981 resultados para honor
En virtud del art. 3.1 de la Ley Orgánica 1/1982, de 5 de mayo, cuando los menores tengan suficiente madurez deberán consentir por sí mismos las intromisiones en sus derechos al honor, intimidad y propia imagen. Sin embargo, atendiendo al art. 4 de la Ley Orgánica de Protección Jurídica del Menor, cuando la intromisión tenga lugar en un medio de comunicación seguirá siendo ilegítima, aun consentida por un menor maduro, si se considera contraria a su honor e intereses, debiendo intervenir en su defensa el Ministerio Fiscal. Esta regulación plantea diversas cuestiones relacionadas con la protección de los derechos al honor, intimidad y propia imagen del menor con suficiente madurez —en particular, sobre la función del fiscal como garante de estos derechos y el papel que se otorga al consentimiento del menor— que son objeto de estudio del presente trabajo.
El artículo «La pintura que no se deja ver: la pintura avergonzada, la pintura escondida» relaciona una de las primeras obras de la artista Ángela de la Cruz ashamed (1995), con La pintura encarnada (1984) de Georges Didi-Huberman, ensayo que a su vez analiza La obra maestra desconocida (1837) de Honoré de Balzac. Entre Ángela de la Cruz, didi-Huberman y Balzac se establece un triángulo en torno al concepto cuadro-cuerpo. A través de una pintura, un ensayo filosófico y un relato, tres autores de tres tiempos distintos recuperan las mismas ideas de carne y piel pictórica y cuadro humanizado. Su objetivo: superar las barreras de representación en la pintura para crear un ser más allá del objeto pictórico. Sin embargo, cuanto más idealizan la pintura y más pretenden superar la pantallapictórica, más se desvanece el concepto de «cuadro»; cuanto más acercan el cuadro a ser, más se aleja de ser un cuadro y menos se permite el acceso a lo que representa. La persecución del ideal implica que el cuadro se vea sometido a su ocultación, al deterioro y a la destrucción de su imagen.
Today's society called information society, grows rapidly and undergoes changes in the sources of information under the Information Technology and Communication ("tics"), in this situation it is necessary to develop tools or reference sources that allow the (to) user (a) the accessibility and use of information. It systematized information on the Meritorious Citizen of the Fatherland and Honor that is Costa Rica, since 1847 to 2008, due to its contribution to culture, science, recreation, among others. The overall objective of this research was to make a work print and digital reference, which will collect each of the biographies and works written by (as) Benefactors (as) of the country and citizens (as) of Honor and to facilitate access to information and strengthen outreach conducted by the Library "Victor Manuel Sanabria Martínez" of the Legislature, through its publications, exhibitions and related activities, to publicize its documentary. The variables used for this investigation were:-sources (primary and secondary), Organization of information - tools in various documentation centers and libraries. This was carried out a questionnaire, which was structured in the Excel program, aimed at (as) directors (as) or officers (as) in different libraries and documentation centers, and visits to selected sites for search and selection information. It is important to spread this final graduation in different public and school libraries in the country, since history and culture rescues national, who gave identity to the Costa Rican people. The systematization made by a thematic CD-ROM, provide accessibility to all (as) the (as) citizens (as) who access the Internet through the website of the Legislative Assembly Library and other state institutions wishing through a hyperlink on your "web", to refer the same.
Los profesionales de Enfermería deben de conocer las reacciones positivas, frente a una enfermedad y las reacciones patológicas para poder dar ayuda psicológica y apoyo a enfermos y familiares. El contacto interpersonal entre los profesionales sanitarios y los enfermos y sus familiares pueden ser fuentes de conflictos, el estrés de la enfermedad y la nueva situación puede provocar agresividad hacia el equipo de salud. Esto hace que se ponga en entredicho el prestigio y la dignidad profesional.
Procesión en honor a la Inmaculada Concepción, patrona del pueblo. Versalles. C. 1950.
Las personas que gozaban del derecho al honor en la antigüedad eran solamente las que ostentaban poder político o económico, situación que difiere con la actualidad, siendo un derecho del cual gozan todas las personas sin importar condiciones. Sin embargo, en lo que a los funcionarios respecta, estos son más propensos a sufrir daños en su honor, en razón del cargo público que ejercen y en múltiples ocasiones son objeto de críticas, aseveraciones e incluso burlas de parte de la población y en particular de los medios de comunicación. En consecuencia, el objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar mediante teorías, sentencias judiciales y entrevistas con expertos, si los funcionarios tienen limitado su derecho al honor en comparación con los particulares, y a la vez, adoptar teorías que respalden la distinción en el derecho al honor entre los sujetos mencionados. Desde el Constitucionalismo Moderno, se retoman criterios de sentencias emitidas por los tribunales de justicia de instancias nacionales e internacionales referidos al derecho al honor de los funcionarios, en la mayoría de ocasiones, por colisión con la libertad de expresión y el derecho de acceso a la información. Metodología: Utilizando el método científico, se investiga base teórica y jurídica, acompañado de entrevistas no estructuradas con el fin de conocer la opinión de Magistrados de la Sala de lo Constitucional y Jueces de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Conclusiones: A través de los medios e instrumentos acotados se permite aclarar que los funcionarios se encuentran proclives a sufrir ataques en su honor en razón del cargo público que ejercen; se delimitan teorías que respaldan dicha afirmación y se detallan recomendaciones a las diferentes instituciones del Estado e internacionales, así como a la ciudadanía para ejercer a plenitud este derecho otorgado constitucional y jurisprudencialmente.
The cemeterial units, are places of social practices of everyday life and worship and the tomb where nostalgia can be externalized and the memory of the deceased revered. In Western societies we can find a category of artifacts meant to evoke the memory or honor the dead. In this paper we we mention three examples of products that enabled a reflection on the concepts that gave rise to their ways, and that risks to fit them into a new "material culture", in that it may have created a break with the traditional system codes and standards shared by companies, and its manifestations in relation to the physical creation of this category of products. This work offers a reflection on the Design Products.What probably makes it special is the field where it is located: the design of products in one post mortem memory. Usually made of granite rock or marble, have the form of plate or tablet, open book or rolled sheet. On one side have a photograph of the person who intend to honor and inscriptions. The thought of inherent design of this work put on one side the intricate set of emotions that this type of product can generate, and other components more affordable, and concerning the form, function and object interactions with users and with use environments. In the definition of the problem it was regarded as mandatory requirements: differentiation, added value and durability as key objectives.The first two should be manifested in the various components / product attributes. The aesthetic and material/structural durability of product necessarily imply the introduction of qualifying terms and quantitative weights, which positively influence the generation and evaluation of concepts based on the set of 10 principles for the project that originated a matrix as a tool to aid designing products. The concrete definition of a target audience was equally important. At this stage, the collaboration of other experts in the fields of psychology and sociology as disciplines with particular ability to understand individuals and social phenomena respectively was crucial. It was concluded that a product design to honor someone post mortem, should abandon the more traditional habits and customs to focus on identifying new audiences. Although at present it can be considered a niche market, it is believed that in the future may grow as well as their interest in this type of products.
Studies show that higher level diplomas make access to well-paid jobs easier and are an important source of prestige and social honor in Brazil. However, a broad literature today indicates a reduction of the importance of the diploma in hiring processes and argues that having a diploma becomes less and less sufficient for getting a job. This article examines the processes of selection of recently graduated engineers by eight large companies in the region of Campinas. Based on interviews with the main actors of the selection processes and on observation of the initial steps of a selection carried out by a consultancy company hired by one of the companies, the study shows that the weight of a diploma from a prestigious university is still the most important variable for the hiring decision, as it defines not only whether it will be possible to get the job or not, but also the access to vacancies that lead to better paid and more prestigious managerial positions. Finally, it discusses theoretical implications as well as what these results suggest in terms of public policies.
In the assignment game of Shapley and Shubik [Shapley, L.S., Shubik, M., 1972. The assignment game. I. The core, International journal of Game Theory 1, 11-130] agents are allowed to form one partnership at most. That paper proves that, in the context of firms and workers, given two stable payoffs for the firms there is a stable payoff which gives each firm the larger of the two amounts and also one which gives each of them the smaller amount. Analogous result applies to the workers. Sotomayor [Sotomayor, M., 1992. The multiple partners game. In: Majumdar, M. (Ed.), Dynamics and Equilibrium: Essays in Honor to D. Gale. Mcmillian, pp. 322-336] extends this analysis to the case where both types of agents may form more than one partnership and an agent`s payoff is multi-dimensional. Instead, this note concentrates in the total payoff of the agents. It is then proved the rather unexpected result that again the maximum of any pair of stable payoffs for the firms is stable but the minimum need not be, even if we restrict the multiplicity of partnerships to one of the sides. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Stability of matchings was proved to be a new cooperative equilibrium concept in Sotomayor (Dynamics and equilibrium: essays in honor to D. Gale, 1992). That paper introduces the innovation of treating as multi-dimensional the payoff of a player with a quota greater than one. This is done for the many-to-many matching model with additively separable utilities, for which the stability concept is defined. It is then proved, via linear programming, that the set of stable outcomes is nonempty and it may be strictly bigger than the set of dual solutions and strictly smaller than the core. The present paper defines a general concept of stability and shows that this concept is a natural solution concept, stronger than the core concept, for a much more general coalitional game than a matching game. Instead of mutual agreements inside partnerships, the players are allowed to make collective agreements inside coalitions of any size and to distribute his labor among them. A collective agreement determines the level of labor at which the coalition operates and the division, among its members, of the income generated by the coalition. An allocation specifies a set of collective agreements for each player.
Falar da moderniza????o do Estado n??o ?? f??cil atualmente, t??o numerosos s??o os excelentes especialistas que, ao longo dos ??ltimos anos, dedicaram-se a este tema e produziram relat??rios n??o menos excelentes. Com efeito, se h?? um campo que tem sido regularmente classificado como uma prioridade governamental ?? exatamente este.
As formas de definir «corrupção e fraude» são infinitas, pelo que a aplicação do Direito penal constitucional pode ficar prejudicada. A comunicação e o comentário público e política são por vezes feitos em termos profundamente equivocados. Recentemente, em Portugal, destacados políticos e comentadores chegaram a apelar à «criminalização do enriquecimento ilícito», nem que fosse com o sacrifício da própria Constituição ou do Estado de Direito. É a democracia que passa a estar em perigo. Ao mesmo tempo que se defende com fanatismo quase teológico o sistema económico capitalista, procura-se consagrar na lei a sua destruição. Ou seja, há uma certa demagogia política que quer ter tudo ao mesmo tempo como se isso fosse possível. Perante isto, resta ao cidadão comum agir se for necessário sob as possibilidades das causas de justificação e fazendo uso do direito constitucional de resistência. ABSTRACT Ways to define «corruption and fraud» are endless, so the application of constitutional criminal law may be impaired. The communication and public comment and politics are sometimes done in terms profoundly mistaken. Recently, in Portugal, prominent politicians and commentators have come to call the «criminalization of illicit enrichment» (embezzlement) even if it was at the sacrifice of the Constitution or the rule of law. It is democracy that happens to be in danger. At the same time it defends itself with almost theological fanaticism the capitalist economic system, seeking to enshrine in law its destruction. That is, there is a certain political demagoguery that wants to have everything at the same time as if that were possible. Given this, it remains to ordinary act if necessary under the scope of defenses and making use of the constitutional right of resistance.
Aos direitos fundamentais não basta a letra da lei. É preciso praticá-los a todo o momento: Canotilho e Vital. Respeito à Constituição da informação! É fundamental o direito à expressão e informação, seja ou não seja por meio da comunicação social dirigida às massas. § Os direitos fundamentais das liberdades de expressão e de imprensa compreendem dentro de si o direito de expressão do pensamento e o direito de informação. Abstract: Fundamental rights not just the letter of the law. You need to practice them all the time: Canotilho and Vital. Respect for the Constitution of information! It is essential the right to expression and information, whether or not it is through social communication to the masses. § The fundamental rights of expression and press freedoms include within itself the right of expression of thought and the right to information.