969 resultados para traffic flow stability


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Laminar separation bubbles are thought to be highly non-parallel, and hence global stability studies start from this premise. However, experimentalists have always realized that the flow is more parallel than is commonly believed, for pressure-gradient-induced bubbles, and this is why linear parallel stability theory has been successful in describing their early stages of transition. The present experimental/numerical study re-examines this important issue and finds that the base flow in such a separation bubble becomes nearly parallel due to a strong-interaction process between the separated boundary layer and the outer potential flow. The so-called dead-air region or the region of constant pressure is a simple consequence of this strong interaction. We use triple-deck theory to qualitatively explain these features. Next, the implications of global analysis for the linear stability of separation bubbles are considered. In particular we show that in the initial portion of the bubble, where the flow is nearly parallel, local stability analysis is sufficient to capture the essential physics. It appears that the real utility of the global analysis is perhaps in the rear portion of the bubble, where the flow is highly non-parallel, and where the secondary/nonlinear instability stages are likely to dominate the dynamics.


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Parabolized stability equation (PSE) models are being deve loped to predict the evolu-tion of low-frequency, large-scale wavepacket structures and their radiated sound in high-speed turbulent round jets. Linear PSE wavepacket models were previously shown to be in reasonably good agreement with the amplitude envelope and phase measured using a microphone array placed just outside the jet shear layer. 1,2 Here we show they also in very good agreement with hot-wire measurements at the jet center line in the potential core,for a different set of experiments. 3 When used as a model source for acoustic analogy, the predicted far field noise radiation is in reasonably good agreement with microphone measurements for aft angles where contributions from large -scale structures dominate the acoustic field. Nonlinear PSE is then employed in order to determine the relative impor-tance of the mode interactions on the wavepackets. A series of nonlinear computations with randomized initial conditions are use in order to obtain bounds for the evolution of the modes in the natural turbulent jet flow. It was found that n onlinearity has a very limited impact on the evolution of the wavepackets for St≥0. 3. Finally, the nonlinear mechanism for the generation of a low-frequency mode as the difference-frequency mode 4,5 of two forced frequencies is investigated in the scope of the high Reynolds number jets considered in this paper.


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Two-wheelers (TW) constitute a major proportion of urban traffic in developing countries and therefore their effect on the saturation flow at signalized intersections could be substantial. This paper attempts to study and analyze the effect of two-wheelers on the saturation flow of signalized intersections by collecting data at a few signalized intersections in Bangalore, India. A strong correlation is observed between the measured saturation flow and the proportion of two-wheeler traffic, which suggest that two-wheelers have significant impact and should be considered in the capacity analysis of signalized intersections. In this paper, the effect of two-wheelers on saturation flow rate is incorporated in a previous model by calibrating and introducing a new adjustment factor for two-wheelers. Results show that saturation flow measured using the modified HCM equation is closer to observed saturation flow values.


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We investigate the evolution of magnetohydrodynamic (or hydromagnetic as coined by Chandrasekhar) perturbations in the presence of stochastic noise in rotating shear flows. The particular emphasis is the flows whose angular velocity decreases but specific angular momentum increases with increasing radial coordinate. Such flows, however, are Rayleigh stable but must be turbulent in order to explain astrophysical observed data and, hence, reveal a mismatch between the linear theory and observations and experiments. The mismatch seems to have been resolved, at least in certain regimes, in the presence of a weak magnetic field, revealing magnetorotational instability. The present work explores the effects of stochastic noise on such magnetohydrodynamic flows, in order to resolve the above mismatch generically for the hot flows. We essentially concentrate on a small section of such a flow which is nothing but a plane shear flow supplemented by the Coriolis effect, mimicking a small section of an astrophysical accretion disk around a compact object. It is found that such stochastically driven flows exhibit large temporal and spatial autocorrelations and cross-correlations of perturbation and, hence, large energy dissipations of perturbation, which generate instability. Interestingly, autocorrelations and cross-correlations appear independent of background angular velocity profiles, which are Rayleigh stable, indicating their universality. This work initiates our attempt to understand the evolution of three-dimensional hydromagnetic perturbations in rotating shear flows in the presence of stochastic noise.


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The ultimate bearing capacity of strip foundations subjected to horizontal groundwater flow has been computed by making use of the stress characteristics method which is well known for its capability in solving quite accurately different stability problems in geotechnical engineering. The numerical solution has been generated both for smooth and rough footings placed on frictional soils. A correction factor (fγ) associated with Nγ term, to account for the existence of ground water flow, has been introduced. The variation of fγ has been obtained as a function of hydraulic gradient (i) for different values of soil frictional angle. The magnitude of fγ reduces continuously with an increase in the value of i.


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This work assesses the performance of small biogas-fuelled engines and explores high-efficiency strategies for power generation in the very low power range of less than 1000 W. Experiments were performed on a small 95-cc, single-cylinder, four-stroke spark-ignition engine operating on biogas. The engine was operated in two modes, i.e., `premixed' and `fuel injection' modes, using both single and dual spark plug configurations. Measurements of in-cylinder pressure, crank angle, brake power, air and fuel flow rates, and exhaust emissions were conducted. Cycle-to-cycle variations in engine in-cylinder pressure and power were also studied and assessed quantitatively for various loading conditions. Results suggest that biogas combustion can be fairly sensitive to the ignition strategies thereby affecting the power output and efficiency. Further, results indicate that continuous fuel injection shows superior performance compared to the premixed case especially at low loads owing to possible charge stratification in the engine cylinder. Overall, this study has demonstrated for the first time that a combination of technologies such as lean burn, fuel injection, and dual spark plug ignition can provide highly efficient and stable operation in a biogas-fuelled small S.I. engine, especially in the low power range of 450-1000W. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The linear stability analysis of a plane Couette flow of an Oldroyd-B viscoelastic fluid past a flexible solid medium is carried out to investigate the role of polymer addition in the stability behavior. The system consists of a viscoelastic fluid layer of thickness R, density rho, viscosity eta, relaxation time lambda, and retardation time beta lambda flowing past a linear elastic solid medium of thickness HR, density rho, and shear modulus G. The emphasis is on the high-Reynolds-number wall-mode instability, which has recently been shown in experiments to destabilize the laminar flow of Newtonian fluids in soft-walled tubes and channels at a significantly lower Reynolds number than that for flows in rigid conduits. For Newtonian fluids, the linear stability studies have shown that the wall modes become unstable when flow Reynolds number exceeds a certain critical value Re c which scales as Sigma(3/4), where Reynolds number Re = rho VR/eta, V is the top-plate velocity, and dimensionless parameter Sigma = rho GR(2)/eta(2) characterizes the fluid-solid system. For high-Reynolds-number flow, the addition of polymer tends to decrease the critical Reynolds number in comparison to that for the Newtonian fluid, indicating a destabilizing role for fluid viscoelasticity. Numerical calculations show that the critical Reynolds number could be decreased by up to a factor of 10 by the addition of small amount of polymer. The critical Reynolds number follows the same scaling Re-c similar to Sigma(3/4) as the wall modes for a Newtonian fluid for very high Reynolds number. However, for moderate Reynolds number, there exists a narrow region in beta-H parametric space, corresponding to very dilute polymer solution (0.9 less than or similar to beta < 1) and thin solids (H less than or similar to 1.1), in which the addition of polymer tends to increase the critical Reynolds number in comparison to the Newtonian fluid. Thus, Reynolds number and polymer properties can be tailored to either increase or decrease the critical Reynolds number for unstable modes, thus providing an additional degree of control over the laminar-turbulent transition.


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In the vector space of algebraic curvature operators we study the reaction ODE which is associated to the evolution equation of the Riemann curvature operator along the Ricci flow. More precisely, we give a partial classification of the zeros of this ODE up to suitable normalization and analyze the stability of a special class of zeros of the same. In particular, we show that the ODE is unstable near the curvature operators of the Riemannian product spaces where is an Einstein (locally) symmetric space of compact type and not a spherical space form when .


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We consider Ricci flow invariant cones C in the space of curvature operators lying between the cones ``nonnegative Ricci curvature'' and ``nonnegative curvature operator''. Assuming some mild control on the scalar curvature of the Ricci flow, we show that if a solution to the Ricci flow has its curvature operator which satisfies R + epsilon I is an element of C at the initial time, then it satisfies R + epsilon I is an element of C on some time interval depending only on the scalar curvature control. This allows us to link Gromov-Hausdorff convergence and Ricci flow convergence when the limit is smooth and R + I is an element of C along the sequence of initial conditions. Another application is a stability result for manifolds whose curvature operator is almost in C. Finally, we study the case where C is contained in the cone of operators whose sectional curvature is nonnegative. This allows us to weaken the assumptions of the previously mentioned applications. In particular, we construct a Ricci flow for a class of (not too) singular Alexandrov spaces.


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Experiments conducted in channels/tubes with height/diameter less than 1 mm with soft walls made of polymer gels show that the transition Reynolds number could be significantly lower than the corresponding value of 1200 for a rigid channel or 2100 for a rigid tube. Experiments conducted with very viscous fluids show that there could be an instability even at zero Reynolds number provided the surface is sufficiently soft. Linear stability studies show that the transition Reynolds number is linearly proportional to the wall shear modulus in the low Reynolds number limit, and it increases as the 1/2 and 3/4 power of the shear modulus for the `inviscid' and `wall mode' instabilities at high Reynolds number. While the inviscid instability is similar to that in the flow in a rigid channel, the mechanisms of the viscous and wall mode instabilities are qualitatively different. These involve the transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctuations due to the shear work done at the interface. The experimental results for the viscous instability mechanism are in quantitative agreement with theoretical predictions. At high Reynolds number, the instability mechanism has characteristics similar to the wall mode instability. The experimental transition Reynolds number is smaller, by a factor of about 10, than the theoretical prediction for the parabolic flow through rigid tubes and channels. However, if the modification in the tube shape due to the pressure gradient, and the consequent modification in the velocity profile and pressure gradient, are incorporated, there is quantitative agreement between theoretical predictions and experimental results. The transition has important practical consequences, since there is a significant enhancement of mixing after transition.


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Graphite-flake reinforced Cu47Ti34Zr11 Ni-8 bulk metallic glass matrix composite was fabricated by water-cooled copper mould cast. Most of the graphite flakes still keep unreacted and distribute uniformly in the amorphous matrix except that some reactive wetting occurs by the formation of TiC particles around the flakes. It reveals that the presence of graphite flakes does not affect the onset of the glass transition temperature, crystallization reaction and liquidus of the metallic glass. The resulting material shows obvious serrated flow and higher fracture strength under room temperature compressive load, comparing with the monolithic bulk metallic glass (BMG). Three types of interaction between the shear bands and graphite flakes, namely, shear band termination, shear bands branching and new shear bands formation near the graphite flakes can be observed by quasi-static uniaxial compression test and bonded interface technique through Vickers indentation.


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根据两流体同心环状流线性稳定性分析的结果 ,对微重力气 /液两相流地面模拟实验所应遵循的相似准则进行了探讨 ,得到了一个新的重力无关性准则 ,即Bond数和环形区流体相的毛细数之比的绝对值不大于 1 .此外 ,微重力气 /液两相流模拟实验还必须满足两个条件 ,即流量比和气相表观Weber数应与所模拟的流动中对应数值相等 . In the present paper, the principle of similarity for two phase flows at microgravity is studied based on the results of the linear stability analysis of the two fluid concentric annular flow configuration. A new criterion of gravity independence, namely the absolute value of the ratio between the Bond number and the capillary number of the phase flowing in the annulus is no more than one, is achieved. It is also pointed out that the flowrate ratio and the gas superficial Weber number must have the same ...


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Long, laminar plasma jets at atmospheric pressure of pure argon and a mixture of argon and nitrogen with jet length up to 45 fi,Hes its diameter could be generated with a DC are torch by! restricting the movement of arc root in the torch channel. Effects of torch structure, gas feeding, and characteristics of power supply on the length of plasma jets were experimentally examined. Plasma jets of considerable length and excellent stability could be obtained by regulating the generating parameters, including are channel geometry gas flow I ate, and feeding methods, etc. Influence of flow turbulence at the torch,nozzle exit on the temperature distribution of plasma jets was numerically simulated. The analysis indicated that laminar flow plasma with very low initial turbulent kinetic energy will produce a long jet, with low axial temperature gradient. This kind of long laminar plasma jet could greatly improve the controllability for materials processing, compared with a short turbulent are let.


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The existing Det Norske Veritas DNV Recommended Practice RP E305 for pipeline on-bottom stability is mainly based on the pipe–soil interaction model reported by Wagner et al. in 1987, and the wake model reported by Lambrakos et al. in 1987, to calculate the soil resistance and the hydrodynamic forces upon pipeline, respectively. Unlike the methods in the DNV Practice, in this paper, an improved analysis method is proposed for the on-bottom stability of a submarine pipeline, which is based on the relationships between Um/ gD 0.5 and Ws / D2 for various restraint conditions obtained by the hydrodynamic loading experiments, taking into account the coupling effects between wave, pipeline, and sandy seabed. The analysis procedure is illustrated with a detailed flow chart. A comparison is made between the submerged weights of pipeline predicted with the DNV Practice and those with the new method. The proposed analysis method may provide a helpful tool for the engineering practice of pipeline on-bottom stability design.


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We present results on the stability of compressible inviscid swirling flows in an annular duct. Such flows are present in aeroengines, for example in the by-pass duct, and there are also similar flows in many aeroacoustic or aeronautical applications. The linearised Euler equations have a ('critical layer') singularity associated with pure convection of the unsteady disturbance by the mean flow, and we focus our attention on this region of the spectrum. By considering the critical layer singularity, we identify the continuous spectrum of the problem and describe how it contributes to the unsteady field. We find a very generic family of instability modes near to the continuous spectrum, whose eigenvalue wavenumbers form an infinite set and accumulate to a point in the complex plane. We study this accumulation process asymptotically, and find conditions on the flow to support such instabilities. It is also found that the continuous spectrum can cause a new type of instability, leading to algebraic growth with an exponent determined by the mean flow, given in the analysis. The exponent of algebraic growth can be arbitrarily large. Numerical demonstrations of the continuous spectrum instability, and also the modal instabilities are presented.