975 resultados para Compact wideband antenna


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The gain of a transmitter for intersatellite communications is closely related to the performance of all the links. We calculate the transmitter telescope's gain with the help of the rigorous scalar diffraction theory and equivalent optical layout method. Furthermore, a comparison is performed with the conventional imaging method. The results show that the stop inside the telescope can affect the gain of the telescope. Finally, the gain is calculated under the condition of the aberrations. We find that different aberrations cause different effects. (C) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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This thesis presents a novel class of algorithms for the solution of scattering and eigenvalue problems on general two-dimensional domains under a variety of boundary conditions, including non-smooth domains and certain "Zaremba" boundary conditions - for which Dirichlet and Neumann conditions are specified on various portions of the domain boundary. The theoretical basis of the methods for the Zaremba problems on smooth domains concern detailed information, which is put forth for the first time in this thesis, about the singularity structure of solutions of the Laplace operator under boundary conditions of Zaremba type. The new methods, which are based on use of Green functions and integral equations, incorporate a number of algorithmic innovations, including a fast and robust eigenvalue-search algorithm, use of the Fourier Continuation method for regularization of all smooth-domain Zaremba singularities, and newly derived quadrature rules which give rise to high-order convergence even around singular points for the Zaremba problem. The resulting algorithms enjoy high-order convergence, and they can tackle a variety of elliptic problems under general boundary conditions, including, for example, eigenvalue problems, scattering problems, and, in particular, eigenfunction expansion for time-domain problems in non-separable physical domains with mixed boundary conditions.


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The gain of a transmitter for intersatellite communications is closely related to the performance of all the links. We calculate the transmitter telescope's gain with the help of the rigorous scalar diffraction theory and equivalent optical layout method. Furthermore, a comparison is performed with the conventional imaging method. The results show that the stop inside the telescope can affect the gain of the telescope. Finally, the gain is calculated under the condition of the aberrations. We find that different aberrations cause different effects. (C) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The usual beam splitter of multilayer-coated film with a wideband spectrum is not easy to achieve. We describe the realization of a wideband transmission two-port beam splitter based on a binary fused-silica phase grating. To achieve high efficiency and equality in the diffracted 0th and -1st orders, the grating profile parameters are optimized using rigorous coupled-wave analysis at a wavelength of 1550 nm. Holographic recording and the inductively coupled plasma dry etching technique are used to fabricate the fused-silica beam splitter grating. The measured efficiency of (45% x 2) = 90% diffracted into the both orders can be obtained with the fabricated grating under Littrow mounting. The physical mechanism of such a wideband two-port beam splitter grating can be well explained by the modal method based on two-beam interference of the modes excited by the incident wave. With the high damage threshold, low coefficient of thermal expansion, and wideband high efficiency, the presented beam splitter etched in fused silica should be a useful optical element for a variety of practical applications. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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The optical constants of two cyanine dye films that we prepared were measured with a RAP-1-type (RAP is rotating analyzer and polarizer) spectroscopic ellipsometer. Toward making a simplified model for the wafers of a recordable compact disk (CD-R), we give their optimization designs developed with the cyanine dye films. in addition, the dynamic storage performances of two sample disks were tested by our dynamic storage testing system. Measurement results of the sample disks were obtained to test and verify our film designs. (C) 2000 Optical Society of America. OCIS codes: 160.4890, 160.4760, 210.4810.


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A novel wideband sensitive dry holographic photopolymer sensitized by rose bengal (RB) and methylene blue (MB) is fabricated, the holographic storage characteristics of which are investigated under different exposure wavelengths. The result shows that the sensitive spectral band exceeds 200 nm in visible light range, the maximum diffraction efficiency under different exposure wavelengths is more than 40% and decreases with the decrease of exposure wavelength, the exposure sensitivity is not change with the exposure wavelength. This photopolymer is appropriate for wavelength multiplexing or multi-wavelength recording in digital holographic storage.


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A compact continuous-wave blue laser has been demonstrated by direct frequency doubling of a laser diode with a periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguide crystal. The optimum PPLN temperature is near 28 degreesC, and the dependence of waveguide crystals on crystal temperature is less sensitive than that of bulk crystals. A total of 14.8 mW of 488-nm laser power has been achieved. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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A diode pumped injection seeded single-longitudinal-mode (SLM) Nd:YAG laser is achieved by using the resonance-detection technique in Q-switching operation. The pulsed oscillator laser uses a folded cavity to achieve compact construction. This system operates at 100 Hz and provides over 20 mJ/pulse of single-frequency 1064 nm output. The M-2 values of horizontal and vertical axes are 1.58 and 1.41, respectively. The probability of putting out single-longitudinal-mode pulses is 100%. The 355 nm laser output produced by frequency tripling has a linewidth less than 200 MHz. The laser can run over eight hours continually without mode hopping.


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[EU]Gradu Amaierako lan honetan, enpresen gizarte erantzukizunak azkenaldian hartu duen garrantzia kontuan hartuta, kontzeptu hau jorratuko da eta eremu honetan burututako ekimen ezberdinen artean bat aukeratuko da, honen garapena eta inplementazioa aztertzeko. Hain zuzen ere, lan honetan erabiliko den ekimena, Munduko Hitzarmena edo Global Compact-a izango da. Hau, nazioarte mailako ekimen bat izanik, 10 printzipio proposatzen ditu, lau eremu ezberdinetan banatuz: Giza eskubideak, lan-arauak, ingurumena eta ustelkeriaren kontrako borroka. Bukatzeko, Global Compact-a aplikatzen duten sektore ezberdinetako hiru enpresa aukeratuko dira eta bakoitza dimentsio bat aztertzeko erabilia izango da, soziala, ekonomikoa eta ingurumenekoa hurrenez hurren. Azkenik, lanean zehar aztertutakoa kontuan hartuta zein ondoriotara iritsi garen adieraziko da.