957 resultados para Quadratic polynomial
In this paper, we consider the problem of topology design for optical networks. We investigate the problem of selecting switching sites to minimize total cost of the optical network. The cost of an optical network can be expressed as a sum of three main factors: the site cost, the link cost, and the switch cost. To the best of our knowledge, this problem has not been studied in its general form as investigated in this paper. We present a mixed integer quadratic programming (MIQP) formulation of the problem to find the optimal value of the total network cost. We also present an efficient heuristic to approximate the solution in polynomial time. The experimental results show good performance of the heuristic. The value of the total network cost computed by the heuristic varies within 2% to 21% of its optimal value in the experiments with 10 nodes. The total network cost computed by the heuristic for 51% of the experiments with 10 node network topologies varies within 8% of its optimal value. We also discuss the insight gained from our experiments.
Within the nutritional context, the supplementation of microminerals in bird food is often made in quantities exceeding those required in the attempt to ensure the proper performance of the animals. The experiments of type dosage x response are very common in the determination of levels of nutrients in optimal food balance and include the use of regression models to achieve this objective. Nevertheless, the regression analysis routine, generally, uses a priori information about a possible relationship between the response variable. The isotonic regression is a method of estimation by least squares that generates estimates which preserves data ordering. In the theory of isotonic regression this information is essential and it is expected to increase fitting efficiency. The objective of this work was to use an isotonic regression methodology, as an alternative way of analyzing data of Zn deposition in tibia of male birds of Hubbard lineage. We considered the models of plateau response of polynomial quadratic and linear exponential forms. In addition to these models, we also proposed the fitting of a logarithmic model to the data and the efficiency of the methodology was evaluated by Monte Carlo simulations, considering different scenarios for the parametric values. The isotonization of the data yielded an improvement in all the fitting quality parameters evaluated. Among the models used, the logarithmic presented estimates of the parameters more consistent with the values reported in literature.
Let N = {y > 0} and S = {y < 0} be the semi-planes of R-2 having as common boundary the line D = {y = 0}. Let X and Y be polynomial vector fields defined in N and S, respectively, leading to a discontinuous piecewise polynomial vector field Z = (X, Y). This work pursues the stability and the transition analysis of solutions of Z between N and S, started by Filippov (1988) and Kozlova (1984) and reformulated by Sotomayor-Teixeira (1995) in terms of the regularization method. This method consists in analyzing a one parameter family of continuous vector fields Z(epsilon), defined by averaging X and Y. This family approaches Z when the parameter goes to zero. The results of Sotomayor-Teixeira and Sotomayor-Machado (2002) providing conditions on (X, Y) for the regularized vector fields to be structurally stable on planar compact connected regions are extended to discontinuous piecewise polynomial vector fields on R-2. Pertinent genericity results for vector fields satisfying the above stability conditions are also extended to the present case. A procedure for the study of discontinuous piecewise vector fields at infinity through a compactification is proposed here.
The objective of this paper is to model variations in test-day milk yields of first lactations of Holstein cows by RR using B-spline functions and Bayesian inference in order to fit adequate and parsimonious models for the estimation of genetic parameters. They used 152,145 test day milk yield records from 7317 first lactations of Holstein cows. The model established in this study was additive, permanent environmental and residual random effects. In addition, contemporary group and linear and quadratic effects of the age of cow at calving were included as fixed effects. Authors modeled the average lactation curve of the population with a fourth-order orthogonal Legendre polynomial. They concluded that a cubic B-spline with seven random regression coefficients for both the additive genetic and permanent environment effects was to be the best according to residual mean square and residual variance estimates. Moreover they urged a lower order model (quadratic B-spline with seven random regression coefficients for both random effects) could be adopted because it yielded practically the same genetic parameter estimates with parsimony. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We prove that any two Poisson dependent elements in a free Poisson algebra and a free Poisson field of characteristic zero are algebraically dependent, thus answering positively a question from Makar-Limanov and Umirbaev (2007) [8]. We apply this result to give a new proof of the tameness of automorphisms for free Poisson algebras of rank two (see Makar-Limanov and Umirbaev (2011) [9], Makar-Limanov et al. (2009) [10]). (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The objective of this work was to evaluate corn gluten meal (CGM) as a substitute for fish meal in diets for striped catfish (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum) juveniles. Eight isonitrogenous (46% crude protein) and isoenergetic (3,450 kcal kg(-1) digestible energy) diets, with increasing levels of CGM - 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, and 42%-, were fed to juvenile striped catfish (113.56 +/- 5.10 g) for seven weeks. Maximum values for weight gain, specific growth rate, protein efficiency ratio and feed conversion ratio, evaluated by polynomial quadratic regression, were observed with 10.4, 11.4, 15.4 and 15% of CGM inclusion, respectively. Feed intake decreased significantly from 0.8% CGM. Mesenteric fat index and body gross energy decreased linearly with increasing levels of CGM; minimum body protein contents were observed with 34.1% CGM. Yellow pigmentation of fillets significantly increased until 26.5% CGM, and decreased from this point forth. Both plasma glucose and protein concentrations decreased with increased CGM levels. The inclusion of 10-15% CGM promotes optimum of striped catfish juveniles depending on the parameter evaluated. Yellow coloration in fillets produced by CGM diets can have marketing implications.
Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE) is widely recognized as a flexible tool to represent different types of random variables/processes. However, applications to real, experimental data are still limited. In this article, PCE is used to represent the random time-evolution of metal corrosion growth in marine environments. The PCE coefficients are determined in order to represent data of 45 corrosion coupons tested by Jeffrey and Melchers (2001) at Taylors Beach, Australia. Accuracy of the representation and possibilities for model extrapolation are considered in the study. Results show that reasonably accurate smooth representations of the corrosion process can be obtained. The representation is not better because a smooth model is used to represent non-smooth corrosion data. Random corrosion leads to time-variant reliability problems, due to resistance degradation over time. Time variant reliability problems are not trivial to solve, especially under random process loading. Two example problems are solved herein, showing how the developed PCE representations can be employed in reliability analysis of structures subject to marine corrosion. Monte Carlo Simulation is used to solve the resulting time-variant reliability problems. However, an accurate and more computationally efficient solution is also presented.
We study the power series ring R= K[[x1,x2,x3,...]]on countably infinitely many variables, over a field K, and two particular K-subalgebras of it: the ring S, which is isomorphic to an inverse limit of the polynomial rings in finitely many variables over K, and the ring R', which is the largest graded subalgebra of R. Of particular interest are the homogeneous, finitely generated ideals in R', among them the generic ideals. The definition of S as an inverse limit yields a set of truncation homomorphisms from S to K[x1,...,xn] which restrict to R'. We have that the truncation of a generic I in R' is a generic ideal in K[x1,...,xn]. It is shown in Initial ideals of Truncated Homogeneous Ideals that the initial ideal of such an ideal converge to the initial ideal of the corresponding ideal in R'. This initial ideal need no longer be finitely generated, but it is always locally finitely generated: this is proved in Gröbner Bases in R'. We show in Reverse lexicographic initial ideals of generic ideals are finitely generated that the initial ideal of a generic ideal in R' is finitely generated. This contrast to the lexicographic term order. If I in R' is a homogeneous, locally finitely generated ideal, and if we write the Hilbert series of the truncated algebras K[x1,...,xn] module the truncation of I as qn(t)/(1-t)n, then we show in Generalized Hilbert Numerators that the qn's converge to a power series in t which we call the generalized Hilbert numerator of the algebra R'/I. In Gröbner bases for non-homogeneous ideals in R' we show that the calculations of Gröbner bases and initial ideals in R' can be done also for some non-homogeneous ideals, namely those which have an associated homogeneous ideal which is locally finitely generated. The fact that S is an inverse limit of polynomial rings, which are naturally endowed with the discrete topology, provides S with a topology which makes it into a complete Hausdorff topological ring. The ring R', with the subspace topology, is dense in R, and the latter ring is the Cauchy completion of the former. In Topological properties of R' we show that with respect to this topology, locally finitely generated ideals in R'are closed.
[EN]We present a new strategy for constructing tensor product spline spaces over quadtree and octree T-meshes. The proposed technique includes some simple rules for inferring local knot vectors to define spline blending functions. These rules allow to obtain for a given T-mesh a set of cubic spline functions that span a space with nice properties: it can reproduce cubic polynomials, the functions are C2-continuous, linearly independent, and spaces spanned by nested T-meshes are also nested. In order to span spaces with these properties applying the proposed rules, the T-mesh should fulfill the only requirement of being a 0-balanced quadtree or octree. ..
[EN]We present a new strategy for constructing spline spaces over hierarchical T-meshes with quad- and octree subdivision scheme. The proposed technique includes some simple rules for inferring local knot vectors to define C 2 -continuous cubic tensor product spline blending functions. Our conjecture is that these rules allow to obtain, for a given T-mesh, a set of linearly independent spline functions with the property that spaces spanned by nested T-meshes are also nested, and therefore, the functions can reproduce cubic polynomials. In order to span spaces with these properties applying the proposed rules, the T-mesh should fulfill the only requirement of being a 0- balanced mesh...
[EN]We present a new strategy for constructing tensor product spline spaces over quadtree and octree T-meshes. The proposed technique includes some simple rules for inferring local knot vectors to define spline blending functions. These rules allow to obtain for a given T-mesh a set of cubic spline functions that span a space with nice properties: it can reproduce cubic polynomials, the functions are C2-continuous, linearly independent, and spaces spanned by nested T-meshes are also nested. In order to span spaces with these properties applying the proposed rules, the T-mesh should fulfill the only requirement of being a 0-balanced quadtree or octree. ..
Diese Arbeit widmet sich den Darstellungssätzen für symmetrische indefinite (das heißt nicht-halbbeschränkte) Sesquilinearformen und deren Anwendungen. Insbesondere betrachten wir den Fall, dass der zur Form assoziierte Operator keine Spektrallücke um Null besitzt. Desweiteren untersuchen wir die Beziehung zwischen reduzierenden Graphräumen, Lösungen von Operator-Riccati-Gleichungen und der Block-Diagonalisierung für diagonaldominante Block-Operator-Matrizen. Mit Hilfe der Darstellungssätze wird eine entsprechende Beziehung zwischen Operatoren, die zu indefiniten Formen assoziiert sind, und Form-Riccati-Gleichungen erreicht. In diesem Rahmen wird eine explizite Block-Diagonalisierung und eine Spektralzerlegung für den Stokes Operator sowie eine Darstellung für dessen Kern erreicht. Wir wenden die Darstellungssätze auf durch (grad u, h() grad v) gegebene Formen an, wobei Vorzeichen-indefinite Koeffzienten-Matrizen h() zugelassen sind. Als ein Resultat werden selbstadjungierte indefinite Differentialoperatoren div h() grad mit homogenen Dirichlet oder Neumann Randbedingungen konstruiert. Beispiele solcher Art sind Operatoren die in der Modellierung von optischen Metamaterialien auftauchen und links-indefinite Sturm-Liouville Operatoren.
Questo lavoro prende in esame lo schema di Hilbert di punti di C^2, il quale viene descritto assieme ad alcune sue proprietà, ad esempio la sua struttura hyper-kahleriana. Lo scopo della tesi è lo studio del polinomio di Poincaré di tale schema di Hilbert: ciò che si ottiene è una espressione del tipo serie di potenze, la quale è un caso particolare di una formula molto più generale, nota con il nome di formula di Goettsche.
In una formulazione rigorosa della teoria quantistica, la definizione della varietà Riemanniana spaziale su cui il sistema è vincolato gioca un ruolo fondamentale. La presenza di un bordo sottolinea l'aspetto quantistico del sistema: l'imposizione di condizioni al contorno determina la discretizzazione degli autovalori del Laplaciano, come accade con condizioni note quali quelle periodiche, di Neumann o di Dirichlet. Tuttavia, non sono le uniche possibili. Qualsiasi condizione al bordo che garantisca l'autoaggiunzione dell' operatore Hamiltoniano è ammissibile. Tutte le possibili boundary conditions possono essere catalogate a partire dalla richiesta di conservazione del flusso al bordo della varietà. Alcune possibili condizioni al contorno, permettono l'esistenza di stati legati al bordo, cioè autostati dell' Hamiltoniana con autovalori negativi, detti edge states. Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di investigare gli effetti di bordo in sistemi unidimensionali implementati su un reticolo discreto, nella prospettiva di capire come simulare proprietà di edge in un reticolo ottico. Il primo caso considerato è un sistema di elettroni liberi. La presenza di edge states è completamente determinata dai parametri di bordo del Laplaciano discreto. Al massimo due edge states emergono, e possono essere legati all' estremità destra o sinistra della catena a seconda delle condizioni al contorno. Anche il modo in cui decadono dal bordo al bulk e completamente determinato dalla scelta delle condizioni. Ammettendo un' interazione quadratica tra siti primi vicini, un secondo tipo di stati emerge in relazione sia alle condizioni al contorno che ai parametri del bulk. Questi stati sono chiamati zero modes, in quanto esiste la possibilità che siano degeneri con lo stato fondamentale. Per implementare le più generali condizioni al contorno, specialmente nel caso interagente, è necessario utilizzare un metodo generale per la diagonalizzazione, che estende la tecnica di Lieb-Shultz-Mattis per Hamiltoniane quadratiche a matrici complesse.