398 resultados para Restaurant


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The purpose of this study was to find out the impact of field experience in hospitality education and whether such field experience and others such as semi-practicum, the cooperative, and the work study programs will not play an important role of a closer alliance between the academic and the hospitality industry. II. If it is justifiable to say that it is possible to provide field experience which will enhance the professionally oriented course work, while educators and employers strive to design curriculum that is needed to meet the educational and the industry demands and goals.


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Abstract and faculty adviser information are not available for this thesis.


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The purpose of this research was to design and implement a Series of Latin Shows to be featured at the Satine Restaurant located in The Diplomat Hotel in Hollywood, Florida. Three shows were created: "Electro Tango," "Bossa Nova Jazz," and "Piel Canela Night" to help generate interest for not only the Satine Restaurant but also for the surrounding area. The artistic concept included big bands, costumes, dancers and a DJ. A production book was created and included the most important aspects of the individual shows such as budgets, costumes, and ground plans, to assure the success of each event. Careful analysis was done for the demographic area and a marketing plan was designed and implemented. The research and practical application of similar shows in the industry determined that the production of these particular shows, although costly, have a qualifiable chance to succeed in this venue.


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The aim of this study was to propose a Performance Evaluation System for outsourced employees of the University Restaurant of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte to supply the lack of evaluative instruments. According to Provision of Services Contract nº050/2010 and nº055/2011 of FURN with SAFE LOCAÇÃO DE MÃO DE OBRA LTDA ME, it is the hired company to promote periodic functional performance evaluation of the outsourced employees, but this is not done. The performance evaluation process serves to evaluate if the employees are making their tasks according to the organizations’ objectives and goals, besides that helps to find service failures and capacity of employees demands, thus contributing to improve work conditions and the global performance of the organizations. To elaborate the proposal of evaluation, it was chosen an action research with the participation of all stakeholders, employees and managers from UR. On data collect, first, outsourced employees and management servers were interviewed, in order to raise existing perceptions about performance evaluation aspects. From these data and the work routine observation, a proposal of performance evaluation was elaborated, that was appreciated, criticized and adjusted by the actors involved (employees and managers) to the final formulation of the instrument. This study also presents the necessary steps to the implementation of the Performance Evaluation System. The proposed Performance Evaluation System can be applied to the FURN assuming this process, after modification of contract terms and the approval by the ADCON. It also can serve as an example to others units that works with the provision of outsourced services, enabling so the performance evaluation to be part of the management policy of all people working in FURN.


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Inscription: Verso: Felicia Nestor, chef, East-West Restaurant, New York


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Highlights: • A guest chef's image positively influences a luxury restaurant's image. • The restaurant-guest chef fit positively influences a luxury restaurant's image. • The restaurant-guest chef fit moderates the relationship between a guest chef's image and a luxury restaurant's image.


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Eating food prepared outside of the home has become the norm for adults on the island of Ireland. On 24% of eating or drinking occasions in the Republic of Ireland, food is cooked and prepared "out of the home". Bought-in cooked food makes up an average of 11% of a person’s energy intake in the United Kingdom. "Convenient" and "fast" cheap food has also become increasingly available to people. However, food prepared outside of the home has been found to contain considerably more dietary fat and less fibre and micronutrients than food prepared within the home. Traditionally, Indian diets are low in fat and high in fibre and rich in fruit and vegetables. However, these traditional meals have been adapted to suit Western palates and, as such, different ingredients in various quantities are added, potentially increasing their fat and salt content. Given the diversity of Indian takeaway dishes available on the island of Ireland, this survey has been designed to provide an insight into the energy (calorie), total fat, saturated fat, protein and salt content of the most popular starters, main courses and side dishes from various Indian takeaways and Indian restaurants with a takeaway service, as well as supermarkets or shop-bought equivalents. With two out of every three adults on the island of Ireland currently classified as overweight or obese, excess body weight is now one of the most important nutritional issues of our times. In addition to this, salt and fat intake is high and consumption of fruit, vegetables and fibre on the island of Ireland is low, increasing the risk of common chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain cancers. The consumption of excess calories and nutrient-poor foods contributes to our current obesity epidemic.  


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This paper examines the influence of customer-facing technology in full-service restaurants. As a new addition to the service experience, tabletop devices offer the customer more control over the dining experience, and also increase customer participation in the service process, which has the potential to upset the traditional exchange between service providers and customers in restaurants. To examine how customers react to the use of tabletop devices, this study examines 1,343 point-of-sales transactions from 20 units of a full-service casual dining restaurant chain and matches customer in-restaurant transactions to their reactions to tabletop devices used during their meals. Results show that over 70% of the customers who used tabletop devices reported positive affect toward the device, with approximately 79% of customers reporting that the device improved their experience, citing convenience, ease of use, and credit card security as some benefits of using the technology. Approximately 80% of the customers who used the device reported that they would return to the restaurant because of the positive affect. The results also indicate that likeability of the device and tip percentage were positively and significantly connected to customer reports of the devices having a positive effect on experience and on desire to return. In addition, when customers reported increased return intentions, likeability of the device was higher regardless of reports of the device improving restaurant experience, showing that the introduction of tabletop devices had a positive effect for most—but not all—customers.


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A survey of several hundred restaurant servers in the United States found that servers’ attitudes toward working for tips and average tip sizes were weakly related (at best) to their service-orientation, intended job-tenure, and occupational-tenure. These findings suggest that tipping does not substantially help to attract and retain more service-oriented workers. Restaurateurs can eliminate tipping at their restaurants without fear that doing so will reduce the quality of their wait-staff.


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The early bird and night owl restaurant tool found in the accompanying Excel file provides an estimate of the effects of offering off-peak special menu prices. Unlike the classic back-of-envelope calculation, the tool includes the effect of anticipated cannibalization of full-price covers and seeks to optimize table use. The tool also considers the revenue from new customers attracted by the early bird or night owl promotions, as well as the level of increased business needed to achieve the net monetary value target for the promotion.


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For the current study, the authors examined the relationships among two dimensions of organizational climate and several indices of individual- and unit-level effectiveness. Specifically, the article proposes that an organization ’s service and training climate would be related to employee capabilities—operationalized in terms of frontline service capabilities and managerial support capabilities—and that such capabilities would be related to unit- level measures of employee turnover and sales growth. Using survey and operational data from 201 management and frontline staff members in 22 units of a national restaurant chain, the results from correlation and regression analyses generally supported the proposed relationships. This study replicates and extends previous research and provides a foundation for future conceptual development and empirical work in this research area.


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The use of tabletop technology continues to grow in the restaurant industry, and this study identifies the strengths and weakness of the technology, how it influences customers, and how it can improve the bottom line for managers and business owners. Results from two studies involving a full-service casual dining chain show that dining time was significantly reduced among patrons who used the tabletop hardware to order or pay for their meals, as was the time required for servers to meet the needs of customers. Also, those who used the devices to order a meal tended to spend more than those who did not. Patrons across the industry have embraced guest-facing technology, such as online reservation systems, mobile apps, payment apps, and tablet-based systems, and may in fact look for such technology when deciding where to dine. Guests’ reactions have been overwhelmingly positive, with 70 to 80 percent of consumers citing the benefits of guest-facing technology and applications. The introduction of tabletop technology in the full-service segment has been slower than in quick-service restaurants (QSRs), and guests cite online reservation systems, online ordering, and tableside payment as preferred technologies. Restaurant operators have also cited benefits of guest-facing technology, for example, the use of electronic ordering, which led to increased sales as such systems can induce the purchase of more expensive menu items and side dishes while allowing managers to store order and payment information for future transactions. Researchers have also noted the cost of the technology and potential problems with integration into other systems as two main factors blocking adoption.


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The present study seeks to describe the features and peculiarities of the relationship between organizational culture and the quality of tourism services, specifically in the restaurant sector, attempting to contribute toward maintaining the tourism sector of the city of Natal/RN. Thus, a descriptive and correlational study, with qualitative and quantitative approaches, of thirty-seven restaurants that are located in areas that compose the tourism corridor of Natal was undertaken. To collect the quantitative dada, the Organizational Culture Evaluation instrument of Cameron and Quinn (2006) was applied and the SERVPERF instrument of Cronin and Taylor (1992) was used to measure the quality of the services. The results suggest that the Clan and Innovation Cultures are associated with better levels of quality of services than those of the Market and Hierarchy Cultures. The relationships that were identified in this study are consistent with results found in other studies and the information reported here can serve as a basis for managers of the restaurant sector to reach excellence in their services, satisfying their customers and contributing to maintaining the tourism sector


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Le nombre de jeunes avec un surplus de poids est en hausse au Canada (Roberts, Shields, de Groh, Aziz et Gilbert, 2012). Les conséquences négatives de cette condition sont multiples pour le jeune, actuellement et pour son avenir. La recherche visant à comprendre les raisons de cette augmentation cible, entre autres, les environnements alimentaires dont le paysage scolaire. Des restaurants rapides et des dépanneurs sont dénombrés dans l’environnement alimentaire bâti en milieu scolaire (Lalonde et Robitaille, 2014). La présence et la concentration de commerces alimentaires dans le voisinage des écoles favorisent l’achat d’aliments et de boissons par les jeunes (He, Tucker, Gilliland, Irwin, Larsen, et Hess, 2012a; Robitaille, Paquette, Cutumisu, Lalonde, Cazale, Traoré et Camirand, 2015; Seliske, Pickett, Rosu et Janssen, 2013; Virtanen, Kivimäki, Ervasti, Oksanen, Pentti, Kouvonen, Halonen, Kivimäki, Vahtera, 2015). Pourtant, le lien causal entre le paysage alimentaire scolaire et les achats des jeunes n’est pas soutenu par la littérature scientifique actuelle. À Sherbrooke, un changement dans l’environnement alimentaire bâti est survenu en 2012 suite à l’implantation de commerces alimentaires en périphérie d’une école secondaire. Ce projet était une occasion exceptionnelle de valider si la modification naturelle de la densité alimentaire autour d’une école avait un effet sur les comportements d’achat des jeunes dans cet environnement. L’objectif de ce travail de maîtrise était de mesurer le lien entre les comportements d’achat des jeunes du secondaire dans l’environnement alimentaire bâti en milieu scolaire et la densité de certains commerces alimentaires circonscrite autour de leur école. L’hypothèse émise était que les jeunes dont l’école était entourée d’une densité plus élevée de commerces alimentaires étaient plus nombreux à acheter des aliments et des boissons dans ces commerces que les autres adolescents. Pour ce faire, un questionnaire auto-administré a été rempli en classe par des élèves de trois écoles secondaires sherbrookoises. Les données obtenues ont permis de documenter les comportements d’achat de près de 3 000 jeunes en 2013. Ces comportements d’achat ont été comparés à ceux collectés dans le Portrait des jeunes sherbrookois de 4 à 17 ans en matière d’alimentation et d’activité physique et sportive réalisé en 2008 (n = 3 867) (Morin et al., 2009a). Parallèlement, une cartographie des environnements alimentaires autour de chaque école participante à chaque temps a permis de décrire les densités alimentaires scolaires. Au regard de l’environnement alimentaire bâti en milieu scolaire, peu de liens existent entre la prévalence d’acheteurs le midi et la densité de restaurants rapides autour des écoles, selon nos résultats. Seul l’effet défavorable d’une très forte concentration en restaurants rapides (soit plus d’une douzaine) a émergé de nos résultats. De plus, aucune tendance n’a été décelée entre l’évolution du paysage alimentaire autour des écoles entre les deux temps et les changements dans les prévalences d’acheteurs. Ainsi, les efforts fournis pour diminuer la densité alimentaire en périphérie des écoles doivent être remis en question considérant le faible effet mesuré sur les comportements d’achat des jeunes dans notre étude. En ce qui trait aux comportements d’achat des jeunes, nos résultats ont montré que seule une faible proportion de jeunes était des consommateurs dans les environnements alimentaires scolaires. En effet, moins d’un jeune sur dix a acheté un aliment ou une boisson sur l’heure du midi dans un restaurant rapide dans la semaine sondée. Cette pratique ne semblait donc pas caractériser le régime alimentaire global des jeunes et ainsi, son influence réelle sur la hausse des taux d’obésité est incertaine (Macdiarmid, Wills, Masson, Craig, Bromley et McNeill, 2015). De plus, selon nos résultats, la prévalence des acheteurs au restaurant rapide durant une semaine typique a diminué entre les deux temps. D’un autre côté, la qualité nutritive des achats dans ces commerces durant une semaine s’était améliorée entre les deux temps. Cependant, les choix moins nutritifs étaient toujours achetés par plus de jeunes que les aliments et les boissons nutritifs. Les quantités achetées à chaque visite dans un restaurant rapide étant inconnues dans notre étude, il était difficile de statuer sur l’effet réel des achats sur les prévalences d’obésité. En conclusion, il demeure essentiel d’améliorer les habitudes alimentaires des jeunes, entre autres, dans les restaurants rapides lors d’une journée scolaire (Macdiarmid et al., 2015). Par conséquent, l’offre alimentaire dans l’environnement alimentaire bâti en milieu scolaire doit être bonifiée, par exemple en collaborant avec les commerçants alimentaires déjà établis. Il faut également maintenir les efforts déployés pour améliorer l’environnement alimentaire dans l’école et élaborer des stratégies pour que les jeunes mangent à la cafétéria de l’école.


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When designing a new passenger ship or naval vessel or modifying an existing design, how do we ensure that the proposed design is safe from an evacuation point of view? In the wake of major maritime disasters such as the Herald of Free Enterprise and the Estonia and in light of the growth in the numbers of high density, high-speed ferries and large capacity cruise ships, issues concerned with the evacuation of passengers and crew at sea are receiving renewed interest. In the maritime industry, ship evacuation models are now recognised by IMO through the publication of the Interim Guidelines for Evacuation Analysis of New and Existing Passenger Ships including Ro-Ro. This approach offers the promise to quickly and efficiently bring evacuation considerations into the design phase, while the ship is "on the drawing board" as well as reviewing and optimising the evacuation provision of the existing fleet. Other applications of this technology include the optimisation of operating procedures for civil and naval vessels such as determining the optimal location of a feature such as a casino, organising major passenger movement events such as boarding/disembarkation or restaurant/theatre changes, determining lean manning requirements, location and number of damage control parties, etc. This paper describes the development of the maritimeEXODUS evacuation model which is fully compliant with IMO requirements and briefly presents an example application to a large passenger ferry.