853 resultados para Movimentos sociais rurais
El desafío de la parcería en la implantación del PRONERA: el caso del Proyecto Alfabetización Ciudadana en Noreste de Pará se constituye en un estudio sobre las políticas públicas de educación del campo. El trabajo tiene como objeto de análisis la implantación del PRONERA, a partir del estudio de caso del Proyecto de Alfabetización Ciudadana en Noreste de Pará, con el objetivo de comprender como la parcería, principio operacional y metodológico propuesto por el PRONERA, se concretó en la implantación del Proyecto y cuales sus posibles implicaciones en las políticas públicas de educación del campo. Entre los procedimientos metodológicos, realizamos la investigación bibliográfica y documental que nos permitieron situar la educación del campo en términos históricos y políticos, sistematizar la constitución y la organización del PRONERA y reflexionar acerca de la parcería a partir de diferentes ópticas. Realizamos también la investigación de campo por medio de entrevistas semi-estructuradas, con el propósito de analizar la implantación del Proyecto da Alfabetización Ciudadana, a partir del dialogo con los actores sociales involucrados. Los resultados de las análisis indicaron que, históricamente, las políticas públicas de educación destinadas a las poblaciones de la zona rural fueron instituidas verticalmente, desvinculadas de la realidad del campo e incompatibles con las necesidades e intereses de los sujetos. Constatamos que, en período reciente, movimientos sociales del campo reivindican y proponen acciones que se establezcan como políticas públicas de educación del campo. Identificamos que el PRONERA resulta de ese movimiento y se presenta como anuncio de una política pública de educación del campo, teniendo como diferencial el hecho de ser un programa del gobierno federal idealizado fuera de la esfera gubernamental, construido por los movimientos sociales del campo y presentar, entre otras innovaciones, el modelo de parcería y la gestión compartida, participativa y democrática. En esta perspectiva, en este estudio de caso, se evidenció que la parcería, frente a los conflictos y las disputas entre sus miembros participantes, no es el problema de la implantación del PRONERA, sino su punto fuerte. De este modo, la parcería es uno de los elementos necesarios para la construcción de políticas públicas, en particular, de educación del campo, una vez que posibilita la interacción de instituciones públicas y movimientos sociales locales, atribuyendo legitimidad a la educación del campo. Al promover un proceso de aprendizaje democrático, la parcería se presenta como estrategia de democratización de la educación del campo.
This thesis aims to investigate the Agronomy course in the perspective of the graduation course for the settlers of the Universidade Federal do Pará- Marabá. This course requires a partnership with the social movements of the North region of the country, with the purpose to understand knowledge production and how learning process occurs from the point of interaction and reliable relationships which are established in the organization during the course. The base of theses studies is to reflect of how the dialogue and learning processes occurred during the Agronomy course and resulted in changing in the teachers behavior and in the other integrated members of the group and mainly in the graduating settlers students. These changings happens as a consenquence of the dialogue production between the most varied areas, different people and institutions which take collective decisions. I observe educational actions, researches, extention concepts of extension and also development researches presented in the educative actions discussed by Freire (1985), Simões (2001, 2003) e de Amartya Sen (2000). The theory in which I am basing these studies are based in Boaventura de Souza Santos Simões (2001, 2003) and Amartya Sen (2000). Methodologically I analyse knowledge production by sudying the thesis and scientific works related to rural education, social movements, university and higher education in the last 20 years. I analyze the scientific works of all settler students, and besides, I do open interviews with the students, as well as, with the teachers and the leaders of social movements (MST, FETAGRI, CPT, EFA/FATA). I organize and analyze all the speeches from the ecological knowledge as defined by Boaventura de Souza Santos (2006). Finally, I visit five towns of municipal districts of the southeast of Pará, which represents the final methodological part of the research, in order to verify in loco the practices of the experiments purposed as final activity of the Agronomy course. I organize the work in five areas composed by the occupational process and the initiatives which emerged from them; development model and the social and environmental consequences; I also organize the university role and the relationship established between people and institutions which gave origin to the Agronomy course of UFPA and the programs developed in the region; conjuncture of creation of the groups of settled students, curriculum, principles and focus on the course and the experienced actions; developed practices in the course and the relations of reliability experienced internally and externally to the Academy, the learning and dialogue promoted by the course. I believe that the dialogue has caused changes in the organization of the knowledge and in the educative practices of the teachers, as well as, in the socio-productive practices of the regressed settled students
Los cambios sociales y culturales que caracterizan el mundo contemporáneo sorprendieron estudiosos de todas las áreas. Los avances tecnológicos principalmente en el área de transmisión de informaciones revolucionaron las nociones de tiempo y espacio. Nuevos medios de comunicación, favorecidos principalmente por la llegada de Internet, abrieron espacios de expresión para ciudadanos deseosos de ser oídos. Aún coexistiendo con los medios de comunicación tradicionales, los nuevos espacios representan una oportunidad de libertad de expresión, de interacción sin mediaciones y de construcción de contenidos independientes. Movimientos sociales se organizan a través de estos nuevos medios de comunicación y desarrollan un activismo que comienza en forma virtual y se extiende a movilizaciones presenciales. Castells (2009) llama de auto comunicación de masas a ese proceso de producir y difundir informaciones que antes era propiedad exclusiva de los medios de comunicación tradicionales. Natal, fue escenario de la gestación y articulación virtual de un movimiento denominado Fora Micarla cuyo objetivo ha sido lograr el impeachment de la alcaldesa de la ciudad, Micarla de Souza. Aunque el objetivo principal no fue alcanzado, el movimiento formó parte de los procesos de cambio social que llevaron los ciudadanos al ciberactivismo. El Fora Micarla se constituye también como un cambio social en sí mismo al colaborar en la consolidación de la identidad colectiva de un grupo de jóvenes universitarios en busca de justicia social. El Twitter fue el principal canal de expresión del grupo y responsable por la rápida expansión de las movilizaciones. El Abordaje Sociológico y Comunicacional del Discurso (ASCD) ha aportado el marco teórico de referencia utilizado en esta investigación. La Comunicación para el Cambio Social (GUMUCIO, 2008) y la Sociología Aplicada al Cambio Social (SACO, 2006) así como los estudios del sujeto y de las identidades (BAJOIT, 2006) forman la base de la ASCD para un estudio más completo de las prácticas discursivas. Considerando que el objeto de estudio son las manifestaciones discursivas de los usuarios simpatizantes del Movimiento Fora Micarla , y que la ASCD es un brazo del Análisis Crítico del Discurso, se hace necesario un análisis lingüístico de los textos. La Gramática Sistémica Funcional, a través del Sistema de Evaluación desarrollado por Martin and White (2004), ofrece los recursos para evaluar las manifestaciones por medio de tuítes de los integrantes del movimiento. La representación de los actores sociales (VAN LEUWEEN, 1998) complementa el análisis discursivo crítico de la ASCD. El empoderamiento ciudadano se materializa por medio de los cambios conquistados a través de los nuevos medios
Subjective and socially constructed instance, the memory is not a natural phenomenon, but an area of contention between various social organizations for control and legitimation of a past. With the development of writing and the advent of new technical devices, it creates new ways to store and transport information. The memory is no longer restricted to the limits of the here and now of the subject and undergoes transformations. In this scenario, the media start to play an important role in publicizing and construction of embodiments of memory. This study aims to analyze the conformation of the memory of political groups during the process of receiving audiovisual fiction. For this purpose, a corpus of four chapters of the soap opera Love and Revolution was used as a cognitive device for remembering. The television series, broadcast by SBT between April 2011 and January 2012, went back to the beginning and development of the military dictatorship in Brazil, in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Three militants of various affiliations Communists who acted against the regime in Rio Grande do Norte and neighboring states, were participants in this study. Using the method of oral history, the research was divided into two stages: in-depth interviews, which dealt with the history of life of employees with the militancy in the Communist parties and other social movements, and the assistance of a drive dramatic soap opera Love and Revolution. Comparing these two phases of the study, we analyze the flow of mediations that crossed memories of militancy and media framework; shifts the narrative of remembrance during reception, and the opposition between memory and represented the experiences of the receivers
This thesis aims to discuss on articulations that have been produced on the socio-cultural field in the Psychiatric Reform process and its pertinence to the streghtening of Psychosocial Care Strategy (EAPS) in Fortaleza/CE. Such interest has been justified by the need to promote not only the production of these networks, but also interfaces to enable strategies of support and sociability from the perspective of deinstitutionalization of madness. We were inspired by the cartography perspective of Deleuze e Guattari, and determined as objectives: 1) to discuss the complexity of Psychiatric Reform process and analyze the EAPS as a model for the current Mental Health policy in the country; 2) to map socio-cultural strategies connected to the CAPS network in the city, investigating experiences that already exist or may be constituted as everyday social support networks; 3) from that mapping to start, define and discuss some aspects that converge to the accomplishment for this new mental health paradigm, drawing a cartography of the issues and movements in progress. The mapping was carried out in 2009 and consisted of semi-structured interviews with the coordinators of the 14 existent CAPS and with some people connected to the Coordination of Mental Health. Besides, during the whole development of the study, we have taken part in public events that brought us clues on the connection between mental health and culture. From the survey produced, we defined three vectors for discussion (Art, Labour and Partnership with Social Movements) which have been highlighted as effective possibilities of intervention in the socio-cultural field of Psychiatric Reform in Fortaleza and reveal important paths on the fulfillment process of a new pattern of care. For each of these axes, we chose a field of empirical research (Projeto Arte e Saúde, COOPCAPS e MSMCBJ) in which we could better understand their strengths and difficulties, starting from open interviews with some of their actors and the production of a diary of sensations in 2010. We have seen that they are articulated with the proposal of EAPS, being part of the concerns to the National Mental Health Policy and also the municipal administration. However, we have noticed to be necessary to promote those dimensions further, focusing on its complexity at the macro and micro policies, with the purpose of leading the Psychiatric Reform process
O presente estudo discute a formação de Redes Sociais no cotidiano da Estratégia Saúde da Família, a partir de aportes da teoria sociológica sobre redes, interações, dádiva e reconhecimento. O objetivo geral é analisar as redes sociais locais em saúde a partir da interação de usuários e profissionais da Estratégia Saúde da Família na Unidade de Saúde de Ligéia, em Natal, RN. Seus objetivos específicos são: Mapear as redes sociais locais em saúde existentes no território adscrito; Identificar os tipos de interações cotidianas entre os sujeitos; Compreender a percepção dos sujeitos sobre o processo de formação de redes sociais a partir das interações. Caracteriza-se enquanto pesquisa qualitativa exploratória cujos sujeitos foram profissionais e usuários vinculados à referida unidade de saúde. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizadas entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas e debates em grupos focais, estimulados pela Metodologia de Análise de Redes do Cotidiano (MARES), pertinente para abordar a complexidade das relações sociais e mapear os diferentes conteúdos expressos e as formas de mobilização coletiva. A análise dos dados foi realizada através da Técnica de Análise Temática de Conteúdo, proposta por Minayo. Os resultados foram interpretados à luz das Teorias da Dádiva (Mauss) e do Reconhecimento (Honneth). Os sujeitos visualizaram: Rede Virtual (28,20%); Rede de Atenção à Saúde (25,64%); Redes de Usuários (17,95%); Rede Pessoal (10,26%); Conselho Comunitário (10,26%); Escolas (7,69%). Os participantes não perceberam os arranjos familiares enquanto Redes Sociais. Os tipos de interações sociais identificadas foram: Confrontação/Negociação (41.02%); Harmônicas (25,70%); Correlativas (17,90%); Definidas pela Organização (15,38%). A formação de redes sociais ocorre a partir de interações cotidianas entre pessoas, pela articulação inseparável de conteúdos e formas, catalisadas pelo contexto, experiência e cognição, valorizando a liberdade, a expressividade e a diversidade dos parceiros de significação. Foram encontradas duas categorias, na percepção dos sujeitos, sobre a formação de redes sociais do cotidiano: Diálogo e Encontro. Validamos e recomendamos o uso da metodologia MARES: Na formação, para despertar uma visão mais tolerante e humana de si e do outro; Na avaliação qualitativa dos serviços, por facilitar a reflexão sobre a prática e (re)organização do processo de trabalho; Na comunidade, para estimular movimentos sociais existentes ou emergentes. A aposta no circuito da dádiva e do reconhecimento recíproco, durante o trânsito nas redes sociais em saúde, pode ser capaz de tecer uma práxis transformadora, pela busca e alcance de confiança, respeito e estima, nos espaços de encontro entre usuários e profissionais da Estratégia Saúde da Família
The work of the professional of social worker in social security policy, it is seen wrapped in an adverse situation to consolidate the ethical-political project work, marked by the materialization of the neoliberal policy essentially promotes the reduction of social rights historically achieved by the class struggle worker. In this sense, with the aim of analyzing the statement of work of the Social Worker in Social Security, their struggles and challenges to the realization of rights, against the current situation is that it renders the theoretical basis of the discussions to be fought. Thus, we performed procedures such as methodological research literature and documents in detail of our analytical categories in order to base the discussion on social security policy. The survey area covered was the Executive Management of Social Security Mossoró and Natal, representing a total of 07 (seven) surveyed social workers who work in the Department of Social Work. Thus, the research allowed us a comparison with the work of Social Workers and this allowed us to reach some conclusions: first, the fact that Social Security does not guarantee in its entirety, the conditions necessary for the work of Social Worker, taking into account the lack of human and material resources for its realization, and the virtual absence of professional secrecy, and second, that the social workers surveyed say the ethical-political project of Social Work, in exercise professional from engaging in projects and social movements related to the protection of social rights and working class, thirdly, that the statement of professional design, contributes to the formation of a new professional activities, based on an analysis of whole and an action more interventionist, critical and purposeful, able to relate to the interests of users who seek their services, the consolidation and socialization of social rights. Thus, the direction of the work of professional of social worker to support the theoretical and methodological maturity in recent years acquired the expertise and ethical-political daily, consolidated its space in claiming social security institution, the rights so hard fought in an environment grounded in the disintegration social struggles
Can be declared that throughout the historical trajectory of the Brazilian Social Work, the men in the Social Work profession, women in the Social Work profession in his/her professional activity, present an educational dimension that runs through various social and occupational spaces, particularly in the area of Social Assistance Policy. Based on this premise, this present Dissertation, problematize the educational dimension present on the interventional process, in Social Work on the ambit of the Social Assistance Policy in Natal / RN city Brazil in the contemporary scene. Having thus, specific objectives that orientate the research of the interventional process of Social Work in the social assistance policy, analyzing of the apprehension of Social Work professionals on the educational dimension, in their daily work professional and the verification of the relationship between the educational dimension, to the professional action of both men in the Social Work profession and women in the Social Work profession and the concretization of social rights on the ambit of the social assistance policy. In this sense, the theoretical and methodological procedures used for this research, are substantiated on a critical-dialectical perspective and a qualitative and quantitative approach, from of the application of field research, of the non-participant observation, of the semi-structure, of the review of literature bibliographic and documental. Thus, considering that both women in the social work profession and men in the social work profession are an organic intellectuals who in their daily professional work promotes an intellectual and moral reform of their users, the results of this research, synthesize and show that the educational dimension in both professional work and social assistance, which have partner-historics, whose imbrication allows, contradictorily, by a side, a reaffirmation of the dominant culture, and by other side, a direction linked to the construction of an emancipatory culture in the pursuit of the materializing of social rights and a new sociability
A dissertação versa sobre a Política de Assistência Estudantil e o processo de luta pela democratização do acesso à universidade, no contexto de expansão do ensino superior em tempos de crise estrutural do capital. Apresenta como unidade de análise as particularidades da pós-graduação em Serviço Social da UFRN e tem como objetivo principal apreender e analisar as condições de permanência disponibilizadas pela UFRN aos discentes de pós-graduação no contexto de expansão do Ensino Superior. O percurso teórico-metodológico de análise adotado na pesquisa se fundamentou numa perspectiva crítica do objeto de estudo a partir de uma concepção de totalidade, que pressupõe apreender as determinações socioeconômicas e políticas que incidem sobre a política de ensino superior e as condições de vida dos discentes do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social (PPGSS). As análises fundamentaram-se em pesquisa bibliográfica como base teórico-metodológica da investigação, articulada com as reflexões que resultaram dos dados empíricos da pesquisa de campo na perspectiva de apreensão do objeto, em sua densidade histórica e num quadro de múltiplas determinações. Do ponto de vista metodológico foram entrevistados 26 discentes e realizada análise documental referentes a leis e documentos da política educacional em nível federal e dos organismos internacionais. A luta por ampliação do acesso à universidade está na agenda dos movimentos sociais no âmbito da educação, no entanto na conjuntura dos governos de Luis Inácio Lula da Silva (2003 a 2010) e Dilma Rousseff (2011 a 2012) a tendência tem sido seguir as orientações dos organismos internacionais e promover expansão de vagas sem assegurar estratégias de permanência compatíveis com as exigências de excelência acadêmica postas, por exemplo, na pós-graduação. Discentes entrevistados acessam o ensino superior e os cursos de pós-graduação e vivenciam dificuldades diárias para atender com qualidade às exigências acadêmicas em face de suas condições materiais de vida e de trabalho e dos limites da política de assistência estudantil que tem um perfil de programas e ações localizadas
To insert environmental education in the school is a very hard task, although the question has been largely discussed since some years ago. The main object of this research is limited to the way the contents of Environmental Education are inserted in school programs, as well as to assert that, as a law, it must be put in practice not only because it is obligatory, but because it is important to school programs, especially to Acaraú´s primary and secondary schools, having in view the importance of the natural resources in which schools are inserted and the development of ways to solve problems related to the quality of life of the dwellers of these places. It is important the study of the law 9795/99 on Environmental Education, passed on July 25th, 2005, by means of the decree no. 4.281, established in the Municipal Organic Law and other documents ruling the Environmental Education. Our purpose is to give orientation on Environmental Education to the above-mentioned schools aiming at the permanent formation about that subject, in order to constitute, in the future, a real net between school and community and to spread out concepts about sustainability. This way, poverty conditions should be faced as environmental problems, bringing about the relationship between natural resources and poverty. The making of shrimp beds, predatory fishing, swamp degradation and irregular occupation constitute elements to this research. The theoretic terms are based upon principles of Environmental Education, area sustainability and inter-disciplinarily and trans-disciplinarily in Environmental Sciences, which have been applied under the form of capacities and the presentation of documents, projects, maps, discussions and reflections about the mass social movements as a positive consequence of the implementation of this project
A educação ambiental (EA) vem-se expandindo no Brasil em diversos espaços educativos formais e não-formais. Este texto considera a EA provocadora de mudanças políticas, estimuladora de uma racionalidade ética e ecológica e promovedora de atitudes e valores pessoais e de práticas sociais compatíveis com a sustentabilidade da vida na Terra. Sob esta visão, o artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre a expansão da educação ambiental nas universidades brasileiras, nos últimos vinte anos; discutir as possíveis mudanças educacionais das políticas públicas da área, a partir da Constituição de 1988; considerar a possível influência das forças dos movimentos sociais da sociedade organizada e das redes de EA locais, regionais e nacionais formadas com a generalização do uso da informática, como impulsionadora da sua expansão. A EA se constitui e se formaliza com o respaldo de uma política nacional que propicia sua permanência e aprofundamento nos espaços já conquistados e promove sua inserção nos demais contextos da sociedade organizada.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR