908 resultados para Dieu grec Pan


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This paper evaluates the implications of Osama bin Ladin’s death for the future of al-Qaeda’s global jihad. It critically examines the debate as to the make-up of the group and identifies bin Ladin’s primary role as chief ideologue advocating a defensive jihad to liberate the umma. The rationale and appeal of bin Ladin’s message and Muslims’ reaction to both his statements and al-Qaeda’s increasing use of sectarian violence are assessed in the context of Pan-Islam as political ideology. The paper concludes that while the ideal of Islamic unity and the sentiment of Muslim solidarity are unlikely to vanish, al-Qaeda’s violent jihad has not only failed to achieve these goals but has worked against it, thereby confining it to the political margins.


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Land-use changes can alter the spatial population structure of plant species, which may in turn affect the attractiveness of flower aggregations to different groups of pollinators at different spatial scales. To assess how pollinators respond to spatial heterogeneity of plant distributions and whether honeybees affect visitation by other pollinators we used an extensive data set comprising ten plant species and their flower visitors from five European countries. In particular we tested the hypothesis that the composition of the flower visitor community in terms of visitation frequencies by different pollinator groups were affected by the spatial plant population structure, viz. area and density measures, at a within-population (‘patch’) and among-population (‘population’) scale. We found that patch area and population density were the spatial variables that best explained the variation in visitation frequencies within the pollinator community. Honeybees had higher visitation frequencies in larger patches, while bumblebees and hoverflies had higher visitation frequencies in sparser populations. Solitary bees had higher visitation frequencies in sparser populations and smaller patches. We also tested the hypothesis that honeybees affect the composition of the pollinator community by altering the visitation frequencies of other groups of pollinators. There was a positive relationship between visitation frequencies of honeybees and bumblebees, while the relationship with hoverflies and solitary bees varied (positive, negative and no relationship) depending on the plant species under study. The overall conclusion is that the spatial structure of plant populations affects different groups of pollinators in contrasting ways at both the local (‘patch’) and the larger (‘population’) scales and, that honeybees affect the flower visitation by other pollinator groups in various ways, depending on the plant species under study. These contrasting responses emphasize the need to investigate the entire pollinator community when the effects of landscape change on plant–pollinator interactions are studied.


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Insect pollinators provide a critical ecosystem service by pollinating many wild flowers and crops. It is therefore essential to be able to effectively survey and monitor pollinator communities across a range of habitats, and in particular, sample the often stratified parts of the habitats where insects are found. To date, a wide array of sampling methods have been used to collect insect pollinators, but no single method has been used effectively to sample across habitat types and throughout the spatial structure of habitats. Here we present a method of ‘aerial pan-trapping’ that allows insect pollinators to be sampled across the vertical strata from the canopy of forests to agro-ecosystems. We surveyed and compared the species richness and abundance of a wide range of insect pollinators in agricultural, secondary regenerating forest and primary forest habitats in Ghana to evaluate the usefulness of this approach. In addition to confirming the efficacy of the method at heights of up to 30 metres and the effects of trap color on catch, we found greatest insect abundance in agricultural land and higher bee abundance and species richness in undisturbed forest compared to secondary forest.


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This paper describes a study undertaken to explore how assistive technology in the form of a wrist-worn device is perceived by older people for whom it has been devised.


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This paper is a case study of the continuum between standardization and variation in the production of red-figure Athenian fine wares in the first half of the 5th century BC. An investigation of the Pan Painter's pelikai reveals that they fall into 3 distinct groups, according to size. While the pelikai in each group are also distinguishable from each other by shape, pattern, and iconography, the next clearest distinction between the groups (after size) is in their style of decoration. The pelikai in the largest group, which is comprised of small pelikai, are particularly distinct from the Pan Painter's broader oeuvre of ca. 220 vases insofar as they exemplify a lackadaisical painting style, which I have termed banausic, on account of its frequent use for images of craftsmen, women at work, and other such genre images. While this casual style is antithetical to the Pain Painter's refined style, for which he is better known, and which he employs for his large pelikai, affinities between the 2 styles—as judged by his confident line, anatomical details, and other technical features—permit the conclusion that this group of pelikai were executed by one and the same craftsman as the others. As with all of the vases attributed to this talented painter, however, the pelikai—whether large or small—are decorated with a great bariety of images. While most painted Athenian vases are understood to have been individually created, not mass-produced, the Pan Painter's coherent group of small pelikai seem to have been created en masse, in a uniform size and shape and with a distinct decorative style. This group of standardized vases represents a body of work executed under the influence or at the behest of a specific vase workshop. The form of the small pelikai in fact allows us to associate them with the Geras Painter. With his work on these small pelikai, perhaps in the latter part of his career, the Pan Painter may have intentionally minimized variability in favour of standardization, to meet market demands.


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This article investigates the contested ideology of al-Qaeda through an analysis of Osama bin Ladin’s writings and public statements issued between 1994 and 2011, set in relation to the development of Islamic thought and changing socio-political realities in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Challenging popular conceptions of Wahhabism and the “Salafi jihad”, it reveals an idealistic, Pan-Islamic sentiment at the core of his messages that is not based on the main schools of Islamic theology, but is the result of a crisis of meaning of Islam in the modern world. Both before and after the death of al-Qaeda’s iconic leader, the continuing process of religious, political and intellectual fragmentation of the Muslim world has led to bin Ladin’s vision for unity being replaced by local factions and individuals pursuing their own agendas in the name of al-Qaeda and Islam.


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Seasonal-to-interannual predictions of Arctic sea ice may be important for Arctic communities and industries alike. Previous studies have suggested that Arctic sea ice is potentially predictable but that the skill of predictions of the September extent minimum, initialized in early summer, may be low. The authors demonstrate that a melt season “predictability barrier” and two predictability reemergence mechanisms, suggested by a previous study, are robust features of five global climate models. Analysis of idealized predictions with one of these models [Hadley Centre Global Environment Model, version 1.2 (HadGEM1.2)], initialized in January, May and July, demonstrates that this predictability barrier exists in initialized forecasts as well. As a result, the skill of sea ice extent and volume forecasts are strongly start date dependent and those that are initialized in May lose skill much faster than those initialized in January or July. Thus, in an operational setting, initializing predictions of extent and volume in July has strong advantages for the prediction of the September minimum when compared to predictions initialized in May. Furthermore, a regional analysis of sea ice predictability indicates that extent is predictable for longer in the seasonal ice zones of the North Atlantic and North Pacific than in the regions dominated by perennial ice in the central Arctic and marginal seas. In a number of the Eurasian shelf seas, which are important for Arctic shipping, only the forecasts initialized in July have continuous skill during the first summer. In contrast, predictability of ice volume persists for over 2 yr in the central Arctic but less in other regions.


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1. Litter decomposition recycles nutrients and causes large fluxes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It is typically assumed that climate, litter quality and decomposer communities determine litter decay rates, yet few comparative studies have examined their relative contributions in tropical forests. 2. We used a short-term litterbag experiment to quantify the effects of litter quality, placement and mesofaunal exclusion on decomposition in 23 tropical forests in 14 countries. Annual precipitation varied among sites (760-5797 mm). At each site, two standard substrates (Raphia farinifera and Laurus nobilis) were decomposed in fine- and coarse-mesh litterbags both above and below ground for approximately 1 year. 3. Decomposition was rapid, with >95% mass loss within a year at most sites. Litter quality, placement and mesofaunal exclusion all independently affected decomposition, but the magnitude depended upon site. Both the average decomposition rate at each site and the ratio of above- to below-ground decay increased linearly with annual precipitation, explaining 60-65% of among-site variation. Excluding mesofauna had the largest impact on decomposition, reducing decomposition rates by half on average, but the magnitude of decrease was largely independent of climate. This suggests that the decomposer community might play an important role in explaining patterns of decomposition among sites. Which litter type decomposed fastest varied by site, but was not related to climate. 4. Synthesis. A key goal of ecology is to identify general patterns across ecological communities, as well as relevant site-specific details to understand local dynamics. Our pan-tropical study shows that certain aspects of decomposition, including average decomposition rates and the ratio of above- to below-ground decomposition are highly correlated with a simple climatic index: mean annual precipitation. However, we found no relationship between precipitation and effects of mesofaunal exclusion or litter type, suggesting that site-specific details may also be required to understand how these factors affect decomposition at local scales.


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The Neoproterozoic (Ediacaran) Itapucumi Group in northern Paraguay is composed of carbonate and siliciclastic rocks, including ooid grainstones, marls, shales and sandstones, containing Cloudina fossils in the eastern region. It is almost undeformed over the Rio Apa Cratonic Block but shows a strong deformational pattern at its western edge. A detailed structural analysis of the Itapucumi Group was conducted in the Vallemi Mine, along with a regional survey in other outcrops downstream in the Paraguay River and in the San Alfredo, Cerro Paiva and Sargent Jose E. Lopez regions. In the main Vallemi quarry, the structural style is characterized by an axial-plane slaty cleavage in open to isoclinal folds, sometimes overturned, associated with N-S trending thrust faults and shear zones of E-vergence and with a low-grade chlorite zone metamorphism. The structural data presented here are compatible with the hypothesis of a newly recognized mobile belt on the western side of the Rio Apa Cratonic Block, with opposite vergence to that of the Paraguay Mobile Belt in Brazil. Both belts are related to the Late Brasiliano/Pan-African tectonic cycle with a Lower Cambrian deformation and metamorphism age. The deformation could be due to the late collision of the Amazonian Craton with the remainder of Western Gondwana or to the western active plate boundary related to the Pampean Belt. The structural and lithologic differences between the western Itapucumi Group in the Vallemi and Paraguay River region and the eastern region, near San Alfredo and Cerro Paiva, suggest that this group could be divided into two lithostratigraphic units, but more stratigraphic and geochronological analyses are required to confirm this possibility. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo proposto por este estudo é investigar a contribuição da Operação Pan-Americana (OPA), lançada pelo Brasil, em 1958, durante o Governo JK, para o estreitamento das relações entre o Brasil e a Argentina, cujo ápice foram os “Acordos de Uruguaiana”, firmados em 1961. A crescente parceria estendeu-se até a desestabilização provocada pelo golpe militar, que destituiu o Presidente argentino Arturo Frondizi, em 1962. Este trabalho procura demonstrar que, durante o período de 1958 a 1962, atingiu-se um alto nível de cooperação bilateral, como resultado de uma ampla mobilização por parte tanto do corpo diplomático, quanto das assessorias diretamente ligadas ao Poder Executivo dos governos desses dois países.As razões que motivaram uma convergência nas ações dos governos do Brasil e da Argentina foram: no aspecto econômico, a necessidade de ampliação do mercado regional, visando a uma maior inserção internacional dessas economias; no aspecto político, o esforço para a manutenção da autonomia frente aos Estados Unidos, potência mundial com hegemonia na região. Tal posicionamento foi influenciado, principalmente, pela tentativa de ingerência norte-americana em determinados países, como foi o caso da Guatemala, em 1954. Portanto, a cooperação internacional dos países latino-americanos (a partir do lançamento da OPA), ampliou o enfoque, que antes era exclusivamente bilateral (com os Estados Unidos), para o âmbito regional, por meio da qual se buscou fortalecer as economias da região. A iniciativa brasileira, de caráter hemisférico, caracterizada pela OPA, acabou contribuindo para que houvesse uma aproximação entre os dois países. Nesses termos, os entendimentos de Uruguaiana, são, aqui, analisados como o resultado de um aprofundamento do projeto de JK; isso porque, apesar de ter havido o fortalecimento dos laços, especialmente, dos dois maiores países do Sul do Continente, mediante os Acordos de Uruguaiana, a OPA abriu também uma nova perspectiva para os demaispaíses da região, que resultou na criação da Associação Latino-Americana de Livre Comércio (ALALC).


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O presente estudo objetivou verificar até que ponto os impactos e o legado da implementação dos Jogos Pan-americanos de 2007 alteraram as condições sociais e a forma de utilização do espaço urbano na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Considerou-se que a competição das Américas esteja inserida na aplicação dos conceitos da cidade global, uma vez que os festivais esportivos internacionais se transformaram em megaeventos na esteira da consolidação do pensamento do planejamento urbano competitivo. Para contextualizar essa análise foi necessária uma pesquisa sobre a trajetória urbana da cidade-sede na interseção dos dois movimentos: cidade global e megaeventos. Tendo em vista que a decisão da realização do megaevento carioca foi tomada pela esfera pública, assim como o seu financiamento, foram analisados os gastos estatais e reclassificados, segundo a metodologia de O‟Connor (1977), e divididos nas funções de acumulação e de legitimação com o intuito de identificar os favorecidos e os desfavorecidos pela política pública efetivada. Os resultados da investigação sinalizam um aprofundamento da desigualdade social e urbana, via transferências de recursos públicos para o domínio do capital privado


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O escopo teórico de Gestão Internacional atualmente atinge tantos locais quanto pessoas ao redor do planeta e pode se expandir para atender também a um conjunto mais amplo de empresas que somente as multinacionais. Com o objetivo de analisar os desafios cross-culturais e os conflitos que permearam o Comitê Organizador dos XV Jogos Pan-americanos Rio 2007, este estudo equipara Comitês Organizadores de Jogos a subsidiárias com mandato global. A partir de uma metodologia de inspiração interpretativista cultural defendendo o papel do contexto local por uma abordagem crítica, analisa o sistema de ação cultural brasileiro e contrapõe teorias clássicas da abordagem cross-cultural com uma visão qualitativa de base sócio-antropológica. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com ex-funcionários do Comitê Rio 2007 tanto brasileiros quanto estrangeiros e consultores que apoiaram a realização dos Jogos. Várias questões foram levantadas que apóiam a influência de características comportamentais culturais brasileiras como o paternalismo, a lealdade às pessoas, a flexibilidade, e evitar conflitos nas relações pessoais e organizacionais. Ao mesmo tempo, foi possível identificar três possíveis causas de conflitos entre os atores principais das narrativas (os consultores, o Comitê Organizador Rio2007 e o governo): (1) a diferença no nível de experiência /conhecimento explícito e tácito, (2) a desconfiança, e (3) o orgulho; e o esforço de comunicação foi identificado como possível solução. Por fim, foi possível visualizar traços das teorias clássicas cross-culturais dentro do estudo, mas foi reforçada a crítica de que é impossível isolar a cultura e o contexto local como variáveis contingenciais, muito menos ignorá-los.