1000 resultados para Percepció en els infants


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Els serveis i equips d’atenció a la infància i a l’adolescència tenen per objectiu assegurar el benestar i l’adequat desenvolupament dels infants en el sí de la família. L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte es concreta en donar eines i estratègies als professionals de l’àmbit d’atenció i protecció als infants que permetin la millora de les seves intervencions amb el conjunt de la família (pràctica professional)


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PURPOSE: To assess baseline predictors and consequences of medication non-adherence in the treatment of pediatric patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) from Central Europe and East Asia. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Data for this post-hoc analysis were taken from a 1-year prospective, observational study that included a total of 1,068 newly-diagnosed pediatric patients with ADHD symptoms from Central Europe and East Asia. Medication adherence during the week prior to each visit was assessed by treating physicians using a 5-point Likert scale, and then dichotomized into either adherent or non-adherent. Clinical severity was measured by the Clinical Global Impressions-ADHD-Severity (CGI-ADHD) scale and the Child Symptom Inventory-4 (CSI-4) Checklist. Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) was measured using the Child Health and Illness Profile-Child Edition (CHIP-CE). Regression analyses were used to assess baseline predictors of overall adherence during follow-up, and the impact of time-varying adherence on subsequent outcomes: response (defined as a decrease of at least 1 point in CGI), changes in CGI-ADHD, CSI-4, and the five dimensions of CHIP-CE. RESULTS: Of the 860 patients analyzed, 64.5% (71.6% in Central Europe and 55.5% in East Asia) were rated as adherent and 35.5% as non-adherent during follow-up. Being from East Asia was found to be a strong predictor of non-adherence. In East Asia, a family history of ADHD and parental emotional distress were associated with non-adherence, while having no other children living at home was associated with non-adherence in Central Europe as well as in the overall sample. Non-adherence was associated with poorer response and less improvement on CGI-ADHD and CSI-4, but not on CHIP-CE. CONCLUSION: Non-adherence to medication is common in the treatment of ADHD, particularly in East Asia. Non-adherence was associated with poorer response and less improvement in clinical severity. A limitation of this study is that medication adherence was assessed by the treating clinician using a single item question.


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Most research on the underlying causes of social and communicative impairment in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has been devoted to pragmatic aspects of language. The present research is exploring the syntactic knowledge as a probable underlying mechanism of language deficit in ASD. Three groups comprising high-functioning ASD, low-functioning ASD, and typically developing 5-year-old Persian-speaking children were tested on comprehension of passive sentences. Results suggest that while low-functioning children with ASD might be impaired in the area of grammar, high-functioning children with ASD are not. The new results are compared to those of two recent studies on comprehension of passives in Greek-speaking and English-speaking subjects with ASD (Perovic et al., 2007; Terzi, et al., to appear).


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On this instrumental study we intend to analyse the factorial structure of the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) in a Spanish sample using exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis. As a second objective we intend to develop a short form of it for rapid screening and, finally, to analyze the reliabilities of both questionnaires. The SCARED was administered to a community sample of 1,508 children aged between 8 and 12 years. The sample was randomly split using half for the exploratory analysis and the other half for the confirmatory study. Furthermore a reduced version of the SCARED was developed using the SchmidLeiman procedure. Exploratory Factor Analysis yielded a four factor structure comprised of Somatic/panic, Generalized anxiety, Separation anxiety and Social phobia factors This structure was confirmed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The four factors, the full scale and the short scale showed good reliabilities. The results obtained seem to indicate that the Spanish version of the SCARED has good internal consistency, and along with other recent results, has a structure of four related factors that replicates the dimensions proposed for anxiety disorders by the DSM-IV-TR


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En totes les investigacions sobre I'evolució ontogeneticadel nen es parteix d'una serie de pressuposits que,plantejats d'una manera explícita o no, determinen el seuenfoc i les seves conclusions teoriques. La relació existententre desenvolupament i aprenentatge n'es un dels mesimportants. Aquesta relació pot considerar-se com a unidireccional(a/ el desenvolupament es una condició previaa I'aprenentatge o b/ I'aprenentatge és desenvolupament)o be com a mútua i interdependent


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El presente artículo describe tres estudios sobre la producción del verbo y la estructura argumental en niños con Trastorno Específico del Lenguaje (TEL) usando diferentes metodologías. El primero es un estudio observacional que usa una muestra de habla espontánea. El segundo usa una tarea experimental de denominación de oraciones como resultado de la observación de videos de acciones. El tercero comprende la tarea de denominación de oraciones con imágenes estáticas en eventos con diferente complejidad argumental. Aunque los datos concretos varían en función de la metodología usada, hay una clara evidencia de que los niños de habla catalana y española con TEL presentan especiales dificultades en la producción de verbos con una alta complejidad en relación a la estructura argumental y cometen errores en la especificación de los argumentos obligatorios. Se concluye quetanto limitaciones en el procesamiento como déficits en la representación semántica de los verbos pueden estar implicados en estas dificultades


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This preliminary study aims to investigate children’s ability to understand that the emotional expressions that occur in pretend play do not necessarily coincide with the emotions people feel inside. Previous research has found that children aged 4 and 6 have difficulty to distinguish between the external and the internal emotion of a character who pretends an emotion. In the present work, thirteen 4-year-olds and eight 6-year-olds were administered stories in which a character simulated an emotion. Differently from previous research, the questions addressed to the children did not focus on the distinction external/internal emotion but on the distinction between real/pretend emotion. Furthermore, since previous research has suggested that children may understand better selfpretence than pretence of others, the participants in our study were engaged in a pretence situation where they had to pretend to be happy. The results obtained showed that, contrary to previous research, most 4- and 6-year-olds realize that pretend emotions may not be real, and this was true both for self-pretence and for the pretence of others


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To assess the psychological and family factors associated with suicidal ideation in preadolescent children, we studied a sample of 361 students, average age 9 years old. Twogroups were formed, on the basis of the presence (n = 34) or absence (n = 44) of suicidal ideation. Suicidal ideation was assessed with the Children’s Depression Inventory and the Children’s Depression Rating Scale-Revised. Depression, hopelessness, self-esteem, and perceived family environment were compared in both the suicidal ideation and the control groups. Students with suicidal ideation generally presented greater depressive symptoms and hopelessness, and lower self-esteem and family expressiveness, although there weredifferences both between sexes, and when the variable depression was controlled. Identifying these risk factors in pre-adolescents may have an impact on prevention of suicidal behavior at higher risk ages


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En totes les investigacions sobre I'evolució ontogenetica del nen es parteix d'una serie de pressuposits que, plantejats d'una manera explícita o no, determinen el seu enfoc i les seves conclusions teoriques. La relació existent entre desenvolupament i aprenentatge n'es un dels mes importants. Aquesta relació pot considerar-se com a unidireccional (a/ el desenvolupament es una condició previa a I'aprenentatge o b/ I'aprenentatge és desenvolupament) o be com a mútua i interdependent


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El taller que presentem és fruit del treball que s’ha portat a terme al llarg de més de quinze anys, dels que han sortit una manera d’entendre els comportaments i les dificultats que té una finalitat molt pràctica: orientar a partir del coneixement de com funciona el cervell


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Proposta sobre la tutoria i com treballar-la. Un recurs més per la tasca docent, que incideix en la manera de comunicar-nos amb els nens, donant importància a les preguntes i deixant que siguin ells els que es qüestionin les coses i intentin arribar a les conclusions. És un treball d’apropament a l’alfabetització de les emocions a través d’activitats i dinàmiques de grup. El treball de la motivació a partir de contes, metàfores i treball sistemàtic sobre com enfoquen els nens la seva feina i les seves tasques d’estudi en el seu dia a dia


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El presente artículo describe tres estudios sobre la producción del verbo y la estructura argumental en niños con Trastorno Específico del Lenguaje (TEL) usando diferentes metodologías. El primero es un estudio observacional que usa una muestra de habla espontánea. El segundo usa una tarea experimental de denominación de oraciones como resultado de la observación de videos de acciones. El tercero comprende la tarea de denominación de oraciones con imágenes estáticas en eventos con diferente complejidad argumental. Aunque los datos concretos varían en función de la metodología usada, hay una clara evidencia de que los niños de habla catalana y española con TEL presentan especiales dificultades en la producción de verbos con una alta complejidad en relación a la estructura argumental y cometen errores en la especificación de los argumentos obligatorios. Se concluye que tanto limitaciones en el procesamiento como déficits en la representación semántica de los verbos pueden estar implicados en estas dificultades


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To assess the psychological and family factors associated with suicidal ideation in preadolescent children, we studied a sample of 361 students, average age 9 years old. Two groups were formed, on the basis of the presence (n = 34) or absence (n = 44) of suicidal ideation. Suicidal ideation was assessed with the Children’s Depression Inventory and the Children’s Depression Rating Scale-Revised. Depression, hopelessness, self-esteem, and perceived family environment were compared in both the suicidal ideation and the control groups. Students with suicidal ideation generally presented greater depressive symptoms and hopelessness, and lower self-esteem and family expressiveness, although there were differences both between sexes, and when the variable depression was controlled. Identifying these risk factors in pre-adolescents may have an impact on prevention of suicidal behavior at higher risk ages


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In the last few years, many researchers have studied the presence of common dimensions of temperament in subjects with symptoms of anxiety. The aim of this study is to examine the association between temperamental dimensions (high negative affect and activity level) and anxiety problems in clinical preschool children. A total of 38 children, ages 3 to 6 years, from the Infant and Adolescent Mental Health Center of Girona and the Center of Diagnosis and Early Attention of Sabadell and Olot were evaluated by parents and psychologists. Their parents completed several screening scales and, subsequently, clinical child psychopathology professionals carried out diagnostic interviews with children from the sample who presented signs of anxiety. Findings showed that children with high levels of negative affect and low activity level have pronounced symptoms of anxiety. However, children with anxiety disorders do not present different temperament styles from their peers without these pathologies


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En aquest projecte es reflexiona sobre l’ensenyament de les ciències al parvulari i com els infants aprenent conceptes relacionats amb el regne animal. La ciència escolar classifica la gran diversitat d’espècies que formen aquest regne en dos grans blocs, els vertebrats i els invertebrats, però en els patrons que ens ofereixen els animals per descobrir a ull nu aquestes particularitats són molt complexes d’observar. La visió que tenen els infants de parvulari sobre els animals del seu entorn sovint és molt allunyada de la realitat i els alumnes es creen concepcions alternatives per entendre els animals que observen. En l’estudi es realitza un recull de dades, a l’inici i el final d’una unitat didàctica, analitzant les representacions i les diferents formes de classificació dels animals de l’entorn que utilitzen els infants. Les conclusions són una reflexió sobre el perquè d’aquests coneixements alternatius i la manera de com aconseguir un canvi conceptual.