pacientes). Dentre os critérios clínicos de diagnósticos, a presença de clue-cells foi positiva em 275 mulheres (99,3%), o teste de Whiff positivo apareceu em 266 participantes (96,0%), seguido do pH >4,5, que ocorreu em 92,8% dos casos e da presença de corrimento fluido e acinzentado, citado por 206 participantes (74,4%). Com relação ao critério de Nugent, a mediana dos escores foi o valor 8,0. As culturas de conteúdo vaginal permitiram a identificação de Gardnerella vaginalis em 96,8% e de Mobiluncus, em 53,1% dos casos. Apenas uma terça parte dos exames mostrou a presença de Lactobacillus (89 mulheres - 32,1%). Houve crescimento de fungos em culturas de 14 participantes (5,1%). Na maior parte dos casos, os resultados das culturas demonstraram a presença de Corynebacterium (94,2%), Cocos Gram-positivos (98,2%), além de bacilos Gram-positivos (99,3%) e negativos (91,0%). As colpocitologias oncóticas mostraram presença muito escassa de lactobacilos, que estiveram presentes em apenas 8 citologias (2,9%) do total de 273 exames realizados. CONCLUSÕES: os resultados do estudo não mostraram diferença em relação à literatura quanto aos sintomas referidos pelas mulheres, os critérios clínicos mais observados no diagnóstico, ou as espécies bacterianas demonstradas nas culturas de conteúdo vaginal. Os achados demonstram serem necessários novos estudos que melhor elucidem as inter-relações entre os achados microbiológicos e a expressão clínica da vaginose bacteriana. Registro do ensaio clínico: ISRCTN18987156
The study examined (1) the immune response in broiler chickens after oral immunization with recombinant flagellin (rFliC) from Salmonella Typhimurium conjugated with sodium alginate microparticles, and the immune response enhancement in association with recombinant cholera toxin B subunit protein (rCTB) and pool of Lactobacillus spp. (PL). The immune responses were evaluated by dosage of IgY serum and IgA from intestinal fluid and immunostaining of CD8+ T lymphocytes in the cecum. The immunized animals were challenged with Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) 21 days after treatment. In all immunized groups, a significant increase (p<0.05) was observed in IgA levels (μg/mL), especially three weeks after immunization. The serum IgY levels (μg/mL) were little affected by the treatments and differed significantly among groups only in the second post-immunization week (p<0.05). After the challenge, the number of CD8+ T cells differed significantly between the treatments and negative control. Retrieval of Salmonella Typhimurium was not detected at 48 hours after the challenge in T2 (rFliC+rCTb), T3 (rFliC+PL) and T4 (rFliC+rCTB PL). The rFliC administered orally with or without rCTB and Lactobacillus spp. produces significant induction of humoral immune response, and the immunized chickens were more effective in eliminating Salmonella after challenge.
Despite over 50 years of investigation, the precise cause of infant colic crying remains unresolved and the long-term consequences unrevealed, and an effective treatment is lacking. Indeed, a more profound understanding of the complex nature of infants’ excessive crying is needed. The purpose of this series of studies was to investigate the association between gut microbiota composition and infant crying, to evaluate the impact of colic crying on children’s later health and to study the possibilities of treating and preventing excessive crying with pro- and prebiotics. The material comprised three on-going, prospective randomized controlled trials of the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (ATCC 53103, LGG) or a mixture of prebiotics administered in early infancy. The study populations consisted of term infants (n=89), preterm infants (n=94) and term colic infants (n=30). Early crying was found to be inversely associated with the number of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. Furthermore, at the age of 13 years functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) were manifested more frequently among children with previous colic crying than in those without. In preterm infants pro- and prebiotic supplementation during the first months of life reduced the frequency of excessive crying when compared to placebo. In parallel, probiotic LGG in tandem with a cow’s milk elimination diet and behavioral counseling reduced the daily crying amount among term colic infants when compared to placebo. In conclusion, the composition of the gut microbiota is associated with infant crying and colic, and probiotic LGG might provide a safe and effective treatment or preventive option to alleviate excessive crying in early infancy in term and preterm infants. Furthermore, early colic crying might be associated with the later development of FGID.
Podisus nigrispinus is a generalist predator naturally occurring in agricultural and forestry systems that effectively contributes to the population balance of phytophagous insects, especially defoliating caterpillars. Histological changes were evaluated in the salivary glands and midgut of P. nigrispinus caused by ingestion of systemic herbicide isoxaflutole. These predator females were fed with leaves of eucalyptus plants, Tenebrio molitor pupae or water, contaminated or not by herbicide. Salivary glands and midguts were dissected, processed and analyzed under a light microscope. Activity level and cell morphology of the salivary glands and midgut showed differences among insects fed on plants, contaminated water or pupae. The epithelia of the salivary gland and midgut of individuals which had no contact with the herbicide showed homogeneous cytoplasm, nucleus with predominance of decondensed chromatin and evident nucleoli, intense cell activity features. As for the insects in contact with contaminated food, they presented undeveloped nucleus and condensed chromatin. The luminal contents of the salivary glands in the contaminated insects had become more acidophilus than in insects without poisoning, as well as having heterogeneous and granular secretion, being more evident in the bioassay in which the insects fed on contaminated water. There was a marked morphological change in the midgut cells in contaminated insects. High degree of apoptosis, disorganization and secretory vacuoles in the epithelial cytoplasm were observed. The apical portion of the midgut cells proved undeveloped, irregular and partially destroyed. It is concluded that isoxaflutole causes morphological changes in the digestive system of the predator P. nigrispinus.
A rapid increase in allergic diseases in Western societies has led to the conclusion that our modern lifestyle is a risk factor for immune dysregulation. Potential culprits and benefactors are searched among early dietary and microbial exposures, which may act to program later allergic disease. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the role of early maternal and child nutrition in reducing the risk of child allergy. The study population comprised of 256 mother – child pairs from families with a history of allergy participating in a randomized controlled dietary counseling and probiotic intervention (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12) study from early pregnancy onwards. The dietary counseling aimed for a diet complying with dietary recommendations for pregnant and lactating women, with special attention to fat quality. Maternal dietary counseling was reflected in cord blood fatty acids suggesting better essential fatty acid status in infants in the counseling group. Dietary counseling with probiotics or placebo had no effect on child allergy risk, but associations between maternal diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding and child allergic outcomes were found in secondary analyses. During pregnancy, milk intake was related to decreased and cheese intake to increased risk of child atopic eczema. During breastfeeding, intake of vitamin C was related to increased risk of asthma and intake of egg was related to decreased risk of atopic eczema. The timing of introduction of complementary foods to infant’s diet was not associated with risk of atopic eczema, when adjusted with parental opinion of child allergic symptoms (i.e., potential reverse causality). In conclusion, the results demonstrate that infant fatty acid supply can be modified via maternal dietary changes. In addition, interesting associations of maternal diet with child allergy risk were discovered. However, no difference in the incidence of allergic diseases with dietary counseling was observed. This suggests that more potent dietary interventions might be necessitated to induce clinical risk reduction of allergy. Highrisk families can safely adhere to dietary recommendations for pregnant and lactating women, and the results support the current conception that no additional benefit is gained with delaying introduction of complementary feeding.
Considerando a crescente importância que o iogurte vem assumindo no mercado nacional, inúmeras pesquisas têm sido executadas para melhoria da sua qualidade e outros produtos fermentados. A presença de contaminantes constitui, hoje, um dos grandes problemas para a indústria, causando a perda do produto em função das alterações de sabor, cor e também estufamento de embalagens nas prateleiras refrigeradas de comercialização. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar levantamento das características microbiológicas dos iogurtes, por meio da enumeração de fungos e leveduras encontrados, relacionando-os com a vida-de-prateleira do iogurte de diferentes marcas. Setenta e duas amostras de iogurtes comercializados foram submetidos à análise microbiológica da população de Lactobacillus/Streptococcus, contagem de leveduras e fungos e análises químicas (pH, % ácido láctico). Os iogurtes foram produzidos por 4 produtores diferentes e comercializados de Lavras - MG, Brasil. Lactobacillus delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus e Streptococcus thermophilus foram encontrados na proporção de 1:2, respectivamente, em 80% das amostras analisadas. Não foi encontrada diferença significativa no valor de pH e na concentração de ácido láctico nas amostras. Em 28% das amostras foi encontrada população de leveduras acima de 100 UFC/g, enquanto em 7% foram obtidas contagens de leveduras maiores que 1000 UFC/g. Os resultados indicam que, apesar de todas as inovações técnicas e cuidados durante e depois da fabricação do iogurte, o produto ainda pode estar sujeito à contaminação microbiana, quando não atendidas às condições de higiene e sanidade.
Bactérias viáveis adicionadas em produtos cárneos com a finalidade de melhorar a qualidade sanitária, as características sensoriais e reduzir nitritos, são denominadas de cultura iniciadora. Pode ser constituída de cultura pura ou mista com habilidade em produzir substâncias antimicrobianas como ácido lático e bacteriocinas, capazes de inibir microrganismos indesejáveis ao produto alimentício. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se algumas associações entre bactérias láticas, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus e Enterococcus, visando obter culturas láticas com habilidade bioquímica para fermentação homolática; alta viabilidade celular; tolerância ao sais NaCl e NaNO2; capacidade de reduzir nitritos e inibir patógenos como S. aureus; Salmonella spp. e E. coli enteropatogênica. Os cultivos foram desenvolvidos em MRS, incubados a 37ºC por 48 horas. O ácido lático foi determinado por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência. Nitrito residual foi determinado por espectrofotometria. A fermentação homolática com melhor produção de ácido lático (4,61%) e alta viabilidade celular (3 x 10(15) UFC/mL) foi obtida pela cultura constituída de L. curvatus, L. plantarum, P. acidilactici e E. faecium . A cultura mista selecionada apresentou alta viabilidade celular (1x10(14) UFC/mL), mesmo em altas concentrações de NaCl e NaNO2. O caldo fermentado apresentou 99% de redução do nitrito inicial. A cultura lática mista selecionada inibiu S. aureus, Salmonella spp. e E. coli em ágar BHI. Em lingüiça frescal, observou-se a diminuição da contagem de S. aureus e coliformes totais em relação ao controle. Salmonella spp. não foi detectada nas amostras testadas. Os resultados mostram a possibilidade de aplicação da cultura mista selecionada como cultura iniciadora em produtos cárneos.
O assentamento de células de leveduras no fundo das dornas e perdas de células nas centrífugas podem ser causadas por bactérias floculantes, contaminantes naturais da fermentação alcoólica industrial. Estes problemas levam a queda no rendimento e produtividade do etanol. O presente trabalho visa a caracterização da floculação de Saccharomyces cerevisiae por Lactobacillus fermentum CCT 1396. As células de leveduras e bactérias foram misturadas e a floculação das células quantificadas por espectrofotometria. Concentrações de bactérias numa faixa de 0,4 a 3,8g/L (biomassa seca) foram testadas a fim de determinar a ótima concentração de bactérias necessária para provocar a floculação das leveduras. O efeito de pH na floculação das células de leveduras e bactérias foi determinado. 1,38g/L de bactéria foi necessário para a floculação, de 65,4g/L de células de levedura com tempo de contato entre as células (sob agitação) de 15 minutos e repouso de 20 minutos. No pH 3,0 pouco efeito na floculação celular foi detectado e as células continuaram floculadas, mas na faixa de pH 2,0 -- 2,5 a floculação foi próxima de zero. Esta técnica pode ser utilizada para o controle da floculação de leveduras de indústrias de produção de álcool, para determinar a origem desta floculação, já que trata-se de uma técnica fácil, econômica e rápida.