397 resultados para Calabar - o elogio da traição
Em A Demanda do Santo Graal, novela de cavalaria representativa da literatura Arturiana no Portugal da Idade Média, analisamos o modo como é feita a abordagem da presença feminina num universo essencialmente masculino. Aceitando como premissa que a literatura é reflexo da realidade de uma época e, simultaneamente, nela se reflete e deixa a sua influência, iniciámos o estudo, cujo resultado constitui o texto desta dissertação. Após uma referência às circunstâncias prováveis da chegada do primeiro manuscrito a Portugal, e de algumas considerações sobre o propósito pedagógico e legado cultural da obra na sociedade Portuguesa, perspetivamos a posição da mulher na época medieval, analisando e refletindo sobre cada uma das representações do feminino que emanam do texto e que mencionamos através do relato dos vários episódios em que ocorre a presença feminina.
The status, roles, and interactions of three dominant African ethnic groups and their descendants in Cuba significantly influenced the island's cubanidad (national identity): the Lucumís (Yoruba), the Congos (Bantú speakers from Central West Africa), and the Carabalís (from the region of Calabar). These three groups, enslaved on the island, coexisted, each group confronting obstacles that threatened their way of life and cultural identities. Through covert resistance, cultural appropriation, and accommodation, all three, but especially the Lucumís, laid deep roots in the nineteenth century that came to fruition in the twentieth. During the early 1900s, Cuba confronted numerous pressures, internal and external. Under the pretense of a quest for national identity and modernity, Afro-Cubans and African cultures and religion came under political, social, and intellectual attack. Race was an undeniable element in these conflicts. While all three groups were oppressed equally, only the Lucumís fought back, contesting accusations of backwardness, human sacrifice, cannibalism, and brujería (witchcraft), exaggerated by the sensationalistic media, often with the police's and legal system's complicity. Unlike the covert character of earlier epochs' responses to oppression, in the twentieth century Lucumí resistance was overt and outspoken, publically refuting the accusations levied against African religions. Although these struggles had unintended consequences for the Lucumís, they gave birth to cubanidad's African component. With the help of Fernando Ortiz, the Lucumí were situated at the pinnacle of a hierarchical pyramid, stratifying African religious complexes based on civilizational advancement, but at a costly price. Social ascent denigrated Lucumí religion to the status of folklore, depriving it of its status as a bona fide religious complex. To the present, Lucumí religious descendants, in Cuba and, after 1959, in many other areas of the world, are still contesting this contradiction in terms: an elevated downgrade.
Entre los años 30 y 40 del siglo pasado, México vio surgir de las cenizas de la revolución mexicana, una figura singular. Frida Kahlo es descrita hasta la fecha de hoy, por el imaginario social – en sus pinturas, en sus fotografías – como una mujer que ha marcado una época y se ha convertido en un símbolo de luchas, y esto se extiende hasta la contemporaneidad. Se ha creado en torno a la pintora mexicana, varias imágenes sociales que se describen en el juego dialógico entre sus obras y sus interlocutores. Teniendo por referencia estas afirmaciones, la investigación aquí presentada ha tomado como procedimiento realizar un análisis de seis cartas escritas por Frida a sus interlocutores amados/amantes – tres hombres con los que estuvo involucrada, emocionalmente, durante diferentes períodos de su vida – y, como objetivo, hacer un mapeo de los ethé construidos por ella en enunciados en los cuales ella "pinta" verbalmente una imagen de sí misma que se revela en las opciones léxicas elegidas para hablar de amor, de traición, de amistad, de dolor y de su estar en el mundo. Por lo tanto, hemos refinado una imagen estética e ideológica de Frida Kahlo que se cubre de pasionalidades distintas y de diversos grados dialógicos. Hay, en el recorte temporal y axiológico que hicimos para esta investigación, una mujer de naturaleza amante y que transformó ese amor en el tono de sus enfrentamientos con los interlocutores con quienes estuvo involucrada emocionalmente. Nuestro análisis está anclado en los postulados teóricos del Análisis Dialógico del Discurso (ADD), cuyo teórico base es el filósofo ruso Mikhail Bakhtin (2003, 2009, 2013) – sobre todo cuando se trata de estilo – y en la teoría de la enunciación de Maingueneau (2008, 2005) y Charaudeau (2006) – en lo que se refiere al ethos discursivo. Esta investigación se inserta en el área de Lingüística Aplicada y tiene un enfoque cualitativo-interpretativo.
This thesis aims to contribute to reflections on female prostitution in the Paraíba`s North Coast in specific regions of the Baía da Traição and Indian villages Potiguara constant cultural flow region between indigenous and non-indigenous. Within this hemisphere intend to analyze the transits, the body boundaries, sexuality, identity and ethnic category as central to understanding of prostitution practices inaugurate the possibility to study the gender and blurred places, border, mixed. Specifically, I discuss the experience of articulated gender border between urban and rural, indigenous and non-indigenous, to show and hide, visible and not visible. Analyze the social relations among women who prostitute themselves and the community they inhabit, mobility, economic and symbolic exchanges, conflicts and situations of violence, since the social environment is permeated by these dimensions and the way these women includes complex situations and individuals. Analyze the ethnic and flow of people and relationships that are built differently inside and outside the indigenous community, such as women who prostitute themselves build their indigenous and prostitutes identities. Analyze this mobility in prostitution relationships and the reason for this mobility, indigenous women prostitutes avoid this practice in the indigenous area in order to protect their identities because the community is small, there is the fear on the probability of gossip and malaise in the community. However, the region is characterized as a heterogeneous whole, requiring a procedural analysis to cover the whole specificity of these practices in the covered area.
This thesis aims to contribute to reflections on female prostitution in the Paraíba`s North Coast in specific regions of the Baía da Traição and Indian villages Potiguara constant cultural flow region between indigenous and non-indigenous. Within this hemisphere intend to analyze the transits, the body boundaries, sexuality, identity and ethnic category as central to understanding of prostitution practices inaugurate the possibility to study the gender and blurred places, border, mixed. Specifically, I discuss the experience of articulated gender border between urban and rural, indigenous and non-indigenous, to show and hide, visible and not visible. Analyze the social relations among women who prostitute themselves and the community they inhabit, mobility, economic and symbolic exchanges, conflicts and situations of violence, since the social environment is permeated by these dimensions and the way these women includes complex situations and individuals. Analyze the ethnic and flow of people and relationships that are built differently inside and outside the indigenous community, such as women who prostitute themselves build their indigenous and prostitutes identities. Analyze this mobility in prostitution relationships and the reason for this mobility, indigenous women prostitutes avoid this practice in the indigenous area in order to protect their identities because the community is small, there is the fear on the probability of gossip and malaise in the community. However, the region is characterized as a heterogeneous whole, requiring a procedural analysis to cover the whole specificity of these practices in the covered area.
Las movilizaciones de noviembre-diciembre de 1995 en Francia contra el Plan Juppé fueron la primera gran revuelta en un país europeo contra el neoliberalismo. Con los trabajadores del sector público como eje de la protesta el movimiento se desplegó en base a la articulación combinada de huelgas y manifestaciones. Las reivindicaciones sectoriales se articularon en un discurso más general de defensa del servicio público y el interés general. Noviembre-diciembre de 1995 marcó el inicio de un ciclo de movilizaciones contra el neoliberalismo en Francia que testimonió su creciente pérdida de legitimidad.
El interés del humanista italiano Alessandro Geraldini (1455-1524) por los monumenta antiquitatis (y especialmente por las inscripciones romanas) se pone de manifiesto en su Itinerarium ad regiones sub aequinoctiali plaga constitutas, compuesto al final de su vida. Analizamos aquí la información anticuaria contenida en su obra; señalamos por primera vez las fuentes epigráficas utilizadas como hipotexto en su Itinerarium, identificamos la síloge epigráfica de donde conoció dichos textos y, finalmente, valoramos su participación efectiva en los estudios epigráficos llevados a cabo durante su larga permanencia en España (ante 1475-1519).
We aspire to shape the Constantine’s personality in particular by analyzing his loving relationship, first with Minervina and then with Fausta, and not forgetting the bond with his mother Helena, hence the reference to uxor, mater and concubina in our title. We will analyze if these women exercised any influence on the composition of his production rules and, if so, to what extent they were able to determine the historical development of the following decades. From this point of view we must consider in general the emperor had to combine their political claims and government with these relationships, showing great skill in handling times and ways, always putting the first to the second.
En este trabajo hemos examinado comentarios a la traducción al latín del ejercicio de la Fábula de los Progymnasmata de Aftonio para ver cómo afecta la traducción de algunos términos al comentario. Dado que, al traducir de una lengua a otra, difícilmente hay correspondencia exacta, el traductor opta por la solución que estima más adecuada, primando ciertos matices sobre otros y, con frecuencia, llega, incluso, a dotar al término de acepciones en la lengua meta que no existían en la lengua origen. La elección realizada no parece obedecer a otra razón que a preferencias del traductor, pero tiene consecuencias e influye en los comentaristas. Por otra parte, la existencia de un término acuñado no impide que tanto los traductores como los escoliastas creen otros nuevos, tal vez por deseo de mostrar originalidad. Finalmente, la traducción tiene una doble vertiente: de un lado, influye en el entendimiento del concepto y en el comentario, y, de otro, refleja la concepción que de la realidad tiene el traductor.
The south region of the Rio Grande do Norte has been historically recognized as a place of old indian villages. Inhabitants of the edges of the Catu River, border between the cities of Canguaretama and Goianinha, the Eleotérios in the threshold of 21st century had passed to be seen and self recognized as "remaining indians" of the RN. Their ethnic mobilizations, when becoming public had placed to the intellectual and political fields an old question to be reflected on: the asseverations concerning the "indian disappearing" in the State. This item brings with it other implications. Accessed by a para-oficial indigenism, the Eleotérios had started to establish political relations with the Potiguara indians of the Baía da Traição/PB and the Indian Movement, feeling stimulated to produce and to reproduce forms of social differentiation. In this context, this research is worried about elucidating the process of construction of the ethnicity among the Eleotérios, percepted from the social relations and politics kept with the amplest society, into a particular historical situation involving sugar cane fields owners, proprietaries, militants, researchers, ambiental agencies. The effects of these political and social relations had been extended, making Eleotérios appear to the society as susceptible social actors to the specific policies for the aboriginal populations
Este estudio como otros tantos que ha escrito el señor Meléndez sobre asuntos monetarios, bancarios y crediticios, constituye una labor digna de todo elogio, la cual coloca muy alto el crédito de la República, cuando regida por patricios cuya vida constituye una lección de moral y de energía, se encamina resueltamente por las vías que conducen a la cultura y al engrandecimiento
Em A Demanda do Santo Graal, novela de cavalaria representativa da literatura Arturiana no Portugal da Idade Média, analisamos o modo como é feita a abordagem da presença feminina num universo essencialmente masculino. Aceitando como premissa que a literatura é reflexo da realidade de uma época e, simultaneamente, nela se reflete e deixa a sua influência, iniciámos o estudo, cujo resultado constitui o texto desta dissertação. Após uma referência às circunstâncias prováveis da chegada do primeiro manuscrito a Portugal, e de algumas considerações sobre o propósito pedagógico e legado cultural da obra na sociedade Portuguesa, perspetivamos a posição da mulher na época medieval, analisando e refletindo sobre cada uma das representações do feminino que emanam do texto e que mencionamos através do relato dos vários episódios em que ocorre a presença feminina.
We have long been critics of the creative work of philosophers and culture at the tender touch of his words, written or verbal, are both with the "hammer" that whoever owns the Ethics in writer-reader relationship is the first, called "comprehensive architect of the word" but inveterate dominant ideals of multiple anonymous.With this statement suggests that the second of this connection is nothing but a later, perhaps a "so and so" incognito benefits from its "home on earth", and who succeeds, after a long journey "cognitive "the privilege of reading. This old argument raised from ancient tradition, makes the reader a living subject-receptor but without providing the bulk of responsibility quantitative space offered by the marketing and consumption.Distrust of the concepts that attempt to establish a definition coldly detached from a bandage dressing, and the reader has not been imposed by the consumer society. In the sixteenth century came the paperback version, the books of Erasmus of Rotterdam were bestsellers in their time. The Praise of Folly and the political writings of Marthin Luther read at a time when the religious world was incorruptible, were read more than the Bible. Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis in the 1300's, that is, before you discover Gutenberg printing circulated throughout Europe in the Latin language, and even in the inscrutable rock monasteries under his cassock, in the secret place of the monk carrying the book. Accepting that the reader is a result of the market, is to bring the book to reified object category and inapreciar history book.
This article marks the decline of the historical study of the Library meet the increase in studies on technology-driven globalization and the predominance of technicality in the discipline, but it is essential to return to that historical knowledge if the Library want instituted as a fully scientific field of knowledge. Emphasized in the beginning of the Library from orality to the written record preserved by the archives and libraries and its close relation to the development of the science of history. It also establishes the link between documents librarians and historians to understand the past and present society.
The south region of the Rio Grande do Norte has been historically recognized as a place of old indian villages. Inhabitants of the edges of the Catu River, border between the cities of Canguaretama and Goianinha, the Eleotérios in the threshold of 21st century had passed to be seen and self recognized as "remaining indians" of the RN. Their ethnic mobilizations, when becoming public had placed to the intellectual and political fields an old question to be reflected on: the asseverations concerning the "indian disappearing" in the State. This item brings with it other implications. Accessed by a para-oficial indigenism, the Eleotérios had started to establish political relations with the Potiguara indians of the Baía da Traição/PB and the Indian Movement, feeling stimulated to produce and to reproduce forms of social differentiation. In this context, this research is worried about elucidating the process of construction of the ethnicity among the Eleotérios, percepted from the social relations and politics kept with the amplest society, into a particular historical situation involving sugar cane fields owners, proprietaries, militants, researchers, ambiental agencies. The effects of these political and social relations had been extended, making Eleotérios appear to the society as susceptible social actors to the specific policies for the aboriginal populations