970 resultados para Basic research


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The efficiencies of InxGa1-xN two-junction solar cells are calculated with various bandgap combinations of subcells under AM1.5 global, AM1.5 direct and AM0 spectra. The influence of top-cell thickness on efficiency has been studied and the performance of InxGa1-xN cells for the maximum light concentration of various spectra has been evaluated. Under one-sun irradiance, the optimum efficiency is 35.1% for the AM1.5 global spectrum, with a bandgap combination of top/bottom cells as 1.74 eV/1.15 eV. And the limiting efficiency is 40.9% for the highest light concentration of the AM1.5 global spectrum, with the top/bottom cell bandgap as 1.72 eV/1.12 eV.


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A flat, fully strain-relaxed Si0.72Ge0.28 thin film was grown on Si (1 0 0) substrate with a combination of thin low-temperature (LT) Ge and LT-Si0.72Ge0.28 buffer layers by ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition. The strain relaxation ratio in the Si0.72Ge0.28 film was enhanced up to 99% with the assistance of three-dimensional Ge islands and point defects introduced in the layers, which furthermore facilitated an ultra-low threading dislocation density of 5 x 10(4) cm (2) for the top SiGe film. More interestingly, no cross-hatch pattern was observed on the SiGe surface and the surface root-mean-square roughness was less than 2 nm. The temperature for the growth of LT-Ge layer was optimized to be 300 degrees C. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the growth temperature dependences of InN films grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Experimental results indicate that growth temperature has a strong effect on the surface morphology, crystalline quality and electrical properties of the InN layer. The increasing growth temperature broadened the v scan's full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) and roughened the surface morphology; whereas the electrical properties improved: As the temperature increased from 460 degrees C to 560 degrees C, room-temperature Hall mobility increased from 98 cm(2)/V s to nearly 800 cm(2)/V s and carrier concentration dropped from 5.29 x 10(19) cm (3) to 0.93 x 10(19) cm (3). The higher growth temperature resulted in more efficient cracking of NH3, which improved Hall mobility and decreased carrier concentration. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Photoluminescence (PL) and lasing properties of InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) with direrent growth procedures prepared by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition are studied. PL measurements show that the low growth rate QD sample has a larger PL intensity and a narrower PL line width than the high growth rate sample. During rapid thermal annealing, however, the lowgrowth rate sample shows a greater blue shift of PL peak wave length. This is caused by the larger InAs layer thickness which results from the larger 2-3 dimensional transition critical layer thickness for the QDs in the low-growth-rate sample. A growth technique including growth interruption and in-situ annealing, named indium flush method, is used during the growth of GaAs cap layer, which can flatten the GaAs surface effectively. Though the method results in a blue shift of PL peak wavelength and a broadening of PL line width, it is essential for the fabrication of room temperature working QD lasers.


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Hybrid bulk heterojunction solar cells based on blend of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and TiO2 nanotubes or dye(N719) modified TiO2 nanotubes were processed from solution and characterized to research the nature of organic/inorganic hybrid materials. Compared with the pristine polymer P3HT and TiO2 nanoparticles/P3HT solar cells, the TiO2 nanotubes/P3HT hybrid solar cells show obvious performance improvement, due to the formation of the bulk heterojunction and charge transport improvement. A further improvement in the device performance can be achieved by modifying TiO2 nanotube surface with a standard dye N719 which can play a role in the improvement of both the light absorption and charge dissociation. Compared with the non-modified TiO2 nanotubes solar cells, the modified ones have better power conversion efficiency under 100 mW/cm(2) illumination with 500W Xenon lamp. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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The theoretical electron mobility limited by dislocation scattering of a two-dimensional electron gas confined near the interface of AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures was calculated. Based on the model of treating dislocation as a charged line, an exponentially varied potential was adopted to calculate the mobility. The estimated mobility suggests that such a choice can simplify the calculation without introducing significant deviation from experimental data, and we obtained a good fitting between the calculated and experimental results. It was found that the measured mobility is dominated by interface roughness and dislocation scattering at low temperatures if dislocation density is relatively high (>10(9) cm(-2)), and accounts for the nearly flattening-out behavior with increasing temperature.


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The guided modes of a two-dimensional photonic crystal straight waveguide and a waveguide bend are studied in order to find the high transmission mechanism for the waveguide bend. We find that high transmission occurs when the mode patterns and wave numbers match, while the single-mode condition in the waveguide bend is not necessarily required. According to the mechanism, a simply modified bend structure with broad high transmission band is proposed. The bandwidth is significantly increased from 19 to 116 nm with transmission above 90%, and covers the entire C band of optical communication.


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Using first-principles methods, we systematically study the mechanism of defect formation and electronic structures for 3d transition-metal impurities (V, Cr, Mn, Fe, and Co) doped in silicon nanowires. We find that the formation energies of 3d transition-metal impurities with electrons or holes at the defect levels always increase as the diameters of silicon nanowires decrease, which suggests that self-purification, i.e., the difficulty of doping in silicon nanowires, should be an intrinsic effect. The calculated results show that the defect formation energies of Mn and Fe impurities are lower than those of V, Cr, and Co impurities in silicon nanowires. It indicates that Mn and Fe can easily occupy substitutional site in the interior of silicon nanowires. Moreover, they have larger localized moments, which means that they are good candidates for Si-based dilute magnetic semiconductor nanowires. The doping of Mn and Fe atom in silicon nanowires introduces a pair of energy levels with t(2) symmetry. One of which is dominated by 3d electrons of Mn or Fe, and the other by neighboring dangling bonds of Si vacancies. In addition, a set of nonbonding states localized on the transition-metal atom with e symmetry is also introduced. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3000445]


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A novel microcavity semiconductor optical amplifier ( MCSOA) was proposed by incorporating top and bottom distributed Bragg reflectors ( DBRs) into the waveguide structure of conventional traveling-wave semiconductor optical amplifiers(TW-SOAs). The incoming( outgoing) light beam incidented onto (escaped from) the waveguide structure at a oblique angle through two optical windows, where the top DBR was etched away, and anti-reflection coating was deposited. The light beams inside the optical cavity were reflected repeatedly between two DBRs and propagated along waveguide in a zigzag optical path. The performance of the MCSOA was systematically investigated by extensive numerical simulation based on a traveling-wave model by taking into account the comprehensive effects of DBRs on both the amplification of signals and the filtering of spontaneous emission( SE). Our results show that the MCSOA is capable of achieving a fiber-to-fiber gain as high as 40dB and a low noise figure is less than 3.5dB.


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We demonstrate a photonic crystal hetero-waveguide based on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) slab, consisting of two serially connected width-reduced photonic crystal waveguides with different radii of the air holes adjacent to the waveguide. We show theoretically that the transmission window of the structure corresponds to the transmission range common to both waveguides and it is in inverse proportion to the discrepancy between the two waveguides. Also the group velocity of guided mode can be changed from low to high or high to low, depending on which port of the structure the signal is input from just in the same device, and the variation is proportional to the discrepancy between the two waveguides. Using this novel structure, we realize flexible control of transmission window and group velocity of guided mode simultaneously.


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We investigate the uniaxial strain effect in the c-plane on optical properties of wurtzite GaN based on k center dot p theory, the spin-orbit interactions are also taken into account. The energy dispersions show that the uniaxial strain in the c-plane gives an anisotropic energy splitting in the k(x) - k(y) plane, which can reduce the density of states. The uniaxial strain also results in giant in-plane optical polarization anisotropy, hence causes the threshold carrier density reduced. We clarify the relations between the uniaxial strain and the optical polarization properties. As a result, it is suggested that the compressive uniaxial strain perpendicular to the laser cavity direction in the c-plane is one of the preferable approaches for the effcient improvement of GaN-based laser performance.


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Effects of interface roughness and dislocation density on the electroluminescence (EL) intensity of InGaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs) are investigated. It is found that the EL intensity increases with the number of satellite peaks in the x-ray diffraction experiments of InGaN MQW samples. It is indicated that the rough interface will lead the reduction of EL intensity of InGaN MQW samples. It is also found that the EL intensity increases with the decrease of dislocation density which is characterized by the x-ray diffraction measurements. It is suggested that the EL intensity of InGaN MQWs can be improved by decreasing the interface roughness and dislocation density.


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A distributed feedback laser with the sampled grating has been designed and fabricated. The typical threshold current of the sampled grating based DFB laser is 32 mA, and the output power is about 10mW at the injected current of 100 mA. The lasing wavelength is 1.5564 mu m, which is the -1(st) order mode of the sampled grating.


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InP/GaInAsP square-resonator microlasers with an output waveguide connected to the midpoint of one side of the square are fabricated by standard photolithography and inductively-coupled-plasma etching technique. For a 20-mu m-side square microlaser with a 2-mu m-wide output waveguide, cw threshold current is 11 mA at room temperature, and the highest mode Q factor is 1.0 X 10(4) measured from the mode linewidth at the injection current of 10 mA. Multimode oscillation is observed with the lasing mode wavelength 1546 nm and the side-mode suppression ratio of 20 dB at the injection current of 15 mA. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America


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We have systematically investigated the magnetic properties of Si-doped (Ga,Mn)As films. When the Si content is low, both Curie temperature (T-C) and carrier density (p) decrease compared with undoped (Ga,Mn)As, whereas a monotonic increase of T-C and p is observed with further increase in the doping content of Si. We discuss the possible mechanism for the changes obtained by different Si doping contents and attribute the results to a competition between the existence of Si-Ga (Si substitutes for Ga site) that acts as a donor and Si-I (Si interstitials) which is in favor of the improvement of ferromagnetism. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.