999 resultados para Deformable face mask


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Films obtained via drying a polymeric latex dispersion are normally colloidal crystalline where latex particles are packed into a face centered cubic (fcc) structure. Different from conventional atomic crystallites or hard sphere colloidal crystallites, the crystalline structure of these films is normally deformable due to the low glass transition temperature of the latex particles. Upon tensile deformation, depending on the drawing direction with respect to the normal of specific crystallographic plane, one observes different crystalline structural changes. Three typical situations where crystallographic c-axis, body diagonal or face diagonal of the fcc structure of the colloidal crystallites being parallel to the stretching direction were investigated.


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We report a simple method to directly pattern polymer-based photo luminescent material, i.e. a prepatterned mask is placed a close distance above it. The final structure is a positive replica of the lateral structures in the mask with submicrometer resolution. The comparison of luminescence efficiency before and after patterning indicates almost no degradation in optical property of the material during the experiments. The mechanism of pattern formation is also discussed.


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A polymer dispersion consisting of soft latex spheres with a diameter of 135 nm was used to produce a crystalline film with face-centered cubic (fcc) packing of the spheres. Different from conventional small-molecule and hardsphere colloidal crystals, the crystalline latex film in the present case is soft (i.e., easily deformable). The structural evolution of this soft colloidal latex film under stretching was investigated by in-situ synchrotron ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering. The film exhibits polycrystalline scattering behavior corresponding to fcc structure. Stretching results not only in a large deformation of the crystallographic structure but also in considerable nonaffine deformation at high draw ratios. The unexpected nonaffine deformation was attributed to slippage between rows of particles and crystalline grain boundaries. The crystalline structure remains intact even at high deformation, suggesting that directional anisotropic colloidal crystallites can be easily produced.


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This paper presents a straightforward method for patterning thin films of polymers, i.e. a prepatterned mask is used to induce self-assembly of polymers and the resulting pattern is the same as the lateral structures in the mask on a submicrometre length scale, The patterns can be formed at above T-g + 30 degreesC in a short time and the external electric field is not crucial. Electrostatic force is assumed to be the driving force for the pattern transfer. Viscous fingering and novel stress-relief lateral morphology induced under the featureless mask are also observed and the formation mechanisms are discussed.


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China is a mountainous country in which geological hazards occurred frequently, especially in the east of China. Except the geology, topography and extreme climate, the large scale human activities have become a major factor to landslides. Typical human activities which induced landslides are fill, cut and underground mining. On the topic of the deformation mechanism and slope stability, taking three different man-made slopes as examples, deformation mechanism and slope stability were studied by several methods, such as field work, numerical modeling and monitor. The details are as following: (1) The numerical modeling approach advantages over other conventional methods such as limit methods, so the numerical modeling is the major tool in this thesis. So far, there is no uniform failure criterion for numerical simulation. The failure criterion were summarized and analyzed firstly, subsequently the appropriate criterion was determinated. (2) Taking 220kV Yanjin transformation substation fill slope as example, the deformable characteristic, unstable mode and laboratory tests were studied systematically. The results show: the slope deformation was probably caused by a combination effect of unfavorable topographic, geological and hydro geological conditions, and external loading due to filling. It was concluded that the creep deformation of the slope was triggered by external loading applied at the back of the slope. In order to define the calculating parameters, a set of consolidated drained (CD) tests, consolidated undrained (CU) tests, repeated direct shear tests and UCS tests were carried out. The stability of the slope before and after reinforcement was assessed using 3D numerical modeling and shear strength reduction technique. The numerical modeling results showed: the factor of safety (FOS) of the slope was 1.10 in the natural state, and reduced to 1.03 after fill, which was close to the critical state and it caused creeping slip or deformation under rainfall. The failure surface in the slope is in active shear failure, whereas tensile failure occurs at the slope crest. After the site was reinforced with piles, the FOS was 1.27. Therefore, the slope is stable after reinforcement measures were taken. (3) The cut slope stability is a complex problem. Taking the left cut slope of Xiangjiaba as example in this thesis, the deformation and slope stability were studied systematically by numerical modeling and monitor methods. The numerical results show: the displacement is gradually increasing along with the cutting, and the largest displacement is 27.5mm which located at the bench between the elevation 340 and 380. Some failure state units distribute near the undermining part and there is no linked failure state occurred from crest to bottom during cutting. After cutting, some failure units appeared at the ground surface between elevation 340 and 360. The increasing tense stress made the disturbed rock failed. The slope is stable after cutting by the monitor method, such as surface monitor, multipoint displacement meter, inclinometer and anchor cable tensometer. (4) The interaction between underground mining and slope stability is a common situation in mountainous. The slope deformation mechanism induced by underground mining may contributed significantly to slope destabilization. The Mabukan slope in xiangjiaba was analyzed to illustrate this. Failure mechanism and the slope stability were presented by numerical modeling and residual deformation monitor. The results show: the roof deformed to the free face and the floor uplift lightly to the free face. The subsidence basin is formed, but the subsidence and the horizontal movement is small, and there is no failure zone occurred. When the underground mining is going on, the roof deformation, subsidence and the horizontal movements begin increasing. The rock deformation near the free face is larger than the ground surface, and the interaction between these coal seams appeared. There are some tensile failures and shear failures occurred on the roof and floor, and a majority of failure is tensile failure. The roof deformation, subsidence and the horizontal movements increased obviously along with the underground mining. The failure characteristic is shear failure which means the tensile stress transformed to the compressive stress. So the underground mining will induced tensile stress first which lead to structure crack, subsequently the compressive stress appeared which result in slippage. The crest was subjected to horizontal tension which made the rock crack along with the joint. The long term residual deformation monitor demonstrates that the slope is stable after the underground mining stopped.


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While researchers in computer vision and pattern recognition have worked on automatic techniques for recognizing faces for the last 20 years, most systems specialize on frontal views of the face. We present a face recognizer that works under varying pose, the difficult part of which is to handle face rotations in depth. Building on successful template-based systems, our basic approach is to represent faces with templates from multiple model views that cover different poses from the viewing sphere. Our system has achieved a recognition rate of 98% on a data base of 62 people containing 10 testing and 15 modelling views per person.


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In this paper three problems related to the analysis of facial images are addressed: the illuminant direction, the compensation of illumination effects and, finally, the recovery of the pose of the face, restricted to in-depth rotations. The solutions proposed for these problems rely on the use of computer graphics techniques to provide images of faces under different illumination and pose, starting from a database of frontal views under frontal illumination.


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If we are provided a face database with only one example view per person, is it possible to recognize new views of them under a variety of different poses, especially views rotated in depth from the original example view? We investigate using prior knowledge about faces plus each single example view to generate virtual views of each person, or views of the face as seen from different poses. Prior knowledge of faces is represented in an example-based way, using 2D views of a prototype face seen rotating in depth. The synthesized virtual views are evaluated as example views in a view-based approach to pose-invariant face recognition. They are shown to improve the recognition rate over the scenario where only the single real view is used.


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The correspondence problem in computer vision is basically a matching task between two or more sets of features. In this paper, we introduce a vectorized image representation, which is a feature-based representation where correspondence has been established with respect to a reference image. This representation has two components: (1) shape, or (x, y) feature locations, and (2) texture, defined as the image grey levels mapped onto the standard reference image. This paper explores an automatic technique for "vectorizing" face images. Our face vectorizer alternates back and forth between computation steps for shape and texture, and a key idea is to structure the two computations so that each one uses the output of the other. A hierarchical coarse-to-fine implementation is discussed, and applications are presented to the problems of facial feature detection and registration of two arbitrary faces.


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The problem of automatic face recognition is to visually identify a person in an input image. This task is performed by matching the input face against the faces of known people in a database of faces. Most existing work in face recognition has limited the scope of the problem, however, by dealing primarily with frontal views, neutral expressions, and fixed lighting conditions. To help generalize existing face recognition systems, we look at the problem of recognizing faces under a range of viewpoints. In particular, we consider two cases of this problem: (i) many example views are available of each person, and (ii) only one view is available per person, perhaps a driver's license or passport photograph. Ideally, we would like to address these two cases using a simple view-based approach, where a person is represented in the database by using a number of views on the viewing sphere. While the view-based approach is consistent with case (i), for case (ii) we need to augment the single real view of each person with synthetic views from other viewpoints, views we call 'virtual views'. Virtual views are generated using prior knowledge of face rotation, knowledge that is 'learned' from images of prototype faces. This prior knowledge is used to effectively rotate in depth the single real view available of each person. In this thesis, I present the view-based face recognizer, techniques for synthesizing virtual views, and experimental results using real and virtual views in the recognizer.


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The setting, marking and providing feedback on assessments forms an important part of a tutor’s role. Studies into the use of feedback and how it is interpreted by students indicate a mismatch between what students are looking for and what tutors think they are giving. Tutors comment that students are more interested in the mark than the feedback, and yet students indicate that they do not get enough feedback, or that it is not useful. This study investigates student and staff perceptions of the linking of marking and feedback in face-to-face sessions. A cohort of year one university students were given the option of receiving either written feedback or a 15 minute meeting with one of their tutors to have their essay marked with them. Forty nine students chose face-to-face marking, the remaining 35 students received written feedback. Focus groups were used to investigate the student experience. Staff members were also asked to reflect on the process. Students and staff found the experience of face-to-face marking beneficial and positive. Both felt that the time spent together allowed for a feedback dialogue about the piece of work, and that staff could explain and justify why marks were given.


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Cox, S.J. (2006) Calculations of the minimal perimeter for N deformable cells of equal area confined in a circle. Philosophical Magazine Letters. 86:569-578.


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Jasimuddin, Sajjad, Klein, Jonathan, and Connell, Con, 'The paradox of using tacit and explicit knowledge: Strategies to face dilemnas', Management Decision (2005) 43(1) pp.102-112 RAE2008


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Oculographical research of people watching a human face indicates than beholder's eyes stop most often and for the longest period of time on the eyes and the mouth of the face looked at and that they move among these three points most frequently. The position of the eyes and mouth in relation to one another can be described with a single number being a measure of an angle with the vertex in the middle of the mouth and with arms crossing the centers of the eye pupils. The angles were measured from photographs of people from all over the world, as well as of residents of Lublin. Subsequently, the subjects from Lublin were asked to make face schemas by positioning the eyes and the mouth in the way they considered most attractive. The eye-mouth-eye angle of these schemas was measured. Additionally, measurements of the same angle were taken from the faces depicted in icons. The schemas of the most attractive - according to the subjects - faces were characterized by angles approximating the mean angle from the photographs, and significantly greater than the mean angle from the icons.