561 resultados para Specialty coffees
Wetland ecology is a relatively new field that developed from an initial interest in a few direct benefits that wetlands provide to society. Consequently, much early scientific work was stimulated by economic returns from specific wetland services, such as production of peat and provision of habitat for economically valuable wildlife (e.g., waterfowl and furbearers). Over time, societal interest in wetlands broadened, and these unique habitats are now valued for many additional services, including some that bear non market value. Common examples include carbon sequestration, flood reduction, water purification, and aesthetics. The increased recognition of the importance of wetlands has generated a diversity of job opportunities in wetland ecology and management. Despite the increased knowledge base and enhanced job market, I am not aware of any institutions that offer specialty degrees in this new discipline. Indeed, relatively few institutions offer specific wetland ecology classes, with Arnold G. van der Valk and a few of his peers at other universities being notable exceptions.
• Suburban Invasion! By Wildlife? -- Michelle L. Shuey, Southwest Texas State University • What are the health risks of consuming meat from deer or elk infected with Chronic Wasting Disease ? • The 68th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference is set for March 26-30, 2003, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina • Book Review: Living in the Shadows: How to Help the Stray Cat in Your Life (Without Adding to the Problem) by Ann K. Fisher.--“I was impressed with her chapter on taming feral cats. It would certainly take a dedicated soul to put that much work into taming a cat.” • Goose School: the first National Goose Management Training Academy in Indianapolis, Indiana (June 8 & 9, 2002) -- Larry Sullivan • The California Contractors State License Board, (CSLB), recently approved a new sub-classification in its Non-Specialty Contractors License category. The new license is listed as C-61/D-64 "Animal Damage and Bird Control". • Los Angeles animal control recently approved increased efforts to control coyotes in residential areas by using traditional deterrent programs. • Identifying Predator Kills: Texas A&M has a website with some excellent photos to help identify predator kills of livestock. See http://texnat.tamu.edu/ranchref/predator/p-gen.htm • History of Wolf Attacks in Europe and Asia -- Barton Stam, Utah State University
Purpose: There are no current guidelines for diagnosing and managing mild prenatal hydronephrosis. Variations in physician approach make it difficult to analyze outcomes and establish optimal management. We determined the variability of diagnostic approach and management regarding prenatal hydronephrosis among maternal-fetal medicine obstetricians, pediatric urologists and pediatric radiologists. Materials and Methods: Online surveys were sent to mailing lists for national societies for each specialty. Participants were surveyed regarding criteria for diagnosing mild prenatal hydronephrosis and recommendations for postnatal management, including use of antibiotic prophylaxis, followup scheduling and type of followup imaging. Results: A total of 308 maternal-fetal medicine obstetricians, 126 pediatric urologists and 112 pediatric radiologists responded. Pediatric urologists and radiologists were divided between Society for Fetal Urology criteria and use of anteroposterior pelvic diameter for diagnosis, while maternal-fetal medicine obstetricians preferred using the latter. For postnatal evaluation radiologists preferred using personal criteria, while urologists preferred using anteroposterior pelvic diameter or Society for Fetal Urology grading system. There was wide variation in the use of antibiotic prophylaxis among pediatric urologists. Regarding the use of voiding cystourethrography/radionuclide cystography in patients with prenatal hydronephrosis, neither urologists nor radiologists were consistent in their recommendations. Finally, there was no agreement on length of followup for mild prenatal hydronephrosis. Conclusions: We observed a lack of uniformity regarding grading criteria in diagnosing hydronephrosis prenatally and postnatally among maternal-fetal medicine obstetricians, pediatric urologists and pediatric radiologists. There was also a lack of agreement on the management of mild intermittent prenatal hydronephrosis, resulting in these cases being managed inconsistently. A unified set of guidelines for diagnosis, evaluation and management of mild intermittent prenatal hydronephrosis would allow more effective evaluation of outcomes.
We compared the effects of medium light roast (MLR) and medium roast (MR) paper-filtered coffee on antioxidant capacity and lipid peroxidation in healthy volunteers. In a randomized crossover study, 20 volunteers consumed 482 +/- 61 ml/day of MLR or MR for four weeks. Plasma total antioxidant status (TAS), oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), oxidized LDL and 8-epi-prostaglandin F2 alpha, erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and catalase (CAT) activity were measured at baseline and after the interventions. MLR had higher chlorogenic acids-(CGA; 334 mg/150 mL) and less caffeine (231 mg/150 ml) than MR had (210 and 244 mg/150 ml, respectively). MLR also had fewer Maillard reaction products (MRP) than MR had. Compared with baseline, subjects had an increase of 21 and 26 % in TAS, 13 and 13 % in CAT, 52 and 75 % in SOD, and 62 and 49 % in GPx after MLR and MR consumption (P < 0.001), respectively. ORAC increased after MLR (P = 0.004). No significant alteration in lipid peroxidation biomarkers was observed. Both coffees had antioxidant effects. Although MLR contained more CGA, there were similar antioxidant effects between the treatments. MRP may have contributed as an antioxidant. These effects may be important in protecting biological systems and reducing the risk of diseases related to oxidative stress.
Background: Compliance with the best surgical antibiotic prophylaxis practice is usually low despite many published guidelines. Objective: This study investigated compliance with the Hospital Infection Control Committee guideline for antibiotic prophylaxis in a Brazilian hospital using quality indicators. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out from November 2009 to March 2010. Medical records from adult inpatients undergoing cardiac, neurologic, and orthopedic clean surgeries were included. The full compliance index was considered 100% when the antibiotic prophylaxis showed adequacy in all evaluated attributes. Analyses were conducted with 5% significance. Results: Medical records from 101 cardiac, 128 neurologic, and 519 orthopedic surgical patients were evaluated. The compliance index was 4.9%, and the compliance index according to specialty was 5.8%, 3.1%, and 3.0%, respectively, for orthopedic, neurologic, and cardiac surgeries. The attribute route of administration produced the best outcomes, whereas the attribute duration of antibiotic prophylaxis produced the worst. No association was identified between compliance to the attributes and patient characteristics. Conclusion: This study showed a low level of adherence to Hospital Infection Control Committee guidelines for antibiotic prophylaxis. This suggests that different strategies should be implemented to promote the best possible practice in the field of antibiotic prophylaxis with greater surgeon engagement. Copyright (C) 2012 by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Wood production represents a large but variable fraction of gross primary production (GPP) in highly productive Eucalyptus plantations. Assessing patterns of carbon (C) partitioning (C flux as a fraction of GPP) between above- and belowground components is essential to understand mechanisms driving the C budget of these plantations. Better knowledge of fluxes and partitioning to woody and non-woody tissues in response to site characteristics and resource availability could provide opportunities to increase forest productivity. Our study aimed at investigating how C allocation varied within one apparently homogeneous 90 ha stand of Eucalyptus grandis (W. Hill ex Maiden) in Southeastern Brazil. We assessed annual above-ground net primary production (ANPP: stem, leaf, and branch production) and total belowground C flux (TBCF: the sum of root production and respiration and mycorrhizal production and respiration), GPP (computed as the sum of ANPP, TBCF and estimated aboveground respiration) on 12 plots representing the gradient of productivity found within the stand. The spatial heterogeneity of topography and associated soil attributes across the stand likely explained this fertility gradient. Component fluxes of GPP and C partitioning were found to vary among plots. Stem NPP ranged from 554 g C m(-2) year(-1) on the plot with lowest GPP to 923 g C m(-2) year(-1) on the plot with highest GPP. Total belowground carbon flux ranged from 497 to 1235 g C m(-2) year(-1) and showed no relationship with ANPP or GPP. Carbon partitioning to stem NPP increased from 0.19 to 0.23, showing a positive trend of increase with GPP (R-2 = 0.29, P = 0.07). Variations in stem wood production across the gradient of productivity observed at our experimental site were a result of the variability in C partitioning to different forest system components.
Air Pollution and Health: Bridging the Gap from Sources to Health Outcomes, an international specialty conference sponsored by the American Association for Aerosol Research, was held to address key uncertainties in our understanding of adverse health effects related to air pollution and to integrate and disseminate results from recent scientific studies that cut across a range of air pollution-related disciplines. The Conference addressed the science of air pollution and health within a multipollutant framework (herein "multipollutant" refers to gases and particulate matter mass, components, and physical properties), focusing on five key science areas: sources, atmospheric sciences, exposure, dose, and health effects. Eight key policy-relevant science questions integrated across various parts of the five science areas and a ninth question regarding findings that provide policy-relevant insights served as the framework for the meeting. Results synthesized from this Conference provide new evidence, reaffirm past findings, and offer guidance for future research efforts that will continue to incrementally advance the science required for reducing uncertainties in linking sources, air pollutants, human exposure, and health effects. This paper summarizes the Conference findings organized around the science questions. A number of key points emerged from the Conference findings. First, there is a need for greater focus on multipollutant science and management approaches that include more direct studies of the mixture of pollutants from sources with an emphasis on health studies at ambient concentrations. Further, a number of research groups reaffirmed a need for better understanding of biological mechanisms and apparent associations of various health effects with components of particulate matter (PM), such as elemental carbon, certain organic species, ultrafine particles, and certain trace elements such as Ni, V, and Fe(II), as well as some gaseous pollutants. Although much debate continues in this area, generation of reactive oxygen species induced by these and other species present in air pollution and the resulting oxidative stress and inflammation were reiterated as key pathways leading to respiratory and cardiovascular outcomes. The Conference also underscored significant advances in understanding the susceptibility of populations, including the role of genetics and epigenetics and the influence of socioeconomic and other confounding factors and their synergistic interactions with air pollutants. Participants also pointed out that short-and long-term intervention episodes that reduce pollution from sources and improve air quality continue to indicate that when pollution decreases so do reported adverse health effects. In the limited number of cases where specific sources or PM2.5 species were included in investigations, specific species are often associated with the decrease in effects. Other recent advances for improved exposure estimates for epidemiological studies included using new technologies such as microsensors combined with cell phone and integrated into real-time communications, hybrid air quality modeling such as combined receptor-and emission-based models, and surface observations used with remote sensing such as satellite data.
O Modelo de Gestão do Sistema Integrado de Bibliote cas da Universidade de São Paulo (SIBi/USP) incorpora conceitos e ferramentas de ger enciamento que permeiam as organizações modernas para garantir melhores índice s de desempenho sistêmico e prestar serviços com qualidade e eficiência aos usuários. C omo parte do Modelo está a identificação e a descrição detalhada dos processos de trabalho do Sistema, assim como o estabelecimento de alguns indicadores de desempenho . A partir do trabalho inicial, foi elaborado um levantamento complementar para identif icação dos processos que abrangessem o conjunto do Sistema de forma ampla. O s dados foram dispostos em planilhas para melhor visualização, especialmente q uanto aos macro processos, processos, sub processos e atividades. Os processos foram sepa rados em essenciais, gerenciais e de apoio, além de elencadas as atividades pertinentes a cada um deles, bem como as instruções técnicas e fluxos de trabalho. Foram est abelecidos alguns indicadores, tendo por referência os da IFLA já estudados por outro Grupo de Trabalho. Daquele estudo quatro indicadores foram testados e validados pelo SIBi/US P por meio de aplicação piloto em algumas das Bibliotecas do Sistema e outros foram d efinidos no estudo atual. Com isso foi possível mapear os processos e as atividades desenv olvidas pelo conjunto de Bibliotecas sendo que cada Biblioteca, em função de sua especia lidade e especificidade pode adequar o seu mapeamento. A definição de um núcleo básico d e indicadores objetiva viabilizar a concretização da missão e dos objetivos em consonân cia com a política do SIBI/USP
O aumento gradual da participação da comunidade acadêmica da Fisioterapia nas edições do Congresso Brasileiro de Biomecânica (CBB) é notório. Os Anais do CBB passaram a ser importantes veículos para a divulgação científica em Fisioterapia no Brasil; porém, a caracterização dessa produção ainda não foi feita. O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar um levantamento bibliográfico dos estudos em Fisioterapia publicados nas edições dos Anais do CBB, desde a primeira edição em 1992 (Anais do IV CBB) até a edição publicada em 2009 (Anais do XIII CBB), a fim de identificar quais especialidades da Fisioterapia têm aplicado o conhecimento em Biomecânica no contexto clínico e/ou científico, além de caracterizar o tipo de pesquisa que se tem desenvolvido. Seis revisores independentes levantaram os estudos pertencentes à área da Fisioterapia e coletaram informações de maneira padronizada através de questionários. Os resultados evidenciaram um grande crescimento da participação das diferentes áreas da Fisioterapia ao longo das dez edições do CBB. Embora os dados sejam positivos em relação à ampliação das pesquisas em Biomecânica, verificou-se uma carência da utilização dos recursos biomecânicos para avaliar efeitos de intervenções em pacientes. Dessa forma, recomenda-se que mais estudos sejam conduzidos em contextos clínicos e com acompanhamento longitudinal, de modo a ampliar a aplicação prática das ferramentas biomecânicas no campo da intervenção, bem como aperfeiçoar a avaliação em Fisioterapia.
INTRODUCTION: In orthodontics, determining the facial type is a key element in the prescription of a correct diagnosis. In the early days of our specialty, observation and measurement of craniofacial structures were done directly on the face, in photographs or plaster casts. With the development of radiographic methods, cephalometric analysis replaced the direct facial analysis. Seeking to validate the analysis of facial soft tissues, this work compares two different methods used to determining the facial types, the anthropometric and the cephalometric methods. METHODS: The sample consisted of sixty-four Brazilian individuals, adults, Caucasian, of both genders, who agreed to participate in this research. All individuals had lateral cephalograms and facial frontal photographs. The facial types were determined by the Vert Index (cephalometric) and the Facial Index (photographs). RESULTS: The agreement analysis (Kappa), made for both types of analysis, found an agreement of 76.5%. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that the Facial Index can be used as an adjunct to orthodontic diagnosis, or as an alternative method for pre-selection of a sample, avoiding that research subjects have to undergo unnecessary tests.
[EN] Stommel has been the most important physicist oceanographer of the second half of the XX century. Builder, to a great extent, of the present Dynamical Oceanography. He contributed to the transformation of the Oceanography from a sort of appendix of the studies of the Atmosphere to a new specialty of Geophysics. After graduating in Astronomy in Yale in 1942 he started his research participating in the WWII effort, collaborating together with many other future oceanographers, in support of the USA Navy. Research that was carried out in the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). Between 1959 and 1978 he was professor of oceanography in Harvard U. first, and later in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, returning to WHOI where he stayed until his death. Stommel established important and fundamental theories on the ocean global circulation and studied many other oceanographic phenomena. This theoretical activity he combined with not a less important observational one. He received many awards and hhonors, including the Craadford prize, equivalent to the Nobel in Geosciences.
[ES]El campo de la evaluación va adquiriendo una importancia progresiva en España. Hasta hace pocos años los estudiosos de la especialidad eran pocos en nuestro país y aun hoy, en el campo de las lenguas extranjeras, el número de investigadores es pequeño. Una de las áreas donde la evaluación de lenguas extranjeras en España se ha fijado recientemente es la de la ubiquidad. Proyectos como PAULEX Universitas y más recientemente OPENPAU han puesto de manifiesto la necesidad del uso de dispositivos móviles para la realización de pruebas estandarizadas. [EN]The field of evaluation is acquiring growing importance in Spain . Until recently scholars specialty were few in our country and even today, in the field of foreign languages , the number of researchers is small. One area where the assessment of foreign languages in Spain has been recently set is that of ubiquity. Projects like PAULEX Universitas and more recently OPENPAU have revealed the necessity of the use of mobile devices for conducting standardized tests.
Il Protocollo di Montreal, che succede alla Convenzione di Vienna per la protezione dello strato di ozono richiede l’eliminazione di idrocarburi contenenti cloro (CFC). Nel corso degli ultimi decenni ha quindi assunto importanza la reazione di idrodeclorurazione di clorofluorocarburi, in particolare rivolta alla produzione di idrocarburi fluorurati che sono risultati interessanti per la produzione di polimeri con specifiche caratteristiche di resistenza meccanica, termica e chimica. In questo lavoro di tesi, svolto in collaborazione con SOLVAY SPECIALTY POLYMERS ITALY, sono stati studiati catalizzatori innovativi per la produzione di perfluorometilviniletere (MVE), mediante idrodeclorurazione di perfluorometilcloroviniletere (AM). Attualmente la reazione di produzione industriale dell’MVE, condotta con l'utilizzo di quantità stechiometriche di Zn e dimetilformammide (DMF), presenta il notevole problema dello smaltimento di grandi quantità di zinco cloruro e di DMF. La reazione studiata, condotta in catalisi eterogenea, in presenta di H2, presenta una forte dipendenza dalla natura dei metalli utilizzati oltre che dal tipo di sintesi dei catalizzatori impiegati. Nell'ambito di questo lavoro è stato sviluppato un metodo, a basso impatto ambientale, per la sintesi si nanoparticelle preformate da utilizzare per la preparazione di catalizzatori supportati si TiO2 e SiO2. Le nanosospensioni ed i sistemi catalitici prodotti sono stati caratterizzati utilizzando diverse metodologie di analisi quali: XRD, XRF, TEM, TPR-MS, che hanno permesso di ottimizzare le diverse fasi della preparazione. Allo scopo di osservare effetti sinergici tra le specie utilizzate sono stati confrontati sistemi catalitici monometallici con sistemi bimetallici, rivelando interessanti implicazioni derivanti dall’utilizzo di fasi attive nanoparticellari a base di Pd e Cu. In particolare, è stato possibile apprezzare miglioramenti significativi nelle prestazioni catalitiche in termini di selettività a perfluorometilviniletere all’aumentare del contenuto di Cu. La via di sintesi ottimizzata e impiegata per la produzione di nanoparticelle bimetalliche è risultata una valida alternativa, a basso impatto ambientale, ai metodi di sintesi normalmente usati, portando alla preparazione di catalizzatori maggiormente attivi di quelli preparati con i metalli standard.
La necessità di raggiungere la sostenibilità ambientale delle produzioni industriali rappresenta un motore di sviluppo per innovative tecnologie impiantistiche e nuove filosofie produttive. Ad esempio, la necessità di promuovere lo smaltimento dei clorofluorocarburi, causa i loro dimostrati effetti dannosi sullo strato di ozono stratosferico, ha promosso lo sviluppo di nuovi processi industriali. In questo ambito ha acquisito sempre maggior importanza la reazione di idrodeclorurazione di clorofluorocarburi (CFC), in particolare rivolta alla produzione di idrocarburi fluorurati insaturi che mostrano caratteristiche interessanti per la produzione di polimeri con specifiche proprietà di resistenza meccanica, termica e chimica. In questo lavoro di tesi, svolto in collaborazione con SOLVAY SPECIALTY POLYMERS ITALY, sono stati studiati catalizzatori innovativi per la reazione di idrodeclorurazione del 1,2-dicloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-1-(triflurometossi)etano (AM) a 1,2,2-trifluoro-1-(trifluorometossi)etene (MVE).
Lo studio del lato soggettivo del rapporto è centrale nella teoria dell’obbligazione. Ci si chiede se la modificazione di una o anche di entrambe le parti del rapporto determini sempre la sua estinzione o se, invece, si conservi la sua unitarietà oggettiva. La risposta a questo interrogativo è stata diversa a seconda delle diverse epoche storiche. Nel diritto romano si riteneva che la variazione di qualunque soggetto determinasse l’estinzione del rapporto e la costituzione di una nuova obbligazione (novazione soggettiva). Tale soluzione è stata osteggiata dai codificatori moderni per i quali, in caso di modifica delle personae non si ha estinzione del rapporto, ma solo il mutamento di uno dei suoi elementi. Quanto ai diritti di garanzia, in particolare l’ipoteca, i principi generali essenzali sono la specialità e l’accessorietà. Quest’ultima caratteristica è dirimente in caso di modificazione soggettiva del rapporto e ciò emerge in sede di trattazione delle singole fattispecie del Codice Civile che la determinano, sia quanto al creditore sia quanto al debitore. Per velocizzare il subentro nel credito, nel 2007 è stato approvato il decreto Bersani (sulla portabilità del mutuo) che ha consentito di rimuovere vincoli a tale circolazione, nell’ambito dei rapporti bancari. Le caratteristiche della modificazione del rapporto obbligatorio, tuttavia, possono minare l’efficacia della riforma Bersani. Questo è il motivo per il quale taluni studiosi ritengono necessario procedere a un’ampia rivisitazione dell’intero diritto ipotecario, eliminando, sulla scia di quanto accaduto in altri ordinamenti europei, il requisito dell’accessorietà del vincolo. Nonostante ciò, a causa dei rischi connessi a questa riforma, si ritiene preferibile affinare il meccanismo di perfezionamento della portabilità, eliminandone le criticità, senza però pregiudicare le sicurezze dell’attuale sistema giuridico, di cui l’accessorietà dell’ipoteca rispetto al credito costituisce un importante caposaldo.