932 resultados para Tenax tubes


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Destruction of Padron® (dye and picloram) was evaluated using a photoreactor and a solar reactor. Photolysis was observed using only a germicide lamp (GL). Black light (BL) and H2O2 (172 mmol L-1) promoted a conversion of 49% and 6% of dye and picloram, respectively. Photocatalytic processes were more efficient using TiO2/GL (96%-dye; 60%-picloram) than TiO2/BL (44%-dye; 40%-picloram). Photolysis using sunlight was not observed during PadronÒ recirculation in the reactor constructed with four borosilicate tubes. Meanwhile, adding H2O2 resulted in 12% conversion of dissolved organic compounds. Finally, the most efficient mineralization (60%) was obtained using the Fenton reaction ( H2O2-176 mmol L-1; FeSO4x6H2O-90 mmol L-1) and sunlight.


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Un dels problemes típics de regulació en el camp de l’automatització industrial és el control de velocitat lineal d’entrada del fil a les bobines, ja que com més gruix acumulem a igual velocitat de rotació de la bobina s’augmenta notablement la velocitat lineal d’entrada del fil, aquest desajust s’ha de poder compensar de forma automàtica per aconseguir una velocitat d’entrada constant. Aquest problema de regulació de velocitats és molt freqüent i de difícil control a la indústria on intervé el bobinat d’algun tipus de material com cablejat, fil, paper, làmines de planxa, tubs, etc... Els dos reptes i objectius principals són, primer, la regulació de la velocitat de rotació de la bobina per aconseguir una velocitat lineal del fil d’entrada, i segon, mitjançant el guiatge de l’alimentació de fil a la bobina, aconseguir un repartiment uniforme de cada capa de fil. El desenvolupament consisteix amb l’automatització i control d’una bobinadora automàtica mitjançant la configuració i programació de PLC’s, servomotors i encoders. Finalment es farà el muntatge pràctic sobre una bancada per verificar i simular el seu correcte funcionament que ha de donar solució a aquests problemes de regulació de velocitats. Com a conclusions finals s’han aconseguit els objectius i una metodologia per fer una regulació de velocitats de rotació per bobines, amb accionaments de servomotors amb polsos, i a nivell de coneixements he aconseguit dominar les aplicacions d’aquest tipus d’accionaments aplicats a construccions mecàniques.


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Vacuum pumps are very useful in physical, chemical and biological experiments. In this communication it is described the design of a compact and low cost water recirculating system employing a water-jet aspirator pump as the vacuum source. The system requires only a water pump, water-jet aspirator pump, commercial PVC water tubes and a drain connection.


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Extraction/concentration is a crucial step for the analysis of organic compounds at trace level concentrations and dispersed in complex matrices. Solid-phase extraction (SPE) is one of the techniques used for this purpose. In this work, a low cost apparatus for SPE was developed that uses nitrogen under positive pressure and ensures the maintenance of the sample flow, while also allows the simultaneous extraction of different samples without cross-contamination and sample contact with plastic materials. For the system set up, easily accessible materials were used such as hypodermic needles, stainless steel tubes, rubber stoppers, and 3-way valves from serum delivery apparatus.


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This paper describes the evaluation of a method for determination of Cd and Pb in xanthan gum samples by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GF AAS) using NH4H2PO4 as the chemical modifier. The sample preparation was performed using a reflux system adapted in the digestion tubes. With this system it was possible to increase the temperature of the digester block above the boiling point of the reaction medium, preventing loss of analyte and excessive evaporation of acids during heating. Samples were digested with HNO3 for 3 h in a digester block at 220 ºC. The limits of detection for Cd and Pb were 2.2 and 33.8 ng g-1, respectively. The RSDs for both analytes were, on average, lower than 5.0% and accuracy was verified by recovery tests, yielding values in the 83-100% range.


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A distinctive design feature of steam boiler with natural circulation is the presence of the steam drum which plays a role of the separator of vapor from the flow of water-and-steam mixture coming into steam drum from the furnace tubes. Steam drum with unheated downcomer tubes, deducing from it, and riser (screen/furnace tubes) inside the furnace is a closed circulation loop in which movement of water (downcomer tubes) and water-and-steam mixture (riser tubes) is organized. The movement of the working fluid is appears due to occurrence of the natural pressure, determined by the difference in hydrostatic pressure and the mass of water and water-and-steam mixtures in downcomer and riser tubes and called the driving pressure of the natural circulation:


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A distinctive design feature of steam boiler with natural circulation is the presence of the steam drum which plays a role of the separator of vapor from the flow of water-and-steam mixture coming into steam drum from the furnace tubes. Steam drum with unheated downcomer tubes, deducing from it, and riser (screen/furnace tubes) inside the furnace is a closed circulation loop in which movement of water (downcomer tubes) and water-and-steam mixture (riser tubes) is organized. The movement of the working fluid is appears due to occurrence of the natural pressure, determined by the difference in hydrostatic pressure and the mass of water and water-and-steam mixtures in downcomer and riser tubes and called the driving pressure of the natural circulation: S drive = H steam (ρ down + ρ mix) g where: ρ down - density of water in downcomer tubes; ρ mix - density of water in riser tubes; H steam - height of steam content section; g - acceleration of gravity. In steam boilers with natural circulation the circulation rate is usually between 10 and 30. Thus, consumption of water in the circulation circuit “circulation rate times” more than steam output of the boiler. There are two aspects of the design of natural water circulation loops. One is to ensure a sufficient mass flux of circulating water to avoid burnout of evaporator tubes. The other is to avoid tube wall temperature fluctuation and tube vibration due to oscillation of circulation velocity. The design criteria are therefore reduced, in principle, to those of critical heat flux, critical flow rate for burnout, and flow instability. In practical design, however, the circulation velocity and the void fraction at the evaporator tube outlet are used as the design criteria (Seikan I., et. al., 1999). This study has been made with assumption that the heat flux in the furnace of the boiler even all the time. The target of the study was to define the circulation rate of the boiler, thus average heat flux do not change it. I would like to acknowledge professionals from “Foster Wheeler” company for good and comfortable cooperation.


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Since the introduction of automatic orbital welding in pipeline application in 1961, significant improvements have been obtained in orbital pipe welding systems. Requirement of more productive welding systems for pipeline application forces manufacturers to innovate new advanced systems and welding processes for orbital welding method. Various methods have been used to make welding process adaptive, such as visual sensing, passive visual sensing, real-time intelligent control, scan welding technique, multi laser vision sensor, thermal scanning, adaptive image processing, neural network model, machine vision, and optical sensing. Numerous studies are reviewed and discussed in this Master’s thesis and based on a wide range of experiments which already have been accomplished by different researches the vision sensor are reported to be the best choice for adaptive orbital pipe welding system. Also, in this study the most welding processes as well as the most pipe variations welded by orbital welding systems mainly for oil and gas pipeline applications are explained. The welding results show that Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) and its variants like Surface Tension Transfer (STT) and modified short circuit are the most preferred processes in the welding of root pass and can be replaced to the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) in many applications. Furthermore, dual-tandem gas metal arc welding technique is currently considered the most efficient method in the welding of fill pass. Orbital GTAW process mostly is applied for applications ranging from single run welding of thin walled stainless tubes to multi run welding of thick walled pipes. Flux cored arc welding process is faster process with higher deposition rate and recently this process is getting more popular in pipe welding applications. Also, combination of gas metal arc welding and Nd:YAG laser has shown acceptable results in girth welding of land pipelines for oil and gas industry. This Master’s thesis can be implemented as a guideline in welding of pipes and tubes to achieve higher quality and efficiency. Also, this research can be used as a base material for future investigations to supplement present finding.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the outplanting growth of Eucalyptus grandis e E. saligna clones, produced by cuttings in tubes (50cm³) and in pressed blocks (40x60x07cm) - 175 cm³/ seedlings, with different substrates (BT - sugarcane bagasse+sugarcane filter cake; AR - carbonized rice hull + eucalyptus bark; TF - peat). The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design, in a 2x7 factorial (2 clones and 7 treatments), with four replicates with 25 plants. Survival was evaluated two months later. Plant growth was monitored through height and ground level diameter at 20, 40, 60, 120 and 180 days after outplanting. To evaluate the effect of the containers on stem and root biomass in both clones, 180 days after outplanting, the cuttings grown in BT substrate with fertilizer were selected. One plant per plot of each clone, grown in tubes and in pressed blocks was selected. The E. grandis and E. saligna cuttings grown in pressed blocks with sugarcane bagasse+sugarcane filter cake presented greater height and diameter after out planting. Both clones presented larger root, bark, log and branch biomass production in plants produced in the block system. Cuttings of E. saligna grown in pressed blocks showed 80% most wood biomass 180 days after outplanting, compared to that grown in tubes. In E. grandis, the differences in diameter and height, in function of the cutting production system, decreased along time, while in E. saligna these differences increased along the evaluation period.


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Subcellular changes are relevant to understand plant organogenesis and embryogenesis in the early stages of cell development. The cytology during cell development in tissue culture is however still poorly characterized. This study aimed to characterize the ultrastructural differences related to callogenesis of anthers, ovaries, leaf and nodal segments of Inga vera Willd. subsp. Affinis (DC.) T.D. Penn. Flower buds, nodal segments and leaves were disinfected and inoculated in test tubes containing MS medium with 3% sucrose and 4.5µM 2.4-D, except for leaf callogenesis, where 9µM of this auxin was used, and for the callogenesis of anthers and ovaries, where the culture medium was enriched with 0.25% activated charcoal and 90µM PVP. After 45 days in culture medium, the anther, ovary, leaf and nodal segment calli were fixed in Karnovisky and prepared for visualization by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Ultrastructural differences were observed among the callus cells of anthers, ovaries, segments and leaves. There was no evidence of somatic embryo formation in the anther, leaf and nodal segment calli, in spite of some embryogenic characteristics in the cells. The ovary calli, with indications of embryo formation, seem to be the most responsive explant source for embryogenesis.


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Our understanding of the pathogenesis of organ‐specific autoinflammation has been restricted by limited access to the target organs. Peripheral blood, however, as a preferred transportation route for immune cells, provides a window to assess the entire immune system throughout the body. Transcriptional profiling with RNA stabilizing blood collection tubes reflects in vivo expression profiles at the time the blood is drawn, allowing detection of the disease activity in different samples or within the same sample over time. The main objective of this Ph.D. study was to apply gene‐expression microarrays in the characterization of peripheral blood transcriptional profiles in patients with autoimmune diseases. To achieve this goal a custom cDNA microarray targeted for gene‐expression profiling of human immune system was designed and produced. Sample collection and preparation was then optimized to allow gene‐expression profiling from whole‐blood samples. To overcome challenges resulting from minute amounts of sample material, RNA amplification was successfully applied to study pregnancy related immunosuppression in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Furthermore, similar sample preparation was applied to characterize longitudinal genome‐wide expression profiles in children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) associated autoantibodies and eventually clinical T1D. Blood transcriptome analyses, using both the ImmunoChip cDNA microarray with targeted probe selection and genome‐wide Affymetrix U133 Plus 2.0 oligonucleotide array, enabled monitoring of autoimmune activity. Novel disease related genes and general autoimmune signatures were identified. Notably, down‐regulation of the HLA class Ib molecules in peripheral blood was associated with disease activity in both MS and T1D. Taken together, these studies demonstrate the potential of peripheral blood transcriptional profiling in biomedical research and diagnostics. Imbalances in peripheral blood transcriptional activity may reveal dynamic changes that are relevant for the disease but might be completely missed in conventional cross‐sectional studies.


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Taloudellisesti tärkeiden metallien varannot ja tuotanto eivät ole jakautuneet tasaisesti. Maantieteelliset alueet, joilla ei ole omia varantoja ovat riippuvaisia muualta tuoduista raaka-aineista. Euroopan komissio ja USA:n energiaministeriö ovat luokitelleet tietyt metallit kriittisiksi niiden taloudellisen merkittävyyden ja saatavuuteen liittyvien epävarmuustekijöiden johdosta. Tällaisten metallien saatavuutta voitaisiin mahdollisesti parantaa lisäämällä niiden talteenottoa jätteistä. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin Euroopan komission kriittiseksi luokittelemien metallien pitoisuuksia eräissä jätevirroissa. Kartoitetut jätteet olivat teollisissa poltto-prosesseissa syntyneitä polttojätteitä, prosessiteollisuuden jätesakkoja ja sähkö- ja elektroniikkajätteitä. Kartoituksen perusteella valittiin lupaavimmat jätteet ja suoritettiin niille talteenottokokeita. Talteenottokokeita suoritettiin kolmelle jätteelle. Yhdestä jätesakasta liuotettiin indiumia rikki- ja suolahapoilla. Kahden eri polttojätteen seoksesta liuotettiin galliumia rikkihapolla. Käytettyjen loisteputkien käsittelyprosessista peräisin olleesta sakasta liuotettiin maametalleja rikki- ja suolahapoilla sekä rikki- ja typpihapon seoksella. Indium liukeni heikosti (korkeintaan 25 %) huoneenlämmössä rikkihapolla. Suolahapolla se liukeni paremmin (68 %). Polttojätteen liuotuskokeissa galliumin talteenottoasteen todettiin riippuvan käytetyn liuottimen määrästä. Loisteputkijätesakasta liukeni yttriumia ja europiumia kaikilla käytetyillä happoliuoksilla noin 70–100 %. Käytetyillä happokonsentraatioilla ei havaittu suuria eroja yttriumin ja europiumin liukoisuuksissa. Näitä metalleja voitaisiin mahdollisesti ottaa talteen tämän tyyppisestä sakasta liuottamalla ne happoliuoksella ja saostamalla oksalaattina. Tarvittaessa liuokset voitaisiin puhdistaa tai metallit erottaa toisistaan neste–nesteuutolla, joka on tärkein maametallien tuotantoon käytetty hydrometallurginen menetelmä.


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Tässä työssä tutkittiin lämpöpumppujärjestelmiä, joilla tuotetaan samaan aikaan kylmä- ja lämpötehoa. Höyryn puristus lämpöpumppu on yleisimmin käytetty lämpöpumpputyyppi ja sen pääkomponentit ovat kompressori, lauhdutin, paisuntaventtiili ja höyrystin. Lämpöpumppu tuottaa samaan aikaan kylmätehoa höyrystimellä ja lämpötehoa lauhduttimella. Lämpöpumpun toiminta-arvoihin vaikuttaa valittujen lämpötilatasojen lisäksi voimakkaasti valitun kiertoaineen termodynaamiset ominaisuudet sekä kompressorin painesuhteeseen verrannollinen isentrooppihyötysuhde. Uusissa lämpöpumpuissa käytetään HFC yhdisteitä sekä sekoituksia kiertoaineina, mutta myös luonnolliset aineet, kuten ammoniakki, ovat lupaavia korvikkeita CFC yhdisteille. Sopivia sovelluskohteita kylmä- ja lämpötehon yhteistuotannolle ovat kauppa- ja asuinrakennukset, hotellit, toimistot, elintarviketeollisuus ja -myymälät sekä vierekkäiset jää- ja uimahallit ja hiihtoputket. Kylmä- ja lämpötehon yhteistuotannolla voitaisiin saavuttaa merkittäviä säästöjä ja päästövähennyksiä. Esimerkiksi jäähallien kylmäkoneiden lauhdelämmön hyödyntämisessä olisi Suomessa potentiaalia 6-10 miljoonan euron vuotuisiin säästöihin. Kylmä- ja lämpötehon yhteistuotanto voidaan toteuttaa hyödyntämällä kylmäkoneen lauhdelämpöä toisella lämpöpumpulla. Toinen vaihtoehto on käyttää eri tilojen samanaikaiseen lämmittämiseen ja jäähdyttämiseen HPS lämpöpumppua tai moniyksikköistä lämpöpumppua.


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ABSTRACTWe aimed to evaluate the technical efficiency of mini-cuttings technique on vegetative propagation of Paulownia fortunei (Seem.) Hemsl. var. Mikado, as well as the possible existence of anatomical barriers to its rooting. Therefore, plants originated from cuttings formed the mini-stumps and, consequently the clonal mini-garden, which was conducted in semi-hydroponic system. We evaluated the survival of mini-stumps and sprouts production for five successive collects, the percentage of mini-cuttings rooting and their anatomical description. The mini-cuttings were prepared with about 6 to 8 cm in length and two leaves reduced by about 50% in the upper third, being remained an area of, approximately 78 cm2 (10 cm diameter). The mini-cuttings were placed in tubes of 53 cm3, with substrate formed with fine vermiculite and carbonized rice hulls (1:1 v/v) and rooted in acclimatized greenhouse. After 30 days we evaluated the percentage of rooted mini-cuttings, radicial vigor (number and length of roots / mini-cutting), callus formation, emission of new shoots and maintenance of the original leaves. The mini-stumps showed 100% survival after five collects and an average production of 76-114 mini-cuttings/m2/month and rooting ranged from 70 to 90%. Mini-cuttings technique is efficient in to propagate adult propagules of the species and there are not anatomical barriers preventing roots emission.


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ABSTRACT The present study aimed to evaluate the growth and the levels of N, P, K, Ca and Mg in Australian cedar seedlings which had been inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in different types of containers. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse and the experimental design was that of randomized complete blocks (RCB), with a 4 x 4 factorial design consisting of four inoculation treatments with AMF (Rhizophagus clarum, Gigaspora margarita, a mixed inoculation (R. clarum + G. margarita) and the control (with no AMF inoculation); four types of containers (plastic bags measuring 250 cm3, tubes of 55 and 130 cm3 and pressed blocks 440 cm3. plant-1), with four repetitions. The height, the diameter of the stem base, the aerial part dry weight (APDW), the dry weight of the root (DWR) and the total plant dry weight (DW) were measured, along with the Dickson quality index, the percentage of mycorrhizal colonization and the levels of N, P, K, Ca and Mg in the aerial part dry weight. One hundred and thirty eight days (138) days after sowing, the greatest growth and/or the highest levels of P, K and Ca could be observed in the aerial part dry weight of the Australian cedar seedlings which had been planted in the pressed block container and inoculated with a mixture of the two AMF species (G. margarita + R. clarum) or with just R. clarum. Thus it can be seen that AMF can make a significant contribution to the production of Australian cedar seedlings.