909 resultados para Welfare state


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This book analyses the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU), one of Europe’s most successful and influential political parties. The CDU might have been expected to struggle in the circumstances of a more diverse, secular reunified Germany, yet it has prospered to an extent almost unparalleled in western Europe. Chapters consider the CDU’s policies (the factors driving them, their variation across Germany, the relationship to women, and the welfare state), its organisational development and change, and its position within the party system. Contributors particularly emphasise the diversity of the CDU, and the way it varies across Germany’s regions. The CDU is compared to other Christian Democratic parties, and special consideration is given to the CDU’s Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU). This book was published as a special issue of German Politics.


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A két részből álló cikk a magyarországi reformfolyamat és posztszocialista átalakulás négy olyan jellegzetességét emeli ki, amelyek megszakítás nélkül, a politikai szférában bekövetkezett rendszerváltást követően is, folyamatosan jellemezték az elmúlt harminc év fejlődését: a lakosság anyagi jólétének prioritása, erős paternalista jóléti állam, a reformfolyamat és átmenet fokozatossága és a politikai nyugalom. Az 1995. március 12­én bejelentett stabilizációs program - amennyiben megvalósul - jelenthet elmozdulást ezektől a jellegzetességektől. A cikk politikai gazdaságtani megközelítésben vizsgálja, hogy miért alakult ki ez a négy jellegzetesség, miképpen hatottak azok egymásra, milyen kedvező és kedvezőtlen hatásokat fejtettek ki. Az első rész az 1956­os forradalom hatásából kiindulva politikatörténeti áttekintést ad, majd a mai jólét, biztonság és nyugalom prioritását és a társadalmi adósság felhalmozódását, végül a stabilizációs program gazdasági és politikai hatásait elemzi. / === / The article, consisting of two parts, emphasizes four characteristic features of the Hungarian reform process and the post­socialist transformation, which, uninterruptedly, characterized the development over the last thirty years, even after the systemic change in the political sphere. These were: priority of the material welfare of the population, a strong, paternalistic welfare state, the gradual progress of the reform process and the transition, as well as political calmness. The stabilization programme, announced on March 12,1995, may imply - if it materializes - a shift away from these characteristics. The article investigates, from the aspect of political economy, why the four characteristic features had developed, how they affected each other and what were their advantageous and disadvantageous impacts. Setting out from the impacts of the 1956 revolution, the first part gives an overview of political history and then analyses the priority of today's welfare, security and calm as well as the accumulation of societal debt and, finally, the economic and political impacts of the stabilization programme.


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Studies assume that socioeconomic status determines individuals’ states of health, but how does health determine socioeconomic status? And how does this association vary depending on contextual differences? To answer this question, our study uses an additive Bayesian Networks model to explain the interrelationships between health and socioeconomic determinants using complex and messy data. This model has been used to find the most probable structure in a network to describe the interdependence of these factors in five European welfare state regimes. The advantage of this study is that it offers a specific picture to describe the complex interrelationship between socioeconomic determinants and health, producing a network that is controlled by socio demographic factors such as gender and age. The present work provides a general framework to describe and understand the complex association between socioeconomic determinants and health.


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In this chapter, Ó hAdhmaill argues that responses to the global economic crisis which emerged in 2008 reflected a dominant ideological discourse, with ‘austerity’ being a tool in a wider agenda to reassert neoliberalist thinking in the global economy and welfare provision in the richer countries. In Ireland, North and South, however, the experience of, and responses to, the crisis and ‘austerity’ were different, reflecting different social, economic, and political contexts and influences, as well as different levels of democratic control. Ó hAdhmaill outlines some of these differences and argues that, while democratic control in smaller jurisdictions may be limited by the ‘real rulers’ of the world, global capital, people still have ‘agency’ and do not have to be mere passive observers of unfolding events.


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A partir de la década del noventa, con la consolidación del Estado Neoliberal, se disipa el carácter de derecho social de la educación que había tenido en tiempos del Welfare State o Estado Providencia y, después de atravesar un proceso de metamorfosis, se convierte en un servicio o bien comercializable. En este contexto, la política educativa de los Estados que se inscriben dentro del capitalismo dependiente, es pérfidamente impuesta por los "think tanks" de los organismos de crédito y asesoramiento internacionales, entre ellos, el Banco Mundial. Esta entidad pretendidamente omnisciente plantea una nueva concepción de Educación Básica que constituiría aquel tramo en el que se imparten "lectura y escritura, aritmética básica y solución de problemas" a la que adhieren las burocracias ministeriales locales, con la implementación de los Núcleos de Aprendizaje Prioritarios (NAP). Con esta escueta provisión de saberes se lograría una fuerza laboral más apta, la adopción de prácticas neomalthusianas y sanitarias generales, lo que en conjunto acarrearía la reducción de la pobreza. En este sentido este dispositivo no introduce novedad alguna sino que implica el más llano reciclaje de la Teoría del Capital Humano emergida en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Sin embargo, el aditamento dentro de estas "recomendaciones" estriba en la imposición de un nuevo artefacto de financiamiento donde la prioridad concedida a la Educación Básica implica la desinversión de los otros niveles educativos. Más allá de esta retórica, el sentido solapado es la conformación de un sujeto disciplinado y un orden social inmune a los conflictos generados por la desigualdad. Esta maquinaria de dominación se complementa con el empobrecimiento de la formación docente, reducida a la adquisición de un repertorio de técnicas de enseñanza. En consecuencia, se le enajena al educador la posibilidad de tomar decisiones autónomamente que involucra el trabajo con el conocimiento


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A partir de la década del noventa, con la consolidación del Estado Neoliberal, se disipa el carácter de derecho social de la educación que había tenido en tiempos del Welfare State o Estado Providencia y, después de atravesar un proceso de metamorfosis, se convierte en un servicio o bien comercializable. En este contexto, la política educativa de los Estados que se inscriben dentro del capitalismo dependiente, es pérfidamente impuesta por los "think tanks" de los organismos de crédito y asesoramiento internacionales, entre ellos, el Banco Mundial. Esta entidad pretendidamente omnisciente plantea una nueva concepción de Educación Básica que constituiría aquel tramo en el que se imparten "lectura y escritura, aritmética básica y solución de problemas" a la que adhieren las burocracias ministeriales locales, con la implementación de los Núcleos de Aprendizaje Prioritarios (NAP). Con esta escueta provisión de saberes se lograría una fuerza laboral más apta, la adopción de prácticas neomalthusianas y sanitarias generales, lo que en conjunto acarrearía la reducción de la pobreza. En este sentido este dispositivo no introduce novedad alguna sino que implica el más llano reciclaje de la Teoría del Capital Humano emergida en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Sin embargo, el aditamento dentro de estas "recomendaciones" estriba en la imposición de un nuevo artefacto de financiamiento donde la prioridad concedida a la Educación Básica implica la desinversión de los otros niveles educativos. Más allá de esta retórica, el sentido solapado es la conformación de un sujeto disciplinado y un orden social inmune a los conflictos generados por la desigualdad. Esta maquinaria de dominación se complementa con el empobrecimiento de la formación docente, reducida a la adquisición de un repertorio de técnicas de enseñanza. En consecuencia, se le enajena al educador la posibilidad de tomar decisiones autónomamente que involucra el trabajo con el conocimiento


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A partir de la década del noventa, con la consolidación del Estado Neoliberal, se disipa el carácter de derecho social de la educación que había tenido en tiempos del Welfare State o Estado Providencia y, después de atravesar un proceso de metamorfosis, se convierte en un servicio o bien comercializable. En este contexto, la política educativa de los Estados que se inscriben dentro del capitalismo dependiente, es pérfidamente impuesta por los "think tanks" de los organismos de crédito y asesoramiento internacionales, entre ellos, el Banco Mundial. Esta entidad pretendidamente omnisciente plantea una nueva concepción de Educación Básica que constituiría aquel tramo en el que se imparten "lectura y escritura, aritmética básica y solución de problemas" a la que adhieren las burocracias ministeriales locales, con la implementación de los Núcleos de Aprendizaje Prioritarios (NAP). Con esta escueta provisión de saberes se lograría una fuerza laboral más apta, la adopción de prácticas neomalthusianas y sanitarias generales, lo que en conjunto acarrearía la reducción de la pobreza. En este sentido este dispositivo no introduce novedad alguna sino que implica el más llano reciclaje de la Teoría del Capital Humano emergida en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Sin embargo, el aditamento dentro de estas "recomendaciones" estriba en la imposición de un nuevo artefacto de financiamiento donde la prioridad concedida a la Educación Básica implica la desinversión de los otros niveles educativos. Más allá de esta retórica, el sentido solapado es la conformación de un sujeto disciplinado y un orden social inmune a los conflictos generados por la desigualdad. Esta maquinaria de dominación se complementa con el empobrecimiento de la formación docente, reducida a la adquisición de un repertorio de técnicas de enseñanza. En consecuencia, se le enajena al educador la posibilidad de tomar decisiones autónomamente que involucra el trabajo con el conocimiento


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The Olivia framework is a set of concepts and measures that, when mature, will allow users to describe, in a consistent and integrated manner, everything about individuals and institutions that is of potential interest to social policy. The present paper summarizes the current stage of development in achieving this highly ambitious goal. The current version of the framework supports analysis of social trends and policy responses from many perspectives: • The point-in-time, resource-flow perspectives that underlie most traditional, economics-based policy analysis. • Life-course perspectives, including both transitions/trajectories analysis and asset-based analysis. • Spatial perspectives that anchor people in space and history and that provide a link to macro-analysis. • The perspective of the purposes/goals of individuals and institutions, including the objectives of different types of government programming. The concepts of the framework, which are all potentially measurable, provide a language that can support integrated analysis in all these areas at a much finer level of description than is customary. It provides a language that is especially well suited for analysis of the incremental policy changes that are typical of a mature welfare state. It supports both qualitative and quantitative analysis, enabling some integration between the two. It supports citizen-centric as well as a government-centric view of social policy. In its current version, the concepts are most highly developed as they related to social policies as they related to labour markets, equality and social integration, care-giving, immigration, income security, sustainability, and social and economic well-being more generally. However the paper points to likely extensions in the areas of health, justice and safety.


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This paper addresses the condition of domestic work in Argentina, in a perspective that draws from the literature on care work. In this approach, domestic work can be interpreted as one of the mercantile forms in which care work is socially organized, due to the persistence of the traditional sexual division of labor and the weakness of public policies. From these considerations, I develop a quantitative study on the levels of informality, precarity, and wage inequality that characterize domestic work in that country. Thereafter, I discuss the main measures adopted by the Argentine government since 2003, with the goal of reducing legal discrimination of domestic workers and promoting their formalization. On this basis, the paper highlights the advances in the recognition of domestic workers’ labor rights, while emphasizing how social and cultural restraints still permeate labor relations in this sector.


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The recent crisis of the capitalistic economic system has altered the working conditions and occupations in the European Union. The recession situation has accelerated trends and has brought transformations that have been observed before. Changes have not looked the same way in all the countries of the Union. The social occupation norms, labour relations models and the type of global welfare provision can help underline some of these inequalities. Poor working conditions can expose workers to situations of great risk. This is one of the basic assumptions of the theoretical models and analytical studies of the approach to the psychosocial work environment. Changes in working conditions of the population seems to be important to explain in the worst health states. To observe these features in the current period of economic recession it has made a comparative study of trend through the possibilities of the European Working Conditions Survey in the 2005 and 2010 editions. It has also set different multivariate logistic regression models to explore potential partnerships with the worst conditions of employment and work. It seems that the economic crisis has intensified changes in working conditions and highlighted the effects of those conditions on the poor health of the working population. This conclusion can’t be extended for all EU countries; some differences were observed in terms of global welfare models.


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The text analyzes the impact of the economic crisis in some critical aspects of the National Health System: outcomes, health expenditure, remuneration policy and privatization through Private Public Partnership models. Some health outcomes related to social inequalities are worrying. Reducing public health spending has increased the fragility of the health system, reduced wage income of workers in the sector and increased heterogeneity between regions. Finally, the evidence indicates that privatization does not mean more efficiency and better governance. Deep reforms are needed to strengthen the National Health System.


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Commodification of the public healthcare system has been a growing process in recent decades, especially in universal healthcare systems and in high-income countries like Spain.  There are substantial differences in the healthcare systems of each autonomous region of Spain, among which Catalonia is characterized by having a mixed healthcare system with complex partnerships and interactions between the public and private healthcare sectors.  Using a narrative review approach, this article addresses various aspects of the Catalan healthcare system, characterizing the privatization and commodification of health processes in Catalonia from a historical perspective with particular attention to recent legislative changes and austerity measures.  The article approximates, the eventual effects that commodification and austerity measures will have on the health of the population and on the structure, accessibility, effectiveness, equity and quality of healthcare services.


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This work aims to reflect on the concept of social innovation, questioning its explanatory capacity for the discipline of social work. For this purpose, certain on-going debates with regard to this concept are examined and certain minimum dimensions are offered to enable an analysis of the social innovation strategies that certain affected groups implement to meet social needs. The approach is to construct «glasses» that permit an analytical engagement with new realities and with the strategies used by certain social groups to resolve situations of severe vulnerability. Finally, a case study is presented: a strategic group known as the Corrala Utopía that seeks to respond to severe housing problems and is developing in the city of Seville. The article highlights the elements of community social innovation emerging from the experience studied.


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Over the past ten years in Italy, Spain and France, the demographic pressure and the increasing women’s participation in labour market have fuelled the expansion of the private provision of domestic and care services. In order to ensure the difficult balance between affordability, quality and job creation, each countries’ response has been different. France has developed policies to sustain the demand side introducing instruments such as vouchers and fiscal schemes, since the mid of the 2000s. Massive public funding has contributed to foster a regular market of domestic and care services and France is often presented as a “best practices” of those policies aimed at encouraging a regular private sector. Conversely in Italy and Spain, the development of a private domestic and care market has been mostly uncontrolled and without a coherent institutional design: the osmosis between a large informal market and the regular private care sector has been ensured on the supply side by migrant workers’ regularizations or the introduction of new employment regulations . The analysis presented in this paper aims to describe the response of these different policies to the challenges imposed by the current economic crisis. In dealing with the retrenchment of public expenditure and the reduced households’ purchasing power, Italy, Spain and France are experiencing greater difficulties in ensuring a regular private sector of domestic and care services. In light of that, the paper analyses the recent economic conjuncture presenting some assumptions about the future risk of deeper inequalities rising along with the increase of the process of marketization of domestic and care services in all the countries under analysis.    


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Care has come to dominate much feminist research on globalized migrations and the transfer of labor from the South to the North, while the older concept of reproduction had been pushed into the background but is now becoming the subject of debates on the commodification of care in the household and changes in welfare state policies. This article argues that we could achieve a better understanding of the different modalities and trajectories of care in the reproduction of individuals, families, and communities, both of migrant and nonmigrant populations by articulating the diverse circuits of migration, in particular that of labor and the family. In doing this, I go back to the earlier North American writing on racialized minorities and migrants and stratified social reproduction. I also explore insights from current Asian studies of gendered circuits of migration connecting labor and marriage migrations as well as the notion of global householding that highlights the gender politics of social reproduction operating within and beyond households in institutional and welfare architectures. In contrast to Asia, there has relatively been little exploration in European studies of the articulation of labor and family migrations through the lens of social reproduction. However, connecting the different types of migration enables us to achieve a more complex understanding of care trajectories and their contribution to social reproduction.