983 resultados para Elliptic Integrals


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Transcatheter stent-valve implantation in stenosed congenital bicuspid aortic valves is under debate. Heavily calcified elliptic bicuspid valves represent a contraindication to catheter-based valve therapies because of a risk of stent-valve displacement, distortion, or malfunctioning after the implantation. In this case report we illustrate our experience with a patient suffering from stenosed congenital bicuspid aortic valve who successfully underwent a transapical 26-mm Edwards Sapien stent-valve (Edwards Lifesciences Inc, Irvine, CA) implantation. Postoperative distortion, malfunctioning, and paravalvular leaks were not detected.


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Un dels principals problemes quan es realitza un anàlisi de contorns és la gran quantitat de dades implicades en la descripció de la figura. Per resoldre aquesta problemàtica, s’aplica la parametrització que consisteix en obtenir d’un contorn unes dades representatives amb els mínims coeficients possibles, a partir dels quals es podrà reconstruir de nou sense pèrdues molt evidents d’informació. En figures de contorns tancats, la parametrització més estudiada és l’aplicació de la transformada discreta de Fourier (DFT). Aquesta s’aplica a la seqüència de valors que descriu el comportament de les coordenades x i y al llarg de tots els punts que formen el traç. A diferència, en els contorns oberts no es pot aplicar directament la DFT ja que per fer-ho es necessita que el valor de x i de y siguin iguals tan en el primer punt del contorn com en l’últim. Això és degut al fet que la DFT representa sense error senyals periòdics. Si els senyals no acaben en el mateix punt, representa que hi ha una discontinuïtat i apareixen oscil·lacions a la reconstrucció. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és parametritzar contorns oberts amb la mateixa eficiència que s’obté en la parametrització de contorns tancats. Per dur-ho a terme, s’ha dissenyat un programa que permet aplicar la DFT en contorns oberts mitjançant la modificació de les seqüencies de x i y. A més a més, també utilitzant el programari Matlab s’han desenvolupat altres aplicacions que han permès veure diferents aspectes sobre la parametrització i com es comporten els Descriptors El·líptics de Fourier (EFD). Els resultats obtinguts han demostrat que l’aplicació dissenyada permet la parametrització de contorns oberts amb compressions òptimes, fet que facilitarà l’anàlisi quantitatiu de formes en camps com l’ecologia, medicina, geografia, entre d’altres.


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We prove an arithmetic version of a theorem of Hirzebruch and Zagier saying that Hirzebruch-Zagier divisors on a Hilbert modular surface are the coefficients of an elliptic modular form of weight 2. Moreover, we determine the arithmetic selfintersection number of the line bundle of modular forms equipped with its Petersson metric on a regular model of a Hilbert modular surface, and we study Faltings heights of arithmetic Hirzebruch-Zagier divisors.


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A new technology for the three-dimensional (3-D) stacking of very thin chips on a substrate is currently under development within the ultrathin chip stacking (UTCS) Esprit Project 24910. In this work, we present the first-level UTCS structure and the analysis of the thermomechanical stresses produced by the manufacturing process. Chips are thinned up to 10 or 15 m. We discuss potentially critical points at the edges of the chips, the suppression of delamination problems of the peripheral dielectric matrix and produce a comparative study of several technological choices for the design of metallic interconnect structures. The purpose of these calculations is to give inputs for the definition of design rules for this technology. We have therefore undertaken a programme that analyzes the influence of sundry design parameters and alternative development options. Numerical analyses are based on the finite element method.


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A systematic method to improve the quality (Q) factor of RF integrated inductors is presented in this paper. The proposed method is based on the layout optimization to minimize the series resistance of the inductor coil, taking into account both ohmic losses, due to conduction currents, and magnetically induced losses, due to eddy currents. The technique is particularly useful when applied to inductors in which the fabrication process includes integration substrate removal. However, it is also applicable to inductors on low-loss substrates. The method optimizes the width of the metal strip for each turn of the inductor coil, leading to a variable strip-width layout. The optimization procedure has been successfully applied to the design of square spiral inductors in a silicon-based multichip-module technology, complemented with silicon micromachining postprocessing. The obtained experimental results corroborate the validity of the proposed method. A Q factor of about 17 have been obtained for a 35-nH inductor at 1.5 GHz, with Q values higher than 40 predicted for a 20-nH inductor working at 3.5 GHz. The latter is up to a 60% better than the best results for a single strip-width inductor working at the same frequency.


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Exact solutions of the classical equations corresponding to the leading-logarithm approximation are obtained. They are classified by an (integer) topological number.


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The multiscale finite-volume (MSFV) method is designed to reduce the computational cost of elliptic and parabolic problems with highly heterogeneous anisotropic coefficients. The reduction is achieved by splitting the original global problem into a set of local problems (with approximate local boundary conditions) coupled by a coarse global problem. It has been shown recently that the numerical errors in MSFV results can be reduced systematically with an iterative procedure that provides a conservative velocity field after any iteration step. The iterative MSFV (i-MSFV) method can be obtained with an improved (smoothed) multiscale solution to enhance the localization conditions, with a Krylov subspace method [e.g., the generalized-minimal-residual (GMRES) algorithm] preconditioned by the MSFV system, or with a combination of both. In a multiphase-flow system, a balance between accuracy and computational efficiency should be achieved by finding a minimum number of i-MSFV iterations (on pressure), which is necessary to achieve the desired accuracy in the saturation solution. In this work, we extend the i-MSFV method to sequential implicit simulation of time-dependent problems. To control the error of the coupled saturation/pressure system, we analyze the transport error caused by an approximate velocity field. We then propose an error-control strategy on the basis of the residual of the pressure equation. At the beginning of simulation, the pressure solution is iterated until a specified accuracy is achieved. To minimize the number of iterations in a multiphase-flow problem, the solution at the previous timestep is used to improve the localization assumption at the current timestep. Additional iterations are used only when the residual becomes larger than a specified threshold value. Numerical results show that only a few iterations on average are necessary to improve the MSFV results significantly, even for very challenging problems. Therefore, the proposed adaptive strategy yields efficient and accurate simulation of multiphase flow in heterogeneous porous media.


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Populations of phase oscillators interacting globally through a general coupling function f(x) have been considered. We analyze the conditions required to ensure the existence of a Lyapunov functional giving close expressions for it in terms of a generating function. We have also proposed a family of exactly solvable models with singular couplings showing that it is possible to map the synchronization phenomenon into other physical problems. In particular, the stationary solutions of the least singular coupling considered, f(x) = sgn(x), have been found analytically in terms of elliptic functions. This last case is one of the few nontrivial models for synchronization dynamics which can be analytically solved.


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We characterize the approach regions so that the non-tangential maximal function is of weak-type on potential spaces, for which we use a simple argument involving Carleson measure estimates.