520 resultados para SPAWNING


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[EN]The importance of a suitable feeding in reproduction and spawning quality of teleost fish has been recognized as one of the major ?bottlenecks? in new aquaculture species like seahorses. Mysidacea species has been described as one of the main food for temperate seahorse species (Hippocampus hippocampus and H. guttulatus) in the wild. On the other hand, Artemia has been employed usually as marine food for rearing fish, including seahorses. The aim of this work is to study the effect of two different live preys (Artemia vs Mysis) in spawning quality of H. hippocampus broodstock. The animals were fed two times per day, six times per week. Spawning episodes and larvae quality was recorded. Seahorse fed on mysis showed significantly better results (p<0.05) than Artemia treatment, regarding spawning events, number of offspring?s and size. This fact showed the high potential of mysis as live prey for seahorses or other ornamental species.


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The almaco jack Seriola rivoliana belongs to the Carangidae family of fishes. These species are an important resource for recreational and commercial fisheries worldwide. Among other attributes, almaco jack has being identified as potentially aquaculture species due to their fast growth, excellent flesh quality and significant market opportunities internationally. The present work describes the establishment of broodstock of Seriola rivoliana in the Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas from year 2006 to 2009 and subsequent maturation and spawning. Twenty sub adults were captured by local fisherman in the South coast of Gran Canaria in may 2006. Adaptation to culture conditions in tanks and inert food was successfully carried out just after one moth of capture. Initial fish weight (1,76± 0,25kg), was increased to 6,0±1,1kg in july 2009. Every year fish were sampled to determine individual growth in weight and size. In addition, the evolution of its sexual maturity state was established by gonadal biopsy. In July 2009, the use of hormonal injection (LHRH) results in two successful spawns with 42% of viable eggs.


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[EN]The present study describes the main embryonic stages and larval development, in culture conditions, of the almaco jack until the fifth day of life. Also a morphometric study of the eggs and larvae from induced spawning was realized. Larval hatching occurred at 36 hours from fertilization. At 60 hours after hatching, 100% of the larvae had their mouths open. At 72 hours all the larvae had a swimming bladder and a digestive tract sufficiently formed to start exogenous feeding.


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[EN]The objective of this experiment was to determine the efficacy of different GnRHa doses for the induction of the spawning in meagre broodstock born in captivity. Five experimental groups were established, and one control group that was not injected. Fish were acclimated in six 10 m3 tanks, and in each tank there was 3? and 4? with an average weight of 8.33±0.97 and 8.47±1.09 kg respectively. Throughout the experimental period (April 14- June 2 of 2009), broodstock were induced on a weekly basis. Each time one female and two males from each of the five experimental groups were induced with an injection of GnRHa at the doses of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 ?g.kg-1 respectively. No significant differences were found in any of the controlled parameters: % of injected females with spawning, latency period and % of spawns. Although the highest spawning ratio was obtained with the lower doses, a statistically significant negative correlation between the doses and percentage spawning was found.


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[EN] The atlantic spider crab Maja brachydactyla, nowadays overfished, presents good conditions for its production in captivity. In Canary Islands (Spain), under culture conditions, with open flux of water and temperature between 18,8-22,5 ºC from November 2006 to May 2007, the fecundity index was lower than others in higher latitudes, around 100 larvae/female g, for individuals between 270 and 690 g. The incubation time torn out to be similar to colder conditions, but the period between hatching and the next spawning decreased even to 0 days. The annual spawning cycle, unlike the described for Northern Atlantic populations, could range the whole year, with 3, 4 or even more consecutive spawnings


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[EN]This is the first time that the reproductive characteristics of Mycteroperca fusca have been analyzed over the whole area of its distribution, using the parameter of the histological analysis of the gonads. This species is a protogynous hermaphrodite with a marked predominance of females (1:4.9). The males and females displayed marked differences in the distribution of the sizes. The females were distributed over all the size ranges analyzed (229-725 mm total length), whereas the males were observed within the larger sizes, as of 428 mm. One transitional specimen (610 mm total length) was observed. The size at which the females first reached sexual maturity was 335 mm total length whereas the size at which 95% of females reached sexual maturity was 398 mm total length. The average size at which 50% of the females had inverted to the male condition was found to be 678 mm total length. The range of sizes at which the process of sexual inversion took place was broad, between 428 and 725 mm total length. The reproductive period was long, almost covering the annual cycle, although the maximum activity was observed between April and October, with a peak in spawning in June-July.


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[EN] The reproductive biology of the sea cucumber Holothuria sanctori was studied over 24 months (February 2009 to January 2011) at Gran Canaria through the gonad index and a combination of macro- and microscopic analysis of the gonads. Holothuria sanctori showed a 1:1 sex ratio and a seasonal reproductive cycle with a summer spawning: the mean gonad index showed a maximum (3.99±0.02) in summer (June-July) and a minimum (0.05±0.04) between late autumn (November) and early spring (March). Females had significantly wider gonad tubules than males. First maturity occurred at a size of 201 to 210 mm, a gutted body weight of 101 to 110 g and a total weight of 176 to 200 g. Holothuria sanctori shows a typical temperate species reproduction pattern. These results could be useful for managing current extractions of H. sanctori in the Mediterranean and in case a specific fishery is started in the eastern Atlantic region.


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[EN] Preliminary data of the length-weight relationship and reproduction of the bogue Boops boops off Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Central-east Atlantic) are provided. Two thousand and twenty-one individuals of bogue, ranging from 4 to 34 cm TL, were obtained from purse seine commercial landing. Reproduction parameters as sex determination, duration of spawning season, size at first maturity and GSI variation along time were determinated based on macroscopic evaluation of gonads. The results obtained suggest that bogue is a total spawner, with a long spawning season extending from January to May. Size at first maturity was 16.7 and 17.9 cm TL for males and females, respectively. The length-weight relationship obtained showed a positive allometry in both sexes


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[EN] First description of the complete embryo and larval development of the Canarian abalone (Haliotis tuberculata coccinea Reeve.) was conducted along 39 stages from fertilization to the appearance of the third tubule on the cephalic tentacles and illustrated in a microphotographic sequence. Eggs obtained by induced spawning with hydrogen peroxide from the GIA captive broodstock were stocked at a density of 10 eggs/mL and kept at 23 0.5 BC for 62 h until the formation of the third tubule. Live eggs and larvae were continuously observed on a 24 h basis at a 3400 magnification under transmitted light. At each stages, specific morphological features, illustrated by microscopic photographs, were described, as well as the time required for their apparition. Fertilized eggs diameter was 205 8 mm (mean SD), whereas length and width of larvae ready to undergo metamorphosis were 216.6 5.3 mmand 172 8.8 mm, respectively. Knowledge on the larval morphological development acquired through this study will contribute to the improvement of larval rearing techniques for this abalone species.


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[EN]In the present study, natural spawning of a broodstock group of greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili) is described with regards to: date, number of spawns, and total number of eggs produced per spawn. Fish werecaught in 2011 in the Canary Islands, Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain), and kept in captivity. At the end of May 2014, the broodstock group was formed by two females with a weight 9.81±1.08 kg, size 90.0±2.82cm, with oovocites > 800μ, and five males 9.46±2.04 kg, 86.75±5.43 cm, all fluent with sperm. Between the 1stof June and 18thof October 2014, a total of 25.60 million eggs were obtained in 23 spawns.


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[EN]The number of eggs obtained in natural spawning (25.60 million) is higher than those obtained by injections (12.9 million) and implants (10.5 million). The number of eggs per female was 12.80 million, in natural spawning, and 4.30 and 3.51 million, in induced with injections and implants, respectively. In number of eggs per spawn, significant differences was observed, between natural spawns (1.11 million), and induced spawning’s (0.44 and 0.21 millions, injected and implants respectively). Significant differences was also found, in number of eggs per Kg female/spawn, between natural spawning’s (56,700 eggs), injection induced (37,200 eggs) and implants (25,200 eggs).


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In questa tesi sono illustrate alcune sperimentazioni finalizzate alla standardizzazione del ciclo produttivo della sogliola comune (Solea solea) in cattività. E’ stato creato un parco di riproduttori selvatici ed è stata standardizzata la riproduzione ad un livello compatibile con la realtà produttiva del settore. Indagini genetiche di assegnazione parentale hanno evidenziato come alcuni esemplari siano stati predominanti negli accoppiamenti e nel conseguente contributo alla generazione della prole. Ciò ha determinato una diminuzione della variabilità genetica dei discendenti. La composizione quali-quantitativa degli acidi grassi delle uova è stata correlata con la sopravvivenza larvale nel corso di un’intera stagione riproduttiva. Tale composizione non ha subito importanti variazioni su scala temporale e sembra essere stata influenzata dall’alimentazione somministrata ai riproduttori nel periodo precedente alla riproduzione. Le analisi di interazione tra momento riproduttivo e qualità delle uova hanno confermato che è stato possibile ottenere uova di buona qualità in termini di sopravvivenza larvale nel corso di tutta la stagione riproduttiva. Larve di sogliola sono state svezzate precocemente 13 giorni dopo la schiusa riducendo l’impiego di cibo vivo a favore di micro diete commerciali. Tale svezzamento ha ridotto le performance di accrescimento, ma non la sopravvivenza e lo sviluppo della metamorfosi quando comparati ad un trattamento standard. La riduzione del cibo vivo ha ottimizzato i costi di produzione e migliorato l’igiene in vasca. L’ontogenesi di precursori di enzimi digestivi è stata determinata tramite PCR quantitativa. I risultati di espressione di tripsinogeno, chimotripsinogeno e amilasi hanno mostrato come tali enzimi rivestano un ruolo chiave nei processi digestivi delle prime fasi larvali. Esemplari giovanili hanno ottenuto un significativo maggiore indice di accrescimento e migliore indice di conversione quando alimentati con diete sperimentali contenenti un elevato tenore proteico. Un aumento dell’incidenza di vacuoli lipidici a livello epatico è stato osservato all’aumentare del tenore proteico della dieta.


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My PhD project was focused on Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, a fishery resource overexploited in the last decades. For a better management of stocks, it was necessary to improve scientific knowledge of this species and to develop novel tools to avoid collapse of this important commercial resource. To do this, we used new high throughput sequencing technologies, as Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), and markers linked to expressed genes, as SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms). In this work we applied a combined approach: transcriptomic resources were used to build cDNA libreries from mRNA isolated by muscle, and genomic resources allowed to create a reference backbone for this species lacking of reference genome. All cDNA reads, obtained from mRNA, were mapped against this genome and, employing several bioinformatics tools and different restricted parameters, we achieved a set of contigs to detect SNPs. Once a final panel of 384 SNPs was developed, following the selection criteria, it was genotyped in 960 individuals of Atlantic bluefin tuna, including all size/age classes, from larvae to adults, collected from the entire range of the species. The analysis of obtained data was aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity and the population structure of Thunnus thynnus. We detect a low but significant signal of genetic differentiation among spawning samples, that can suggest the presence of three genetically separate reproduction areas. The adult samples resulted instead genetically undifferentiated between them and from the spawning populations, indicating a presence of panmictic population of adult bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean Sea, without different meta populations.


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Paracentrotus lividus è un echinoderma bentonico marino appartenente alla classe Echinoidea, comune in tutto il Mar Mediterraneo e lungo le coste atlantiche dalla Scozia al Marocco. Questa specie è estremamente importante dal punto di vista ecologico in quanto specie chiave nella strutturazione della comunità bentonica macroalgale. Inoltre in tempi recenti il mercato delle sue gonadi ha subito una forte espansione rendendolo una specie di interesse economico in numerosi paesi europei. Il crescente prelievo sta gradualmente portando al depauperamento della risorsa, per questo motivo il riccio di mare è oggetto di numerosi studi e programmi a fini conservazionistici. Una maggiore conoscenza del ciclo riproduttivo della specie potrebbe risultare utile per una migliore gestione della risorsa. Pertanto, questo studio si propone di indagare sulla biologia di P. lividus in due aree distinte della Sardegna: Su Pallosu, nella Penisola del Sinis Sardegna centro-occidentale, e nell’Area Marina Protetta di Tavolara – Punta Coda Cavallo, Sardegna nordorientale, al fine di far luce sulle dinamiche del ciclo riproduttivo. Le informazioni bibliografiche a riguardo evidenziano l’influenza dei fattori ambientali quali fotoperiodo, idrodinamismo, temperatura e tipologia di pascolo sull’andamento del ciclo biologico e il momento di spawning. Diversi autori hanno osservato in Mar Mediterraneo sia un unico ciclo riproduttivo che due eventi riproduttivi annuali a conferma dell’ampia variabilità dell’andamento gonadico. Nel presente lavoro al fine di mettere in relazione le caratteristiche dell’habitat con il ciclo riproduttivo delle popolazioni in oggetto è stato analizzato l’andamento dell’Indice Gonadosomatico (IGS) su individui di diverse taglie/età, come rapporto fra il peso delle gonadi e il peso dell’individuo; inoltre a conferma dello stadio di maturazione è stata effettuata l’analisi istologica delle gonadi su campioni fissati e inclusi in paraffina, sezionati a 7μm e colorati con ematossilina-eosina prima di essere osservati al microscopio ottico. Mediante analisi d’immagine di foto subacquee utilizzando il programma Seascape è stata caratterizzata la componente macroalgale bentonica e la componente abiotica degli habitat (sabbia e roccia non vegetata) con particolare attenzione al calcolo della percentuale di ricoprimento delle specie vegetali. Inoltre i siti sono stati caratterizzati rispetto all’esposizione dei venti dominanti con elaborazione dei dati del periodo di campionamento per direzione, frequenza e intensità.