921 resultados para affect


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This paper empirically investigates the role of institutions, income inequality,  cultural differences and health expenditures on cadaveric versus total kidney  transplants scrutinizing information gathered from 63 countries over the period  1998-2002. We show that improvements in income equality and the rule of law encourage cadaveric kidney transplants in low-income countries. We find that cultural differences affect the number of cadaveric kidney transplants both in low- and high-income countries.


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This work qualified how stream hydraulics affect leaf accumulation habitats used by stream-dwelling insects and the speed at which leaves decompose as a consequence of the species and numbers of insects that live within leaf packs. Leaf accumulations decompose faster in slower moving water because they attract more insects.


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There is evidence that reactive oxygen species (ROS) signalling is required for normal increases in glucose uptake during contraction of isolated mouse skeletal muscle, and that AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is involved. The aim of this study was to determine whether ROS signalling is involved in the regulation of glucose disposal and AMPK activation during moderate-intensity exercise in humans. Nine healthy males completed 80 min of cycle ergometry at 62 ± 1 of peak oxygen consumption ( . A 6,6-2H-glucose tracer was infused at rest and during exercise, and in a double-blind randomised cross-over design, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) or saline (CON) was co-infused. NAC was infused at 125 mg kg?1h?1for 15 min and then at 25 mg kg?1h?1for 20 min before and throughout exercise. NAC infusion elevated plasma NAC and cysteine, and muscle NAC and cysteine concentrations during exercise. Although neither NAC infusion nor exercise significantly affected muscle reduced or oxidised glutathione (GSH or GSSG) concentration (P> 0.05), S-glutathionylation (an indicator of oxidative stress) of a protein band of ?270 kDa was increased ?3-fold with contraction and this increase was prevented by NAC infusion. Despite this, exercised-induced increases in tracer determined glucose disposal, plasma lactate, plasma non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs), and decreases in plasma insulin were not affected by NAC infusion. In addition, skeletal muscle AMPK? and acetyl-CoA carboxylase-? (ACC?) phosphorylation increased during exercise by ?3- and ?6-fold (P< 0.05), respectively, and this was not affected by NAC infusion. Unlike findings in mouse muscle ex vivo, NAC does not attenuate skeletal muscle glucose disposal or AMPK activation during moderate-intensity exercise in humans.


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This study evaluated the effectiveness of a healthy body image program. In total, 421 adolescent boys completed a five-session intervention program or a wait list control group. There were no differences between the intervention and the control group at post-intervention or any of the follow-up times. Boys in the intervention group who were one standard deviation above the mean on body dissatisfaction at baseline, demonstrated a reduction in negative affect in the intervention group at post-test and 6 months follow-up. Prevention programs need to target boys who are at risk of adopting health risk behaviors, rather than being universally applied.


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This paper addresses the question of how we might provide practitioners with a framework for understanding how affect and aesthetic processes generate images that are implicated in the production of new knowledge in creative arts research. Drawing on the thought of Julia Kristeva, it examines the aesthetic underpinnings of discovery and the significance of this for research training and the development of more effective pedagogies both within and beyond the university.


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This paper re-examines the relationship between affect and effect, discussing them as research values that have emerged from the life sciences, the arts and philosophy and, more importantly, considering them as systems of relations underpinning experiential orientation by which to initiate change and hold the world in place. The notion of æffect may be defined as the continuous measure performed upon the systems of affect/effect and reapplied to events and things. Æffect is a coordinated system of cognition where concurrent measures impact on each other. In doing so, they specify perception and action on multiple registers and scales of events. It is important to recognise that the functioning of affective and effective systems in the body allows, and even requires, paradoxical logics to coexist and be deployed as processes that shape the organism-person-environment. Discussion of selected works from Arakawa and Gins will supply examples of tactics that combine built environments with discursive constraints to guide embodied attention. The practice of embodied cognition dilates the thresholds separating the organism from person and the person from environment, and moves towards an atmospheric intricateness (Arakawa and Gins 2003a:25) that may become the blocs of a new materialism for heuristic life.


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Long-distance bird migration consists of several flight episodes interrupted by a series of resting and refuelling periods on stopover sites. We assessed the role of food availability as the determinant of staging decisions focusing on the following three aspects of food availability: intake rates, stochasticity in intake rates and onset of spring. Using stochastic dynamic modelling, we investigated their impact on staging times and expected fitness. Subsequently, we compared relations in the use of the stopover sites as predicted by the model with empirical data of the Svalbard-breeding population of Pink-footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus collected in the period 1990–2002. Our results indicate that, for the case of Pink-footed Geese, spring phenology determines a major part of the migration schedule. In contrast to our expectations, intake rates were generally only of minor importance; however, when approaching the breeding grounds their significance increased. Expected fitness at arrival on the breeding grounds showed that the geese can compensate for changes in a broad range of food availability and also cope with varying degrees of stochasticity. However, declining intake rates at the last stopover site or very late onsets of spring clearly decreased fitness. As predicted by the model, the use of stopover sites was interdependent – from empirical data we derived negative relationships between the staging durations of subsequent sites. These results lend credit to an integrated spatially explicit approach focussing on multiple stopover site characteristics when attempting to improve our understanding of bird migration.


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Previous research has examined the impact of organizational culture(OC) on the implementation of many information systems. However, there is a lack of overall picture on how OC affects the effectiveness of different information systems differently. Based on the Competing Value Framework, this paper proposes a comprehensive framework to explain how the fit between organizational culture and types of IS results in different types of IS effectiveness. This framework can be used by managers to create a proper organizational culture that is compatible with the use of specific information systems.


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The Australian banking industry has changed significantly with the introduction of electronic banking technology. This has led to a situation where facilities such as ATM machines and Internet Banking have become increasingly important in the service delivery process. Traditionally, there has been relatively little research into the role facilities play in service satisfaction. There is also little literature about how customers interact with service facilities. This has left banks grappling with facility design and planning issues. This article examines how Australian bank customers interact with local banking facilities by investigating five aspects of the service facility: Access, Atmospherics, Waiting Time, Technology, and Security. Findings suggest that facilities have a significant impact on customer satisfaction levels. Convenient and easy access, security, and a comfortable level of technology were identified by customers as the most important factors influencing their satisfaction levels.