913 resultados para wood storage


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Wood dust is recognised as a human carcinogen, based on the strong association of wood dust exposure and the elevated risk of malignant tumours of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses [sino-nasal cancer (SNC)]. The study aimed to assess genetic damage in workers exposed to wood dust using biomarkers in both buccal and nasal cells that reflect genome instability events, cellular proliferation and cell death frequencies. Nasal and buccal epithelial cells were collected from 31 parquet layers, installers, carpenters and furniture workers (exposed group) and 19 non-exposed workers located in Switzerland. Micronucleus (MN) frequencies were scored in nasal and buccal cells collected among woodworkers. Other nuclear anomalies in buccal cells were measured through the use of the buccal micronucleus cytome assay. MN frequencies in nasal and buccal cells were significantly higher in the exposed group compared to the non-exposed group; odds ratio for nasal cells 3.1 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.8-5.1] and buccal cells 1.8 (95% CI 1.3-2.4). The exposed group had higher frequencies of cells with nuclear buds, karyorrhectic, pyknotic, karyolytic cells and a decrease in the frequency of basal, binucleated and condensed cells compared to the non-exposed group. Our study confirms that woodworkers have an elevated risk for chromosomal instability in cells of the aerodigestive tract. The MN assay in nasal cells may become a relevant biomonitoring tool in the future for early detection of SNC risk. Future studies should seek to standardise the protocol for MN frequency in nasal cells similar to that for MN in buccal cells.


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The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has requested the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) Hazardous Waste Site Health Assessment Program evaluate future health impacts of exposures at a former aboveground storage tank site located in Rolfe, Iowa. The former aboveground storage tank site is located to the southwest of the intersection of Railroad Street and 300th Avenue in Rolfe, Iowa. This site is undergoing a Targeted Brownfields Assessment conducted by the Contaminated Sites Section of the IDNR. This health consultation addresses potential health risks to people from future exposure to the soil within the property boundary, and any health impacts resulting from contaminated groundwater beneath the site property. The information in this health consultation was current at the time of writing. Data that emerges later could alter this document’s conclusions and recommendations.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the large-scale propagation of grapevine genotypes after short-term storage in vitro. Microshoots from ten grapevine genotypes were used. The following storage temperatures were evaluated: 10, 20, and 25°C. After short-term storage, the shoots were propagated in up to five successive subcultures, to assess the large-scale propagation of the germplasm maintained under conditions of minimal growth. The propagated shoots were rooted in different concentrations of indolbutiric acid (IBA) and acclimatized in greenhouse. The best temperature for short-term storage in vitro and survival of the genotypes was 20°C. In the propagation phase, the highest number of shoots per explant was found in the subcultures 4 and 5, with averages of 4.9 and 4.8 shoots per explant, respectively. In the rooting phase, the best results for number of roots were obtained using a culture medium supplemented with 0.4 µmol L-1 of IBA, with an average of three roots per shoot. During the acclimation phase, a survival rate higher than 95% was achieved after 30 days in the greenhouse. Grapevine genotypes maintained for six months in vitro, at 20ºC, can be micropropagated in large scale.


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The determination of sediment storage is a critical parameter in sediment budget analyses. But, in many sediment budget studies the quantification of magnitude and time-scale of sediment storage is still the weakest part and often relies on crude estimations only, especially in large drainage basins (>100km2). We present a new approach to storage quantification in a meso-scale alpine catchment of the Swiss Alps (Turtmann Valley, 110km2). The quantification of depositional volumes was performed by combining geophysical surveys and geographic information system (GIS) modelling techniques. Mean thickness values of each landform type calculated from these data was used to estimate the sediment volume in the hanging valleys and the trough slopes. Sediment volume of the remaining subsystems was determined by modelling an assumed parabolic bedrock surface using digital elevation model (DEM) data. A total sediment volume of 781·3×106?1005·7×106m3 is deposited in the Turtmann Valley. Over 60% of this volume is stored in the 13 hanging valleys. Moraine landforms contain over 60% of the deposits in the hanging valleys followed by sediment stored on slopes (20%) and rock glaciers (15%). For the first time, a detailed quantification of different storage types was achieved in a catchment of this size. Sediment volumes have been used to calculate mean denudation rates for the different processes ranging from 0·1 to 2·6mm/a based on a time span of 10ka. As the quantification approach includes a number of assumptions and various sources of error the values given represent the order of magnitude of sediment storage that has to be expected in a catchment of this size.


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- The objective of this work was to determine the total protein profile and the contents of the four major protein fractions (albumin, globulin, prolamin and glutelin) and of the amino acids in the endosperm of the rice wild species Oryza glumaepatula. The experiment was performed with 29 accessions of this species, collected from 13 Brazilian locations, and two commercial cultivars. Protein samples were prepared using dried, polished, and ground grains to obtain homogeneous, dry flour used in the preparation of extracts. Oryza glumaepatula accessions were identified with the highest levels of total protein, albumin and glutelin protein fractions, and amino acids (with the exception of tryptophan) in comparison to the two analized rice cultivars. The albumin and glutelin profiles in SDS-Page were distinct between rice cultivars and O. glumaepatula. This wild species has the potential to increase the nutritional quality of rice storage protein through interspecific crosses.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the shelf life and sensory attributes of tilapia quenelle. Treatments consisted of two types of packages - polyethylene zipper (retort pouch) (QA) and polyethylene waxed paper box (QB) - stored at -18ºC for 120 days. Tilapia quenelle was stable for all parameters established by Brazilian legislation. Average values of the evaluated attributes in different packages, during storage, showed no significant difference, except for the "refrigeration" flavor. However, during the storage period, there were significant differences for sensory attributes, as "moist appearance", fish and product aroma, and off flavors of "mud" and "refrigeration". Preserving product quality as for its sensory attributes, during storage, shows that tilapia quenelle is a convenience product and contributes to the increase of fish consumption.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of growth regulators on gas diffusion and on metabolism of 'Brookfield' apple, and to determine their correlation with quality characteristics of fruit stored in controlled atmosphere. A completely randomized design was used with four replicates. After eight months of storage, the effects of water (control), aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG), AVG + ethephon, AVG + naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), ethephon + NAA, sole NAA, 1-MCP, ethylene absorption by potassium permanganate (ABS), AVG + ABS, and of AVG + 1-MCP - applied at different rates and periods - were evaluated on: gas diffusion rate, ethylene production, respiratory rate, internal ethylene concentration, internal CO2 content, mealiness, and intercellular space. Fruit from the control and sole NAA treatments had the highest mealiness occurrence. Growth regulators significantly changed the gaseous diffusion through the pulp of 'Brookfield' apple, mainly in the treatment AVG + ABS, which kept the highest gas diffusion rate. NAA spraying in the field, with or without another growth regulator, increased ripening metabolism by rising ethylene production and respiration rate, and reduced gas diffusion during shelf life. AVG spraying cannot avoid the ethephon effect during the ripening process, and reduces both the internal space and mealiness incidence, but it is not able to induce ethylene production or to increase respiration rates.


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Social life is generally associated with an increased exposure to pathogens and parasites, due to factors such as high population density, frequent physical contact and the use of perennial nest sites. However, sociality also permits the evolution of new collective behavioural defences. Wood ants, Formica paralugubris, commonly bring back pieces of solidified coniferous resin to their nest. Many birds and a few mammals also incorporate green plant material into their nests. Collecting plant material rich in volatile compounds might be an efficient way to fight bacteria and fungi. However, no study has demonstrated that this behaviour has a positive effect on survival. Here, we provide the first experimental evidence that animals using plant compounds with antibacterial and antifungal properties survive better when exposed to detrimental micro-organisms. The presence of resin strongly improves the survival of F. paralugubris adults and larvae exposed to the bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens, and the survival of larvae exposed to the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae. These results show that wood ants capitalize on the chemical defences which have evolved in plants to collectively protect themselves against pathogens.


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Kioton pöytäkirja velvoittaa teollisuusmaita vähentämään hiilidioksidipäästöjään. Energiantuotantolaitosten on vähennettävä tuotantoaan tai siirryttävä käyttämään vähäpäästöisempiä polttoaineita vähennystavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. Etelä-Savon Energia Oy Mikkelissä rakentaa uuden kattilalaitoksen, joka soveltuu hiilidioksidivapaiden puupolttoaineiden polttoon. Kun uusi kattilalaitos otetaan käyttöön, kasvaa voimalaitoksen polttoaineiden kulutus 1,7 -kertaiseksi. Tämä merkitsee laitokselle tulevien polttoainekuljetusten määrän kasvamista kylmimpinä aikoina yli 70:neen autoon vuorokaudessa. Työssä on tarkasteltu nykyisen polttoaineiden vastaanoton ja kuljettimien kykyä ottaa vastaan kasvavat polttoainevirrat. Vastaanoton sujuvuus on polttoaineiden laadunhallinnan lisäksi edellytys laitoksen käytölle. Työn tavoitteena on ollut kartoittaa vastaanoton ongelmakohtia ja löytää näihin parannusmahdollisuuksia. Vastaanottokapasiteetti tulee venymään äärimmilleen tulevaisuudessa. Jotta määrällisesti riittävä ja laadullisesti sopiva polttoaineseos saadaan vastaanotettua nykyisenä vastaanottoaikana, tulee autojen saapua entistä tasaisemmin laitokselle. Tasainen saapuminen on mahdollista aikatauluttamalla sopivasti polttoainekuljetusten saapumisajat laitokselle. Vastaanoton kapasiteettia voitaisiin nostaa kasvattamalla kenttävaraston kokoa ja pienillä muutoksilla vastaanottoasemissa. Polttoaineen laadun ja vastaanoton tarkastelun lisäksi työssä on tarkasteltu polttoaineen saatavuutta.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli analysoida ja kehittää työn toimeksiantajan UPM-Kymmene Wood Oy Korkeakosken sahan tuotannonsuunnittelua. Työn tärkein tavoite on saada selkeä toimintamalli tuotannonsuunnitteluun, jonka avulla pystytään läpäisemään 300 000 m3:n tai jopa tulevaisuudessa 320 000 m3:n vuosituotanto. Tuotannonsuunnittelulle asetettavat perusvaatimukset ovat raaka-aineen, tuotannon ja myynnin yhteensovittaminen, tilausten oikea-aikainen valmistus ja toimitus, asiakastyytyväisyys, laadun tasaisuus, reklamaatioiden minimointi ja ajosarjojen pituuden maksimointi. Tuotannon suunnittelussa on tärkeää tuntea raaka-aine- ja tuotejakaumat, varastot sekä materiaalivirrat. Tärkeitä osa-alueita tässä tutkimuksessaovat raaka-aine- sekä väli- ja valmisvarastojen seuranta, kierto sekä tuotannonohjaus. Tutkimuksessa perehdytään tuotantoon ja tuotannonsuunnittelun nykyiseen toimintaan ja apuvälineisiin. Tutkimuksen tuloksena kehitettiin tuotannonsuunnitteluun toimintamalli. Se vaatii tuotannonsuunnittelijalta tarkkaa analysointia ja tuotteiden läpimenoaikojen tuntemusta sekä kuivauksen maksimikapasiteetin hyödyntämistä.


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Työssä kehitettin läpinäkyvä Internet Small Computer Systems Interface-verkkolevyä (iSCSI) käyttävä varmistusjärjestelmä. Verkkolevyn sisältö suojattiin asiakaspään salauskerroksella (dm-crypt). Järjestely mahdollisti sen, että verkkolevylle tallennetut varmuuskopiot pysyivät luottamuksellisina, vaikka levypalvelinta tarjoava taho oli joko epäluotettava tai suorastaan vihamielinen. Järjestelmän hyötykäyttöä varten kehitettiin helppokäyttöinen prototyyppisovellus. Järjestelmän riskit ja haavoittuvuudet käytiin läpi ja analysoitiin. Järjestelmälle tehtiin myös karkea kryptoanalyysi sen teknistenominaisuuksien pohjalta. Suorituskykymittaukset tehtiin sekä salatulle että salaamattomalle iSCSI-liikenteelle. Näistä todettiin, että salauksen vaikutus suorituskykyyn oli häviävän pieni jopa 100 megabittiä sekunnissa siirtävillä verkkonopeuksilla. Lisäksi pohdittiin teknologian muita sovelluskohteita ja tulevia tutkimusalueita.


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The objective of this master's thesis was to develop a system for measuring the cutting forces of frozen wood. In northern parts of the world cuttingof frozen wood is one of the major problem. During winter and early spring the temperature inside the wood cells will fall below Zero degrees that strongly influences on the properties of the wood. These variations of properties will effects on the blade nomenclature while cutting the frozen wood. However the end results will cause uneven cutting forces. Cutting forces, Chip formation, wearing of the blade and the quality of the machined surface are difficult task. In this project we are attempting to find the variation of cutting forces and properties of frozen wood at four different temperatures (-20 , -10, 0 and + 10 degrees). The linear planning machine was used for measuring the cuttingforces. The cutting was done parallel to the long axis of wood due to the nature of pine wood and the structure of the plane. A considerable amount of work andtime was used for collecting and processing the numerical information from the sensors of the measuring system. There were some alterations suggested to the construction of the plane and the sensor system.