1000 resultados para Análises mineralógicas


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An effective hygiene and sanitation inspection of meat and meat products is essential for its production and commercialization. For this reason, the national and international standards responsible for these products quality control employs microbiological analyses methods as quality control tools. In December of 2012, it was included in the Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) website, a Microbiological Scope of food and water, which presents the replacement of some methods proposed by the Normative Instruction 62. Some of these methodologies are considered rapid, practical and convenient. However, other methodologies were still replaced by conventional ones, which presents disadvantages as incorrect interpretations of the microorganism phenotypical and biochemical characteristics, leading to the misinterpretation of test results. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop a comprehensive, practical and illustrative guidebook of microbiological analysis for in natura poultry cuts. The methods addressed in this guide are the official standards analysis required by the poultry cuts legislation, which are the Escherichia coli count, the thermotolerant coliforms count, the aerobic plate count and the detection of Salmonella spp. The approached methodologies for these analysis will be the AOAC 998.08, the Normative Instruction 62 and the ISO 4833-1:2013 and ISO 6579:2002, respectively. In these events, it is expected to obtain an enlightening and approved guidebook evaluated by laboratory technicians, which will help reduce the analytical subjectivity leading to a more reliable interpretation of the test results.


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The present work concerns the use of shade elements as architectural elements to block sunlight in public buildings. In a city like Natal, (5o South) the incidence of sunrays in any type of design should be a constant concern for all the architects. Besides, this habit of avoiding insolation in the environment is not a common practice. Within this context, the present work has the objective to dig deep into the knowledge of solar control, studying some cases and verifying its function according to the orientation and the original design of the building, having in mind if the shade elements usually used in the region have achieved their purpose of providing protection against the incidence of direct sun rays. This study considers the position of the shade element (horizontal and vertical), the angle formed between them and the respective facades, and the local of the buildings in relation to their orientation during the summer, winter and equinox solstice. As supporting instruments the solar map of the city and the protractor, for measuring shade angles, were used. It was concluded that in all the cases studied, it was not possible to obtain the maximum use of the elements. It was verified that the best type of shade element (more efficient) for the city of Natal is the mixed type (horizontal and vertical) and that the vertical shade elements are more efficient in the early mornings and late afternoon. The horizontal shade elements are used more effective at midday. We intend to present the results of this study to the architects in the region in order to show them the correct ways of using the shade elements according to the possible orientation on the facade, as a supporting tool at the time of designing a project as well as a subsidy for further discussions on the elaboration of the new urban standards for the city of Natal/RN


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ambiente, Saúde e Segurança, 4 de Abril de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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Apesar da importância reconhecida à textologia contrastiva na didática da tradução, são extremamente escassos os estudos focados no par de línguas espanhol-português. Como forma de compensar, pelo menos em parte, essa enorme lacuna, propôs-se aos alunos de Tradução Jurídica de Espanhol do MTIE do ISCAP um trabalho de análise de diversos textos jurídicos autênticos. Três desses trabalhos são aqui apresentados, os quais abordam tipos de texto bem diferenciados: os recursos de apelação, os testamentos e os contratos de trabalho.


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The exopolysaccharides are extracellular compounds produced by some species of fungi and bacteria. It is suggested that these molecules, even when in the form of complex polysaccharide-peptide, are the main bioactive molecules of many fungus. Some of the biological activities displayed by these compounds can be accentuated and others may arise when you add chemically polar or nonpolar groups to polysaccharides. The fruiting body of Pleurotus sajor-caju produces a heteropolysaccharide with antineoplastic and antimicrobial activity, but other biological activities of this polymer have not been evaluated. In this work the exopolysaccharide of Pleurotus sajor-caju was sulfated chemically and structurally characterized. We also evaluated the antiproliferative, antioxidant and anticoagulant activities from native exopolysaccharide (PN) and its sulfated derivated (PS). Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance (¹³C) proved successful in sulfation of PN to obtain PS. Analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy showed that PN and PS are composed of mannose, galactose, 3-O-methyl-galactose and glucose in proportion percentage of 44,9:16,3:19,8:19 and 49, 7:14,4:17,7:18,2, respectively. The percentage of sulfate found in PS was 22.5%. Antioxidants assays revealed that the sulfation procedure affects differently the activities of exopolysaccharides, while the total antioxidant capacity, the scavenging activity of superoxide radical and ferric chelating were not affected by sulfation, on the other hand the chemical modification of PN enhanced the scavenging activity of hydroxyl radical and reducing power. PS also showed anticoagulant activity in a dose-dependent manner and clotting time was 3.0 times higher than the baseline value in APTT at 2 mg/mL. The exopolysaccharide not presented antiproliferative activity against HeLa tumor cells, but PS affects the cellular proliferation in a time-dependent manner. After 72 h, the inhibition rate of PS (2.0 mg/mL) on HeLa cells was about 60%. The results showed that PN sulfation increase some of their activities.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geotecnia, 2015.


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Os autores procedem à análise das pastas cerâmicas de 24 amostras de número de recipientes, do povoado calcolítico do Monte da Tumba, recorrendo ao microscópio petrográfico. Esta metodologia revelou-se muito eficaz e permitiu atingir conclusões importantes nos domínios da tecnologia e da análise do site-catchement. De sublinhar a constatação de que as dimensões dos elementos não plásticos das pastas argilosas não parecem relacionar-se com as dimensões nem com a espessura das paredes dos recipientes, mas com o grau de resistência e porosidade pretendidos. Registe-se igualmente que as produções cerâmicas utilizaram matérias-primas locais, num raio de distância mínimo de 750m a partir do povoado.


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Neste trabalho estudam-se três fragmentos de recipientes cerâmicos, recolhidos no interior de duas cistas da necrópole, do Bronze do Sudoeste, de Alfarrobeira (Silves). Os trabalhos efectuados sobre tais fragmentos constaram: da observação macroscópica, na superfície de fractura; da observação em lâmina delgada, ao microscópio petrográfico. São, até ao presente, escassos os trabalhos realizados, no nosso país, sobre análises de pastas cerâmicas recorrendo ao microscópio petrográfico. Parece-nos, no entanto, que se trata de método particularmente aplicável ao estudo das cerâmicas pré-históricas. Estas, com efeito, ao contrário das cerâmicas mais recentes, em geral de pastas mais finas e depuradas, encerram grande quantidade de elementos não plásticos, frequentemente de mineralogia variada. Estão, pois, reunidas as condições para que, através do estudo petrográfico, se possam constituir agrupamentos de pastas, de acordo com a respectiva mineralogia para, numa fase ulterior, tendo presente as características petrográficas dos afloramentos geológicos da região mais ou menos adjacente, se possam definir prováveis zonas de abastecimento da respectiva matéria-prima ou outras informações a que o estudo comparado dos diferentes tipos de pastas devam conduzir. Foi tendo em consideração tais preocupações que se decidiu pela realização do presente trabalho.


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With the disorganized decentralization occurred in Brazil after the 1988 Constitution, municipalities have risen to the level of federal entities. This phenomenon became known as "municipalism" also brought some negative effects such as low capacity financial, economic and political of these entities. In the face of this reality , the municipalities sought in models of collaborative features to address public policy issues ultrarregionais, one of these models are the Public Consortia. Characterized as the organization of all federal entities that aim to solve public policy implementation alone that they could not, or spend great resources for such. This reality of the municipalities have an aggravating factor when looking at the situation in Metropolitan Regions (MRs). This is because the RMs has a historical process of formation that does not encourage cooperation, since that were created top-down during the military regime. Furthermore, the metropolitan municipalities have significant power asymmetries, localist vision, rigidity earmarked revenues, different scenarios conurbation, difficulty standardization of concepts and others that contribute to the vision of low cooperation of these metropolitan areas. Thus, the problem of this work is in the presence of collaborative arrangements, such as the Public Consortia in metropolitan areas, which are seen as areas of low cooperation. To elucidate this research was used for analysis the cases of CONDIAM/PB and Consórcio Grande Recife/PE, because they are apparently antagonistic, but with some points of similarity. The cases has as foundation the Theory of Common Resources, which provides the possibility of collective action through the initiative of individuals. This theory has as its methodology for analyzing the picture IAD Framework, which proposes its analysis based on three axes: external variables, the arena of action and results. The nature of the method of this research was classified as exploratory and descriptive. For the stage of date analysis, was used the method of document analysis and content, Further than of separation of the cases according to theur especificities. At the end of the study, noted that the CONDIAM/PB was a strategy of municipal government of Joao Pessoa to attract funds from the Federal Government for the purpose of to build a landfill, and over the years the ideology of cooperation was left aside, the prevailing view localist municipalities. In the case of Consórcio Grande Recife/PE, members act with some degree of cooperation, especially the collaborative aspect of the region, however, still prevails with greater strength the power of the state of Pernambuco in the decisions and paths of the consortium. Thus, was conclude that the Public Consortia analyzed are an experience of collaborative arrangement, from the initiative of members, as the theory of common resources says, but has not actually signed as a practice of collective action to overcome the dilemmas faced by metropolitan areas


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Este relatório de estágio foi elaborado no âmbito da unidade curricular dissertação/projeto/estágio do Mestrado em Processos Químicos e Biológicos no Departamento de Engenharia Química e Biológica (DEQB) no Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra (ISEC). O presente relatório reflete o estágio que decorreu na Associação para a Inovação Tecnológica e Qualidade (AEMITEQ), um laboratório acreditado pelo Instituto Português de Acreditação (IPAC) cuja atividade principal consiste na realização de análises físico-químicas de águas, efluentes e solos, entre outros. O principal objetivo deste estágio consistiu na revalidação e na estimativa da incerteza de acordo com a norma ISO 11352:2012 do procedimento laboratorial: “Método de Análise de Azoto Amoniacal em Águas”. A proposta de revalidação de um método teve origem na alteração no modo de identificação dos documentos normativos nos anexos técnicos de acreditação. Em consequência desta alteração houve a necessidade de evidenciar perante o IPAC que o método em questão permanecia validado. A necessidade de estimar a incerteza de acordo com a norma ISO 11352:2012 teve origem na suspensão do guia do IPAC - OGC007, uma vez que a incerteza estimada pelo laboratório baseava-se neste guia. Estes objetivos foram realizados com sucesso. Outro dos objetivos deste estágio consistiu na integração nas atividades correntes do laboratório e na familiarização e execução das técnicas analíticas adotadas pela AEMITEQ com supervisão, tanto no âmbito da acreditação como fora do âmbito da acreditação. Este objetivo foi concretizado com sucesso, uma vez que obtive qualificação em vários ensaios acreditados. De uma forma generalizada, o estágio permitiu a integração num ambiente empresarial, designadamente num laboratório acreditado como a AEMITEQ. Desta forma, é possível concluir que o estágio foi realizado com sucesso, uma vez que no final fui convidada a realizar estágio profissional na AEMITEQ


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The present work concerns the use of shade elements as architectural elements to block sunlight in public buildings. In a city like Natal, (5o South) the incidence of sunrays in any type of design should be a constant concern for all the architects. Besides, this habit of avoiding insolation in the environment is not a common practice. Within this context, the present work has the objective to dig deep into the knowledge of solar control, studying some cases and verifying its function according to the orientation and the original design of the building, having in mind if the shade elements usually used in the region have achieved their purpose of providing protection against the incidence of direct sun rays. This study considers the position of the shade element (horizontal and vertical), the angle formed between them and the respective facades, and the local of the buildings in relation to their orientation during the summer, winter and equinox solstice. As supporting instruments the solar map of the city and the protractor, for measuring shade angles, were used. It was concluded that in all the cases studied, it was not possible to obtain the maximum use of the elements. It was verified that the best type of shade element (more efficient) for the city of Natal is the mixed type (horizontal and vertical) and that the vertical shade elements are more efficient in the early mornings and late afternoon. The horizontal shade elements are used more effective at midday. We intend to present the results of this study to the architects in the region in order to show them the correct ways of using the shade elements according to the possible orientation on the facade, as a supporting tool at the time of designing a project as well as a subsidy for further discussions on the elaboration of the new urban standards for the city of Natal/RN


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Produced water is characterized as one of the most common wastes generated during exploration and production of oil. This work aims to develop methodologies based on comparative statistical processes of hydrogeochemical analysis of production zones in order to minimize types of high-cost interventions to perform identification test fluids - TIF. For the study, 27 samples were collected from five different production zones were measured a total of 50 chemical species. After the chemical analysis was applied the statistical data, using the R Statistical Software, version 2.11.1. Statistical analysis was performed in three steps. In the first stage, the objective was to investigate the behavior of chemical species under study in each area of production through the descriptive graphical analysis. The second step was to identify a function that classify production zones from each sample, using discriminant analysis. In the training stage, the rate of correct classification function of discriminant analysis was 85.19%. The next stage of processing of the data used for Principal Component Analysis, by reducing the number of variables obtained from the linear combination of chemical species, try to improve the discriminant function obtained in the second stage and increase the discrimination power of the data, but the result was not satisfactory. In Profile Analysis curves were obtained for each production area, based on the characteristics of the chemical species present in each zone. With this study it was possible to develop a method using hydrochemistry and statistical analysis that can be used to distinguish the water produced in mature fields of oil, so that it is possible to identify the zone of production that is contributing to the excessive elevation of the water volume.


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Resumo: Registros de sobrevivência do nascimento ao desmame de 3846 crias de ovinos da raça Santa Inês foram analisados por modelos de reprodutor linear e não linear (modelo de limiar), para estimar componentes de variância e herdabilidade. Os modelos usados para sobrevivência, analisada como característica da cria, incluíram os efeitos fixos de sexo, da combinação tipo de nascimento-criação da cria e da idade da ovelha ao parto, efeito da covariável peso da cria ao nascer e efeitos aleatórios de reprodutor, da classe rebanho-ano-estação e do resíduo. Componentes de variância para o modelo linear foram estimados pelo método da máxima verossimilhança restrita (REML) e para o modelo não linear por uma aproximação da máxima verossimilhança marginal (MML), pelo programa CMMAT2. O coeficiente de herdabilidade (h2) estimado pelo modelo de limiar foi de 0,29, e pelo modelo linear, 0,14. A correlação de ordem de Spearman entre as capacidades de transmissão dos reprodutores, com base nos dois modelos foi de 0,96. As estimativas de h2 obtidas indicam a possibilidade de se obter, por seleção, ganho genético para sobrevivência. [Linear and nonlinear models in genetic analyses of lamb survival in the Santa Inês hair sheep breed]. Abstract: Records of 3,846 lambs survival from birth to weaning of Santa Inês hair sheep breed, were analyzed by linear and non linear sire models (threshold model) to estimate variance components and heritability (h2). The models that were used to analyze survival, considered in this study as a lamb trait, included the fixed effects of sex of the lamb, combination of type of birth-rearing of lamb, and age of ewe, birth weight of lamb as covariate, and random effects of sire, herd-year-season and residual. Variance components were obtained using restricted maximum likelihood (REML), in linear model and marginal maximum likelihood in threshold model through CMMAT2 program. Estimate of heritability (h2) obtained by threshold model was 0.29 and by linear model was 0.14. Rank correlation of Spearman, between sire solutions based on the two models was 0.96. The obtained estimates in this study indicate that it is possible to acquire genetic gain to survival by selection.


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Nos processos de planeamento da rede de oferta educativa não são apenas os registos dos históricos de eficácia interna e de eficácia externa que devem ser tidos em conta. Há, na verdade, uma multiplicidade de factores a considerar, desde os interesses e motivações dos alunos e famílias a elementos de natureza contextual, alguns dos quais de base económica e social, tais como as estratégias e dinâmicas de desenvolvimento regional em curso, os planos plurianuais municipais e intermunicipais de investimento, os estudos de prospecção de mercado e emprego e de sustentabilidade dos investimentos, as projecções de áreas sectoriais a expandir, quer seja de cariz mais profissionalizante quer de âmbito mais académico e prossecução de estudos decorrente da oferta escolar disponível por parte das instituições de ensino superior a nível nacional e regional.