943 resultados para immaterial property rights
Item 1038-A, 1038-B (MF).
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Queensland, Australia, has a proud pastoral history; however, the private and social benefits of continued woodland clearing for pasture development are unlikely to be as pronounced as they had been in the past. The environmental benefits of tree retention in and regions of the State are now better appreciated and market opportunities have arisen for the unique timbers of western Queensland. A financial model is developed to facilitate a comparison of the private profitability of small-scale timber production from remnant Acacia woodlands against clearing for pasture development in the Mulga Lands and Desert Uplands bioregions of western Queensland. Four small-scale timber production scenarios, which differ in target markets and the extent of processing (value-adding), are explored within the model. Each scenario is examined for the cases where property rights to the timber are vested with the timber processor, and where royalties are payable. For both cases of resource ownership, at least one scenario generates positive returns from timber production, and exceeds the net farm income per hectare for an average grazing property in the study regions over the period 1989-1990 to 2000-2001. The net present value per hectare of selectively harvesting and processing high-value clearwood from remnant western Queensland woodlands is found to be greater than clearing for grazing. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Some believe that provision of private property rights in wildlife on private land provides a powerful economic incentive for nature conservation because it enables property owners to market such wildlife or its attributes. If such marketing is profitable, private landholders will conserve the wildlife concerned and its required habitat. But land is not always most profitably used for exploitation of wildlife, and many economic values of wildlife (such as non-use economic values) cannot be marketed. The mobility of some wildlife adds to the limitations of the private-property approach. While some species may be conserved by this approach, it is suboptimal as a single policy approach to nature conservation. Nevertheless, it is being experimented with, in the Northern Territory of Australia where landholders had a possibility of harvesting on their properties a quota of eggs and chicks of red-tailed black cockatoos for commercial sale. This scheme was expected to provide an incentive to private landholders to retain hollow trees essential for the nesting of these birds but failed. This case and others are analysed. Despite private-property failures, the long-term survival of some wildlife species depends on their ability to use private lands without severe harassment, either for their migration or to supplement their available resources, for example, the Asian elephant. Nature conservation on private land is often a useful, if not essential, supplement to conservation on public lands. Community and public incentives for such conservation are outlined.
The failures of traditional target-species management have led many to propose an ecosystem approach to fisheries to promote sustainability. The ecosystem approach is necessary, especially to account for fishery-ecosystem interactions, but by itself is not sufficient to address two important factors contributing to unsustainable fisheries: inappropriate incentives bearing on fishers and the ineffective governance that frequently exists in commercial, developed fisheries managed primarily by total-harvest limits and input controls. We contend that much greater emphasis must be placed on fisher motivation when managing fisheries. Using evidence from more than a dozen natural experiments in commercial fisheries, we argue that incentive-based approaches that better specify community and individual harvest or territorial rights and price ecosystem services and that are coupled with public research, monitoring, and effective oversight promote sustainable fisheries.
A theory of value sits at the core of every school of economic thought and directs the allocation of resources to competing uses. Ecological resources complicate the modem neoclassical approach to determining value due to their complex nature, considerable non-market values and the difficulty in assigning property rights. Application of the market model through economic valuation only provides analytical solutions based on virtual markets, and neither the demand nor supply-side techniques of valuation can adequately consider the complex set of biophysical and ecological relations that lead to the provision of ecosystem goods and services. This paper sets out a conceptual framework for a complex systems approach to the value of ecological resources. This approach is based on there being both an intrinsic quality of ecological resources and a subjective evaluation by the consumer. Both elements are necessary for economic value. This conceptual framework points the way towards a theory of value that incorporates both elements, so has implications for principles by which ecological resources can be allocated. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
One of the normative tenets of the Habermasian public sphere is that it should be an open and universally accessible forum. In Australia, one way of achieving this is the provision for community broadcasting in the Broadcasting Services Act. A closer examination of community broadcasting, however, suggests practices that contradict the idea of an open and accessible public sphere. Community broadcasting organizations regulate access to their media assets through a combination of formal and informal structures. This suggests that the public sphere can be understood as a resource, and that community broadcasting organizations can be analysed as ‘commons regimes’. This approach reveals a fundamental paradox inherent in the public sphere: access, participation and the quality of discourse in the public sphere are connected to its enclosure, which limits membership and participation through a system of rules and norms that govern the conduct of a group. By accepting the view that a public sphere is governed by property rights, it follows that an open and universally accessible public sphere is neither possible nor desirable.
Globalizing cultures challenge: The ethics, strategy and outcomes of research processes defining IPR
La ricerca intende analizzare l’efficacia della spesa pubblica, l’efficienza e le loro determinanti nei settori della Sanità, dell’Istruzione e della Ricerca per 33 paesi dell’area OCSE. L’analisi ha un duplice obiettivo: da un lato un confronto cross country e dall’altro un confronto temporale, prendendo in considerazione il periodo che va dal 1992 al 2011. Il tema della valutazione dell’efficacia e dell’efficienza della spesa pubblica è molto attuale, soprattutto in Europa, sia perché essa incide di quasi il 50% sul PIL, sia a causa della crisi finanziaria del 2008 che ha spinto i governi ad una riduzione dei bugdet e ad un loro uso più oculato. La scelta di concentrare il lavoro di analisi nei settori della Sanità, dell’Istruzione e della Ricerca e Sviluppo deriva da un lato dalla loro peculiarità di attività orientate al cliente (scuole, ospedali, tribunali) dall’altro dal ruolo strategico che essi rappresentano per lo sviluppo economico di un paese. Il lavoro è articolato in tre sezioni: 1. Rassegna dei principali strumenti metodologici utilizzati in letteratura per la misurazione della performance e dell’efficienza della spesa pubblica nei tre settori. 2. Valutazione e confronto dell’efficienza e della performance della spesa pubblica dal punto di vista sia temporale sia cross-country attraverso la costruzione di indicatori di performance e di efficienza della spesa pubblica (per approfondire l'indice dell'efficienza ho applicato la tecnica DEA "bootstrap output oriented" con indicatori di output ed input non simultanei mentre l’evoluzione dell’efficienza tra i periodi 2011-2002 e 2001-1992 è stata analizzata attraverso il calcolo dell’indice di Malmquist). 3. Analisi delle variabili esogene che influenzano l’efficienza della spesa pubblica nei settori Salute, Istruzione e Ricerca e Sviluppo attraverso una regressione Tobit avente come variabile dipendente i punteggi di efficienza DEA output oriented e come variabili esogene alcuni indicatori scelti tra quelli presenti in letteratura: l’Indicatore delle condizioni socioeconomiche delle famiglie (costruito e applicato da OCSE PISA per valutare l’impatto del background familiare nelle performance dell’apprendimento), l’Indicatore di fiducia nel sistema legislativo del paese, l’Indicatore di tutela dei diritti di proprietà, l’Indicatore delle azioni di controllo della corruzione, l’Indicatore di efficacia delle azioni di governo, l’Indicatore della qualità dei regolamenti, il PIL pro-capite. Da questo lavoro emergono risultati interessanti: non sempre alla quantità di risorse impiegate corrisponde il livello massimo di performance raggiungibile. I risultati della DEA evidenziano la media dei punteggi di efficienza corretti di 0,712 e quindi, impiegando la stessa quantità di risorse, si produrrebbe un potenziale miglioramento dell’output generato di circa il 29%. Svezia, Giappone, Finlandia e Germania risultano i paesi più efficienti, più vicini alla frontiera, mentre Slovacchia, Portogallo e Ungheria sono più distanti dalla frontiera con una misura di inefficienza di circa il 40%. Per quanto riguarda il confronto tra l’efficienza della spesa pubblica nei tre settori tra i periodi 1992-2001 e 2002-2011, l’indice di Malmquist mostra risultati interessanti: i paesi che hanno migliorato il loro livello di efficienza sono quelli dell’Est come l’Estonia, la Slovacchia, la Lituania mentre Paesi Bassi, Belgio e Stati Uniti hanno peggiorato la loro posizione. I paesi che risultano efficienti nella DEA come Finlandia, Germania e Svezia sono rimasti sostanzialmente fermi con un indice di Malmquist vicino al valore uno. In conclusione, i risultati della Tobit contengono indicazioni importanti per orientare le scelte dei Governi. Dall’analisi effettuata emerge che la fiducia nelle leggi, la lotta di contrasto alla corruzione, l’efficacia del governo, la tutela dei diritti di proprietà, le condizioni socioeconomiche delle famiglie degli studenti OECD PISA, influenzano positivamente l’efficienza della spesa pubblica nei tre settori indagati. Oltre alla spending review, per aumentare l’efficienza e migliorare la performance della spesa pubblica nei tre settori, è indispensabile per gli Stati la capacità di realizzare delle riforme che siano in grado di garantire il corretto funzionamento delle istituzioni.
Marked differences exist between the institutional and social context for innovation in the UK and Germany. The question addressed here is how these different contexts affect the objectives and organisation of innovation in UK and German manufacturing. In particular, the paper examines the extent to which UK and German plants engage in inter-plant collaboration and cooperation and multifunctional working as part of their innovative activity, and explores the reasons for differences in these patterns of involvement. The investigation is based on a large-scale, comparative survey of manufacturing plants in the two countries. In Germany, institutional and social norms are found to encourage collaborative inter-plant innovation, but aspects of the German skills training and industrial relations systems make the adoption of more flexible internal systems more difficult. In the UK, by contrast, the more adversarial nature of inter-firm relations makes it more difficult to establish external collaborations based on mutual trust, but less restrictive labour market structures make it easier for UK plants to adopt multifunctional working. This is linked to differences in attitudes to the property rights and transaction cost problems inherent in innovation.
Foreign direct investment has been important in China's economic development since the early 1980s. In recent years, the volume of inward FDI into China, according to some estimates, has been second only to that into the USA. The Chinese government has emphasised the need for FDI to be coupled with the transfer of more advanced technologies to China. For foreign companies, technology transfer raises the risk of losing their technology based competitive advantage to potential competitor firms. This risk may be exacerbated by insufficient legal protection of intellectual property rights in China. After briefly reviewing the development of Chinese official policy on technology transfer, this paper considers the strategy adopted by EU companies regarding the transfer of technology; in particular in advanced technology sectors. The research on which the paper is based included an analysis of information gathered from 20 leading EU companies with investments in China and operating in high-technology sectors. Information was gathered from senior company managers based in both China and Europe during the second half of 1998. The main findings include a measure of reluctance on the part of EU companies to transfer their core technologies to China and to base R&D capability there. At the same time, the companies appear aware that this policy may be unsustainable in the longer-term in the face of Chinese official policy and a desire to expand their operations in China. While they attempt to protect their existing technological knowledge, most of them accept that there will be technology "leakage" and therefore the most effective strategy is to maintain their technological lead through R&D.
FDI plays a key role in development, particularly in resource-constrained transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe with relatively low savings rates. Gains from technology transfer play a critical role in motivating FDI, yet potential for it may be hampered by a large technology gap between the source and host country. While the extent of this gap has traditionally been attributed to education, skills and capital intensity, recent literature has also emphasized the possible role of institutional environment in this respect. Despite tremendous interest among policy-makers and academics to understand the factors attracting FDI (Bevan and Estrin, 2000; Globerman and Shapiro, 2003) our knowledge about the effects of institutions on the location choice and ownership structure of foreign firms remains limited. This paper attempts to fill this gap in the literature by examining the link between institutions and foreign ownership structures. To the best of our knowledge, Javorcik (2004) is the only papers, which use firm-level data to analyse the role of institutional quality on an outward investor’s entry mode in transition countries. Our paper extends Javorcik (2004) in a number of ways: (a) rather than a cross-section, we use panel data for the period 1997-2006; (b) rather than a binary variable, we use the percentage foreign ownership as continuous variable; (c) we consider multi-dimensional institutional variables, such as corruption, intellectual property rights protection and government stability. We also use factor analysis to generate a composite index of institutional quality and see how stronger institutional environment could affect foreign ownership; (d) we explore how the distance between institutional environment in source and host countries affect foreign ownership in a host country. The firm-level data used includes both domestic and foreign firms for the period 1997-2006 and is drawn from ORBIS, a commercially available dataset provided by Bureau van Dijk. In order to examine the link between institutions and foreign ownership structures, we estimate four log-linear ownership equations/specifications augmented by institutional and other control variables. We find evidence that the decision of a foreign firm to either locate its subsidiary or acquire an existing domestic firm depends not only on factor cost differences but also on differences in institutional environment between the host and source countries.