999 resultados para satisfação dos acolhedores
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The need to practice physical activity of any kind grows day by day. People look for studios, clubs, parks, either to practice some kind of sport, gymnastics classes, workout or a good walk. Over the last few years, another option has arived arose, which is a little different from what we are used to see. We are talking about Ballroom Dance, a new alternative for thoses who wants or needs to practice some physical activity but is looking for a different environment. Ballroom Dance is growing, thanks to the media, it has been an effective option for whom seeks to fill her free time and gains benefits such as leisure, satisfaction, health and quality of live, etc. Therefore, the objectives of this study were: investigating the reasons that lead the people to look for classes like Ballroom Dance and identify the degree of satisfaction of these students regarding Ballroom Dance classes. Thirty eight students participated in this study: some came from a dance studio from Rio Claro (SP), some from a gym academy with Ballroom Dance classes from Campo Grande (MS) and some from a Ballroom Dance Program of Unesp, Rio Claro in the community. The participants of both genders, ageing between 18 to 60 years, were enpaped on Ballroom program for at least one month. They answered a questionnaire related to the issue. After analyzing the data it was confirmed that people seeks for Ballroom Dance because they like to dance, they feel pleasure to dance, besides feeling relaxed in the activity and because dancing brought them fun. Regarding the Degree of satisfaction, all of them stated being satisfied with Ballroom Dance.
With the increasing competitiveness of organizations in search of customers, it is essential that the pursuit of quality becomes a prerequisite for the survival of healthcare organization, is necessary to have working conditions that encourage both personal and professional satisfaction. This study aims to investigate the perception of nurses regarding their satisfaction in the context of work in a State Hospital and contribute to the reflection on the internal customer satisfaction as an important indicator of quality of health services that interfere with quality of care. We used the qualitative method, on phenomenology, with nurses from a state hospital that had at least one year of experience in the institution. Through interviews, it was revealed that satisfaction is related to the literature and is influenced by factors such as human resources, practice nurses, Teamwork, Perception of the patient, professional recognition, physical and material resources and rewarding work, and these themes unfold quality and satisfaction both personally and for organizations
The searches for a health service it’s a part of a process, searches for a qualified evaluation can arise the perception, in form of irritating factors taking for an alert state. The personal expectation, it makes influence in its perceptions, too. The objective was to evaluate the satisfaction degree of the users of “Seção Técnica de Ambulatório Geral do Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu”. The work is about a quantitative and transversal study, with calculated sample of 366 users, chosen randomly and invited to participate through a questionnaire. The population was compounded by a majority of women (64,5%), between 50 to 59 years old and average degree of education (38,3%). 25 specialties were cited. The evaluate about comfort, cleaning, reception, waiting time, medical attention and nursing vary between “very good” and “good”. Obtained significant “regular” assessment, the comfort in the waiting rooms (24%), silence (25%) and cleaning bathroom (63%). Others negative evaluation was the reception about the waiting time (26%), waiting time between arrival and the consultation (34%), waiting time between the request and consultation (27%). 30,6% report to know the place for complaints and 79,4% of these pointed to the ombudsman. 62% consider their problems solved, 84,4% would indicate the hospital, 57,4% would consider the hospital better than imagined. 42,62% used the opened area for thanking, critical for staff, suggestion infrastructure improvements, cleaning and waiting time. The biggest complaint was the staff turnover in the treatment. There was disharmony between the objective and subjective questions, but, all of them must be considered to propose improvements. The satisfaction evaluation makes the service more effective, bringing credibility to the health service and the patients adhere better to the treatment
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
The population’s life expectancy is growing every year. This fact highlights the importance of the elderly for the dentistry. The oral cavity quality has great influence on quality of life at both the biological and the psychological and social factors by maintaining a self-esteem, self-expression, communication and satisfactory facial aesthetics. Unfortunately, the number of edentulous elderly population is also high, which may create problems to their social life. Therefore, the objective of this study was to demonstrate and evaluate the difficulties of treating edentulous patients, comparing data prior to treatment to post data after treatment by complete dentures made to the patients undergoing oral rehabilitation in the Dental Clinic of the Faculty of Dentistry of Adamantina – FAI. For this study, questionnaires were filled in the form of answers developed alternative focused on the degree of patient satisfaction, the current situation of occlusion, and outcome of treatment. The results showed that 96% of patients were satisfied with the results obtained in the treatment, all of whom believed that the prosthesis helped them feel better aesthetically and improved self-esteem. By this methodology, it was concluded that the degree of satisfaction was high, but the services provided must be constantly reevaluated, once the elderly population presents a wide labor market for dental professionals and demand level services will certainly increase each year.
The aim this study was to know work conditions of dental surgeon in Brazilian Health System (SUS), by their perception, analyzing: type of ingress, work regime, workload, realized income, existence of Career Plan, Posts and Ages (PCCS) and satisfaction with public employment. The sample was constituted by dental surgeons (n=83) of 12 cities public system from Health Regional Department XV – São José do Rio Preto City – São Paulo State. Data collection was by interviews using a questionnaire. Results point that 19% of interviewed people didn’t take an open competition to ingress on SUS. Statutory scheme of work was more adopted getting 57% of professionals. Different working days were observed: 57% is relative to 20 hours, 7% to 30 hours and 36 hours to 40 hours. About satisfaction with incomes, 66% of professionals were dissatisfied, observing the absence of PCCS in 11 cities. About satisfaction with public employment, just 5% said to be “dissatisfied”; 11% “few satisfied” and the majority 62% and 22% affirmed to be “satisfied” and “satisfied so much” respectively. Although PCCS not to be reality in studied cities and the majority of professionals to say “to be dissatisfied” with wage, around totality of interviewed people is “dissatisfied” with public employment on SUS.
The purpose of the ergonomics is to generate adequate working conditions, by the correct use of equipment and appropriate anatomic positions. Ergonomics has become essential in the dentist's life while in the dental practice. The misuse of equipment in performing tasks or the wrong choice of equipment can initiate various problems like back pain, bursitis, repetitive strain injury (RSI), limitation of movement, and stress. Using a survey that was implemented with professional dentists linked to Paulista Association of Dental Surgeons (APCD) and graduate students at the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) in the São José dos Campos (SP) region, this study intends to propose an adequate research instrument to identify ergonomic critical factors of dental stools and their relation to productivity and satisfaction of dentists. The survey was developed with Google Docs Forms tool and was designed by analysis of other studies, existing surveys and other papers in this area. Relevant content were discussed and developed questions about the stool used by dentists in their activities, the occurrence of any problems arising from the exercise of their profession and the views of respondents about the influence of using the dental stool in these cited problems as well as their productivity. Due to obstacles encountered during the project, particularly bureaucratic issues, the survey cannot be implemented as needed, resulting in a test with reduced number of answers. The users' opinion varies according to the stool used, bringing some difficulty to generalizing the answers, but if treated properly, it is possible to obtain relevant conclusions about the main aspects perceived by users in relation to the stool and the needs pointed as most important
The purpose of the ergonomics is to generate adequate working conditions, by the correct use of equipment and appropriate anatomic positions. Ergonomics has become essential in the dentist's life while in the dental practice. The misuse of equipment in performing tasks or the wrong choice of equipment can initiate various problems like back pain, bursitis, repetitive strain injury (RSI), limitation of movement, and stress. Using a survey that was implemented with professional dentists linked to Paulista Association of Dental Surgeons (APCD) and graduate students at the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) in the São José dos Campos (SP) region, this study intends to propose an adequate research instrument to identify ergonomic critical factors of dental stools and their relation to productivity and satisfaction of dentists. The survey was developed with Google Docs Forms tool and was designed by analysis of other studies, existing surveys and other papers in this area. Relevant content were discussed and developed questions about the stool used by dentists in their activities, the occurrence of any problems arising from the exercise of their profession and the views of respondents about the influence of using the dental stool in these cited problems as well as their productivity. Due to obstacles encountered during the project, particularly bureaucratic issues, the survey cannot be implemented as needed, resulting in a test with reduced number of answers. The users' opinion varies according to the stool used, bringing some difficulty to generalizing the answers, but if treated properly, it is possible to obtain relevant conclusions about the main aspects perceived by users in relation to the stool and the needs pointed as most important
Hearing loss is one of the most common clinical findings in subjects with malformations of the ear. Treatment consists of surgery and/or adapt a hearing aid amplification by bone (HA VO). Early intervention is critical to auditory stimulation and development of speech and language. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the audiological profile of subjects with congenital malformation of the external ear and/or middle and evaluate the benefit and satisfaction of using HA VO. METHOD: A descriptive study, subjects with bilateral congenital malformations of the external ear and/or middle, conductive or mixed hearing loss, moderate or severe and HA VO users. Evaluation of the benefit test using sentence recognition in noise and measures of functional gain and satisfaction assessment questionnaire using international IQ - HA. RESULTS: 13 subjects were evaluated, 61% were male and 80% with moderate conductive hearing loss or severe. There was better performance in the evaluation proposal, provided with HA when compared to the condition without HA. CONCLUSION: HA VO showed advantages for the population studied and should be considered as an option for intervention. Satisfaction was confirmed by elevated scores obtained in IQ - HA.
Estudo descritivo que aborda a satisfação no trabalho de enfermeiros gerentes e assistenciais nos Serviços de Hematologia e Hemoterapia de um hospital público da cidade de São Paulo. Objetivou identificar fatores geradores de satisfação no trabalho de enfermeiros gerentes e assistenciais e subsidiar os resultados para a construção de indicadores para avaliação da qualidade do gerenciamento de recursos humanos em Enfermagem. Os componentes do trabalho foram: autonomia, interação, status profissional, requisitos do trabalho, normas organizacionais e remuneração. Participaram do estudo 44 enfermeiros. O instrumento de coleta foi o questionário Índice de Satisfação Profissional (ISP). Concluindo, este estudo permitiu identificar que o grupo assistencial foi o mais satisfeito, com ISP 10,5; o gerencial totalizou 10,0. Quanto à satisfação com a atividade atual, 88,9% dos enfermeiros gerentes disseram estar satisfeitos, assim como 90,9% dos assistenciais. Para os dois grupos, a autonomia foi o componente de maior nível de satisfação profissional.
A tuberculose persiste como desafio para a saúde pública. Inúmeros esforços são empreendidos para o controle da doença, sendo o tratamento e o acesso do doente aos serviços de saúde entraves para a sua cura. Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a satisfação dos doentes de tuberculose com relação aos serviços que atuam no controle da tuberculose. Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico, do tipo inquérito prospectivo, com abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário semi-estruturado. Participaram do estudo 77 doentes. Os dados quantitativos apresentaram avaliação positiva e os qualitativos permitiram compreender a vivência dos doentes quanto ao acesso e tratamento. Aspectos como critérios para a realização do Tratamento Diretamente Observado e proximidade do serviço à moradia do doente influenciam na satisfação, o que leva à necessidade de reorganização dos serviços de saúde para que eles propiciem uma atenção adequada aos doentes de TB.
OBJETIVOS: Conhecer o grau de satisfação dos usuários de um hospital privado e os fatores intervenientes nessa satisfação, baseado no modelo de Parasuraman, Zeithaml e Berry. MÉTODOS: Estudo exploratório descritivo de abordagem quantitativa realizado em um hospital privado com amostra constituída de 288 usuários. A coleta dos dados ocorreu de abril a julho de 2009, por meio de um questionário e a análise estatística descritiva e inferencial. RESULTADOS: Identificaram os níveis de satisfação dos usuários, bem como as dimensões com maior escore: garantia e confiabilidade e com menor escore: responsividade e empatia. As equipes de enfermagem e médica obtiveram as maiores pontuações. CONCLUSÕES: Observou-se a necessidade de intervenção nas áreas de nutrição e atendimento inicial. Assim, este estudo propiciou um diagnóstico multissetorial, subsidiando os gestores da instituição na revisão de processos assistenciais e gerenciais.
Apresenta-se um modelo alternativo de estágio em terapia ocupacional desenvolvido na Deakin University - Austrália, denominado Ocupação, bem-estar e satisfação de vida - Occupation, wellness and life-satisfaction (OWLS). O OWLS oferece, aos estudantes, a oportunidade de atuação em contextos não tradicionais, permitindo um aprendizado estratégico em ambientes não clínicos, incluindo o trabalho com outros profissionais não-terapeutas ocupacionais e com diferentes culturas de trabalho e práticas, em resposta a lacunas identificadas na comunidade. Favorece oportunidades para desenvolver habilidades, tais como: a promoção da saúde, avaliação e educação em saúde e intervenção em escolas, melhorando, assim, a saúde e o bem-estar da comunidade. O programa tem contribuído para o desenvolvimento de novos projetos, com resultados positivos alcançados pelos estudantes, representando uma importante estratégia de ensino para capacitação do profissional de terapia ocupacional, ampliando, assim, a área de atuação.