965 resultados para Salivary Gland Calculi


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We investigated whether Melipona quadrifasciata worker mandibular gland secretions contribute directly to their cuticular hydrocarbon profile. The mandibular gland secretion composition and cuticular surface compounds of newly emerged worker bees, nurse bees, and foragers were determined by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry and compared. Both the mandibular gland secretions and the cuticular surface compounds of all worker stages were found to be composed almost exclusively of hydrocarbons. Although the relative proportion of hydrocarbons from the cuticular surface and gland secretion was statistically different, there was a high similarity in the qualitative composition between these structures in all groups of bees. © FUNPEC-RP.


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Most advanced eusocial bees recruit their nestmates to food resources. Recently, studies in Meliponini species showed that the cephalic salivary (labial) glands (CSGs) are responsible for the production of scent-trail pheromones. Studies on CSGs have shown changes in glandular cell morphology since the worker emerges from brood combs (newly emerged) till forager phase, which may be correlated to changes in the composition of secretion produced. However, no study has been made till now regarding to the composition of CSGs secretion of Scaptotrigona postica and the chemical changes that occur in this secretion according to the worker's life phase or tasks performed. In this study, the chemical profile of CSG secretion in S. postica workers was studied. Glands were taken from specimens newly emerged (NE), working in the brood combs area (CA) and forager (FO) and were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results showed that glandular secretion consists of oxygenated compounds of middle volatility (acids, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters and ether), and their quantity varies among the different phases of life, increasing as the individual undergoes from intra- to extra-colonial activities. The NE phase contained the smallest variety and quantity of compounds. Due to the variability of compounds, the CA workers were separated into 3 groups according to the chemical constitution of their secretion. Forager workers showed the largest quantity and variety of chemical compounds. The major compounds in forager gland secretion are 7-hexadecen-1-yl acetate and 5-tetradecen-1-yl acetate. Statistical analysis indicates that the chemical composition of glandular secretion is task-related.


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To evaluate the impact of iodine-131 therapy received during childhood and adolescence and correlate it with the quality of life in these patients. Methods: We studied 19 patients diagnosed with cancer in childhood or adolescence who underwent thyroidectomy and supplemental therapy with I-131. We also recruited a control group of healthy subjects with the same demographic parameters. All patients were subjected to a scintigraphy examination of the salivary glands, and were also asked to complete a questionnaire in order to assess their overall quality of life. In addition, a more specific questionnaire for patients with head and neck cancer was also given to all study participants. Results: The quantitative and qualitative analyses of the salivary glands showed functional deficits with greater involvement of the parotid gland for volume, concentration and excretion. The right submandibular gland showed significant changes for volume in the patient group. The questionnaires made it possible to observe significant differences between the patient and control groups for symptoms such as thick saliva, dry mouth and speech problems. Conclusion: In spite of being very effective and widely used, iodine radionuclide therapy is correlated with a lower quality of life in young people.


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Purpose: Anti-oxidation and exocytosis are important for maintaining exocrine tissue homeostasis. During aging, functional and structural alterations occur in the lacrimal gland (LG), including oxidative damage to proteins, lipids, and DNA. The aims of the present study were to determine in the aging LG: a) the effects of aging on LG structure and secretory activity and b) changes in the expression of oxidative stress markers. Methods: To address these goals, tear secretion composition and corneal impression cytology were compared between male Wistar rats of 2 (control) and 24 (aged) months. LG morphology and the expression levels of vitamin E and malonaldehyde (MDA) were evaluated to determine the anti-oxidant activity and lipid peroxidation, respectively. RT-PCR and western blot analysis were used for the analysis of Ras related in brain GTPase protein (Rab) and soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins of the secretory machinery (i.e.; Rab 3d, Rab 27, vesicle-associated membrane protein-2 (Vamp-2), and syntaxin). Results: Histological analysis of aged rats revealed a higher frequency of corneal epithelia metaplasia. In the acinar cells, organelles underwent degeneration, and lipofucsin-like material accumulated in the cytoplasm along with declines in the anti-oxidant marker vitamin E. Rab3d and Rab27b mRNA levels fell along with Rab3d protein expression, whereas syntaxin levels increased. Conclusions: These findings indicate that exocytotic and anti-oxidant mechanisms become impaired with age in the rat LG. In parallel with these structural alterations, functional declines may contribute to the pathophysiology caused by tear film modification in dry eye disease.


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Epidermal growth factor (EGF) in rat salivary glands is regulated by testosterone, thyroxin, and growth hormone (GH). Salivary glands of 45-day-old giant and dwarf male and female transgenic mice were examined histologically and by immunohistochemistry (IHC) for EGF. Male giants showed no significant differences from wild-type (WT) parotid and submandibular glands. However, their sublingual glands expressed EGF diffusely and strongly in granular cells within the striated ducts, where they were not found in WT mice. Submandibular gland ducts of female WT were different, having individual granular cells strongly positive for EGF and distributed sporadically along the striated duct walls. Neither female GH-antagonist dwarf mice nor GH-receptor knockout mice had any granular cells expressing EGF in any gland. Obvious presence of granular duct cells in the sublingual glands of giant male mice suggests GH-upregulated granular cell EGF expression. Furthermore, absence of granular duct cells from all glands in female GH-antagonist and GH-receptor knockout transgenic mice suggests that GH is necessary for the differentiation of the granular cell phenotype in female salivary glands.


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Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical that has been investigated for it potential to cause prostate diseases. In this study, pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with 25 or 250 μg/kg BPA from gestational day (GD) 10 to GD21 with or without concurrent indole-3-carbinol (I3C) feeding. I3C is a phytochemical, and it affords chemoprotection against many types of neoplasia. Male F1 rats from different litters were euthanized on post-natal day (PND) 21 and PND180. BPA-treated groups showed a significant increase in histopathological lesions, but I3C feeding reversed many of these changes, mainly at PND180. Maternal I3C feeding increased prostate epithelial apoptosis in the BPA-treated groups and across age groups. Furthermore, I3C induced partial normalization of the prostate histoarchitecture. The results pointed to a protective effect of maternal I3C feeding during pregnancy in the BPA-exposed male offspring, thereby indicating reduction in the harmful effects of gestational BPA imprinting on the prostate.


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To evaluate the sleep bruxism, malocclusions, orofacial dysfunctions and salivary levels of cortisol and alpha-amylase in asthmatic children. 108 7-9-yr-old children were selected from Policlinic Santa Teresinha Doutor Antonio Haddad Dib (asthmatics, n=53) and from public schools (controls, n=55), Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. Sleep bruxism diagnosis was confirmed by parental report of grinding sounds and the presence of shiny and polish facets on incisors and/or first permanent molars. The index of orthodontic treatment need was used for occlusion evaluation. Orofacial dysfunctions were evaluated using the nordic orofacial test-screening (NOT-S). Salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase were expressed as awakening response (AR), calculated as the difference between levels immediately after awakening and 30min after waking, and diurnal decline (DD), calculated as the difference between levels at 30min after waking and at bedtime. Data were analyzed using Shapiro-Wilk/Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Chi-square, unpaired t test/Mann-Whitney and paired t/Wilcoxon tests. Sleep bruxism was more prevalent in children with asthma than controls (47.2% vs. 27.3%, p<0.05). Asthmatics had higher scores of NOT-S total and interview (p<0.05). Dysfunctions on sensory function and chewing and swallowing were more frequent in asthmatics (p<0.05). Salivary cortisol AR on weekend was significantly higher for asthmatics (p<0.05). Salivary cortisol DD was significantly higher on weekday than weekend for controls (p<0.05). There were no significant differences in alpha-amylase values in and between groups. The presence of asthma in children was associated with sleep bruxism, negative perception of sensory, chewing and swallowing functions, and higher concentrations of salivary cortisol on weekend.


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To determine the effects of radiotherapy on salivary BPIFA expression and to investigate the role of BPIFA in the development of known radiotherapy side effects. Unstimulated whole-mouth saliva was collected from 45 cancer patients (1 week before treatment, during the treatment, and 1 week after completion of radiotherapy) and from 20 controls. BPIFA1 and BPIFA2 expression was detected by western blotting and analyzed along with clinicopathologic data and side effects from the radiotherapy. A facial radiation field was associated with lower salivary flow during and after radiotherapy and correlated with side effects, mainly mucositis. Salivary BPIFA1 expression levels were similar between the control group and the patient group before treatment. On the other hand, BPIFA2 levels were higher in the patient group before treatment compared with the control group. BPIFA concentration was modified by radiotherapy as BPIFA1 levels increased (P = .0081) and BPIFA2 decreased (P < .0001). Higher levels of BPIFA1 were associated with the presence of mucositis (P = .0363) and its severity (P = .0500). The present study found that levels of BPIFA1 and glycosylated forms of BPIFA2 are affected by radiotherapy, suggesting that these proteins may play a role in the oral microenvironment in irradiated patients with head and neck cancer.


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This in situ study investigated, using scanning electron microscopy, the effect of stimulated saliva on the enamel surface of bovine and human substrates submitted to erosion followed by brushing abrasion immediately or after one hour. During 2 experimental 7-day crossover phases, 9 previously selected volunteers wore intraoral palatal devices, with 12 enamel specimens (6 human and 6 bovine). In the first phase, the volunteers immersed the device for 5 minutes in 150 ml of a cola drink, 4 times a day (8h00, 12h00, 16h00 and 20h00). Immediately after the immersions, no treatment was performed in 4 specimens (ERO), 4 other specimens were immediately brushed (0 min) using a fluoride dentifrice and the device was replaced into the mouth. After 60 min, the other 4 specimens were brushed. In the second phase, the procedures were repeated but, after the immersions, the volunteers stimulated the salivary flow rate by chewing a sugar-free gum for 30 min. Enamel superficial alterations of all specimens were then evaluated using a scanning electron microscope. Enamel prism core dissolution was seen on the surfaces submitted to erosion, while on those submitted to erosion and to abrasion (both at 0 and 60 min) a more homogeneous enamel surface was observed, probably due to the removal of the altered superficial prism layer. For all the other variables - enamel substrate and salivary stimulation -, the microscopic pattern of the enamel specimens was similar.


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The objective of this study was to assess the salivary residual effect of fluoride dentifrice on human enamel subjected to an erosive challenge. This crossover in situ study was performed in two phases (A and B), involving ten volunteers. In each phase, they wore acrylic palatal appliances, each containing 3 human enamel blocks, during 7 days. The blocks were subjected to erosion by immersion of the appliances in a cola drink for 5 minutes, 4 times a day. Dentifrice was used to brush the volunteers’ teeth, 4 times a day, during 1 minute, before the appliance was replaced into the mouth. In phases A and B the dentifrices used had the same formulation, except for the absence (PD) or presence (FD) of fluoride, respectively. Enamel alterations were determined using profilometry, microhardness (%SMHC), acid- and alkali-soluble F analysis. The data were tested using ANOVA (p < 0.05). The concentrations (mean ± SD) of alkali- and acid-soluble F (µgF/cm²) were, respectively, PD: 1.27ª ± 0.70/2.24A ± 0.36 and FD: 1.49ª ± 0.44/2.24A ± 0.67 (p > 0.05). The mean wear values (± SD, µm) were PD: 3.63ª ± 1.54 and FD: 3.54ª ± 0.90 (p > 0.05). The mean %SMHC values (± SD) were PD: 89.63ª ± 4.73 and FD: 87.28ª ± 4.01 (p > 0.05). Thus, we concluded that the residual fluoride from the fluoride-containing dentifrice did not protect enamel against erosion.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to determine the in vitro maximum inhibitory dilution (MID) of two chlorhexidinebased oral mouthwashes (CHX): Noplak®, Periogard®, and one polyhexamethylene biguanide-based mouthwash (PHMB): Sanifill Premium® against 28 field Staphylococcus aureus strains using the agar dilution method. MATERIALS AND METHODS: For each product, decimal dilutions ranging from 1/10 to 1/655,360 were prepared in distilled water and added to Mueller Hinton Agar culture medium. After homogenization, the culture medium was poured onto Petri dishes. Strains were inoculated using a Steers multipoint inoculator and dishes were incubated at 37ºC for 24hours. For reading, MID was considered as the maximum dilution of the mouthwash still capable of inhibiting microbial growth. RESULTS: Sanifill Premium® inhibited the growth of all strains at 1/40 dilution and of 1 strain at 1/80 dilution. Noplak® inhibited the growth of 23 strains at 1/640 dilution and of all 28 strains at 1/320 dilution. Periogard® showed inhibited growth of 7 strains at 1/640 dilution and of all 28 strains at 1/320 dilution. Data were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis statistical test, showing significant differences between the mouthwashes evaluated (p<0.05). No significant difference was found between Noplak® and Periogard® (p>0.05). Sanifill Premium® was the least effective (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: It was concluded that CHX-based mouthwashes present better antimicrobial activity against S. Aureus than the PHMB-based mouthwash.


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The maximum inhibitory dilution (MID) of triclosan-based mouthwashes against 28 Staphylococcus aureus strains was evaluated. Dilutions ranging from 1/10 to 1/655,360 were prepared. Strains were inoculated using a Steers multipoint inoculator. The MID was considered as the maximum dilution capable of inhibiting microorganism growth. The mouthwashes presented different MIDs.


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Frequent use of Xylitol may decrease the S. mutans levels. However, very little is known about whether this effect on the levels of cariogenic bacteria is maintained after the interruption of short-term usage of xylitol. This study aimed at evaluating changes in mutans streptococci (MS) salivary levels after using a chewing gum containing xylitol. Twelve volunteers harboring > 10(5) CFU MS/ml saliva levels were asked to chew Happydent-xylit® for 5 minutes, 5 X/day, for 30 days. Saliva samples were collected at baseline, at 30 days after xylitol usage began, and at 30 days beyond its interruption. MS salivary levels were estimated. The average salivary levels of MS in the ten subjects who completed the study were 13.17 (NL-CFU) at baseline (A). After the 30 days experimental period (B), this average decreased to 9.45 (NL-CFU). Nine of ten subjects studied showed a reduction in MS salivary levels in relation to baseline, whereas salivary levels were maintained in the remaining subject. At thirty days beyond the interruption of xylitol usage (C), the average levels of MS were still reduced to 10.31 (NL-CFU). Multiple sample comparison using the Bonferroni test revealed that the decrease in MS levels observed from baseline (A) to the time immediately after 30 days of xylitol usage (B) was statistically significant (p < 0.05), and those levels were still decreased between baseline and 30 days beyond the interruption of xylitol usage (C). So, the use of xylitol induced a reduction in MS salivary levels after a short period of usage which persisted beyond its interruption.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of combined ureteroscopic holmium YAG lithotripsy for renal calculi associated with ipsilateral ureteral stones. Materials and Methods: Between August 2002 and March 2007, retrograde flexible ureteroscopic stone treatment was attempted in 351 cases. Indication for treatment was concurrent symptomatic ureteral stones in 63 patients (group I). Additional operative time and perioperative complication rates were compared to a group of 39 patients submitted to ureteroscopic treatment for ureteral calculi exclusively (group II). Results: Mean ureteral stone size was 8.0 +/- 2.6 mm and 8.1 +/- 3.4 mm for groups I and II, respectively. Mean operative time for group I was 67.9 +/- 29.5 minutes and for group 2 was 49.3 +/- 13.2 minutes (p < 0.001). Flexible ureteroscopic therapy for renal calculi increased 18 minutes in the mean operative time. The overall complication rate was 3.1% and 2.5% for groups I and II, respectively (p = 0.87). Mean renal stone size was 10.7 +/- 6.4 mm, overall stone free rate in group I was 81%. However, considering only patients with renal stones smaller than 15 mm, the stone free rate was 88%. Successful treatment occurred in 81% of patients presenting lower pole stones, but only 76% of patients with multiple renal stones became stone free. As expected, stone free rate showed a significant negative correlation with renal stone size (p = 0.03; r = -0.36). Logistic regression model indicated an independent association of renal stones smaller than 15 mm and stone free rate (OR = 13.5; p = 0.01). Conclusion: Combined ureteroscopic treatment for ureteral and ipsilateral renal calculi is a safe and attractive option for patients presenting for symptomatic ureteral stone and ipsilateral renal calculi smaller than 15 mm.