819 resultados para Education -- Economic aspects.
En este artículo se examina la hipótesis de que la política de elección escolar ha incrementado la segregación socioeconómica en Chile. Se utiliza una base de datos georreferenciada de estudiantes y escuelas del Gran Santiago, para comparar la segregación real con la que se produciría en un escenario hipotético en que los estudiantes asisten a la escuela más cercana a su lugar de residencia. Los resultados indican que la segregación escolar es mayor en el escenario real que en el contrafactual, lo que sugiere que la interacción entre las preferencias de las familias y las barreras de entrada establecidas por las escuelas (cobros obligatorios y procesos de admisión selectivos) tienden a incrementar la segregación escolar más allá del efecto de la segregación residencial subyacente en la ciudad.
A pesquisa é baseada em três eixos principais, comunicação, educação e tecnologias digitais, com uma análise exploratória do mercado de produção de conteúdos para mídias móveis. O estudo é desenvolvido com revisão bibliográfica referente a esses três eixos e com o uso da metodologia qualitativa. São realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com representantes do mercado de comunicação móvel do país, com o objetivo de descrever o fluxo de produção de conteúdos, com foco nas possibilidades de desenvolvimento da aprendizagem móvel. Neste sentido, são verificados os potenciais tecnológicos e comunicacionais do uso das novas Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TIC), com destaque para o celular, nos modelos de educação formal e informal, a partir de aspectos da Sociedade do Conhecimento, como convergência de mídias, interatividade e produção colaborativa. Observa-se tendências como a valorização do conteúdo em relação aos meios de comunicação e o desenvolvimento de novas experiências de acesso à informação com o uso das tecnologias móveis e convergentes.
A gazdaság és társadalom fejlődésében, a versenyképesség javulásában és a társadalmi kohézió erősítésében is meghatározó jelentőséggel bír az emberi erőforrások minőségének: a munkaerő felhalmozott tudásának és képességeinek fejlesztése. A mai világgazdaságban valamennyi ország számára stratégiai fontosságú feladat az oktatási és képzési rendszerek fejlesztésének elősegítése, a technológia területén és a gazdaságban végbemenő változásokhoz történő alkalmazkodás előmozdítása. Az elavulttá váló régi ismeretanyag helyett a technológiai fejlődés támasztotta igényeknek megfelelő új szakmai ismeretekre van szükség. Egy adott képesítés keretében elsajátított ismeretek a mai világban már nem elegendőek ahhoz, hogy az ember egész élete során helyt tudjon állni a munkaerőpiacon. Ehhez a felismeréshez kapcsolódóan vált meghatározó oktatáspolitikai megközelítéssé az egész életen át tartó tanulást elősegítő szemléletmód. Az élethosszig tartó tanulásra és mobilitásra vonatkozó stratégiák alapvető fontosságúak a foglalkoztathatóság, az aktív állampolgárság, a személyes fejlődés elősegítése, illetve a társadalmi kirekesztettség csökkentése szempontjából is. A gazdasági fejlődés szükségessé teszi a munkaerő ismereteinek folyamatos bővítését, a továbbképzés és átképzés megfelelő intézményrendszerének kiépítését. Az oktatásnak nemcsak tartalmában, de intézményi kereteiben is jelentős változásokon kell keresztülmennie. A képzésnek a gazdaság igényeit minél jobban figyelembe kell vennie. A képző intézmények tekintetében pedig rugalmas és sokszínű kínálatra van szükség: az oktatás már régen nem csak a hagyományos állami struktúra kereteiben zajlik. Jelen tanulmány az egész életen át tartó tanulás koncepciójának lényegére kíván rámutatni és ehhez kapcsolódóan az Európai Unióban kialakult oktatáspolitikai keretek vizsgálatát végzi el röviden. Az első pont az emberi erőforrások fejlesztésének a tudásalapú gazdaságban betöltött kiemelkedő szerepére mutat rá. A második pont az uniós szintű oktatáspolitikai szerepvállalás kereteinek kialakulását és a politika egyre markánsabbá válásának folyamatát vizsgálja meg. A harmadik rész az uniós szintű oktatási programok átalakulását foglalja össze röviden. Végül, az utolsó pont külön foglalkozik a bolognai folyamat keretében az európai felsőoktatásban lezajlott változások mozgatórugóinak elemzésével és a még megoldandó problémákkal.
Artisanal fishing is one of the important economic activities of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), becoming the main form of survival and income for many families. The southern coast of RN has strong fishing tradition, both in exploitation of fish as in the collection of mollusks on the banks of Guaraíra Lagoon (APA Bonfim-Guaraíra). In recent years, fishing communities have become more vulnerable to outside influences, since the socio-economic and environmental changes are exposed. These changes require adjustments to the fishermen to different environmental conditions, as the social and natural systems are driven by reorganization and upgrading processes. The living conditions in fishing communities are objective and necessary in different ways, according to a selection that is cultural, so adaptable. This study has the general objective to analyze the main environmental changes in fishing communities, based on the understanding of fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen about this problem. The specific objectives searched to: describe the socioeconomic profile, prospects and difficulties of fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen; investigate the major social and environmental changes in the fishing communities of Patané and Camocim (Arez/RN). The methodology was qualitative-quantitative with the techniques of observation in the field and open and semistructured interviews applied to representatives of Cologne fishing, fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen. Between the months of January to July 2014 were applied semistructured interviews with 41 interlocutors in Patané and 23 of Camocim; totaling 64 people. The results indicated that the interlocutors are aged 40 to 60 years; have only completed elementary school level; are married and have children; survive on less than a minimum wage income and they are not receiving employment insurance. The case study also revealed that the socioeconomic and environmental problems reflected in changes in reproduction, organization and social division of labor, which generates adaptive changes of families to external influences, resulting directly from other economic activities and market pressure and indirectly from tourism. Therefore, adaptations to changes scenario presented as favorable to economic aspects and unfavorable to the social and environmental aspects. In short, the fishery develops on technical, bureaucratic and financial obstacles, in the everyday needs of men and women is the determining factor in willingness to continue exercising fishing and shell fishing on Guaraíra Lagoon, space representing relations social, practices and customs transmitted in the course of local history through social memory of the oldest to the youngest.
This research seeks to understand how the problem of information security is treated in Brazil by the public thematization and also how it can affect the political and economic aspects of both Brazilian companies and government by using a study case based on the document leak event of the National Security Agency by Snowden. For this, the study case of sites, blogs and news portal coverage was carried out from the perspective of evidential paradigm, studies of movement and event concept. We are interested in examining how the media handles the information security topic and what its impact on national and international political relations. The subject matter was considered the largest data leakage in history of the NSA, which ranks as the world's largest agency of expression intelligence. This leak caused great repercussions in Brazil since it was revealed that the country was the most watched by the United States of America, behind only USA itself. The consequences were: a big tension between Brazil and the US and a public discussion about privacy and freedom on Internet. The research analyzed 256 publications released by Brazilian media outlets in digital media, in the period between June and July 2013.
This research seeks to understand how the problem of information security is treated in Brazil by the public thematization and also how it can affect the political and economic aspects of both Brazilian companies and government by using a study case based on the document leak event of the National Security Agency by Snowden. For this, the study case of sites, blogs and news portal coverage was carried out from the perspective of evidential paradigm, studies of movement and event concept. We are interested in examining how the media handles the information security topic and what its impact on national and international political relations. The subject matter was considered the largest data leakage in history of the NSA, which ranks as the world's largest agency of expression intelligence. This leak caused great repercussions in Brazil since it was revealed that the country was the most watched by the United States of America, behind only USA itself. The consequences were: a big tension between Brazil and the US and a public discussion about privacy and freedom on Internet. The research analyzed 256 publications released by Brazilian media outlets in digital media, in the period between June and July 2013.
This paper discusses recent policy trends, the changing role of the various actors in the system, international comparisons and a range of other social policy topics. The immediate purpose of the paper is to examine the reasons why social policy analysts need to look into the future, and to explore ways of managing the inevitably large risks associated with such future-looking exercises. The underlying purpose, however, is simply to introduce a range of important Canadian social policy topic to students and others who are interested in social policy, but without much previous background in the area.
There is an increasing need for a comprehensive institutional understanding pertaining to ecosystem services (ESs) in coastal and marine fields. This paper develops a systematic framework to inform coastal and marine governance about the integration of ES concepts. First, as a theoretical basis, we analyze the generic rules that are part of the Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework. Second, by an extensive literature review, we formulate a set of ES-specific rules and develop an evaluative framework for coastal and marine governance. Third, we examine this evaluative framework in a specific action situation, namely coastal strategic planning concerning Qingdao, China. Results from the literature review and the case study reveal that when designing ES-specific rules for coastal and marine governance, there are several socio-spatial and economic aspects that should be taken into account: (1) conceive of stakeholders as ES users, (2) capture the effect of ecological scaling, (3) understand ES interactions and clarify indirect impacts and causalities, (4) account for ES values, and (5) draw on economic choices for use rights to deal with ES issues.
This article deals with several international instruments which provide legal guarantees for media diversity, which is essential for the promotion of cultural diversity. Based on several articles of the Convention of cultural diversity, the General Comment of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights No. 21 on the right to take part in cultural life, as well as the work of the UN Independent Expert on Cultural Rights, this article aims to identify legal tools for the establishing of measures promoting cultural diversity in the media. This article looks at the case study of Honduran Garifuna community radios. It emphasizes the importance of taking into account the economic aspects of cultural and communicational rights.
El objeto de este artículo es estudiar la influencia del nivel educativo (capital cultural) en los procesos de precariedad-afluencia de la población española entre los años posteriores a la crisis de inicio de la década de 1990 y los años más duros de la crisis de 2007. A partir de los datos de las encuestas PHOGUE y ECV del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) se han construido cuatro indicadores para medir la precariedad laboral, de ingresos, de salud y de vivienda y su distribución según distintas variables demográficas. Se pretende contrastar la hipótesis de que más educación significa más protección frente a la precariedad, estudiando diferentes condiciones de las condiciones de vida y existencia en momentos tanto de crecimiento como de crisis económica. Mediante un análisis multivariable se intenta determinar el nivel de impacto del capital cultural, alcance, evolución y, sobre todo, si sus efectos positivos o negativos están en proceso de expansión o desaceleración. El resultado tiene una doble aportación: de un lado, metodológica, consistente en la construcción de los indicadores; de otro lado, los resultados, con los que se puede reevaluar algunas generalizaciones sobre la pérdida de importancia del rol de la educación en las sociedades contemporáneas.