914 resultados para GUI legacy Windows Form web-application


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This poster presents research-in-progress into the educational affordances of so-called Web 2.0 sites, services, with a particular emphasis on those applications that involve forms of shared human-machine cognition and that promote public knowledge networking. This research involves reviewing many hundreds of Web 2.0 tools and selecting approximately 50 for further analysis and exploration as learning applications. In doing so, the research will generate examples of unusual affordances provided by Web 2.0; it will also present a more structured categorisation of the kinds of uses and benefits of these tools. This approach is valuable because much current research and analysis of the impact of Web 2.0 on education, particularly higher education, has emphasised a relatively limited array of tools – principally blogs, wikis and social networking services – that offer educators and students opportunities for student-led collaborative work. Such opportunities involve strong emphasis on constructivist pedagogy: students’ interactions with each other, mediated via the Internet, are viewed as the positive benefit which networked learning can provide. However, Web 2.0 is far more than just collaboration, and associated shared self-expression. In particular, Web 2.0 includes many examples of services that take one form of input from a user and, rather than just sharing it with others, enable the transformation of that input into different forms, either as visualisations, maps, or other re-representations. Web 2.0 is also starting to see the development of knowledge-work engines that embody the concept of shared cognition, in which the service and the user cooperate in the production of some final knowledge output or which present to users knowledge that has already been processed more extensively than through simple searching. Web 2.0 is also closely associated with the idea that knowledge work is now networked and distributed; it involves users appropriating, creating and sharing knowledge products in a very public way, far beyond the narrow ‘audience’ of a particular course or program of study. The research presented in this poster will provide, firstly, examples of the Web 2.0 tools which emphasise these additional ways of exploiting the Internet for networked learning; secondly, the research will provide a first iteration of the overarching structure of categories and classifications which can be used to assess any proposed Web 2.0 application in terms of its affordances for learning as knowledge networking. By understanding these technologies, truly collaborative networked learning can be developed that blends with the emerging cultures of online behaviour increasingly common to contemporary student populations.


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In the past decade there has been massive growth of data on the internet. Many people rely on XML based RSS feeds to receive updates from websites. In this paper, we propose a method for managing the RSS feeds from various news websites. A web service is developed to deliver filtered news items from RSS feeds to a mobile client. Each news item is indexed, subsequently, the indexes are used for filtering news items. Indexing is done in two steps. First, classical text categorization algorithms are used to assign a category to each news item, second, geoparsing is used to assign geolocation data to each news item. An android application is developed to access filtered news items by consuming the proposed web service. A prototype is implemented using Rapid miner 5.0 as the data mining tool and SVM as the classification algorithm. Geoparsing and geocoding web services, and Android API are used to implement location-based access to news items. Experimental results prove that the proposed approach is effective and saves a significant amount of information overload processing time.


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Web servers are usually located in a well-organized data center where these servers connect with the outside Internet directly through backbones. Meanwhile, the application-layer distributed denials of service (AL-DDoS) attacks are critical threats to the Internet, particularly to those business web servers. Currently, there are some methods designed to handle the AL-DDoS attacks, but most of them cannot be used in heavy backbones. In this paper, we propose a new method to detect AL-DDoS attacks. Our work distinguishes itself from previous methods by considering AL-DDoS attack detection in heavy backbone traffic. Besides, the detection of AL-DDoS attacks is easily misled by flash crowd traffic. In order to overcome this problem, our proposed method constructs a Real-time Frequency Vector (RFV) and real-timely characterizes the traffic as a set of models. By examining the entropy of AL-DDoS attacks and flash crowds, these models can be used to recognize the real AL-DDoS attacks. We integrate the above detection principles into a modularized defense architecture, which consists of a head-end sensor, a detection module and a traffic filter. With a swift AL-DDoS detection speed, the filter is capable of letting the legitimate requests through but the attack traffic is stopped. In the experiment, we adopt certain episodes of real traffic from Sina and Taobao to evaluate our AL-DDoS detection method and architecture. Compared with previous methods, the results show that our approach is very effective in defending AL-DDoS attacks at backbones. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Web content hosting, in which a Web server stores and provides Web access to documents for different customers, is becoming increasingly common. For example, a web server can host webpages for several different companies and individuals. Traditionally, Web Service Providers (WSPs) provide all customers with the same level of performance (best-effort service). Most service differentiation has been in the pricing structure (individual vs. business rates) or the connectivity type (dial-up access vs. leased line, etc.). This report presents DiffServer, a program that implements two simple, server-side, application-level mechanisms (server-centric and client-centric) to provide different levels of web service. The results of the experiments show that there is not much overhead due to the addition of this additional layer of abstraction between the client and the Apache web server under light load conditions. Also, the average waiting time for high priority requests decreases significantly after they are assigned priorities as compared to a FIFO approach.


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[ES] Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es un servicio basado en tecnologías web (PHP, HTML5, CSS, JQUERY y AJAX). El objetivo principal es ofrecer un servicio de creación y gestión de actas para el Ayuntamiento de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Para ello, consta de dos módulos principales, uno para “crear actas” y otro para “editar actas”. La aplicación consta de dos partes. Una primera parte desarrollada por mí, que consiste en primer lugar en todas las reuniones que fueron necesarias con el personal del Ayuntamiento de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria para entender sus necesidades y cómo poder afrontarlas como desarrollador. Y en segundo lugar, me he encargado de la elaboración y la estructura de la página web, mediante la generación de los distintos ficheros con contenido  HTML, en la interconexión de estos ficheros y en el paso de parámetros entre dichos ficheros mediante las distintas herramientas (JQUERY, AJAX), así como también he dotado a la web de todo el contenido JavaScript necesario. En este apartado también se encuentra la tarea de realizar un módulo de búsqueda y un módulo para mostrar las actas ya acabadas. El de búsqueda contiene un formulario con un campo de búsqueda y busca las coincidencias dentro de todos los ficheros que se han generado con la aplicación. También muestra un link para abrir ese fichero desde el navegador. Como aportación adicional también me he encargado de la configuración y generación de las tablas necesarias de la base de datos para el funcionamiento de la aplicación.


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Negli ultimi anni si sente sempre più spesso parlare di cloud computing. L'idea di fondo di questo concetto è quella di pagare per il solo effettivo utilizzo di un servizio, disponibile sulla rete, avendo a disposizione la possibilità di poter variare le proprie risorse utilizzabili a seconda delle necessità, che potrebbero essere, per esempio, applicazioni standard oppure spazi di storage per i dati. Quando cominciò a diffondersi l'utilizzo del Web, la rete Internet veniva raffigurata come una nuvola (cloud) in modo tale che si rendesse l'idea di un'entità esterna rispetto alla nostra casa o al nostro posto di lavoro, un qualcosa cioè al di fuori dei luoghi abituali in cui vengono utilizzati i PC. Tale rappresentazione diventa ora utile per poter spiegare il concetto di cloud computing. Infatti, grazie a questa nuova tecnologia, dati e programmi normalmente presenti nei nostri computer potranno ora trovarsi sul cloud. Molti reparti IT sono costretti a dedicare una parte significativa del loro tempo a progetti di implementazione, manutenzione e upgrade che spesso non danno un vero valore per l'azienda. I team di sviluppo hanno cominciato quindi a rivolgersi a questa nuova tecnologia emergente per poter minimizzare il tempo dedicato ad attività a basso valore aggiunto per potersi concentrare su quelle attività strategiche che possono fare la differenza per un'azienda. Infatti un'infrastruttura come quella cloud computing promette risparmi nei costi amministrativi che raggiungono addirittura il 50% rispetto ad un software standard di tipo client/server. Questa nuova tecnologia sta dando inizio ad un cambiamento epocale nel mondo dello sviluppo delle applicazioni. Il passaggio che si sta effettuando verso le nuove soluzioni cloud computing consente infatti di creare applicazioni solide in tempi decisamente più brevi e con costi assai inferiori, evitando inoltre tutte le seccature associate a server, soluzioni software singole, aggiornamenti, senza contare il personale necessario a gestire tutto questo. L'obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di mostrare una panoramica della progettazione e dello sviluppo di applicazioni Web nel cloud computing, analizzandone pregi e difetti in relazione alle soluzioni software attuali. Nel primo capitolo viene mostrato un quadro generale in riferimento al cloud, mettendo in luce le sue caratteristiche fondamentali, esaminando la sua architettura e valutando vantaggi e svantaggi di tale piattaforma. Nel secondo capitolo viene presentata la nuova metodologia di progettazione nel cloud, operando prima di tutto un confronto con lo sviluppo dei software standard e analizzando poi l'impatto che il cloud computing opera sulla progettazione. Nel terzo capitolo si entra nel merito della progettazione e sviluppo di applicazioni SaaS, specificandone le caratteristiche comuni ed elencando le piattaforme di rilievo allo stato dell'arte. Si entrerà inoltre nel merito della piattaforma Windows Azure. Nel quarto capitolo viene analizzato nel particolare lo sviluppo di applicazioni SaaS Multi-Tenant, specificando livelli e caratteristiche, fino a spiegare le architetture metadata-driven. Nel quinto capitolo viene operato un confronto tra due possibili approcci di sviluppo di un software cloud, analizzando nello specifico le loro differenze a livello di requisiti non funzionali. Nel sesto capitolo, infine, viene effettuata una panoramica dei costi di progettazione di un'applicazione cloud.


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Die Forschungsarbeit siedelt sich im Dreieck der Erziehungswissenschaften, der Informatik und der Schulpraxis an und besitzt somit einen starken interdisziplinären Charakter. Aus Sicht der Erziehungswissenschaften handelt es sich um ein Forschungsprojekt aus den Bereichen E-Learning und Multimedia Learning und der Fragestellung nach geeigneten Informatiksystemen für die Herstellung und den Austausch von digitalen, multimedialen und interaktiven Lernbausteinen. Dazu wurden zunächst methodisch-didaktische Vorteile digitaler Lerninhalte gegenüber klassischen Medien wie Buch und Papier zusammengetragen und mögliche Potentiale im Zusammenhang mit neuen Web2.0-Technologien aufgezeigt. Darauf aufbauend wurde für existierende Autorenwerkzeuge zur Herstellung digitaler Lernbausteine und bestehende Austauschplattformen analysiert, inwieweit diese bereits Web 2.0-Technologien unterstützen und nutzen. Aus Sicht der Informatik ergab sich aus der Analyse bestehender Systeme ein Anforderungsprofil für ein neues Autorenwerkzeug und eine neue Austauschplattform für digitale Lernbausteine. Das neue System wurde nach dem Ansatz des Design Science Research in einem iterativen Entwicklungsprozess in Form der Webapplikation LearningApps.org realisiert und stetig mit Lehrpersonen aus der Schulpraxis evaluiert. Bei der Entwicklung kamen aktuelle Web-Technologien zur Anwendung. Das Ergebnis der Forschungsarbeit ist ein produktives Informatiksystem, welches bereits von tausenden Nutzern in verschiedenen Ländern sowohl in Schulen als auch in der Wirtschaft eingesetzt wird. In einer empirischen Studie konnte das mit der Systementwicklung angestrebte Ziel, die Herstellung und den Austausch von digitalen Lernbausteinen zu vereinfachen, bestätigt werden. Aus Sicht der Schulpraxis liefert LearningApps.org einen Beitrag zur Methodenvielfalt und zur Nutzung von ICT im Unterricht. Die Ausrichtung des Werkzeugs auf mobile Endgeräte und 1:1-Computing entspricht dem allgemeinen Trend im Bildungswesen. Durch die Verknüpfung des Werkzeugs mit aktuellen Software Entwicklungen zur Herstellung von digitalen Schulbüchern werden auch Lehrmittelverlage als Zielgruppe angesprochen.


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Lo scopo del progetto Bird-A è di mettere a disposizione uno strumento basato su ontologie per progettare un'interfaccia web collaborativa di creazione, visualizzazione, modifica e cancellazione di dati RDF e di fornirne una prima implementazione funzionante. La visione che sta muovendo la comunità del web semantico negli ultimi anni è quella di creare un Web basato su dati strutturati tra loro collegati, più che su documenti. Questo modello di architettura prende il nome di Linked Data ed è basata sulla possibilità di considerare cose, concetti, persone come risorse identificabili tramite URI e di poter fornire informazioni e descrivere collegamenti tra queste risorse attraverso l'uso di formati standard come RDF. Ciò che ha però frenato la diffusione di questi dati strutturati ed interconnessi sono stati gli alti requisiti di competenze tecniche necessarie sia alla loro creazione che alla loro fruizione. Il progetto Bird-A si prefigge di semplificare la creazione e la fruizione di dati RDF, favorendone la condivisione e la diffusione anche fra persone non dotate di conoscenze tecniche specifiche.


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The present study aims to investigate the implications of web-based delivery of identical learning content for time efficiency and students' performance, as compared to conventional textbook resources.


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Researchers suggest that personalization on the Semantic Web adds up to a Web 3.0 eventually. In this Web, personalized agents process and thus generate the biggest share of information rather than humans. In the sense of emergent semantics, which supplements traditional formal semantics of the Semantic Web, this is well conceivable. An emergent Semantic Web underlying fuzzy grassroots ontology can be accomplished through inducing knowledge from users' common parlance in mutual Web 2.0 interactions [1]. These ontologies can also be matched against existing Semantic Web ontologies, to create comprehensive top-level ontologies. On the Web, if augmented with information in the form of restrictions andassociated reliability (Z-numbers) [2], this collection of fuzzy ontologies constitutes an important basis for an implementation of Zadeh's restriction-centered theory of reasoning and computation (RRC) [3]. By considering real world's fuzziness, RRC differs from traditional approaches because it can handle restrictions described in natural language. A restriction is an answer to a question of the value of a variable such as the duration of an appointment. In addition to mathematically well-defined answers, RRC can likewise deal with unprecisiated answers as "about one hour." Inspired by mental functions, it constitutes an important basis to leverage present-day Web efforts to a natural Web 3.0. Based on natural language information, RRC may be accomplished with Z-number calculation to achieve a personalized Web reasoning and computation. Finally, through Web agents' understanding of natural language, they can react to humans more intuitively and thus generate and process information.


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Traditionally, ontologies describe knowledge representation in a denotational, formalized, and deductive way. In addition, in this paper, we propose a semiotic, inductive, and approximate approach to ontology creation. We define a conceptual framework, a semantics extraction algorithm, and a first proof of concept applying the algorithm to a small set of Wikipedia documents. Intended as an extension to the prevailing top-down ontologies, we introduce an inductive fuzzy grassroots ontology, which organizes itself organically from existing natural language Web content. Using inductive and approximate reasoning to reflect the natural way in which knowledge is processed, the ontology’s bottom-up build process creates emergent semantics learned from the Web. By this means, the ontology acts as a hub for computing with words described in natural language. For Web users, the structural semantics are visualized as inductive fuzzy cognitive maps, allowing an initial form of intelligence amplification. Eventually, we present an implementation of our inductive fuzzy grassroots ontology Thus,this paper contributes an algorithm for the extraction of fuzzy grassroots ontologies from Web data by inductive fuzzy classification.