434 resultados para FPGA.
Análisis de las herramientas ORCC y Vivado HLS para la Síntesis de Modelos de Flujo de Datos RVC-CAL
En este Proyecto Fin de Grado se ha realizado un estudio de cómo generar, a partir de modelos de flujo de datos en RVC-CAL (Reconfigurable Video Coding – CAL Actor Language), modelos VHDL (Versatile Hardware Description Language) mediante Vivado HLS (Vivado High Level Synthesis), incluida en las herramientas disponibles en Vivado de Xilinx. Una vez conseguido el modelo VHDL resultante, la intención es que mediante las herramientas de Xilinx se programe en una FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) o el dispositivo Zynq también desarrollado por Xilinx. RVC-CAL es un lenguaje de flujo de datos que describe la funcionalidad de bloques funcionales, denominados actores. Las funcionalidades que desarrolla un actor se definen como acciones, las cuales pueden ser diferentes en un mismo actor. Los actores pueden comunicarse entre sí y formar una red de actores o network. Con Vivado HLS podemos obtener un diseño VHDL a partir de un modelo en lenguaje C. Por lo que la generación de modelos en VHDL a partir de otros en RVC-CAL, requiere una fase previa en la que los modelos en RVC-CAL serán compilados para conseguir su equivalente en lenguaje C. El compilador ORCC (Open RVC-CAL Compiler) es la herramienta que nos permite lograr diseños en lenguaje C partiendo de modelos en RVC-CAL. ORCC no crea directamente el código ejecutable, sino que genera un código fuente disponible para ser compilado por otra herramienta, en el caso de este proyecto, el compilador GCC (Gnu C Compiler) de Linux. En resumen en este proyecto nos encontramos con tres puntos de estudio bien diferenciados, los cuales son: 1. Partimos de modelos de flujo de datos en RVC-CAL, los cuales son compilados por ORCC para alcanzar su traducción en lenguaje C. 2. Una vez conseguidos los diseños equivalentes en lenguaje C, son sintetizados en Vivado HLS para conseguir los modelos en VHDL. 3. Los modelos VHDL resultantes serian manipulados por las herramientas de Xilinx para producir el bitstream que sea programado en una FPGA o en el dispositivo Zynq. En el estudio del segundo punto, nos encontramos con una serie de elementos conflictivos que afectan a la síntesis en Vivado HLS de los diseños en lenguaje C generados por ORCC. Estos elementos están relacionados con la manera que se encuentra estructurada la especificación en C generada por ORCC y que Vivado HLS no puede soportar en determinados momentos de la síntesis. De esta manera se ha propuesto una transformación “manual” de los diseños generados por ORCC que afecto lo menos posible a los modelos originales para poder realizar la síntesis con Vivado HLS y crear el fichero VHDL correcto. De esta forma este documento se estructura siguiendo el modelo de un trabajo de investigación. En primer lugar, se exponen las motivaciones y objetivos que apoyan y se esperan lograr en este trabajo. Seguidamente, se pone de manifiesto un análisis del estado del arte de los elementos necesarios para el desarrollo del mismo, proporcionando los conceptos básicos para la correcta comprensión y estudio del documento. Se realiza una descripción de los lenguajes RVC-CAL y VHDL, además de una introducción de las herramientas ORCC y Vivado, analizando las bondades y características principales de ambas. Una vez conocido el comportamiento de ambas herramientas, se describen las soluciones desarrolladas en nuestro estudio de la síntesis de modelos en RVC-CAL, poniéndose de manifiesto los puntos conflictivos anteriormente señalados que Vivado HLS no puede soportar en la síntesis de los diseños en lenguaje C generados por el compilador ORCC. A continuación se presentan las soluciones propuestas a estos errores acontecidos durante la síntesis, con las cuales se pretende alcanzar una especificación en C más óptima para una correcta síntesis en Vivado HLS y alcanzar de esta forma los modelos VHDL adecuados. Por último, como resultado final de este trabajo se extraen un conjunto de conclusiones sobre todos los análisis y desarrollos acontecidos en el mismo. Al mismo tiempo se proponen una serie de líneas futuras de trabajo con las que se podría continuar el estudio y completar la investigación desarrollada en este documento. ABSTRACT. In this Project it has made a study of how to generate, from data flow models in RVC-CAL (Reconfigurable Video Coding - Actor CAL Language), VHDL models (Versatile Hardware Description Language) by Vivado HLS (Vivado High Level Synthesis), included in the tools available in Vivado of Xilinx. Once achieved the resulting VHDL model, the intention is that by the Xilinx tools programmed in FPGA or Zynq device also developed by Xilinx. RVC-CAL is a dataflow language that describes the functionality of functional blocks, called actors. The functionalities developed by an actor are defined as actions, which may be different in the same actor. Actors can communicate with each other and form a network of actors. With Vivado HLS we can get a VHDL design from a model in C. So the generation of models in VHDL from others in RVC-CAL requires a preliminary phase in which the models RVC-CAL will be compiled to get its equivalent in C. The compiler ORCC (Open RVC-CAL Compiler) is the tool that allows us to achieve designs in C language models based on RVC-CAL. ORCC not directly create the executable code but generates an available source code to be compiled by another tool, in the case of this project, the GCC compiler (GNU C Compiler) of Linux. In short, in this project we find three well-defined points of study, which are: 1. We start from data flow models in RVC-CAL, which are compiled by ORCC to achieve its translation in C. 2. Once you realize the equivalent designs in C, they are synthesized in Vivado HLS for VHDL models. 3. The resulting models VHDL would be manipulated by Xilinx tools to produce the bitstream that is programmed into an FPGA or Zynq device. In the study of the second point, we find a number of conflicting elements that affect the synthesis Vivado HLS designs in C generated by ORCC. These elements are related to the way it is structured specification in C generated ORCC and Vivado HLS cannot hold at certain times of the synthesis. Thus it has proposed a "manual" transformation of designs generated by ORCC that affected as little as possible to the original in order to perform the synthesis Vivado HLS and create the correct file VHDL models. Thus this document is structured along the lines of a research. First, the motivations and objectives that support and hope to reach in this work are presented. Then it shows an analysis the state of the art of the elements necessary for its development, providing the basics for a correct understanding and study of the document. A description of the RVC-CAL and VHDL languages is made, in addition an introduction of the ORCC and Vivado tools, analyzing the advantages and main features of both. Once you know the behavior of both tools, the solutions developed in our study of the synthesis of RVC-CAL models, introducing the conflicting points mentioned above are described that Vivado HLS cannot stand in the synthesis of design in C language generated by ORCC compiler. Below the proposed solutions to these errors occurred during synthesis, with which it is intended to achieve optimum C specification for proper synthesis Vivado HLS and thus create the appropriate VHDL models are presented. Finally, as the end result of this work a set of conclusions on all analyzes and developments occurred in the same are removed. At the same time a series of future lines of work which could continue to study and complete the research developed in this document are proposed.
We describe Janus, a massively parallel FPGA-based computer optimized for the simulation of spin glasses, theoretical models for the behavior of glassy materials. FPGAs (as compared to GPUs or many-core processors) provide a complementary approach to massively parallel computing. In particular, our model problem is formulated in terms of binary variables, and floating-point operations can be (almost) completely avoided. The FPGA architecture allows us to run many independent threads with almost no latencies in memory access, thus updating up to 1024 spins per cycle. We describe Janus in detail and we summarize the physics results obtained in four years of operation of this machine; we discuss two types of physics applications: long simulations on very large systems (which try to mimic and provide understanding about the experimental non equilibrium dynamics), and low-temperature equilibrium simulations using an artificial parallel tempering dynamics. The time scale of our non-equilibrium simulations spans eleven orders of magnitude (from picoseconds to a tenth of a second). On the other hand, our equilibrium simulations are unprecedented both because of the low temperatures reached and for the large systems that we have brought to equilibrium. A finite-time scaling ansatz emerges from the detailed comparison of the two sets of simulations. Janus has made it possible to perform spin glass simulations that would take several decades on more conventional architectures. The paper ends with an assessment of the potential of possible future versions of the Janus architecture, based on state-of-the-art technology.
The out of equilibrium evolution for an Edwards‐Anderson spin glass is followed for a tenth of a second, a long enough time to let us make safe predictions about the behaviour at experimental scales. This work has been made possible by Janus, an FPGA based special purpose computer. We have thoroughly studied the spin glass correlation functions and the growth of the coherence length for L = 80 lattices in 3D. Our main conclusion is that these spin glasses follow noncoarsening dynamics, at least up to the experimentally relevant time scales.
Este documento apresenta o Lyra, um novo esquema de derivação de chaves, baseado em esponjas criptográficas. O Lyra foi projetado para ser estritamente sequencial, fornecendo um nível elevado de segurança mesmo contra atacantes que utilizem múltiplos núcleos de processamento, como uma GPU ou FPGA. Ao mesmo tempo possui uma implementação simples em software e permite ao usuário legítimo ajustar o uso de memória e tempo de processamento de acordo com o nível de segurança desejado. O Lyra é, então, comparado ao scrypt, mostrando que esta proposta fornece um nível se segurança mais alto, além de superar suas deficiências. Caso o atacante deseje realizar um ataque utilizando pouca memória, o tempo de processamento do Lyra cresce exponencialmente, enquanto no scrypt este crescimento é apenas quadrático. Além disto, para o mesmo tempo de processamento, o Lyra permite uma utilização maior de memória, quando comparado ao scrypt, aumentando o custo de ataques de força bruta.
El hardware reconfigurable es una tecnología emergente en aplicaciones espaciales.Debido a las características de este hardware, pues su configuración lógica queda almacenada en memoria RAM estática, es susceptible de diversos errores que pueden ocurrir con mayor frecuencia cuando es expuesta a entornos de mayor radiación, como en misiones de exploración espacial. Entre estos se encuentran los llamados SEU o Single Event Upset, y suelen ser generados por partículas cósmicas, pues pueden tener la capacidad de descargar un transistor y de este modo alterar un valor lógico en memoria, y por tanto la configuración lógica del circuito. Por ello que surge la necesidad de desarrollar técnicas que permitan estudiar las vulnerabilidades de diversos circuitos, de forma económica y rápida, además de técnicas de protección de los mismos. En este proyecto nos centraremos en desarrollar una herramienta con este propósito, Nessy 7.0. La plataforma nos permitirá emular, detectar y analizar posibles errores causados por la radiación en los sistemas digitales. Para ello utilizaremos como dispositivo controlador, una Raspberry Pi 3, que contendrá la herramienta principal, y controlará y se comunicará con la FPGA que implementará el diseño a testear, en este caso una placa Nexys 4 DDR con una FPGA Artix-7. Finalmente evaluaremos un par de circuitos con la plataforma.
Paper submitted to the XVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS), Ciudad Real, España, 2003.
Paper submitted to the XVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS), Ciudad Real, España, 2003.
Paper submitted to International Workshop on Spectral Methods and Multirate Signal Processing (SMMSP), Barcelona, España, 2003.
Paper submitted to the IFIP International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SOC), Darmstadt, Germany, 2003.
Paper submitted to the IFIP International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SOC), Darmstadt, Germany, 2003.
Paper submitted to 10th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Sharjah, Emiratos Árabes, 2003.
The explosive growth of the traffic in computer systems has made it clear that traditional control techniques are not adequate to provide the system users fast access to network resources and prevent unfair uses. In this paper, we present a reconfigurable digital hardware implementation of a specific neural model for intrusion detection. It uses a specific vector of characterization of the network packages (intrusion vector) which is starting from information obtained during the access intent. This vector will be treated by the system. Our approach is adaptative and to detecting these intrusions by using a complex artificial intelligence method known as multilayer perceptron. The implementation have been developed and tested into a reconfigurable hardware (FPGA) for embedded systems. Finally, the Intrusion detection system was tested in a real-world simulation to gauge its effectiveness and real-time response.
O objetivo deste trabalho é o projeto, construção e teste de um sistema que permita a medida de viscosidade de líquidos utilizando o método do fio vibrante em regime livre. A principal contribuição original deste trabalho é o modo de controlo do estímulo e aquisição de sinal no contexto da medição de viscosidade, utilizando uma interface gráfica (GUI) onde o utilizador pode controlar o estímulo e a taxa de aquisição do sensor. A Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) é utilizada para controlar e sincronizar todo o sistema e fazer a ligação entre a interface gráfica e o hardware desenvolvido para condicionar o sinal de estímulo do fio vibrante e de resposta do fio vibrante. A amplitude eficaz máxima de corrente a estimular o fio vibrante permite utilizar fios vibrantes com um diâmetro maior e efetuar medições em líquidos mais viscosos. Utilizando o protótipo desenvolvido para adquirir a resposta do fio vibrante fez-se o ajuste dos pontos experimentais à equação que descreve o comportamento teórico da resposta do fio vibrante, obtendo-se valores de frequência e amortecimento da resposta do fio vibrante com um desvio padrão de e respetivamente, permitindo assim calcular a viscosidade do líquido em estudo.
This work focuses on the design of high-efficient DC-DC converters based on WBG power devices. The first objective is the development of an isolated bidirectional converter for the distribution network of future electrical aircrafts. A SiC-based Dual Active Bridge converter is designed and fabricated. Control strategies for individual and parallel operations are investigated and implemented into a FPGA platform. Experimental results on 1.2kW 270V/28V prototype are presented to confirm the proper behavior of the proposed solution. The second project belongs to the field of photovoltaic systems and aims to develop a three-port converter with multiple power elements interfacing capability. A GaN-based Triple Active Bridge has been designed, regarding both the controller and the hardware realization.