854 resultados para Brown Band Disease, Maldives, prevalence, host range, coral diseases
Accurate identification of viruses is critical for resistance breeding and for development of management strategies. To this end, we are developing PCR diagnostics for the luteoviruses / poleroviruses that commonly affect chickpea and pulse crops in Australia. This is helping to overcome the shortfalls in virus identifications that often result from cross reactions of viruses to some antibodies. We compared these PCR tests with antibody based Tissue blot immune-assay (TBIA) in virus surveys of chickpea and pulse crops from eastern Australia. We used a multiplex PCR for Beet western yellows virus (BWYV), Bean leaf roll virus (BLRV), Phasey bean virus (PhBV – a new polerovirus species) and Soybean dwarf virus (SbDV) to investigate the importance of each virus and their host range from different locations. Important alternative hosts included Malva parviflora which was commonly found to be infected with BWYV from many locations and Medicago polymorpha was a host for BLRV, PhBV and SbDV. Using the virus species-specific PCR, 49 virus affected plants (mostly crop plants) from surveys in 2013 were screened, revealing the following infections; 38 SbDV, 5 PhBV, 3 BWYV, 2 BLRV and 1 mixed SbDV/BWYV. From the 45 samples that were not BWYV by PCR, 33 were false-positives in the BWYV TBIA. This demonstrates the BWYV antibody used was not useful for identifying BWYV and PCR indicated that SbDV was the dominant virus from the samples tested from the 2013 season. Preliminary results from the 2014 season indicate a significant change, with SbDV being only a minor component of the total virus population. Further work to clarify the Australian luteovirus complex through molecular techniques is in progress.
Background: Ideally, bacteriophages of pathogenic bacterial hosts should be polyvalent to be able to replicate in an alternative nonpathogenic bacterium. Thus, accidental infection by the original host can be avoided when bacteriophage lysates are used in biocontrol protocols. Results: From 15 wastewater samples, collected at different sites in the V Region in Chile, we selected three bacteriophages (FC, FP, and FQ) capable of productively infecting Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesuis. By transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation, the bacteriophages were found to belong to the order Caudoviridae. Molecular analyses indicated that FC, FP, and FQ contained double-stranded DNA genomes, of sizes similar to bacteriophage P22, and distinct recognition sites for the restriction endonucleases HaeIII and HindIII. Assays of host range revealed that the bacteriophages were polyvalent and thus capable of infecting different strains of Escherichia coli and other serovars of Salmonella . Conclusion: We have isolated newbacteriophages of the serovar Choleraesuiswith various potential applications in relation to this pathogenic bacterium.
Background: Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a chronic liver disease that is capable of progressing to end-stage liver disease, but generally has a benign course. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a growing public health problem with no approved therapy. NASH projected to be the leading cause of liver transplantation in the United States by 2020. Obesity, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidaemia are the most common associations of the disease. Global prevalence of NASH is 10-24% amongst general population but increases to 25-75% in obese diabetic individuals. Objective: There is an urgent need for efficient therapeutic options as there is still no approved medication. The aim of this study was to detect changes in biochemical parameters including insulin resistance, cytokines, blood lipid profile and liver enzymes following weight loss in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Materials and methods: One hundred obese patients with NASH, their age between 35-50 years, body mass index (BMI) from 30 to 35 Kg/m2 were included in the study in two subgroups; the first group (A) received moderate aerobic exercise training in addition to diet regimen , where the second group (B) received no treatment intervention. Results: The mean values of leptin, TNF-α, IL6, IL8, Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST), Homeostasis Model Assessment-Insulin Resistance- index (HOMA-IR), Total Cholesterol (TC), Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-c) , Triglycerides (TG) and BMI were significantly decreased in group (A), where the mean value of Adiponectin and High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL-c) were significantly increased, while there were no significant changes in group (B). Also, there was a significant difference between both groups at the end of the study. Conclusion: Weight loss modulates insulin resistance, adiponectin, leptin, inflammatory cytokine levels and markers of hepatic function in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
Background: Congenital heart diseases cause significant childhood morbidity and mortality. Several restricted studies have been conducted on the epidemiology in Nigeria. No truly nationwide data on patterns of congenital heart disease exists. Objectives: To determine the patterns of congenital heart disease in children in Nigeria and examine trends in the occurrence of individual defects across 5 decades. Method: We searched PubMed database, Google scholar, TRIP database, World Health Organisation libraries and reference lists of selected articles for studies on patterns of congenital heart disease among children in Nigeria between 1964 and 2015. Two researchers reviewed the papers independently and extracted the data. Seventeen studies were selected that included 2,953 children with congenital heart disease. Results: The commonest congenital heart diseases in Nigeria are ventricular septal defect (40.6%), patent ductus arteriosus (18.4%), atrial septal defect (11.3%) and tetralogy of Fallot (11.8%). There has been a 6% increase in the burden of VSD in every decade for the 5 decades studied and a decline in the occurrence of pulmonary stenosis. Studies conducted in Northern Nigeria demonstrated higher proportions of atrial septal defects than patent ductus arteriosus. Conclusions: Ventricular septal defects are the commonest congenital heart diseases in Nigeria with a rising burden.
Picornaviruses are a group of human and animal pathogens capable of inflicting serious public health diseases and economic burdens. Treatments options through vaccines for prevention or antivirals to cure infection are not available for the vast majority of these viruses. These shortcomings, in the development of vaccines or antivirals therapeutic, are linked to the genetic diversity and to an incomplete understanding of the biology of these viruses. Despite the diverse host range, this group of positive-strand RNA viruses shares the same replication mechanisms, including the development of membranous structures (replication organelles) in the cytoplasm of infected cells. The development of these membranous structures, which serve as sites for the replication of the viral RNA genome, has been linked to the hijacking of elements of the cellular membrane metabolism pathways. Here we show that upon picornavirus infection, there is a specific activation of acyl-CoA synthetase enzymes resulting in strong import and accumulation of long chain fatty acids in the cytoplasm of infected cells. We show that the newly imported fatty acids serve as a substrate for the upregulation of phosphatidylcholine synthesis required for the structural development of replication organelles. In this work, we identified that acyl-CoA synthetase long chain 3 (ACSL3) is required for the upregulation of lipids syntheses and the replication of poliovirus. We have shown that the poliovirus protein 2A was required but not sufficient for the activation of import of long chain fatty acids in infected cells. We demonstrated that the fatty acid import is upregulated upon infection by diverse picornaviruses and that such upregulation is not dependent on activation of ER stress response or the autophagy pathways. In this work, we have demonstrated that phosphatidylcholine was required for the structural development of replication organelles. Phosphatidylcholine synthesis was dispensable for the production of infectious particles at high MOI but required at a low MOI for the protection of the replication complexes from the cellular innate immunity mechanisms.
Wydział Biologii: Instytut Biologii Środowiska
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
The 16S rRNA methyltransferase ArmA is a worldwide emerging determinant that confers high-level resistance to most clinically relevant aminoglycosides. We report here the identification and characterization of a multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica subspecies I.4,12:i:- isolate recovered from chicken meat sampled in a supermarket on February 2009 in La Reunion, a French island in the Indian Ocean. Susceptibility testing showed an unusually high-level resistance to gentamicin, as well as to ampicillin, expanded-spectrum cephalosporins and amoxicillin-clavulanate. Molecular analysis of the 16S rRNA methyltransferases revealed presence of the armA gene, together with bla(TEM-1), bla(CMY-2), and bla(CTX-M-3). All of these genes could be transferred en bloc through conjugation into Escherichia coli at a frequency of 10(-5) CFU/donor. Replicon typing and S1 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis revealed that the armA gene was borne on an ~150-kb broad-host-range IncP plasmid, pB1010. To elucidate how armA had integrated in pB1010, a PCR mapping strategy was developed for Tn1548, the genetic platform for armA. The gene was embedded in a Tn1548-like structure, albeit with a deletion of the macrolide resistance genes, and an IS26 was inserted within the mel gene. To our knowledge, this is the first report of ArmA methyltransferase in food, showing a novel route of transmission for this resistance determinant. Further surveillance in food-borne bacteria will be crucial to determine the role of food in the spread of 16S rRNA methyltransferase genes worldwide.
Las enfermedades raras o huérfano son una problemática que ha tomado mucha importancia en el contexto mundial del presente siglo, estas se han definido como crónicas, de difícil tratamiento de sus síntomas y con baja prevalencia en la población; muchas de estas enfermedades cursan con varios tipos de discapacidad, siendo el objetivo del presente trabajo el enfocarse en aquellas enfermedades raras que cursan con discapacidad intelectual. Para poder profundizar en estas enfermedades se realizó una revisión teórica sobre las enfermedades raras, así como de la discapacidad psíquica y su importancia a nivel mundial y nacional. A partir de estas definiciones, se revisaron en profundidad 3 enfermedades raras que cursan con discapacidad intelectual en el contexto colombiano, como son: el síndrome de Rett, el síndrome de Prader-Willi y el síndrome de X frágil. En cada una de estas enfermedades además se explicaron los tipos de diagnóstico, intervención, prevención, grupos de apoyo y tipos de evaluación que más se usan en el contexto nacional
RESUMEN Objetivo: Estimar la prevalencia de las diferentes enfermedades oftalmológicas que aparecen en el contexto de una enfermedad autoinmune (EAI) en pacientes de un centro de referencia reumatológica en Colombia, según características clínicas y sociodemográficas durante un período de 15 años, comprendido entre los años 2000 a 2015. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional de prevalencia. El tipo de muestreo fue aleatorio estratificado con asignación proporcional en el programa Epidat 3.4. Los datos se analizaron en el programa SPSS v22.0 y se realizó análisis univariado de las variables categóricas, para las variables cuantitativas se realizaron medidas de tendencia central. Resultados: De 1640 historias clínicas revisadas, se encontraron 634 pacientes (38,65%) con compromiso ocular. Si excluimos los pacientes con SS, que por definición presentan ojo seco, 222 pacientes (13,53%) presentaron compromiso oftalmológico. Del total de pacientes, el 83,3% fueron mujeres. La AR fue la enfermedad autoinmune con mayor compromiso oftalmológico con 138 pacientes (62,2%), y en último lugar la sarcoidosis con 1 solo paciente afectado. La QCS fue la manifestación más común en todos los grupos diagnósticos de EAI, con 146 pacientes (63,5%). De 414 pacientes con Síndrome de Sjögren (SS) y QCS 8 presentaron compromiso ocular adicional, siendo la uveítis la segunda patología ocular asociada en pacientes con SS y la primera causa en las espondiloartropatias (71,4 %). Los pacientes con catarata (4,1%) presentaron la mayor prevalencia de uso de corticoide (88.8%). De 222 pacientes, 28 (12,6%) presentaron uveítis. Del total de pacientes, 16 (7,2%) presentaron maculopatía por antimalaráricos y 6 (18,75%) de los pacientes con LES. Los ANAS se presentaron en el 100% los pacientes con trastorno vascular de la retina. Los pacientes con epiescleritis presentaron la mayor proporción de positivización de anticuerpos anti-DNA. La EAI que más presentó epiescleritis fue LES con 4 pacientes (12,5%) El 22% de paciente con anticuerpos anti-RNP presentaron escleritis y 32,1% de los pacientes con uveítis presentaron HLA-B27 positivo. Las manifestaciones oftalmológicas precedieron a las sistémicas entre un 11,1% y un 33,3% de los pacientes. Conclusión: Las enfermedades oculares se presentan con frecuencia en los pacientes colombianos con EAI (38.65%), siendo la AR la enfermedad con mayor compromiso ocular (62,2%) y la QCS la enfermedad ocular con mayor prevalencia en todas las EAI (63,5%). La uveítis se presentó en 28 pacientes (12,6%). Las manifestaciones oftalmológicas pueden preceder a las sistémicas. El examen oftalmológico debe ser incluido en los pacientes con EAI, por ser la enfermedad ocular una comorbilidad frecuente. Adicionalmente, los efectos oftalmológicos de las medicaciones sistémicas utilizadas en EAI deben ser estrechamente monitorizados, durante el curso del tratamiento.
Mixed infections in cucurbits are frequently observed in natural conditions between viruses from the Potyvirus genus and Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), which significantly decreases productivity. The objectives of the present study was to compare the host range of PRSV-W, WMV, and ZYMV isolates and evaluate the effects of mixed infections with CMV in zucchini plants (Cucurbita pepo L.). Host range studies comprising 23 plant species confirmed some similarities and biological differences among the isolates of PRSV-W, ZYMV, and WMV. RT-PCR confirmed the amplification of DNA fragments of the PRSV-W, WMV, and ZYMV coat protein gene (cp) and cytoplasm inclusion gene (ci). The virus interaction studies in zucchini Caserta plants indicated synergistic interactions, particularly among species from the Potyvirus genus, and some CMV interference with some virus combinations.
Staphylococci are important pathogenic bacteria responsible for a range of diseases in humans. The most frequently isolated microorganisms in a hospital microbiology laboratory are staphylococci. The general classification of staphylococci divides them into two major groups; Coagulase-positive staphylococci (e.g. Staphylococcus aureus) and Coagulase-negative staphylococci (e.g. Staphylococcus epidermidis). Coagulase-negative staphylococcal (CoNS) isolates include a variety of species and many different strains but are often dominated by the most important organism of this group, S. epidermidis. Currently, these organisms are regarded as important pathogenic organisms causing infections related to prosthetic materials and surgical wounds. A significant number of S. epidermidis isolates are also resistant to different antimicrobial agents. Virulence factors in CoNS are not very clearly established and not well documented. S. epidermidis is evolving as a resistant and powerful microbe related to nosocomial infections because it has different properties which independently, and in combination, make it a successful infectious agent, especially in the hospital environment. Such characteristics include biofilm formation, drug resistance and the evolution of genetic variables. The purpose of this project was to develop a novel SNP genotyping method to genotype S. epidermidis strains originating from hospital patients and healthy individuals. High-Resolution Melt Analysis was used to assign binary typing profiles to both clinical and commensal strains using a new bioinformatics approach. The presence of antibiotic resistance genes and biofilm coding genes were also interrogated in these isolates.
• Government reports consistently recognise the importance of Primary Health Care to an efficient health system. Barriers identified in Australia’s Primary Health Care include workforce pressures, increase rate of chronic disease, and equitable access to Primary Health Care services. • General Practitioners (GPs) are the key to the successful delivery of Primary Health Care especially in rural and remote regions such as the Wheatbelt region in Western Australia (WA). • The Wheatbelt region of WA is vast: some 72,500 residents spread across 150,000km2 in 43 Local Government Authorities catchments. Majority of the Wheatbelt residents live in small towns. There is a higher reported rates of chronic disease, more at risk of chronic diseases and less utilisation of Primary Health Care services in this region. • General practice patients in the Wheatbelt are among those most in need of Primary Health Care services. • Wheatbelt GP Network (the “Network”) was established in 1998. It is a key health service delivery stakeholder in the Wheatbelt. • The Network has responded to the health needs of the community by creating a mobile Allied Health Team that works closely with GPs and is adaptive to ensure priority needs are met. • The Medicare Local model introduced by the Australian Government in 2011 aimed to improve the delivery of Primary Health Care services by improved health planning and coordinating service delivery. • Little if any recognition has been given to the outstanding work that many Divisions of General Practice have done in improving the delivery of Primary Health Care services such as the Network. • The Network has continued to support GPs and general practices and created a complementary system that integrated general practice with the work of an Allied Health Team. Its program mix is extensive. • The Network has consistently delivered on-required contract outputs and has a fifteen (15) years history of operating successfully in a large geographical area comprising in the main smaller communities that cannot support the traditional health services model. • The complexity of supporting International Medical Graduates in the region requires special attention. • The introduction of the Medicare Local in the South West of WA and their intention to take over the delivery of health services, thus effectively shutting the Network will have catastrophic consequences and cannot be supported economically. • The Network proposes to create a new model, built on its past work that increases the delivery of Primary Health Care services through its current Allied Health Team. • The proposal uses the Wheatbelt GP Super Clinic currently under construction in Northam, part of the Network and funded by the Australian Government is a key to the proposed new model. • Wheatbelt GP Super Clinic is different from existing models of GP Super Clinics around Australia which focus predominately on co-location of services. Wheatbelt GP Super Clinic utilises a hub and spoke model of service outreach to small rural towns to ensure equitable Primary Health Care coverage and continuum of care in a financially responsible and viable manner. In particular, the Wheatbelt GP Super Clinic recognises the importance of Allied Health Professionals and will involve them in a collaborative model with rural general practice. • The proposed model advocated by the Network aims to substitute the South West WA Medicare Local direct service delivery proposed for the Wheatbelt. The Network’s proposed model is to expand on the current hub and spoke model of Primary Health Care delivery to otherwise small unviable Wheatbelt towns. A flexible and adaptive skill mix of Allied Health Professionals, Nurse Practitioners and GPs ensure equitable access to service. Expanded scope of practices are utilised to reduce duplication of service and concentration of services in major towns. This involves a partnership approach. • If the proposed model not funded, the Network and the Wheatbelt region will stand to lose 16 Allied Health Professionals and defeats the purpose of Australian Government current funding for the construction of the Wheatbelt GP Super Clinic. • The Network has considered how its model can best be funded. It proposes a re-allocation of funds made available to the South West WA Medicare Local. • This submission argues that the proposal for the South West WA Medicare Local to take over the service delivery of Primary Health Care services in the Wheatbelt makes no economic sense when an existing agency (the Network) has the infrastructure in place, is experienced in working in this geographical area that has special needs and is capable to expand its programs to meet demand.
Changes to the redox status of biological systems have been implicated in the pathogenesis of a wide variety of disorders including cancer, Ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury and neurodegeneration. In times of metabolic stress e.g. ischaemia/reperfusion, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production overwhelms the intrinsic antioxidant capacity of the cell, damaging vital cellular components. The ability to quantify ROS changes in vivo, is therefore essential to understanding their biological role. Here we evaluate the suitability of a novel reversible profluorescent probe containing a redox-sensitive nitroxide moiety (methyl ester tetraethylrhodamine nitroxide, ME-TRN), as an in vivo, real-time reporter of retinal oxidative status. The reversible nature of the probe's response offers the unique advantage of being able to monitor redox changes in both oxidizing and reducing directions in real time. After intravitreal administration of the ME-TRN probe, we induced ROS production in rat retina using an established model of complete, acute retinal ischaemia followed by reperfusion. After restoration of blood flow, retinas were imaged using a Micron III rodent fundus fluorescence imaging system, to quantify the redox-response of the probe. Fluorescent intensity declined during the first 60 min of reperfusion. The ROS-induced change in probe fluorescence was ameliorated with the retinal antioxidant, lutein. Fluorescence intensity in non-Ischemia eyes did not change significantly. This new probe and imaging technology provide a reversible and real-time response to oxidative changes and may allow the in vivo testing of antioxidant therapies of potential benefit to a range of diseases linked to oxidative stress
Background Leucocyte telomere length (LTL), which is fashioned by multiple genes, has been linked to a host of human diseases, including sporadic melanoma. A number of genes associated with LTL have already been identified through genome-wide association studies. The main aim of this study was to establish whether DCAF4 (DDB1 and CUL4-associated factor 4) is associated with LTL. In addition, using ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA), we examined whether LTL-associated genes in the general population might partially explain the inherently longer LTL in patients with sporadic melanoma, the risk for which is increased with ultraviolet radiation (UVR). Results Genome-wide association (GWA) meta-analysis and de novo genotyping of 20 022 individuals revealed a novel association (p=6.4×10−10) between LTL and rs2535913, which lies within DCAF4. Notably, eQTL analysis showed that rs2535913 is associated with decline in DCAF4 expressions in both lymphoblastoid cells and sun-exposed skin (p=4.1×10−3 and 2×10−3, respectively). Moreover, IPA revealed that LTL-associated genes, derived from GWA meta-analysis (N=9190), are over-represented among genes engaged in melanoma pathways. Meeting increasingly stringent p value thresholds (p<0.05, <0.01, <0.005, <0.001) in the LTL-GWA meta-analysis, these genes were jointly over-represented for melanoma at p values ranging from 1.97×10−169 to 3.42×10−24. Conclusions We uncovered a new locus associated with LTL in the general population. We also provided preliminary findings that suggest a link of LTL through genetic mechanisms with UVR and melanoma in the general population.