984 resultados para Henry VII, Holy Roman Emperor, 1269?-1313.
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Simple formalized rules are proposed for automatic phonetic transcription of Tamil words into Roman script. These rules are syntax-directed and require a one-symbol look-ahead facility and hence easily automated in a digital computer. Some suggestions are also put forth for the linearization of Tamil script for handling these by modern machinery.
Kielet ruotsi, latina ja suomi. Typis impr. 1924-1926.
Enchanted by Sources. Henry Biaudet, Liisi Karttunen and Finnish Historical Research in Rome in the Early Twentieth Century This study traces the scholarly endeavours of Henry Biaudet (1870 1915) and Liisi Karttunen (1880 1957) and "La mission historique finlandaise à Rome" which they founded in 1909. They are forgotten in Finnish historiography, but remain internationally renowned for their contribution to the nunciature studies. By investigating their historical work on the Counter- Reformation era, their roles in the scientific communities of Helsinki and Rome as well as the intersection of politics and science in their scholarly practices the study explores the nature of historical research in general at the turn of the twentieth century. The work covers fields such as historiography, university history and the political use of history. Methodologically the research is based on the analysis and contextualization of published and unpublished sources (e.g. correspondences, university records, scholarly publications and reviews in academic journals). Henry Biaudet criticized the previous research on the Nordic Counter-Reformation for its narrow national scope and sources. He sought out a new approach, including the use of sources in archives all over Europe and the inclusion of the Catholic viewpoint. Accordingly, Biaudet and Karttunen searched for records in archives in Southern Europe. Their unorthodox interpretations were denounced in Finland since the picture they gave of late sixteenth-century Sweden was too different from the national narrative. Moreover, Finnish national identity was firmly rooted in Protestantism, and questioning the benevolence of the Reformation and its main actors was considered as an attack not only against historical truth but also national values. The comparison between Biaudet s and Karttunen s arguments and the accepted narrative in Finland shows how traditional interpretations of the Nordic Reformation were influenced by the Lutheran ethos and European anticlerical rhetoric. Historians have recently paid substantial attention to the political use of history, usually focusing on politicized constructions of the national past. This study shows how research that met the criteria of modern historiography also served political purposes. Conducting research in an international community of historians and publishing ambitious scholarly studies that interested an international audience were ways to create a positive image of Finland abroad. These were not uniquely Finnish ideas but rather ideas shared by the international community of historians in Rome. In this context, scientific pursuits were given a clear political meaning. This enhances our understanding of nineteenth-century historiography being firmly rooted between science and politics.
The TOTEM collaboration has developed and tested the first prototype of its Roman Pots to be operated in the LHC. TOTEM Roman Pots contain stacks of 10 silicon detectors with strips oriented in two orthogonal directions. To measure proton scattering angles of a few microradians, the detectors will approach the beam centre to a distance of 10 sigma + 0.5 mm (= 1.3 mm). Dead space near the detector edge is minimised by using two novel "edgeless" detector technologies. The silicon detectors are used both for precise track reconstruction and for triggering. The first full-sized prototypes of both detector technologies as well as their read-out electronics have been developed, built and operated. The tests took place first in a fixed-target muon beam at CERN's SPS, and then in the proton beam-line of the SPS accelerator ring. We present the test beam results demonstrating the successful functionality of the system despite slight technical shortcomings to be improved in the near future.
Reduction of smilagenin acetate (Va) using a boron trifluoride etherate-lithium aluminum hydride reagent, followed by hydrogen peroxide oxidation and acetylation, was found to yield: 3β-ethoxysmilagenin (Vb), 3β-ethoxydihydrosmilagenin acetate (VIa), dihydrosmilagenin diacetate (VIb), and a complex mixture of partially acetylated products. Similar reaction conditions were employed to convert dihydrodiosgenin (II) to dihydrochlorogenin (III). Boron trifluoride etherate-lithium aluminum hydride reduction of 3β-acetoxy-5α-cholestane and 3β-acetoxy-5α-lanostane (VIIIa) was shown to yield the corresponding 3β-ethoxy (e.g., VIIIb) derivatives.
Ingarden (1962, 1964) postulates that artworks exist in an “Objective purely intentional” way. According to this view, objectivity and subjectivity are opposed forms of existence, parallel to the opposition between realism and idealism. Using arguments of cognitive science, experimental psychology, and semiotics, this lecture proposes that, particularly in the aesthetic phenomena, realism and idealism are not pure oppositions; rather they are aspects of a single process of cognition in different strata. Furthermore, the concept of realism can be conceived as an empirical extreme of idealism, and the concept of idealism can be conceived as a pre-operative extreme of realism. Both kind of systems of knowledge are mutually associated by a synecdoche, performing major tasks of mental order and categorisation. This contribution suggests that the supposed opposition between objectivity and subjectivity, raises, first of all, a problem of translatability, more than a problem of existential categories. Synecdoche seems to be a very basic transaction of the mind, establishing ontologies (in the more Ingardean way of the term). Wegrzecki (1994, 220) defines ontology as “the central domain of philosophy to which other its parts directly or indirectly refer”. Thus, ontology operates within philosophy as the synecdoche does within language, pointing the sense of the general into the particular and/or viceversa. The many affinities and similarities between different sign systems, like those found across the interrelationships of the arts, are embedded into a transversal, synecdochic intersemiosis. An important question, from this view, is whether Ingardean’s pure objectivities lie basically on the impossibility of translation, therefore being absolute self-referential constructions. In such a case, it would be impossible to translate pure intentionality into something else, like acts or products.
Reaction of 8-methyl-2-naphthol (4a) with the quinone3 gave a mixture of 8-methyl-2,2-(tetrachlorohenylenedioxy)naphthalen-1(2H)-one (1b) and 8-methyl-1,1-(tetrachloro-o-phenylenedioxy)naphthalen-2(1H)-one (2b) in almost equal amounts. Similarly, reaction of the naphthols (4b), (4d) and (4e) with3 gave the corresponding dienones (1c &2c), (1e &2e) and (1f &2f) in almost equal amounts. Reaction of 8-t-butyl-2-naphthol (4c) with3 gave exclusively 8-t-butyl-2,2-(tetrachloro--henylenedioxy)-naphthalen-1(2H)-one (1d). Oxidation of 3-t-butyl-2-naphthol (4f) with3 gave a mixture of 3-t-butyl-2,2-(tetrachloro-o-phenylendioxy) nephthalene-1(2H)-one(1g) and 3-t-butyl-1,1-(tetrachloro--phenylenedioxy)naphthelen-2 (1H)-one (2g) in the ratio 1∶6. Thus, onlyt-butyl group exherts pronounced steric influence on the rearrangement observed in the reaction of β-naphthol with the quinone3. Structures of all the compounds have been established by spectral data.
Avhandlingens syfte är att belysa hur porträtten av jagberättaren Arvid och hans mor växer fram i Per Pettersons roman Jeg forbanner tidens elv. Det paradigm jag utgår ifrån är det psykoanalytiska. Förutom texter av Sigmund Freud och Jacques Lacan stöder jag mig på texter av Peter Brooks och Terry Eagleton. För en tolkning av Arvids sätt att berätta sin historia använder jag mig av James Phelans tankar kring den opålitliga berättaren . Analysen bygger på en närläsning av romanen och några av de intertexter som förekommer i den. Av dessa är särskilt myten om kung Oidipus samt berättelsen om Zorro centrala för förståelsen av Arvids personlighet och hur den manliga identiteten byggs. Andra centrala intertexter som granskas närmare är Erich Maria Remarques roman Triumfbågen och Somerset Maughams roman Den vassa eggen. Porträttet av mor belyses indirekt via den funktion hon har i Arvids berättelse. Arvids porträtt analyseras ur två olika perspektiv. I uppsatsens första del, Romanbygget , undersöker jag hur romanen är uppbyggd och hur bilden av Arvid formas genom vad han berättar om sin mor, sitt liv, sin bakgrund och sina uppväxtår. Det perspektiv som Konung Oidipus i Freuds tolkning av det antika dramat ger, lyfter, som en nyckel in i romanen, fram dynamiken mellan Arvid, mor och den övriga familjen. I romanen dödas far i psykisk bemärkelse, han blir medvetet föraktad och förbisedd som manlig förebild och identifikationsobjekt. Arvids fixering vid mor gör att han ser sig själv med hennes ögon. Också bröderna får sin gestalt som rivaler i kampen om mor. I ljuset av den oidipala problematiken framhåller jag Arvids olösta relation till familjemedlemmarna som den avgörande orsaken till Arvids misslyckanden i livet och hans oförmåga att forma en fungerande och stabil vuxenidentitet. Men jag föreslår också en tidig, omedveten fadersidentifikation, symboliserad av Zorro och Zorros magiska märke, som i sublimeringen eventuellt finner sin lösning i en dröm om att bli författare. I uppsatsens andra del Berättarrösten undersöker jag Arvids sätt att berätta utgående ifrån Phelans tankar kring den opålitliga berättaren . Jag analyserar några centrala avsnitt i romanen med avseende på hur berättarröstens och den implicita författarens framställningar överensstämmer eller skiljer sig ifrån varandra. I min läsning är Arvid en komplext pålitlig och opålitlig berättare. Arvid framhåller i sin berättelse och i sina återblickar ett tillrättalagt och i någon mån förskönat porträtt av sig själv, en livslögn vars upplösning enligt min mening antyds i de avslutande kapitlen. För min förståelse av psykoanalysens teori och hur den kan tillämpas i litteraturforskningen är Ludwig Wittgensteins tankar om bildens användning centrala. I avsnittet om Zorro tar jag kortfattat upp frågan hur psykoanalytisk litteraturtolkning kan leda vilse i form av övertolkning, det vill säga att analysen övergår i fantasi. En annan möjlig felkälla som jag lyfter fram i analysen är att romanen tolkas av en svenskspråkig läsare som eventuellt läser in andra nyanser i den norska texten, än vad författaren avsett. Jag tar också upp frågan om Arvid i Pettersons tidigare produktion och huruvida det är frågan om en fortgående berättelse om Arvid Jansen under olika livsbetingelser. Mitt intryck är att det inte är fråga om ett enhetligt personporträtt utan olika frågeställningar som modelleras ur samma material.
The products of the Henry nitroaldol reaction from nitromethane and several aldehydes were reduced to the corresponding nitroalkanes with (n-Bu)(3)SnH in water under microwave irradiation (80 degrees C/10 min), or dehydrated to the corresponding nitroalkenes with K2CO3 in water (generally 0-5 degrees C/20 min). Both ``one-pot'' reactions occur in excellent yields across a range of aliphatic and aromatic (including heteroaromatic) substrates. It seems likely that the deoxygenation of the nitroaldols occurs via coordination of an oxygen atom of the nitro group with a tin atom, which facilitates hydride delivery in the transition state. The elimination of water from the nitroaldols in mild base is likely driven by the stability of the conjugated nitroalkene products. The elimination required workup with 2N HCl, which likely displaces a nitroalkane-nitroalkene equilibrium towards the latter. These extensions of the Henry reaction lead to products not easily obtained otherwise.
In recent years, multifaceted clinical benefits of polymeric therapeutics have been reported. Over the past decades, cancer has been one of the leading causes of mortality in the world. Many clinically approved chemotherapeutics encounter potential challenges against deadly cancer. Moreover, safety and efficacy of anticancer agents have been limited by undesirable pharmacokinetics and biodistribution. To address these limitations, various polymer drug conjugates are being studied and developed to improve the antitumor efficacy. Among other therapeutics, polymer therapeutics are well established platforms that circumvent anticancer therapeutics from enzymatic metabolism via direct conjugation to therapeutic molecules. Interestingly, polymer therapeutics meets an unmet need of small molecules. Further clinical study showed that polymer-drug conjugation can achieve desired pharmacokinetics and biodistribution properties of several anticancer drugs. The present retrospective review mainly enlightens the most recent preclinical and clinical studies include safety, stability, pharmacokinetic behavior and distribution of polymer therapeutics.
Resumen: El presente trabajo rastrea algunos aspectos de la fenomenología de la vida de Michel Henry en la doctrina de san Agustín. Recorre distintos caminos: de la scientia agustiniana al aparecer/saber, del verbum a la palabra, del cogitare al pensamiento, de la notitia amata a la auto-afección. En la conclusión, retoma la distinción del Obispo de Hipona entre scientia y sapientia como punto de partida para una reflexión sobre la posibilidad de la metafísica.
El autor nos introduce en la cuestión de los motivos racionales de la fe. Las operaciones llevadas a cabo por la inteligencia y la voluntad en el acto de creer, constituyen el fundamento por el cual la Verdad revelada entabla históricamente el diálogo con el hombre. El tema se halla en el centro de la experiencia religiosa y de la reflexión teológica de Newman, y ha significado un aporte indiscutible a la teología contemporánea.
Contenido: ¿Europeos o americanos? / La Dirección – Kierkegaard y Marx / Cornelio Fabro – Panorama filosófico en el Méjico actual / José Rubén Sanabria – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía
Presentación -- Asamblea extraordinaria del Sínodo de Obispos, octubre 1969 / Grupo de Obispos y expertos del CELAM -- Reflexión teológica sobre la realidad actual en Argentina / Eduardo F. Pironio -- Valor de los documentos de Medellín / Jorge Mejía -- Medellín: un caso de teología y pastoral / Eduardo Briancesco -- Medellín y el Ecumenismo / José Miguez Bonino -- Rol sacerdotal y cambio social / Francisco M. Suarez y Marta Mo Rigou -- Humanae Vitae, el magisterio episcopal y la conciencia /Rafael Braun -- La Escuela de Teología de la Universidad Católica de Mar del Plata / Oscar Amado -- Notas bibliográficas -- Libros recibidos -- Crónica de la Facultad -- Índice del Tomo VII (1969)