857 resultados para 21st Century Skills
This article provides a review of recent developments in two topical areas of research in contemporary organizational behavior: diversity and emotions. In the section called “Diversity,”we trace the history of diversity research, explore the definitions and paradigms used in treatments of diversity, and signal new areas of interest. We conclude that organizational behavior in the 21st century is evolving to embrace a more eclectic and holistic view of humans at work. In the section called “Emotions,” we turn our attention to recent developments in the study of emotions in organizations. We identify four major topics: mood theory, emotional labor, affective events theory (AET), and emotional intelligence, and argue that developments in the four domains have significant implications for organizational research, and the progression of the study of organizational behavior. As with the study of diversity, the topic of emotions in the workplace is shaping up as one of the principal areas of development in management thought and practice for the next decade. Finally, we discuss in our conclusion how these two areas are being conceptually integrated, and the implications for management scholarship and research in the contemporary world.
There are many changes and challenges facing the mental health care professional working in Australia in the 21st Century. Given the significance of their number and the considerable extent to which care is delivered by them, mental health nurses in particular must be at the forefront of the movement to enhance and improve mental health care. Mental health nurses in Australia must not only keep up with the changes, we should be setting the pace for others across the profession worldwide. The increasingly complex field of mental health nursing demands nurses who are not only equipped to face the challenges but are confident in doing so. Definitive guidelines for practice, clear expectations regarding outcomes and specific means by which to evaluate both practice and outcomes are vital. Strengthening the role and vision of mental health nursing so that there is clarity about both and highlighting core values by which to perform will enable us to become focused on our future and what we can expect to both give to and receive from our chosen profession and how we can, and do, contribute to mental health care. The role of the mental health nurse is undergoing expansion and there are new hurdles to overcome along with the new benefits this brings. To support this, nationally adopted, formalised standards of practice and means by which to measure these, i.e., practice indicators formerly known as clinical indicators, are required. It is important to have national standards and practice indicators because of the variances in the provision of mental health across Australia – different legislation regarding mental health policies and processes, different nursing registration bodies and Nursing Councils, for example – which create additional barriers to cohesion and uniformity. Improvements in the practice of mental health nursing lead to benefits for consumer outcomes as well as the overall quality of mental health care available in Australia. The emphasis on rights-based care, particularly consumer and carer rights, demands evidence-based, up-to-date mental health care delivered by competent, capable professionals. Documented expectations for performance by nurses will provide all involved with yardsticks by which to evaluate outcomes. Flowing on from these benefits are advances in mental health care generally and enhancements to Australia’s reputation and position within the health care arena throughout the world. Currently, the ‘Standards for Practice’ published by the Australian New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses (ANZCMHN) in 1995 and the practice indicators developed by Skews et al. (2000) provide a less formal guide for mental health nurses working in Australia. While these earlier standards and practice indicators have played some role in supporting mental health nurses they have not been nationally or enthusiastically adopted and there are a multitude of reasons for this. This report reviews the current literature available on practice indicators and standards for practice and describes an evidence-based rationale as to why a review and renewal of these is required and why it is important, not just for mental health nurses but to the field of mental health in general. The term ‘practice indicator’ is used, except where a quotation utilises ‘clinical indicator’, to more accurately reflect the broad spectrum of nursing roles, i.e. not all mental health nursing work involves a clinical role.
This Australian study describes the benefits of clinical supervision as perceived by school guidance officers who work in a large education authority. The participants were a random sample of guidance officers and senior guidance officers who agreed to participate in focus group interviews conducted via teleconference calls. The benefits of and reasons for clinical supervision graphically described by the participants raise questions about the cost of inadequate supervision to the individual counsellors themselves and to the profession as a whole. The findings become even more important when considered in light of the world of work of the 21st century.
Environmental processes have been modelled for decades. However. the need for integrated assessment and modeling (IAM) has,town as the extent and severity of environmental problems in the 21st Century worsens. The scale of IAM is not restricted to the global level as in climate change models, but includes local and regional models of environmental problems. This paper discusses various definitions of IAM and identifies five different types of integration that Lire needed for the effective solution of environmental problems. The future is then depicted in the form of two brief scenarios: one optimistic and one pessimistic. The current state of IAM is then briefly reviewed. The issues of complexity and validation in IAM are recognised as more complex than in traditional disciplinary approaches. Communication is identified as a central issue both internally among team members and externally with decision-makers. stakeholders and other scientists. Finally it is concluded that the process of integrated assessment and modelling is considered as important as the product for any particular project. By learning to work together and recognise the contribution of all team members and participants, it is believed that we will have a strong scientific and social basis to address the environmental problems of the 21st Century. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A global biofuels program will lead to intense pressures on land supply and can increase greenhouse gas emissions from land-use changes. Using linked economic and terrestrial biogeochemistry models, we examined direct and indirect effects of possible land-use changes from an expanded global cellulosic bioenergy program on greenhouse gas emissions over the 21st century. Our model predicts that indirect land use will be responsible for substantially more carbon loss ( up to twice as much) than direct land use; however, because of predicted increases in fertilizer use, nitrous oxide emissions will be more important than carbon losses themselves in terms of warming potential. A global greenhouse gas emissions policy that protects forests and encourages best practices for nitrogen fertilizer use can dramatically reduce emissions associated with biofuels production.
Australia’s transition to the 21st century has been marked by an extended period of economic prosperity unmatched for several decades, but one in which a series of question marks are being raised in three principal areas: in relation to the environment, the social well-being of the population, and the future path of economic development. The first concern, which is of primary interest in this report, relates to the physical environment of cities and their surrounding regions, and the range of pressures exerted by population and human activity. The report begins by noting the increasing divergence of the prime indicator of national economic performance—gross domestic product (GDP)—from the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI). GPI is a new experimental measure of sustainable development that accommodates factors currently unaccounted for in GDP, such as income distribution, value of household work, cost of unemployment, and various other social and environmental costs. The divergence of these two indicators in recent decades suggests that Australia’s growth has been heavily dependent on the draw-down of the nation’s stocks of capital assets (its infrastructure), its human and social capital, and its natural capital (Hamilton 1997).
O artigo estuda um aspecto da reforma do Estado que, segundo o autor, tem sido sistematicamente negligenciado pelas atuais propostas que focalizam o modelo da administra????o gerencial. Trata-se das fun????es vitais do governo de tomar decis??es cr??ticas e adotar pol??ticas diante das mudan??as provocadas pela revolu????o global. Segundo Dror, as tarefas de alto comando (high-order tasks) de definir trajet??rias e as novas formas de governan??a exigem um ajuste significativo do governo central. Este ajuste refere-se, principalmente, ?? concep????o e ao desenvolvimento de um novo padr??o de funcion??rios do primeiro escal??o p??blico, o qual contribuiria com conhecimento e perspectivas para enfrentar as tarefas de alto comando. O autor estabelece uma tipologia para caraterizar a evolu????o do perfil do servi??o p??blico, marcando suas fases hist??ricas: a) tipo alpha (status atribu??do, fus??o de pap??is pol??ticos e administrativos); b) tipo beta (compra de cargos governamentais) e c) tipo gamma (quase profissionalismo). O novo funcion??rio s??nior, do tipo delta, se concentraria nas quest??es de ordem estrat??gica, deixando as fun????es gerenciais para servidores do tipo gamma e para os servi??os t??cnicos. Ap??s uma breve an??lise, Dror conclui que o funcionalismo p??blico de primeiro escal??o, na maioria dos pa??ses (com exce????o de alguns pa??ses do Sudeste Asi??tico), encontra-se obsoleto, com base profissional inadequada e capacidade insuficiente para lidar com escolhas cr??ticas.
Embora pare??a ultrapassado, o instituto da escravid??o ainda ?? uma realidade no Brasil contempor??neo, sobretudo na zona rural do Pa??s. Tal ocorr??ncia fere o Estado Democr??tico de Direito em sua ess??ncia, al??m de representar uma das mais graves viola????es aos direitos humanos. Este artigo apresenta algumas considera????es sobre o Plano Nacional para a Erradica????o do Trabalho Escravo, defendendo que as a????es de repress??o t??m se mostrado insuficientes para a erradica????o da pr??tica. S??o necess??rias a????es preventivas e pol??ticas p??blicas que garantam alternativas de trabalho e renda ??s v??timas potenciais. Adicionalmente, ser??o identificados na literatura alguns aspectos jur??dicos candentes, apontados como nevr??lgicos para a efetividade do combate a essa pr??tica.
Nesta Dissertação os capítulos foram elaborados de maneira a estabelecer inicialmente um panorama da história da política pública ao longo do tempo e sua relação com a cultura, passando pelos conceitos da política pública de cultura, analisando os modelos de políticas culturais e a gestão cultural na democracia. Em seguida foi feito um estudo sobre a política cultural a partir da década de 80, para então analisar a participação das instituições públicas no processo de desenvolvimento após 1988. Diante da nova constituição foi lançado um olhar analítico sobre seus reflexos no campo da cultura desde o neoliberalismo até a segunda década do século XXI, além de uma visão do MinC sobre a arte contemporânea. Só então foram pesquisadas com mais profundidade as políticas públicas de cultura no estado do Espírito Santo, considerando as atuações das instituições públicas no processo de desenvolvimento, proporcionadas pelas aplicações dos Editais e seus desdobramentos, ligados a cada área de atuação dos segmentos culturais que são beneficiários, enfocando ainda as dimensões da cultura e os dilemas e alternativas das políticas públicas culturais com relação aos excluídos. A partir daí foi feita uma abordagem dos diversos segmentos artísticos do estado, suas atuações e suas carências, tendo como ponto de apoio os Editais. Foi analisado o Plano estadual de Cultura no contexto de sua relação com os segmentos culturais, considerando sua concepção original e o estado atual. Foram ainda analisadas as implicações das ações transversais entre os diversos órgãos governamentais e a cultura tendo em vista a equalização de Políticas Públicas de Cultura para o estado.
The aim of this article is to examine Brazil and the United States bilateral relations from 2003/2010 and their strategic patterns during the Presidency of Luis Inácio Lula da Silva. The goal is to understand the development of this dialogue in the 21st century and its previous background in the Post Cold War world, identifying its evolution and change due to Brazil's growing regional and global role and US relative position
This paper analyzes People's Republic of China (PRC) economic and political ascendance in the 21st century focusing on the evolution of the sui generis economic development model and its significances of the evolution of relationship between China and the developing countries in the peripheral "Global South." The objective of this article is to analyze the relationship between China and the Global South (Africa and South America) in the 21st century, characterized as a new Center-periphery global network power based on trade and investment that we call as "Asian Consensus."
The demographics of the early 21st century in Europe point to a notorious ageing of the population of most countries. Consequently, elderly people tend to be considered a social burden for the national healthcare and social security systems and their desire to participate actively in the civic and cultural activities of their countries is ignored. The first response to demographic ageing should therefore be a change in mentalities, which is what the area of gerontology is all about. It was in this context that the European Project CINAGE - European Cinema for Active Ageing was created. It is a transnational project, promoted by Portugal, and partnered by UK, Italy and Slovenia, oriented for the creation of a cinema course for elders and directly supported by filmic tools, within an andragogical self-reflexive approach. The modules of this course will be created on the basis of European cinematic examples and the input of focus groups consisting of experts in andragogy, active ageing, cinema and elders. In the end, twelve short films will be produced by senior members of the CINAGE course. We aim to present the project CINAGE in all its characteristics and thus reveal a way in which cinema can positively contribute to a more active ageing and the maintenance of mental health in later stages of life. It is relevant to consider what films Europe has been lately producing on this subject. We will use some of them to explain and corroborate our point of view and the project itself.
In the early 21st Century, with the phenomenon of digital convergence, the consecration of Web 2.0, the decrease of the cost of cameras and video recorders, the proliferation of mobile phones, laptops and wireless technologies, we witness the arising of a new wave of media, of an informal, personal and at times “minority” nature, facilitating social networks, a culture of fans, of sharing and remix. As digital networks become fully and deeply intricate in our experience, the idea of “participation” arises as one of the most complex and controversial themes of the contemporary critical discourse, namely in what concerns contemporary art and new media art. However, the idea of “participation” as a practice or postulate traverses the 20th century art playing an essential role in its auto-critic, in questioning the concept of author, and in the dilution of the frontiers between art, “life” and society, emphasizing the process, the everyday and a community sense. As such, questioning the new media art in light of a “participatory art” (Frieling, 2008) invokes a double gaze simultaneously attentive to the emerging figures of a “participatory aesthetics” in digital arts and of the genealogy in which it is included. In fact, relating the new media art with the complex and paradoxical phenomenon of “participation” allows us to, on the one hand, avoid “digital formalism” (Lovink, 2008) and analyse the relations between digital art and contemporary social movements; on the other hand, this angle of analysis contributes to reinforce the dialogue and the links between digital art and contemporary art, questioning the alleged frontiers that separate them.
This article outlines the initial draft of a PhD project which investigates refurbishment or rehabilitation projects in two German cities. The study focuses on obstacles, restraints and deficits as well as factors of success, which can be identified during the execution of the refurbishments. Moreover the study examines the process of the refurbishment itself, the general conditions under which the refurbishments are being executed as well as the implementation of sustainability criteria. First the article gives a short summary of the theoretical considerations of the study. In this respect it shortly outlines the global conditions of urban development and conducting challenges for cities in the 21st century, guiding principles of a sustainable urban development as well as goals of sustainable refurbishments. Finally the article shortly describes the case studies and presents the initial results of the empirical work.
The economic crisis that has been affecting Europe in the 21st century has modified social protection systems in the countries that adopted, in the 20th century, universal health care system models, such as Spain. This communication presents some recent transformations, which were caused by changes in Spanish law. Those changes relate to the access to health care services, mainly in regards to the provision of care to foreigners, to financial contribution from users for health care services, and to pharmaceutical assistance. In crisis situations, reforms are observed to follow a trend which restricts rights and deepens social inequalities.