980 resultados para , Lisbon


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Diphasic silicon films (nc-Si/a-Si:H) have been prepared by a new regime of plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition in the region adjacent of phase transition from amorphous to microcrystalline state. Comparing to the conventional amorphous silicon (a-Si:H), the nc-Si/a-Si:H has higher photoconductivity (sigma(ph)), better stability, and a broader light spectral response range in the longer wavelength range. It can be found from Raman spectra that there is a notable improvement in the medium range order. The blue shift for the stretching mode and red shift for the wagging mode in the IR spectra also show the variation of the microstructure. By using this kind of film as intrinsic layer, a p-i-n junction solar cell was prepared with the initial efficiency of 8.51 % and a stabilized efficiency of 8.01% (AM 1.5, 100 mw/cm(2)) at room temperature. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A wide bandgap and highly conductive p-type hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) window layer was prepared with a conventional RF-PECVD system under large H dilution condition, moderate power density, high pressure and low substrate temperature. The optoelectrical and structural properties of this novel material have been investigated by Raman and UV-VIS transmission spectroscopy measurements indicating that these films are composed of nanocrystallites embedded in amorphous SiHx matrix and with a widened bandgap. The observed downshift of the optical phonon Raman spectra (514.4 cm(-1)) from crystalline Si peak (521 cm(-1)) and the widening of the bandgap indicate a quantum confinement effect from the Si nanocrystallites. By using this kind of p-layer, a-Si:H solar cells on bare stainless steel foil in nip sequence have been successfully prepared with a V c of 0.90 V, a fill factor of 0.70 and an efficiency of 9.0%, respectively. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) n-layers have been used to prepare heterojunction solar cells on flat p-type crystalline silicon (c-Si) wafers. The nc-Si:H n-layers were deposited by radio-frequency (RF) plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), and characterized using Raman spectroscopy, optical transmittance and activation energy of dark-conductivity. The nc-Si:H n-layers obtained comprise fine grained nanocrystallites embedded in amorphous matrix, which have a wider bandgap and a smaller activation energy. Heterojunction solar cells incorporated with the nc-Si n-layer were fabricated using configuration of Ag (100 nm)/1T0 (80 nm)/n-nc-Si:H (15 nm)/buffer a-Si:H/p-c-Si (300 mu m)/Al (200 nm), where a very thin intrinsic a-Si:H buffer layer was used to passivate the p-c-Si surface, followed by a hydrogen plasma treatment prior to the deposition of the thin nanocrystalline layer. The results show that heterojunction solar cells subjected to these surface treatments exhibit a remarkable increase in the efficiency, up to 14.1% on an area of 2.43 cm(2). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of silicon film samples were prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) near the threshold from amorphous to nanocrystalline state by adjusting the plasma parameters and properly increasing the reactions between the hydrogen plasma and the growing surface. The microstucture of the films was studied by micro-Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The influences of the hydrogen dilution ratio of silane (R-H = [H-2]/[SiH4]) and the substrate temperature (T-s) on the microstructural and photoelectronic properties of silicon films were investigated in detail. With the increase of RH from 10 to 100, a notable improvement in the medium-range order (MRO) of the films was observed, and then the phase transition from amorphous to nanocrystalline phase occurred, which lead to the formation of diatomic hydrogen complex, H-2* and their congeries. With the increase of T-s from 150 to 275 degreesC, both the short-range order and the medium range order of the silicon films are obviously improved. The photoconductivity spectra and the light induced changes of the films show that the diphasic nc-Si/a-Si:H films with fine medium-range order present a broader light spectral response range in the longer wavelength and a lower degradation upon illumination than conventional a-Si:H films. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Is it conceivable to contemplate a future without the car as the center of an urban transportation system? Can emerging economies grow without concomitant growth in car usage? San Pedro Sula, Honduras, is one city at a critical decision point about the future of transportation and mobility. Will it be a sustainable transport future that balances economic, environmental and social needs or will it be the traditional “predict and provide” approach that attempts to expand the capacity of the road system to meet future travel demand. This paper provides some background into the issue for this Central American city by describing the current urban transport system, current plans for improvement and outlines a process for defining a vision for a sustainable transport future in San Pedro Sula. The paper concludes with a challenge to all cities that currently have low automobile ownership rates to consider a sustainable transport system in order to “thrive” with transport choices for all residents rather than “choke” on congestion and the negative side effects thereof.


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Lonsdale, R. E. & Armstrong, C. (2006). A study of information literacy initiatives between secondary schools and universities in the UK. In A.B. Martins, A.P. Falcao, E. Conde, I. Andrade, M.B. Nunes, M.J. Vitorino (Eds.), Proceedings of 35th Annual conference of the International Association of School Librarianship, Lisboa (Portugal). The Multiple Faces of Literacy: Reading, Knowing, Doing: Selected papers from the 35th Annual Conference of IASL [CD-ROM: PDF version] Lisbon, Portugal 2006 Sponsorship: JISC


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Sauze, C and Neal, M. 'Endocrine Inspired Modulation of Artificial Neural Networks for Mobile Robotics', Dynamics of Learning Behavior and Neuromodulation Workshop, European Conference on Artifical Life 2007, Lisbon, Portugal, September 10th-14th 2007.


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Zwiększanie składu Parlamentu Europejskiego jest zjawiskiem zrozumiałym i związanym z rozszerzaniem się Unii o kolejne państwa. Zazwyczaj zwiększenie składu PE następuje wraz z rozpoczęciem nowej kadencji. Niniejszy artykuł omawia jednakże przypadek zwiększenia składu PE podczas trwającej kadencji. Konieczność zwiększenia liczby mandatów przypadających części państw wywołana została wejściem w życie Traktatu Lizbońskiego, przewidującego zwiększenie liczby mandatów do PE z 736 do 754. W Traktacie nie umieszczono przepisu wskazującego, że przepisy dotyczące składu PE wejdą w życie od nowej kadencji, co zrodziło szereg problemów związanych przede wszystkim z wyborem trybu obsady dodatkowych mandatów. Rada Europejska zaproponowała 3 sposoby obsady dodatkowych mandatów: na podstawie wyników wyborów z czerwca 2009 r., w drodze wyborów przeprowadzonych ad hoc, przez parlamenty narodowe spośród swych członków. Wszystkie państwa członkowskie, w tym Polska, zdecydowały się na wybór pierwszego ze wskazanych sposobów. Zdaniem autora, przyjęty w Polsce sposób obsady dodatkowego mandatu dokonany na podstawie przeprowadzonych już wyborów jest wątpliwy z punktu widzenia zgodności z Konstytucją RP.


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Francja i Niemcy przez stulecia walczyły o zdobycie władzy i przejęcie wpływów na kontynencie europejskim i traktowały siebie nawzajem jako największe zagrożenie. Jednak tragiczna pierwsza połowa XX wieku przyniosła z jednej strony pragnienie zapewnienia, iż okropności wojny już nigdy się nie powtórzą, a z drugiej strony poczucie, że nieodzowna jest zmiana dwustronnych stosunków panujących między Berlinem a Paryżem. Konieczność stworzenia przestrzeni wolności i współpracy doprowadziła niegdysiejszych wrogów do stworzenia idei integracji najważniejszych części gospodarki. Pomysł zjednoczenia krajów Europy Zachodniej przekształcił się w kolejnych latach w symbol zaangażowania francusko-niemieckiego. Dwie republiki stały się rdzeniem europejskiej współpracy i spiritus movens zmian politycznych, ekonomicznych i instytucjonalnych w powojennej Europie. Po upadku komunizmu w 1989 roku ich rola zyskała nowy wymiar w odmiennych warunkach geopolitycznych - od momentu podpisania Traktatu z Maastricht w 1992 roku francusko-niemiecki duet powiększył swe znaczenie i wpływ na politykę nowej Unii Europejskiej. Realizacja zapisów Traktatu z Maastricht i kolejnych dokumentów, w tym Traktatu z Lizbony, koncentracja na kwestiach reform instytucjonalnych, jak również przygotowania do wschodniego rozszerzenia UE mogą być rozpatrywane jedynie w odniesieniu do wspólnych działań prowadzonych przez nadreński tandem. Realizacja trzech filarów integracji: współpracy w wymiarze ekonomicznym i społecznym, wspólnej polityki zagranicznej i bezpieczeństwa, jak również współpracy policyjnej i sądowej w sprawach karnych, podkreślają znaczenie couple franco-allemand i zwracają uwagę na rolę lidera, jaką Paryż i Berlin odgrywają w dziedzinie integracji.


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia Jurídica


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The Lisbon Agenda places Europe in a uniquely difficult position globally, most particularly as an example of a social and regulatory experiment which many consider to be doomed to failure. The drive towards economic competitiveness has led to a focus on regulation and its effect on entrepreneurship, productivity and business growth but assessing this relationship is complex for a number of reasons. First, not all regulatory effects can be predicted precisely in relation to behavioural outcomes. Path-dependency scholars have also demonstrated that the regulation will have varying effects depending on context. Second, theoretically it is clear that many non-regulatory factors may contribute to economic and competitive success. Third, there is evidence of internal conflict within the Commission as to the relative importance of the Lisbon goals. Finally, the experience of distinct Member States presents challenges both for assessment and prescriptive remedies. The Commission has estimated that the cost of regulatory compliance obligations on businesses in the EU is between 4% and 6% of gross domestic product and that 15% of this figure is avoidable 'red tape' (the term used specifically to signify unnecessary compliance burdens). This article proposes to assess the likely outcomes of de-regulation as we rapidly approach 2010, the year for attainment of the Lisbon goals.


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In this paper a methodology for the application of computer simulation to the evacuation certification of aircraft is suggested. The methodology suggested here involves the use of computer simulation, historic certification data, component testing and full-scale certification trials. The proposed methodology sets out a protocol for how computer simulation should be undertaken in a certification environment and draws on experience from both the marine and building industries. Along with the suggested protocol, a phased introduction of computer models to certification is suggested. Given the sceptical nature of the aviation community regarding any certification methodology change in general, this would involve as a first step the use of computer simulation in conjunction with full-scale testing. The computer model would be used to reproduce a probability distribution of likely aircraft performance under current certification conditions and in addition, several other more challenging scenarios could be developed. The combination of full-scale trial, computer simulation (and if necessary component testing) would provide better insight into the actual performance capabilities of the aircraft by generating a performance probability distribution or performance envelope rather than a single datum. Once further confidence in the technique is established, the second step would only involve computer simulation and component testing. This would only be contemplated after sufficient experience and confidence in the use of computer models have been developed. The third step in the adoption of computer simulation for certification would involve the introduction of several scenarios based on for example exit availability instructed by accident analysis. The final step would be the introduction of more realistic accident scenarios into the certification process. This would require the continued development of aircraft evacuation modelling technology to include additional behavioural features common in real accident scenarios.


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This paper reports on research work undertaken for the European Commission funded study GMA2/2000/32039 Very Large Transport Aircraft (VLTA) Emergency Requirements Research Evacuation Study (VERRES). A particular focus was on evacuation issues with a detailed study of evacuation performance using computer models being undertaken as part of Work Package 2. This paper describes this work and investigates the use of internal stairs during evacuation using computer simulation.