959 resultados para Design patterns


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The bubble crab Dotilla fenestrata forms very dense populations on the sand flats of the eastern coast of Inhaca Island, Mozambique, making it an interesting biological model to examine spatial distribution patterns and test the relative efficiency of common sampling methods. Due to its apparent ecological importance within the sandy intertidal community, understanding the factors ruling the dynamics of Dotilla populations is also a key issue. In this study, different techniques of estimating crab density are described, and the trends of spatial distribution of the different population categories are shown. The studied populations are arranged in discrete patches located at the well-drained crests of nearly parallel mega sand ripples. For a given sample size, there was an obvious gain in precision by using a stratified random sampling technique, considering discrete patches as strata, compared to the simple random design. Density average and variance differed considerably among patches since juveniles and ovigerous females were found clumped, with higher densities at the lower and upper shore levels, respectively. Burrow counting was found to be an adequate method for large-scale sampling, although consistently underestimating actual crab density by nearly half. Regression analyses suggested that crabs smaller than 2.9 mm carapace width tend to be undetected in visual burrow counts. A visual survey of sampling plots over several patches of a large Dotilla population showed that crab density varied in an interesting oscillating pattern, apparently following the topography of the sand flat. Patches extending to the lower shore contained higher densities than those mostly covering the higher shore. Within-patch density variability also pointed to the same trend, but the density increment towards the lowest shore level varied greatly among the patches compared.


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Biogeochemical-Argo is the extension of the Argo array of profiling floats to include floats that are equipped with biogeochemical sensors for pH, oxygen, nitrate, chlorophyll, suspended particles, and downwelling irradiance. Argo is a highly regarded, international program that measures the changing ocean temperature (heat content) and salinity with profiling floats distributed throughout the ocean. Newly developed sensors now allow profiling floats to also observe biogeochemical properties with sufficient accuracy for climate studies. This extension of Argo will enable an observing system that can determine the seasonal to decadal-scale variability in biological productivity, the supply of essential plant nutrients from deep-waters to the sunlit surface layer, ocean acidification, hypoxia, and ocean uptake of CO2. Biogeochemical-Argo will drive a transformative shift in our ability to observe and predict the effects of climate change on ocean metabolism, carbon uptake, and living marine resource management. Presently, vast areas of the open ocean are sampled only once per decade or less, with sampling occurring mainly in summer. Our ability to detect changes in biogeochemical processes that may occur due to the warming and acidification driven by increasing atmospheric CO2, as well as by natural climate variability, is greatly hindered by this undersampling. In close synergy with satellite systems (which are effective at detecting global patterns for a few biogeochemical parameters, but only very close to the sea surface and in the absence of clouds), a global array of biogeochemical sensors would revolutionize our understanding of ocean carbon uptake, productivity, and deoxygenation. The array would reveal the biological, chemical, and physical events that control these processes. Such a system would enable a new generation of global ocean prediction systems in support of carbon cycling, acidification, hypoxia and harmful algal blooms studies, as well as the management of living marine resources. In order to prepare for a global Biogeochemical-Argo array, several prototype profiling float arrays have been developed at the regional scale by various countries and are now operating. Examples include regional arrays in the Southern Ocean (SOCCOM ), the North Atlantic Sub-polar Gyre (remOcean ), the Mediterranean Sea (NAOS ), the Kuroshio region of the North Pacific (INBOX ), and the Indian Ocean (IOBioArgo ). For example, the SOCCOM program is deploying 200 profiling floats with biogeochemical sensors throughout the Southern Ocean, including areas covered seasonally with ice. The resulting data, which are publically available in real time, are being linked with computer models to better understand the role of the Southern Ocean in influencing CO2 uptake, biological productivity, and nutrient supply to distant regions of the world ocean. The success of these regional projects has motivated a planning meeting to discuss the requirements for and applications of a global-scale Biogeochemical-Argo program. The meeting was held 11-13 January 2016 in Villefranche-sur-Mer, France with attendees from eight nations now deploying Argo floats with biogeochemical sensors present to discuss this topic. In preparation, computer simulations and a variety of analyses were conducted to assess the resources required for the transition to a global-scale array. Based on these analyses and simulations, it was concluded that an array of about 1000 biogeochemical profiling floats would provide the needed resolution to greatly improve our understanding of biogeochemical processes and to enable significant improvement in ecosystem models. With an endurance of four years for a Biogeochemical-Argo float, this system would require the procurement and deployment of 250 new floats per year to maintain a 1000 float array. The lifetime cost for a Biogeochemical-Argo float, including capital expense, calibration, data management, and data transmission, is about $100,000. A global Biogeochemical-Argo system would thus cost about $25,000,000 annually. In the present Argo paradigm, the US provides half of the profiling floats in the array, while the EU, Austral/Asia, and Canada share most the remaining half. If this approach is adopted, the US cost for the Biogeochemical-Argo system would be ~$12,500,000 annually and ~$6,250,000 each for the EU, and Austral/Asia and Canada. This includes no direct costs for ship time and presumes that float deployments can be carried out from future research cruises of opportunity, including, for example, the international GO-SHIP program (http://www.go-ship.org). The full-scale implementation of a global Biogeochemical-Argo system with 1000 floats is feasible within a decade. The successful, ongoing pilot projects have provided the foundation and start for such a system.


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Experimental analyses of hermit crabs and their preferences for shells are essential to understand the intrinsic relationship of the crabs' dependence on shells, and may be useful to explain their shell use pattern in nature. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of crab species and site on the pattern of shell use, selection, and preference in the south-western Atlantic hermit crabs Pagurus brevidactylus and Pagurus criniticornis, comparing sympatric and allopatric populations. Differently from the traditional approach to evaluate shell preference by simply determining the shell selection pattern (i.e., the number of shells of each type selected), preference was defined (according to [Liszka, D., Underwood, AJ., 1990. An experimental design to determine preferences for gastropod shells by a hermit-crab. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 137(1), 47-62]) by the comparison of the number of crabs changing for a particular shell type when three options were given (Cerithium atratum, Morula nodulosa, and Tegula viridula) with the number of crabs changing for this same type when only this type was offered. The effect of crab species was tested at Cabelo Gordo Beach, where P. brevidacrylus was found occupying shells of C. atratum, M. nodulosa, and T viridula in similar frequencies, whereas P. criniticornis occupied predominantly shells of C atratum. In laboratory experiments the selection patterns of the two hermit-crab species for these three gastropods were different, with P criniticornis selecting mainly shells of C atratum, and R brevidactylus selecting more shells of M. nodulosa. The shell preference was also dependent on crab species, with P. criniticornis showing a clear preference for shells of C atratum, whereas P. brevidactylus did not show a preference for any of the tested shells. The effect of site was tested for the two species comparing data from Cabelo Gordo to Preta (P brevidactylus) and Araca beaches (P. criniticornis). The pattern of shell use, selection, and preference was demonstrated to be dependent on site only for P. brevidactylus. The results also showed that the shell use pattern of P criniticornis can be explained by its preference at both sites, whereas for P. brevidactylus it occurred only at Cabelo Gordo, where the absence of preference was correlated with the similar use of the three gastropod species studied. Finally, the results showed that the shell selection pattern cannot be considered as a measure of shell preference, since it overestimates crab selectivity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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CONTEXT: No study has documented how symptomatic morbidity varies across the body mass index (BMI) spectrum (underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese) or across the entire child and adolescent age range. OBJECTIVE: To (1) quantify physical and psychosocial morbidities experienced by 2-18-year-olds according to BMI status and (2) explore morbidity patterns by age. DESIGN, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: Cross-sectional data from two Australian population studies (the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children and the Health of Young Victorians Study) were collected during 2000-2006. Participants were grouped into five age bands: 2-3 (n=4606), 4-5 (n=4983), 6-7 (n=4464), 8-12 (n=1541) and 13-18 (n=928) years. MAIN MEASURES: Outcomes-Parent- and self-reported global health; physical, psychosocial and mental health; special health-care needs; wheeze; asthma and sleep problems. Exposure-measured BMI (kg m(-2)) categorised using standard international cutpoints. ANALYSES: The variation in comorbidities across BMI categories within and between age bands was examined using linear and logistic regression models. RESULTS: Comorbidities varied with BMI category for all except sleep problems, generally showing the highest levels for the obese category. However, patterns differed markedly between age groups. In particular, poorer global health and special health-care needs were associated with underweight in young children, but obesity in older children. Prevalence of poorer physical health varied little by BMI in 2-5-year-olds, but from 6 to 7 years was increasingly associated with obesity. Normal-weight children tended to experience the best psychosocial and mental health, with little evidence that the U-shaped associations of these variables with BMI status varied by age. Wheeze and asthma increased slightly with BMI at all ages. CONCLUSIONS: Deviation from normal weight is associated with health differences in children and adolescents that vary by morbidity and age. As well as lowering risks for later disease, promoting normal body weight appears central to improving the health and well-being of the young.


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The origins of the ‘planning’ lie in the regional sciences and attempts to undertake social engineering of land use occupancy.
Over the last 100 years planning, as a discipline, has variously dabbled in design on the margins with urban design and neourbanism, but has stayed staunchly in the applied science and social science realms. This penchant detrimentally affects its graduates abilities to holistically appreciate and envision the consequences of their decisions-making and plan-making, to convey strength of conviction and expertise to the community, but also to establish a solid basis upon which its professional practice applications and decision-making paradigms successfully articulate equity and comprehensiveness of rational land use and development planning and decision-making. While planning re-learnt how to legitimately evaluate design and aesthetics into planning in the 1960s through the emergent McHargian ecological design paradigm, quickly embracing it as a consequence of major environmental land use disasters that occurred ‘on its watch’ that were demonstrable failures of its claimed insight and professional responsibilities, it has struggled as a discipline to embrace design as an integral technology in its daily operations and expressed ‘territory’ of professional responsibility. This paper reviews this legacy and then charts some emergent patterns in the teaching and practice of planning in Australia that are attempting to re-position design as a legitimate and integral part of the knowledge and skills of a professional planners.


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PURPOSE: Nutrition is a key determinant of chronic disease in later life. A systematic review was conducted of studies examining dietary patterns and quality of life, physical function, cognitive function and mental health among older adults. METHODS: Literature searches in MEDLINE complete, Academic Search Complete, CINAHL Complete, Ageline, Global health, PsycINFO, SCOPUS and EMBASE and hand searching from 1980 up to December 2014 yielded 1236 results. Inclusion criteria included dietary pattern assessment via dietary indices or statistical approaches, a sample of community-dwelling adults aged 45 years and over at baseline and a cross-sectional or longitudinal study design. Exclusion criteria included a single 24-h recall of diet, evaluation of single foods or nutrients, clinical or institutionalised samples and intervention studies. Risk of bias was assessed using the six-item Effective Public Health Practice Project's Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies. RESULTS: There were 34 articles (11 cross-sectional and 23 longitudinal) included with 23 studies examining dietary indices and 13 studies using empirical analysis. Most studies examined mental health (n = 10) or cognitive function (n = 18), with fewer studies examining quality of life (n = 6) and physical function (n = 8). Although dietary pattern and outcome assessment methods varied, most studies reported positive associations between a healthier diet and better health outcomes. CONCLUSION: Overall, the number of studies using dietary patterns to investigate diet and successful ageing is small, and further investigation in longitudinal studies is needed, particularly for quality-of-life outcomes. This review provides support for the importance of a healthy diet for the ageing population globally.


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Objective: We identify drinking styles that place teensat greatest risk of later alcohol use disorders (AUD).Design: Population-based cohort study.Setting: Victoria, Australia.

Participants: A representative sample of 1943adolescents living in Victoria in 1992.Outcome measures: Teen drinking was assessed at6 monthly intervals (5 waves) between mean ages 14.9and 17.4 years and summarised across waves as none,one, or two or more waves of: (1) frequent drinking(3+ days in the past week), (2) loss of control overdrinking (difficulty stopping, amnesia), (3) bingedrinking (5+ standard drinks in a day) and (4) heavybinge drinking (20+ and 11+ standard drinks in a dayfor males and females, respectively). Young AdultAlcohol Use Disorder (AUD) was assessed at 3 yearlyintervals (3 waves) across the 20s (mean ages 20.7through 29.1 years).

Results: We show that patterns of teen drinkingcharacterised by loss of control increase risk for AUDacross young adulthood: loss of control over drinking(one wave OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.1 to 1.8; two or morewaves OR 1.9, CI 1.4 to 2.7); binge drinking (one waveOR 1.7, CI 1.3 to 2.3; two or more waves OR 2.0, CI1.5 to 2.6), and heavy binge drinking (one wave OR2.0, CI 1.4 to 2.8; two or more waves OR 2.3, CI 1.6 to3.4). This is not so for frequent drinking, which wasunrelated to later AUD. Although drinking was morecommon in males, there was no evidence of sexdifferences in risk relationships.

Conclusions: Our results extend previous work byshowing that patterns of drinking that represent loss ofcontrol over alcohol consumption (however expressed)are important targets for intervention. In addition tocurrent policies that may reduce overall consumption,emphasising prevention of more extreme teenagebouts of alcohol consumption appears warranted.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the validity of a triaxial body-worn accelerometer for detection of gait and postures in people aged >80 years. DESIGN: Participants performed a range of activities (sitting, lying, walking, standing) in both a controlled and a home setting while wearing the accelerometer. Activities in the controlled setting were performed in a scripted sequence. Activities in the home setting were performed in an unscripted manner. Analyzed accelerometer data were compared against video observation as the reference measure. SETTING: Independent-living and long-term-care retirement village. PARTICIPANTS: Older people (N=22; mean age ± SD, 88.1±5y) residing in long-term-care and independent-living retirement facilities. INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The level of agreement between video observation and the accelerometer for the total duration of each activity, and second-by-second correspondence between video observation and the accelerometer for each activity. RESULTS: The median absolute percentage errors between video observation and the accelerometer were <1% for locomotion and lying. The absolute percentage errors were higher for sitting (median, -22.3%; interquartile range [IQR], -62.8% to 10.7%) and standing (median, 24.7%; IQR, -7.3% to 39.6%). A second-by-second analysis between video observation and the accelerometer found an overall agreement of ≥85% for all activities except standing (median, 56.1%; IQR, 34.8%-81.2%). CONCLUSIONS: This single-device accelerometer provides a valid measure of lying and locomotion in people aged >80 years. There is an error of approximately 25% when discriminating sitting from standing postures, which needs to be taken into account when monitoring longer-term habitual activity in this age group.


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OBJECTIVES: To describe patterns of time use among regional and rural adolescent girls and compare identified clusters with respect to correlates of physical activity (PA) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL).

DESIGN: Cross-sectional PA and lifestyle survey.

METHODS: Data were from Year 7-9 adolescent girls (aged 12-15 years) from 16 schools involved in a cluster-randomised trial in regional and rural Victoria, Australia (n=494). Time use data were collected using 24-h Previous Day Physical Activity Recall (PDPAR-24) questionnaire, collapsed into 17 categories of time use. Differences between time use clusters with regard to demographics, correlates of PA and HRQoL measured using PedsQL 4.0 Generic Core Scales, were investigated.

RESULTS: Two time use clusters were identified and were associated with correlates of PA and HRQoL. Girls who spent significantly more time in teams sports, non-team sports, school classes, watching TV and sleeping had higher levels of positively aligned PA correlates (e.g. self-efficacy, perceived sports competence) and HRQoL than girls characterised with high levels of computer use and video gaming. CONCLUSIONS: These findings highlight how different activity patterns of regional and rural girls affect HRQoL and can inform future intervention strategies to improve PA levels and HRQoL. Clusters characterised by low levels of PA and high computer use and video gaming require targeted interventions to address barriers to their participation.


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Improving lifestyle behaviours has considerable potential for reducing the global burden of non-communicable diseases, promoting better health across the life-course and increasing well-being. However, realising this potential will require the development, testing and implementation of much more effective behaviour change interventions than are used conventionally. Therefore, the aim of this study was to conduct a multi-centre, web-based, proof-of-principle study of personalised nutrition (PN) to determine whether providing more personalised dietary advice leads to greater improvements in eating patterns and health outcomes compared to conventional population-based advice. A total of 5,562 volunteers were screened across seven European countries; the first 1,607 participants who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were recruited into the trial. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the following intervention groups for a 6-month period: Level 0-control group-receiving conventional, non-PN advice; Level 1-receiving PN advice based on dietary intake data alone; Level 2-receiving PN advice based on dietary intake and phenotypic data; and Level 3-receiving PN advice based on dietary intake, phenotypic and genotypic data. A total of 1,607 participants had a mean age of 39.8 years (ranging from 18 to 79 years). Of these participants, 60.9 % were women and 96.7 % were from white-European background. The mean BMI for all randomised participants was 25.5 kg m(-2), and 44.8 % of the participants had a BMI ≥ 25.0 kg m(-2). Food4Me is the first large multi-centre RCT of web-based PN. The main outcomes from the Food4Me study will be submitted for publication during 2015.


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Permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs) are popular in both industrial and domestic applications because of its high efficiency, power density, and reliability as compared with the conventional types of electrical machines. Generally, the analytical models and their field solutions are preferable to provide an accurate insight of the PMSM performances, instead of using the finite element models, because the former takes a considerably shorter computational time. PMSM design could have different properties of either slotted or slotless, or varieties of magnet placement on the rotor. By focusing on semi-closed surface-mounted PMSMs, the 2D analytical subdomain model in [1] demonstrates an accurate prediction of the magnetic fields that can facilitate the evaluation of the global quantities of PMSMs, such as cogging torque (Tcog), back-EMF, and total harmonic distortion (THDv). Previously, researchers investigated the influences of the machine performance by a single factor, e.g., the variation of Tcog during changes of magnet pole-arc (αP) [2, 3], or slot-opening [2, 3]. These investigations normally considered two types of magnetization patterns, i.e., parallel (PaM) and radial magnetization (RM). Therefore, the motivation of our work hinges on predicting the optimum value of αP in designing a surface-mounted PMSM under influence of four different magnetization patterns, using the analytical subdomain model.


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This paper investigates the use and spatial patterns of newly developed public squares in urban villages in the City of Shenzhen, China. Given the lack of information about how this type of public space has been used by the Chinese, this paper provides insights that enable the development of more user friendly public space in China. The research is based on the fieldwork carried out in 2014 to examine public squares in four urban villages in Shenzhen. Direct observation and activity mapping have been used as major methodology for this research. The focus of this paper will be placed not only the formal aspects such as the design aspiration, scale and provision of public amenity, but also on the usage that includes types of users, there daily activity as well as their location preference.


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AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The aims are to (1) measure occupancy rates of single and shared rooms; (2) compare single room usage patterns and (3) explore the practice, rationale and decision-making processes associated with single rooms; across one Australian public health service.

BACKGROUND: There is a tendency in Australia and internationally to increase the proportion of single patient rooms in hospitals. To date there have been no Australian studies that investigate the use of single rooms in clinical practice.

DESIGN: This study used a sequential exploratory design with data collected in 2014.

METHODS: A descriptive survey was used to measure the use of single rooms across a two-week time frame. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with occupancy decision-makers to explore the practices, rationale decision-making process associated with single-room allocation.

RESULTS: Total bed occupancy did not fall below 99·4% during the period of data collection. Infection control was the primary reason for patients to be allocated to a single room, however, the patterns varied according to ward type and single-room availability. For occupancy decision-makers, decisions about patient allocation was a complex and challenging process, influenced and complicated by numerous factors including occupancy rates, the infection status of the patient/s, funding and patient/family preference. Bed moves were common resulting from frequent re-evaluation of need.

CONCLUSION: Apart from infection control mandates, there was little tangible evidence to guide decision-making about single-room allocation. Further work is necessary to assist nurses in their decision-making.

RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: There is a trend towards increasing the proportion of single rooms in new hospital builds. Coupled with the competing clinical demands for single room care, this study highlights the complexity of nursing decision-making about patient allocation to single rooms, an issue urgently requiring further attention.


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OBJECTIVES: To describe changes in the use of intravenous (IV) fluid by quantity and type in different regions of Australia and New Zealand. DESIGN, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: We conducted a retrospective ecological study examining regional and temporal trends in IV fluid consumption across Australia and New Zealand over the periods 2012-2013 and 2013- 2014, using national proprietary sales data as a surrogate for consumption, and demographic data from the public domain. RESULTS: More than 13.3 million litres of IV fluid were consumed in Australia and New Zealand in 2012-2013, and more than 13.9 million litres in 2013-2014, with colloid solutions accounting for < 2%. There was marked regional variation in consumption of fluids, by volumes and proportions used, when standardised to overall Australian and New Zealand values. There was no significant change in the overall volume of crystalloid solutions consumed but there was a significant decrease (9%; P = 0.02) in the ratio of unbalanced to balanced crystalloid solutions consumed. Consumption of all forms of colloid solutions decreased, with a 12% reduction overall (P = 0.02), primarily driven by a 67% reduction in the consumption of hydroxyethyl starch (HES) solutions. CONCLUSIONS: The amount and type of IV fluid use, as determined by fluid sales, is highly variable across Australia and New Zealand. However, overall use of balanced crystalloid solutions is increasing and the use of HES has decreased dramatically.


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This paper explores the Eden mythology in both western and eastern cultures, and its reflection on people’s perception and use of nature. It aims to examine how cultural ideologies and systems of beliefs in relation to Eden have affected landscape making and how landscape icons influenced other cultures subsequently. This study describes how narratives of Eden evolved and influenced landscape design by explaining the narratives of Paradise and Arcadia in eastern and western cultures as two distinct landscape narratives, with a brief history of their emergence and evolution. It discusses the ways in which landscape architecture reflects the prevailing attitudes towards nature in a society by studying the ancient world’s philosophies and ideologies as a starting-point for this investigation. The paper then focuses on the Persian paradise garden and explains the notion of iconography, as a visual explanation of an idea in landscape design. It projects the transformation of Persian paradise gardens’ icons and patterns in landscape architecture through historical and spatial explorations.