900 resultados para 2016 model


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Plants can defend themselves from potential pathogenic microorganisms relying on a complex interplay of signaling pathways: activation of the MAPK cascade, transcription of defense related genes, production of reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide and synthesis of other defensive compounds such as phytoalexins. These events are triggered by the recognition of pathogen’s effectors (effector-triggered immunity) or PAMPs (PAMP-triggered immunity). The Cerato Platanin Family (CPF) members are Cys-rich proteins secreted and localized on fungal cell walls, involved in several aspects of fungal development and pathogen-host interactions. Although more than hundred genes of the CPF have been identified and analyzed, the structural and functional characterization of the expressed proteins has been restricted only to few members of the family. Interestingly, those proteins have been shown to bind chitin with diverse affinity and after foliar treatment they elicit defensive mechanisms in host and non-host plants. This property turns cerato platanins into interesting candidates, worth to be studied to develop new fungal elicitors with applications in sustainable agriculture. This study focus on cerato-platanin (CP), core member of the family and on the orthologous cerato-populin (Pop1). The latter shows an identity of 62% and an overall homology of 73% with respect to CP. Both proteins are able to induce MAPKs phosphorylation, production of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide, overexpression of defense’s related genes, programmed cell death and synthesis of phytoalexins. CP, however, when compared to Pop1, induces a faster response and, in some cases, a stronger activity on plane leaves. Aim of the present research is to verify if the dissimilarities observed in the defense elicitation activity of these proteins can be associated to their structural and dynamic features. Taking advantage of the available CP NMR structure, Pop1’s 3D one was obtained by homology modeling. Experimental residual dipolar couplings and 1H, 15N, 13C resonance assignments were used to validate the model. Previous works on CPF members, addressed the highly conserved random coil regions (loops b1-b2 and b2-b3) as sufficient and necessary to induce necrosis in plants’ leaves: that region was investigated in both Pop1 and CP. In the two proteins the loops differ, in their primary sequence, for few mutations and an insertion with a consequent diversification of the proteins’ electrostatic surface. A set of 2D and 3D NMR experiments was performed to characterize both the spatial arrangement and the dynamic features of the loops. NOE data revealed a more extended network of interactions between the loops in Pop1 than in CP. In addition, in Pop1 we identified a salt bridge Lys25/Asp52 and a strong hydrophobic interaction between Phe26/Trp53. These structural features were expected not only to affect the loops’ spatial arrangement, but also to reduce the degree of their conformational freedom. Relaxation data and the order parameter S2 indeed highlighted reduced flexibility, in particular for loop b1-b2 of Pop1. In vitro NMR experiments, where Pop1 and CP were titrated with oligosaccharides, supported the hypothesis that the loops structural and dynamic differences may be responsible for the different chitin-binding properties of the two proteins: CP selectively binds tetramers of chitin in a shallow groove on one side of the barrel defined by loops b1-b2, b2-b3 and b4-b5, Pop1, instead, interacts in a non-specific fashion with oligosaccharides. Because the region involved in chitin-binding is also responsible for the defense elicitation activity, possibly being recognized by plant's receptors, it is reasonable to expect that those structural and dynamic modifications may also justify the different extent of defense elicitation. To test that hypothesis, the initial steps of a protocol aimed to the identify a receptor for CP, in silico, are presented.


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This study was supported by a Wellcome Trust-NIH PhD Studentship to SB, WDF and NV. Grant number 098252/Z/12/Z. SB, CHC and WDF are supported by the Intramural Research Program, NCI, NIH. NHG and WL are supported by the Intramural Research Program, NIA, NIH.


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Peer reviewed


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Tumor induced angiogenesis processes including the effect of stochastic motion and branching of blood vessels can be described coupling a (nonlocal in time) integrodifferential kinetic equation of Fokker–Planck type with a diffusion equation for the tumor induced ingiogenic factor. The chemotactic force field depends on the flux of blood vessels through the angiogenic factor. We develop an existence and uniqueness theory for this system under natural assumptions on the initial data. The proof combines the construction of fundamental solutions for associated linearized problems with comparison principles, sharp estimates of the velocity integrals and compactness results for this type of kinetic and parabolic operators


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Ebola virus disease is a lethal human and primate disease that requires a particular attention from the international health authorities due to important recent outbreaks in some Western African countries and isolated cases in European and North-America continents. Regarding the emergency of this situation, various decision tools, such as mathematical models, were developed to assist the authorities to focus their efforts in important factors to eradicate Ebola. In a previous work, we have proposed an original deterministic spatial-temporal model, called Be-CoDiS (Between-Countries Disease Spread), to study the evolution of human diseases within and between countries by taking into consideration the movement of people between geographical areas. This model was validated by considering numerical experiments regarding the 2014-16 West African Ebola Virus Disease epidemic. In this article, we propose to perform a stability analysis of Be-CoDiS. Our first objective is to study the equilibrium states of simplified versions of this model, limited to the cases of one an two countries, and to determine their basic reproduction ratios. Then, in order to give some recommendations for the allocation of resources used to control the disease, we perform a sensitivity analysis of those basic reproduction ratios regarding the model parameters. Finally, we validate the obtained results by considering numerical experiments based on data from the 2014-16 West African Ebola Virus Disease epidemic.


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In recent years, the topic of car-following has experimented an increased importance in traffic engineering and safety research. This has become a very interesting topic because of the development of driverless cars (Google driverless cars, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_driverless_car). Driving models which describe the interaction between adjacent vehicles in the same lane have a big interest in simulation modeling, such as the Quick-Thinking-Driver model. A non-linear version of it can be given using the logistic map, and then chaos appears. We show that an infinite-dimensional version of the linear model presents a chaotic behaviour using the same approach as for studying chaos of death models of cell growth.


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We discuss the well-posedness of a mathematical model that is used in the literature for the simulation of lithium-ion batteries. First, a mathematical model based on a macrohomogeneous approach is presented, following previous work. Then it is shown, from a physical and a mathematical point of view, that a boundary condition widely used in the literature is not correct. Although the errors could be just sign typos (which can be explained as carelessness in the use of d/dx versus d/dn, with n the outward unit vector) and authors using this model probably use the correct boundary condition when they solve it in order to do simulations, readers should be aware of the right choice. Therefore, the deduction of the correct boundary condition is done here, and a mathematical study of the well-posedness of the corresponding problem is presented.


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A classical result due to Foias and Pearcy establishes a discrete model for every quasinilpotent operator acting on a separable, infinite-dimensional complex Hilbert space HH . More precisely, given a quasinilpotent operator T on HH , there exists a compact quasinilpotent operator K in HH such that T is similar to a part of K⊕K⊕⋯⊕K⊕⋯K⊕K⊕⋯⊕K⊕⋯ acting on the direct sum of countably many copies of HH . We show that a continuous model for any quasinilpotent operator can be provided. The consequences of such a model will be discussed in the context of C0C0 -semigroups of quasinilpotent operators.


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This paper deals with a stochastic epidemic model for computer viruses with latent and quarantine periods, and two sources of infection: internal and external. All sojourn times are considered random variables which are assumed to be independent and exponentially distributed. For this model extinction and hazard times are analyzed, giving results for their Laplace transforms and moments. The transient behavior is considered by studying the number of times that computers are susceptible, exposed, infectious and quarantined during a period of time (0, t] and results for their joint and marginal distributions, moments and cross moments are presented. In order to give light this analysis, some numerical examples are showed.


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By performing a high-statistics simulation of the D = 4 random-field Ising model at zero temperature for different shapes of the random-field distribution, we show that the model is ruled by a single universality class. We compute to a high accuracy the complete set of critical exponents for this class, including the correction-to-scaling exponent. Our results indicate that in four dimensions (i) dimensional reduction as predicted by the perturbative renormalization group does not hold and (ii) three independent critical exponents are needed to describe the transition.


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Most of the analytical models devoted to determine the acoustic properties of a rigid perforated panel consider the acoustic impedance of a single hole and then use the porosity to determine the impedance for the whole panel. However, in the case of not homogeneous hole distribution or more complex configurations this approach is no longer valid. This work explores some of these limitations and proposes a finite element methodology that implements the linearized Navier Stokes equations in the frequency domain to analyse the acoustic performance under normal incidence of perforated panel absorbers. Some preliminary results for a homogenous perforated panel show that the sound absorption coefficient derived from the Maa analytical model does not match those from the simulations. These differences are mainly attributed to the finite geometry effect and to the spatial distribution of the perforations for the numerical case. In order to confirm these statements, the acoustic field in the vicinities of the perforations is analysed for a more complex configuration of perforated panel. Additionally, experimental studies are carried out in an impedance tube for the same configuration and then compared to previous methods. The proposed methodology is shown to be in better agreement with the laboratorial measurements than the analytical approach.


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A hydrological–economic model is introduced to describe the dynamics of groundwater-dependent economics (agriculture and tourism) for sustainable use in sparse-data drylands. The Amtoudi Oasis, a remote area in southern Morocco, in the northern Sahara attractive for tourism and with evidence of groundwater degradation, was chosen to show the model operation. Governing system variables were identified and put into action through System Dynamics (SD) modeling causal diagrams to program basic formulations into a model having two modules coupled by the nexus ‘pumping’: (1) the hydrological module represents the net groundwater balance (G) dynamics; and (2) the economic module reproduces the variation in the consumers of water, both the population and tourists. The model was operated under similar influx of tourists and different scenarios of water availability, such as the wet 2009–2010 and the average 2010–2011 hydrological years. The rise in international tourism is identified as the main driving force reducing emigration and introducing new social habits in the population, in particular concerning water consumption. Urban water allotment (PU) was doubled for less than a 100-inhabitant net increase in recent decades. The water allocation for agriculture (PI), the largest consumer of water, had remained constant for decades. Despite that the 2-year monitoring period is not long enough to draw long-term conclusions, groundwater imbalance was reflected by net aquifer recharge (R) less than PI + PU (G < 0) in the average year 2010–2011, with net lateral inflow from adjacent Cambrian formations being the largest recharge component. R is expected to be much less than PI + PU in recurrent dry spells. Some low-technology actions are tentatively proposed to mitigate groundwater degradation, such as: wastewater capture, treatment, and reuse for irrigation; storm-water harvesting for irrigation; and active maintenance of the irrigation system to improve its efficiency.


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In this work, we propose the use of the neural gas (NG), a neural network that uses an unsupervised Competitive Hebbian Learning (CHL) rule, to develop a reverse engineering process. This is a simple and accurate method to reconstruct objects from point clouds obtained from multiple overlapping views using low-cost sensors. In contrast to other methods that may need several stages that include downsampling, noise filtering and many other tasks, the NG automatically obtains the 3D model of the scanned objects. To demonstrate the validity of our proposal we tested our method with several models and performed a study of the neural network parameterization computing the quality of representation and also comparing results with other neural methods like growing neural gas and Kohonen maps or classical methods like Voxel Grid. We also reconstructed models acquired by low cost sensors that can be used in virtual and augmented reality environments for redesign or manipulation purposes. Since the NG algorithm has a strong computational cost we propose its acceleration. We have redesigned and implemented the NG learning algorithm to fit it onto Graphics Processing Units using CUDA. A speed-up of 180× faster is obtained compared to the sequential CPU version.


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In order to build dynamic models for prediction and management of degraded Mediterranean forest areas was necessary to build MARIOLA model, which is a calculation computer program. This model includes the following subprograms. 1) bioshrub program, which calculates total, green and woody shrubs biomass and it establishes the time differences to calculate the growth. 2) selego program, which builds the flow equations from the experimental data. It is based on advanced procedures of statistical multiple regression. 3) VEGETATION program, which solves the state equations with Euler or Runge-Kutta integration methods. Each one of these subprograms can act as independent or as linked programs.