840 resultados para Employment Creation
1990-luvun alussa lainsäädäntö ja työmarkkinajärjestöt määrittelivät Suomessa, että vuokratyötä tuli käyttää vain tilapäiseen työvoimatarpeeseen, esimerkiksi sijaisuuksiin ja ruuhkahuippuihin. Joillakin aloilla vuokratyö oli työnantajien ja työntekijöiden yhteissopimuksella kielletty. Vaikka vuokratyösuhteet saivat jo 1980-luvulla niin Suomessa kuin kansainvälisestikin maineen työsuhdekeinotteluna, alkoi vuokratyön määrä Suomessa kasvaa 1990-luvun puolivälissä ja erityisesti tultaessa 2000-luvulle. Suomalaiset akateemiset tutkijat eivät ole juuri vuokratyöstä kiinnostuneet. Aiemmat, harvalukuiset tutkimukset ovat keskittyneet lähinnä työyhteisöjen ja työntekijöiden kokemuksiin sekä vuokratyön työehtoihin. Vuokratyö ymmärretäänkin edelleen lähinnä työntekijän subjektiivisena kokemuksena. Vuokratyössä on kuitenkin kysymys paitsi kokemuksista, myös yhteiskunnallisesta valtakamppailusta, jossa diskursiivisin keinoin pyritään vaikuttamaan ilmiöön nimeltä vuokratyö, laajemmin ilmiöön nimeltä työmarkkinat, sekä toisaalta kansalaisten käsityksiin työelämän ”normaalista”. Käsillä oleva tutkimus laajentaa ymmärrystä vuokratyöstä tarkastelemalla ilmiötä lainsäädännön, uutisoinnin ja markkinoinnin rakentamien julkisten käsitysten ja merkityksenantojen kautta. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä käytän hallinnan ja työprosessin säätelyn teoriaperinteitä. Se, miten työmarkkinoiden muutosta ja uusia työsuhdemuotoja politiikassa, mediassa, lainsäädännössä, tai työpaikan kahvipöytäkeskusteluissa perustellaan ja tehdään ymmärrettäväksi, on samalla työelämään kiinnitettävien arvojen, merkitysten ja toimijuuksien luomista, rajaamista ja kuvailua. Työelämäpuheessa ei siis ole kyse vain talouden lainalaisuuksista, kansantalouden toimivuudesta, tai yritysten kilpailukyvystä, vaan myös ja erityisesti niiden toimijoiden luomisesta, määrittelemisestä ja legitimoimisesta, jotka työelämän kentällä saavat toimia ja tulevat palkituiksi. Säätelyn ja hallinnan näkökulmasta on relevanttia tarkastella millaisilla käsitteillä ja merkityksillä vuokratyötä ilmiönä rakennetaan . Tutkimuskysymyksinä esitän: 1) Miten ja millä perusteilla vuokratyöstä rakennettiin Suomessa legitiimi tapa työllistää ja työllistyä? 2) Millaisia työntekijäideaaleja vuokratyöhön liittyvissä keskusteluissa rakennetaan? Tutkimusaineistona tarkastelen lainsäädäntöön liittyviä dokumentteja, Helsingin Sanomien uutisointia, vuokratyöyritysten markkinointimateriaaleja, sekä vuokratyöyritysten edustajien haastatteluita. Analyysimenetelmänä käytän kriittistä diskurssianalyysia. Tämä menetelmä mahdollistaa puheen ja dokumenttien tarkastelun sosiaalisena toimintana, jolla eri toimijat pyrkivät osallistumaan yhteiskunnassa hyväksyttyjen ja tunnustettujen käsitysten ja toimintavaihtoehtojen rakentamis-, tulkinta- ja määrittelyprosesseihin. Tutkimukseni päätuloksena esitän, että vuokratyöstä muodostui legitiimi tapa työllistää Suomessa 1990-luvulla, koska vuokratyö käsitteellistettiin sekä lainsäädännön että median diskursseissa ennen kaikkea ratkaisuksi työttömyyteen. Toisaalta vuokratyö käsitteellistettiin vain marginaalisten työntekijäryhmien (naiset ja opiskelijat) rooliksi, jolloin se ei liittynyt miesvaltaisten työpaikkojen arkeen. Ratkaisuna työttömyyteen vuokratyö myös samalla luonnollistettiin osaksi yleisempää työmarkkinakehitystä, jolle ”kukaan ei voi mitään”. 2000-luvulla vuokratyö jatkoi voittokulkuaan ja rakentui pysyväksi ilmiöksi, koska työlainsäädännön uudistus institutionalisoi vuokratyön työehtosopimusmenettelyyn, jolloin sen ”salonkikelpoisuus” ja normaalius vahvistettiin. Vaikka työehtosopimusasia oli ratkaisuna merkittävä, nousi vuokratyön osalta itse työehtosopimus tärkeämmäksi kuin sen sisältö. Työehtosopimuksilla ei kuitenkaan pystytty vaikuttamaan esimerkiksi vuokratyöntekijän olemattomaan työsuhdeturvaan. Lisäksi työnantajapuhe käsitteellistää vuokratyön 2000-luvulla ennen kaikkea työmarkkinavaihtoehdoksi, vapautta ja monipuolisia työkokemuksia tarjoavaksi työmarkkinoiden katalysaattoriksi. Vuokratyö on tässä merkitysavaruudessa työntekijöille ”vain” yksi tapa työllistyä ja löytää oma tiensä työmarkkinoille, ei suinkaan työnantajien sanelema pakko. Työntekijöihin kohdistuva hallintapuhe niin mediassa kuin työnantajien haastatteluissakin pyrkii puolestaan rakentamaan ideaalityöntekijäkuvaksi yrittäjämäisen oman elämänsä toimitusjohtajan. Työnantajien diskursseissa kaikuvatkin työntekijään kohdistuva vaatimus itse itsensä ohjaamisesta sekä työntekijäidentiteetin muotoilemisesta joustavuutta, sopeutuvuutta, vaihtelua ja jatkuvaa muutosta vähintäänkin sietäväksi, mutta mieluiten näitä ominaisuuksia jopa aktiivisesti hakevaksi ja arvostavaksi. Työmarkkinoiden toimijana on nimenomaisesti yksilö, jonka mahdollisuudet menestyä ovat vain ja ainoastaan hänen omissa käsissään. Työntekijän roolin korostaminen aktiivisena toimijana ja vuokratyöstä ”oikeita”, norminmukaisia sisältöjä löytävänä pärjääjänä on diskursiivisesti hallittua yritystä ohjata työntekijöitä näkemään sekä itsensä tietynlaisina toimijoina että työmarkkinat tietyllä tavalla toimivina. Vuokratyössä ei ole kyse vain työntekijöiden yksilöllisistä tai yksittäisistä kokemuksista. Vuokratyö on yhteiskunnallisen merkityskamppailun tulos, jossa käyttövoimana ovat toimineet hallinnalliset ja säätelyyn pyrkivät käsitteellistykset työllisyydestä, yksilön valinnasta ja koko yhteiskunnan edusta. Hallinnan ja säätelyn näkökulmasta katsottuna vuokratyö on myös merkinnyt säätelyn liukumista tasa-arvoa, yhdenmukaista kohtelua ja työntekijän suojelua korostavasta viranomaisten ja poliittisten toimijoiden suorittamasta työmarkkinoiden kollektiivisesta säätelystä työnantajien ylläpitämään työntekijän persoonan ja käyttäytymisen hegemoniseen, yksilölliseen säätelyyn.
Consumers create a great deal of content in the Internet. As they do not get a monetary compensation for doing so, it seems apparent that other types of reward are derived from giving up one's time and other resources. The purpose of this study is to describe value creation and user participation in a virtual community. It can be broken down into three research questions. 1. What is the value creation logic of a virtual community? 2. What value is perceived by virtual community users? 3. What is the association between value perceived by virtual community users and their participation in a community? The study employs the discussion on value co-creation as well as perspectives on the notion of value for consumers to create a theoretical framework for value creation. To understand value creation in the context of virtual communities and to create a theoretical framework for user participation, existing literature and research on virtual communities is discussed. The empirical part of the study employs quantitative methodology to analyze data collected by sending a survey questionnaire to the users of a Finnish wellbeing-based virtual community. The results indicate that virtual community users perceive self-development, enjoyment, reputation-building and community commitment value when using the service and that value perceptions are associated with community participation. Moreover, it was found that different types of value are associated with different forms of participation. Based on the findings, it is suggested that the four types of value make up a considerable share of value for virtual community users. Moreover, as the results indicate that different value types are associated with different forms of participation, it suggested that virtual community organizers consider what forms of participation they want to promote and design their virtual communities to support creation of the different types of value accordingly.
This thesis examines customer value creation in a service ecosystem context. The objective of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive view of value creation processes in a service ecosystem context and an understanding on the roles of the stakeholders involved in these processes, focusing on the information technology industry. The novelty of the two central concepts of this thesis, systemic customer value and service ecosystem, as well as the gap in the literature of empirical research on value creation in an ecosystem-level, opened an interesting research topic. The empirical study is conducted as a single case analysis, utilizing Group Decision Support System (GDSS) and also Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The findings suggest that customer value is created by a complex combination of interactions among different actors of the ecosystem. Thus, value is not created by a single offering directed to the customer, but by an integration of services from different parts of the ecosystem as well as the active participation of customer in this process.
The important role of entrepreneurship in countries’ economic development and overall society well-being is widely recognized by researchers, experts as well as policy makers. Every phase of the process of starting a new business is related to the interaction with at least one player of country innovation system and therefore the efficiency of this interaction may have an influence on the success of whole entrepreneurial process and consequently on the willingness of potential entrepreneurs to engage into this process. The study proposes a System Dynamics model for studying the impact of National Innovation System (NIS) on the entrepreneurial venture creation process. The developed model also takes country population aspect into account and provides results for estimation the effect various demographic tendencies on the process performance. The special impact is made on possible ways to facilitate the development of entrepreneurial framework conditions. Business incubators are seen as one of the effective tool for accomplishing such task. The study also provides the result for estimation of possible impact arising from properly functioned Business Incubators.
This research analyzes e-tailer business model formulation and the role of information technology in enabling value creation from the point of view of an e-tailer. The thesis explains the value creation dynamics and the components of an e-tailer business model and further illustrates how information technology enables value creation throughout the different components of e-tailer business models. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the sources of value creation in virtual markets through evaluating the explanatory value of traditional strategic management theories. The theoretical part advances to present an integrated model of the value creation mechanisms in the virtual markets and further describes the components of an e-tailer business model. The role of information technology in e-tailer business models are represented by illustrating how it is able to add value throughout the activities and processes of the e-tailer business model. The empirical descriptive qualitative single-case research focuses on demonstrating how a global retailer of consumer goods operates the different components in its business model. The findings indicate that information technology plays a considerable role in all the components of an e-tailer business model and should not be treated solely as a supporting business function, but rather as one of the most valuable assets in enabling successful e-tailing operations.
The interconnected domains are attracting interest from industries and academia, although this phenomenon, called ‘convergence’ is not new. Organizational research has indeed focused on uncovering co-creation for manufacturing and the industrial organization, with limited implications to entrepreneurship. Although convergence has been characterized as a process connecting seemingly disparate disciplines, it is argued that these studies tend to leave the creative industries unnoticed. With the art market boom and new forms of collaboration riding past the institution-focused arts marketing literature, this thesis takes a leap to uncover the processes of entrepreneurship in the emergence of a cultural product. As a symbolic work of synergism itself, the thesis combines organizational theory with literature in natural sciences and arts. Assuming nonlinearity, a framework is created for analysing aesthetic experience in an empirical event where network actors are connected to multiple contexts. As the focal case in study, the empirical analysis performed for a music festival organized in a skiing resort in the French Alps in March. The researcher attends the festival and models its cocreation process by enquiring from an artist, festival organisers, and a festival visitor. The findings contribute to fields of entrepreneurship, aesthetics and marketing mainly. It is found that the network actors engage in intimate and creative interaction where activity patterns are interrupted and cultural elements combined. This process is considered to both create and destruct value, through identity building, legitimisation, learning, and access to larger audiences, and it is considered particularly useful for domains where resources are too restrained for conventional marketing practices. This thesis uncovered the role of artists and informants and posits that particularly through experience design, this type of skilled individual be regarded more often as a research informant. Future research is encouraged to engage in convergence by experimenting with different fields and research designs, and it is suggested that future studies could arrive at different descriptive results.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine what elements of value co-creation create value for participants of Oma Olivia magazine through Olivia magazine’s virtual community environment. Furthermore the aim is to discover why readers take part in creating Oma Olivia in order to discover is Oma Olivia worth publishing in the future. The data is collected from secondary and primary sources by scanning the existing academic literature and by conducting interviews and surveys. The empirical results state that the hypothesis model created from the academic literature is statistically significant and the elements of value co- creation process create value for readers. Magazine publishing organization may want to consider publishing Oma Olivia also in the future due to its nature of creating value for customers.
Protein engineering aims to improve the properties of enzymes and affinity reagents by genetic changes. Typical engineered properties are affinity, specificity, stability, expression, and solubility. Because proteins are complex biomolecules, the effects of specific genetic changes are seldom predictable. Consequently, a popular strategy in protein engineering is to create a library of genetic variants of the target molecule, and render the population in a selection process to sort the variants by the desired property. This technique, called directed evolution, is a central tool for trimming protein-based products used in a wide range of applications from laundry detergents to anti-cancer drugs. New methods are continuously needed to generate larger gene repertoires and compatible selection platforms to shorten the development timeline for new biochemicals. In the first study of this thesis, primer extension mutagenesis was revisited to establish higher quality gene variant libraries in Escherichia coli cells. In the second study, recombination was explored as a method to expand the number of screenable enzyme variants. A selection platform was developed to improve antigen binding fragment (Fab) display on filamentous phages in the third article and, in the fourth study, novel design concepts were tested by two differentially randomized recombinant antibody libraries. Finally, in the last study, the performance of the same antibody repertoire was compared in phage display selections as a genetic fusion to different phage capsid proteins and in different antibody formats, Fab vs. single chain variable fragment (ScFv), in order to find out the most suitable display platform for the library at hand. As a result of the studies, a novel gene library construction method, termed selective rolling circle amplification (sRCA), was developed. The method increases mutagenesis frequency close to 100% in the final library and the number of transformants over 100-fold compared to traditional primer extension mutagenesis. In the second study, Cre/loxP recombination was found to be an appropriate tool to resolve the DNA concatemer resulting from error-prone RCA (epRCA) mutagenesis into monomeric circular DNA units for higher efficiency transformation into E. coli. Library selections against antigens of various size in the fourth study demonstrated that diversity placed closer to the antigen binding site of antibodies supports generation of antibodies against haptens and peptides, whereas diversity at more peripheral locations is better suited for targeting proteins. The conclusion from a comparison of the display formats was that truncated capsid protein three (p3Δ) of filamentous phage was superior to the full-length p3 and protein nine (p9) in obtaining a high number of uniquely specific clones. Especially for digoxigenin, a difficult hapten target, the antibody repertoire as ScFv-p3Δ provided the clones with the highest affinity for binding. This thesis on the construction, design, and selection of gene variant libraries contributes to the practical know-how in directed evolution and contains useful information for scientists in the field to support their undertakings.
This study discusses the procedures of value co-creation that persist in gaming industry. The purpose of this study was to identify the procedures that persist in current video gaming industry which answers the main research problem how value is co-created in video gaming industry followed by three sub questions: (i) What is value co-creation in gaming industry? (ii) Who participates in value co-creation in gaming industry? (iii) What are the procedures that are involved in value co-creation in gaming industry? The theoretical background of the study consists of literature relating to the theory of marketing i.e., notion of value, conventional understanding of value creation, value chain, co-creation approach, co-production approach. The research adopted qualitative research approach. As a platform of relationship researcher used web 2.0 tool interface. Data were collected from the social networks and netnography method was applied for analyzing them. Findings show that customer and company both co-create optimum level of value while they interact with each other and within the customers as well. However mostly the C2C interaction, discussions and dialogues threads that emerged around the main discussion facilitated to co-create value. In this manner, companies require exploiting and further motivating, developing and supporting the interactions between customers participating in value creation. Hierarchy of value co-creation processes is the result derived from the identified challenges of value co-creation approach and discussion forums data analysis. Overall three general sets and seven topics were found that explored the phenomenon of customer to customer (C2C) and business to customer (B2C) interaction/debating for value co-creation through user generated contents. These topics describe how gamer contributes and interacts in co-creating value along with companies. A methodical quest in current research literature acknowledged numerous evolving flows of value in this study. These are general management perspective, new product development and innovation, virtual customer environment, service science and service dominant logic. Overall the topics deliver various realistic and conceptual implications for using and handling gamers in social networks for augmenting customers’ value co-creation process.
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Logistics infrastructure and transportation services have been the liability of countries and governments for decades, or these have been under strict regulation policies. One of the first branches opened for competition in EU as well as in other continents, has been air transports (operators, like passenger and freight) and road transports. These have resulted on lower costs, better connectivity and in most of the cases higher service quality. However, quite large amount of other logistics related activities are still directly (or indirectly) under governmental influence, e.g. railway infrastructure, road infrastructure, railway operations, airports, and sea ports. Due to the globalization, governmental influence is not that necessary in this sector, since transportation needs have increased with much more significant phase as compared to economic growth. Also freight transportation needs do not correlate with passenger side, due to the reason that only small number of areas in the world have specialized in the production of particular goods. Therefore, in number of cases public-private partnership, or even privately owned companies operating in these sub-branches have been identified as beneficial for countries, customers and further economic growth. The objective of this research work is to shed more light on these kinds of experiments, especially in the relatively unknown sub-branches of logistics like railways, airports and sea container transports. In this research work we have selected companies having public listed status in some stock exchange, and have needed amount of financial scale to be considered as serious company rather than start-up phase venture. Our research results show that railways and airports usually need high fixed investments, but have showed in the last five years generally good financial performance, both in terms of profitability and cash flow. In contrary to common belief of prosperity in globally growing container transports, sea vessel operators of containers have not shown that impressive financial performance. Generally margins in this business are thin, and profitability has been sacrificed in front of high growth – this also concerns cash flow performance, which has been lower too. However, as we examine these three logistics sub-branches through shareholder value development angle during time period of 2002-2007, we were surprised to find out that all of these three have outperformed general stock market indexes in this period. More surprising is the result that financially a bit less performing sea container transportation sector shows highest shareholder value gain in the examination period. Thus, it should be remembered that provided analysis shows only limited picture, since e.g. dividends were not taken into consideration in this research work. Therefore, e.g. US railway operators have disadvantage to other in the analysis, since they have been able to provide dividends for shareholders in long period of time. Based on this research work we argue that investment on transportation/logistics sector seems to be safe alternative, which yields with relatively low risk high gain. Although global economy would face smaller growth period, this sector seems to provide opportunities in more demanding situation as well.