997 resultados para Civil right
It is now possible to perform resections of slow-growing tumors in awake patients. Using direct electrical stimulation, real-time functional mapping of the brain can be used to prevent the resection of essential areas near the tumor. Simple clinical observations of patients with a resection of slow-growing tumors have demonstrated substantial recovery within a few days of such 'awake surgery'. The aim of this study was to investigate the kinetics of recovery following the resection of slow-growing tumors invading the left parietal area and to focus mainly on its rapidity. Two patients were assessed by standard line bisection tests and compared with eight healthy individuals. Independently of the pure nature of the symptoms, we report that the patients rapidly and substantially recovered from pronounced right neglect. They were tested 48 hours after the surgery and the recovery was significant for both patients after less than 4 hours. Strikingly, for one patient, recovery was ultra fast and substantial in the first practice session within less than 7 minutes: it occurred without verbal feedback and was substantially retained during the following testing session. Its rapidity suggests a process of unmasking redundant networks. With the slow growth of the lesion, the contralesional hemisphere is probably progressively prepared for rapid unmasking of homologue networks. These results have major clinical implications. For patients with an invading left-side tumor, it is now clear that line bisections are required before, during, and after awake surgery to: plan the surgery, control the quality of the resection, and also optimize the rehabilitation of the patient
BACKGROUND: Although it is well recognized that the diagnosis of hypertension should be based on blood pressure (BP) measurements taken on several occasions, notably to account for a transient elevation of BP on the first readings, the prevalence of hypertension in populations has often relied on measurements at a single visit. OBJECTIVE: To identify an efficient strategy for assessing reliably the prevalence of hypertension in the population with regards to the number of BP readings required. DESIGN: Population-based survey of BP and follow-up information. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: All residents aged 25-64 years in an area of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Three BP readings at four successive visits in all participants with high BP (n = 653) and in 662 participants without high BP, measured with an automated BP device.RESULTS BP decreased substantially from the first to third readings at each of the four visits. BP decreased substantially between the first two visits but only a little between the next visits. Consequently, the prevalence of high BP based on the third reading--or the average of the second and third readings--at the second visit was not largely different compared to estimates based on readings at the fourth visit. BP decreased similarly when the first three visits were separated by 3-day or 14-day intervals. CONCLUSIONS: Taking triplicate readings on two visits, possibly separated by just a few days, could be a minimal strategy for assessing adequately the mean BP and the prevalence of hypertension at the population level. A sound strategy is important for assessing reliably the burden of hypertension in populations.
[Factum. Boullon-Morange, Mehemet-Aly, dit Jean-Marie-Alix deSuccession). 1806?]
Ponència presentada el 30 de maig a la Jornada plans d'autoprotecció.
The decision to carry out forensic autopsies is frequently made to determine the reasons of the death, especially in cases of non-natural death. In Switzerland, the judge strictly controls the authorisation to conduct forensic autopsies and the possibility to appeal against such a decision remains limited. This article aims to analyse the legal framework that enables appeals against a decision to conduct a forensic autopsy, taking into account the jurisprudence from the High Court of Switzerland (Tribunal Fédéral) and the European Court of Human Rights. La décision de pratiquer des autopsies médico-légales est très fréquente pour déterminer les causes de décès, notamment lorsque ceux-ci semblent avoir des causes non naturelles. En Suisse, l'autorisation de procéder à des autopsies médico-légales est strictement encadrée sur le plan légal et la faculté de s'opposer à une telle autorisation reste très limitée. L'article s'attache à analyser les conditions qui permettent de recourir contre une décision d'autopsie médico-légale, à la lumière notamment des décisions du Tribunal Fédéral et de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme.
La investigación analiza si, con el horizonte del Libro Sexto del Código Civil de Cataluña relativo a las obligaciones y los contratos, el legislador catalán tiene que mantener el modelo tradicional de la rescisión por lesión ultradimidium, o bien tiene que integrar esta institución en el marco de la protección de la parte débil del contrato, en la línea de las modernas propuestas de derecho europeo.
Being aware of which communication style should be adopted when facing more difficult patients is important for physicians; it can help prevent patient reactions of dissatisfaction, mistrust, or non-adherence that can be detrimental to the process of care. Past research suggests that less agreeable patients are especially critical towards, and reactive to, their physician's communication style, compared to more agreeable patients. On the basis of the literature, we hypothesized that less agreeable patients would react more negatively than agreeable patients to lower levels of affiliativeness (i.e., warmth, friendliness) in the physicians, in terms of satisfaction with the physician, trust in the physician, and determination to adhere to the treatment. Thirty-six general practitioners (20 men/16 women) working in their own practice in Switzerland were filmed while interacting with 69 patients (36 men/33 women) of different ages (M = 50.7; SD = 18.19; range: 18-84) and presenting different medical problems (e.g., back pain, asthma, hypertension, diabetes). After the medical interview, patients filled in questionnaires measuring their satisfaction with the physician, their trust in the physician, their determination to adhere to the treatment, and their trait of agreeableness. Physician affiliativeness was coded on the basis of the video recordings. Physician gender and dominance, patient gender and age, as well as the gravity of the patient's medical condition were introduced as control variables in the analysis. Results confirmed our hypothesis for satisfaction and trust, but not for adherence; less agreeable patients reacted more negatively (in terms of satisfaction and trust) than agreeable patients to lower levels of affiliativeness in their physicians. This study suggests that physicians should be especially attentive to stay warm and friendly with people low in agreeableness because those patients' satisfaction and trust might be more easily lowered by a cold or distant physician communication style.
Knowledge on the patterns of repetition amongst individuals who develop language deficits in association with right hemisphere lesions (crossed aphasia) is very limited. Available data indicate that repetition in some crossed aphasics experiencing phonological processing deficits is not heavily influenced by lexical-semantic variables (lexicality, imageability, and frequency) as is regularly reported in phonologically-impaired cases with left hemisphere damage. Moreover, in view of the fact that crossed aphasia is rare, information on the role of right cortical areas and white matter tracts underpinning language repetition deficits is scarce. In this study, repetition performance was assessed in two patients with crossed conduction aphasia and striatal/capsular vascular lesions encompassing the right arcuate fasciculus (AF) and inferior frontal-occipital fasciculus (IFOF), the temporal stem and the white matter underneath the supramarginal gyrus. Both patients showed lexicality effects repeating better words than non-words, but manipulation of other lexical-semantic variables exerted less influence on repetition performance. Imageability and frequency effects, production of meaning-based paraphrases during sentence repetition, or better performance on repeating novel sentences than overlearned clichés were hardly ever observed in these two patients. In one patient, diffusion tensor imaging disclosed damage to the right long direct segment of the AF and IFOF with relative sparing of the anterior indirect and posterior segments of the AF, together with fully developed left perisylvian white matter pathways. These findings suggest that striatal/capsular lesions extending into the right AF and IFOF in some individuals with right hemisphere language dominance are associated with atypical repetition patterns which might reflect reduced interactions between phonological and lexical-semantic processes.
La problemàtica actual de la responsabilitat civil de l’advocat es deu, freqüentment, a una mala comprensió de la funció d’aquest. Mitjançant l’encàrrec professional l’advocat es compromet a satisfer tasques judicials, extrajudicials i en tot casa disposar tots els mitjans que estiguin al seu abast per la resolució favorable del cas en qüestió. No obstant, molts clients exigeixen resultats, oblidant que el resultat final desitjat i esperat pel client no depèn en últim lloc de l’advocat, sinó d’un tercer, el jutge. Nogensmenys, la responsabilitat civil de l’advocat també s’accentua actualment per una major sensibilitat en les qüestions deontològiques. Qüestió que també ha de ser contemplada en les actuacions de l’advocat susceptibles de generar efectivament responsabilitat civil. Per aquest motiu, en aquest treball es pretén aclarir en quins casos, d’acord amb la jurisprudència, l’advocat pot respondre civilment i quins elements configuren la responsabilitat civil de l’advocat. S’analitzarà en primer lloc la responsabilitat civil i posteriorment, posteriorment la responsabilitat civil en el camp concret dels advocats i en últim lloc la qüestió de la lex artis. El problema existeix i prova d’aquest auge de les qüestions deontològiques és el nou sistema d’accés a l’advocacia, previst a la Llei 34/2006, de 30 d’octubre d’Accés a les professions d’advocat i procurador dels tribunals. Els nous graduats en Dret hauran de demostrar coneixements suficients de pràctica jurídica i deontologia professional en el cas que vulguin exercir com a advocats o procuradors.
L'objectiu general d'aquest treball és aprofundir en els processos judicials que es van dur a terme contra persones de Calafell un cop acabada la Guerra Civil.