982 resultados para topological insulator


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We present novel topological mappings between graphs, trees and generalized trees that means between structured objects with different properties. The two major contributions of this paper are, first, to clarify the relation between graphs, trees and generalized trees, a graph class recently introduced. Second, these transformations provide a unique opportunity to transform structured objects into a representation that might be beneficial for a processing, e.g., by machine learning techniques for graph classification. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The Heisenberg model for spin-1 bosons in one dimension presents many different quantum phases, including the famous topological Haldane phase. Here we study the robustness of such phases in front of a SU(2) symmetry-breaking field as well as the emergence of unique phases. Previous studies have analyzed the effect of such uniaxial anisotropy in some restricted relevant points of the phase diagram. Here we extend those studies and present the complete phase diagram of the spin-1 chain with uniaxial anisotropy. To this aim, we employ the density-matrix renormalization group together with analytical approaches. The complete phase diagram can be realized using ultracold spinor gases in the Mott insulator regime under a quadratic Zeeman effect.


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Here we consider the numerical optimization of active surface plasmon polariton (SPP) trench waveguides suited for integration with luminescent polymers for use as highly localized SPP source devices in short-scale communication integrated circuits. The numerical analysis of the SPP modes within trench waveguide systems provides detailed information on the mode field components, effective indices, propagation lengths and mode areas. Such trench waveguide systems offer extremely high confinement with propagation on length scales appropriate to local interconnects, along with high efficiency coupling of dipolar emitters to waveguided plasmonic modes which can be close to 80%. The large Purcell factor exhibited in these structures will further lead to faster modulation capabilities along with an increased quantum yield beneficial for the proposed plasmon-emitting diode, a plasmonic analog of the light-emitting diode. The confinement of studied guided modes is on the order of 50 nm and the delay over the shorter 5 μm length scales will be on the order of 0.1 ps for the slowest propagating modes of the system, and significantly less for the faster modes.


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WcaJ is an Escherichia coli membrane enzyme catalysing the biosynthesis of undecaprenyl-diphosphate-glucose, the first step in the assembly of colanic acid exopolysaccharide. WcaJ belongs to a large family of polyisoprenyl-phosphate hexose-1-phosphate transferases (PHPTs) sharing a similar predicted topology consisting of an N-terminal domain containing four transmembrane helices (TMHs), a large central periplasmic loop, and a C-terminal domain containing the fifth TMH (TMH-V) and a cytosolic tail. However, the topology of PHPTs has not been experimentally validated. Here, we investigated the topology of WcaJ using a combination of LacZ/PhoA reporter fusions and sulfhydryl
labelling by PEGylation of novel cysteine residues introduced into a cysteine-less WcaJ. The results showed that the large central loop and the C-terminal tail both reside in the cytoplasm and are separated by TMH-V, which does not fully span the membrane, likely forming a "hairpin" structure. Modelling of TMH-V revealed that a highly conserved proline might contribute to a helix-break-helix structure in all PHPT members. Bioinformatic analyses show that all of these features are conserved in PHPT homologues from
Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Our data demonstrate a novel topological configuration for PHPTs, which is proposed as a signature for all members of this enzyme family


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A structural design optimisation has been carried out to allow for asymmetry and fully tapered portal frames. The additional weight of an asymmetric structural shape was found to be on average 5–13% with additional photovoltaic (PV) loading having a negligible effect on the optimum design. It was also shown that fabricated and tapered frames achieved an average percentage weight reduction of 9% and 11%, respectively, as compared to comparable hot-rolled steel frames. When the deflection limits recommended by the Steel Construction Institute were used, frames were shown to be deflection controlled with industrial limits yielding up to 40% saving.


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In this work, we consider the properties of planar topological defects in unconventional superconductors. Specifically, we calculate microscopically the interaction energy of domain walls separating degenerate ground states in a chiral p-wave fermionic superfluid. The interaction is mediated by the quasiparticles experiencing Andreev scattering at the domain walls. As a by-product, we derive a useful general expression for the free energy of an arbitrary nonuniform texture of the order parameter in terms of the quasiparticle scattering matrix. The thesis is structured as follows. We begin with a historical review of the theories of superconductivity (Sec. 1.1), which led the way to the celebrated Bardeen-Cooper- Schrieffer (BCS) theory (Sec. 1.3). Then we proceed to the treatment of superconductors with so-called "unconventional pairing" in Sec. 1.4, and in Sec. 1.5 we introduce the specific case of chiral p-wave superconductivity. After introducing in Sec. 2 the domain wall (DW) model that will be considered throughout the work, we derive the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) equations in Sec. 3.1, which determine the quasiparticle excitation spectrum for a nonuniform superconductor. In this work, we use the semiclassical (Andreev) approximation, and solve the Andreev equations (which are a particular case of the BdG equations) in Sec. 4 to determine the quasiparticle spectrum for both the single- and two-DW textures. The Andreev equations are derived in Sec. 3.2, and the formal properties of the Andreev scattering coefficients are discussed in the following subsection. In Sec. 5, we use the transfer matrix method to relate the interaction energy of the DWs to the scattering matrix of the Bogoliubov quasiparticles. This facilitates the derivation of an analytical expression for the interaction energy between the two DWs in Sec. 5.3. Finally, to illustrate the general applicability our method, we apply it in Sec. 6 to the interaction between phase solitons in a two-band s-wave superconductor.


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The main purpose of study is to extend the concept of the topological game G(K, X) and some other kinds of games into fuzzy topological games and to obtain some results regarding them. Owing to the fact that topological games have plenty of applications in covering properties, it made an attempt to explore some inter relations of games and covering properties in fuzzy topological spaces. Even though the main focus is on fuzzy para-meta compact spaces and closure preserving shading families, some brief sketches regarding fuzzy P-spaces and Shading Dimension is also provided. In a topological game players choose some objects related to the topological structure of a space such as points, closed subsets, open covers etc. More over the condition on a play to be winning for a player may also include topological notions such as closure, convergence, etc. It turns out that topological games are related to the Baire property, Baire spaces, Completeness properties, Convergence properties, Separation properties, Covering and Base properties, Continuous images, Suslin sets, Singular spaces etc.


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The present study on chaos and fractals in general topological spaces. Chaos theory originated with the work of Edward Lorenz. The phenomenon which changes order into disorder is known as chaos. Theory of fractals has its origin with the frame work of Benoit Mandelbrot in 1977. Fractals are irregular objects. In this study different properties of topological entropy in chaos spaces are studied, which also include hyper spaces. Topological entropy is a measures to determine the complexity of the space, and compare different chaos spaces. The concept of fractals can’t be extended to general topological space fast it involves Hausdorff dimensions. The relations between hausdorff dimension and packing dimension. Regular sets in Metric spaces using packing measures, regular sets were defined in IR” using Hausdorff measures. In this study some properties of self similar sets and partial self similar sets. We can associate a directed graph to each partial selfsimilar set. Dimension properties of partial self similar sets are studied using this graph. Introduce superself similar sets as a generalization of self similar sets and also prove that chaotic self similar self are dense in hyper space. The study concludes some relationships between different kinds of dimension and fractals. By defining regular sets through packing dimension in the same way as regular sets defined by K. Falconer through Hausdorff dimension, and different properties of regular sets also.


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The topology as the product set with a base chosen as all products of open sets in the individual spaces. This topology is known as box topology. The main objective of this study is to extend the concept of box products to fuzzy box products and to obtain some results regarding them. Owing to the fact that box products have plenty of applications in uniform and covering properties, here made an attempt to explore some inter relations of fuzzy uniform properties and fuzzy covering properties in fuzzy box products. Even though the main focus is on fuzzy box products, some brief sketches regarding hereditarily fuzzy normal spaces and fuzzy nabla product is also provided. The main results obtained include characterization of fuzzy Hausdroffness and fuzzy regularity of box products of fuzzy topological spaces. The investigation of the completeness of fuzzy uniformities in fuzzy box products proved that a fuzzy box product of spaces is fuzzy topologically complete if each co-ordinate space is fuzzy topologically complete. The thesis also prove that the fuzzy box product of a family of fuzzy α-paracompact spaces is fuzzy topologically complete. In Fuzzy box product of hereditarily fuzzy normal spaces, the main result obtained is that if a fuzzy box product of spaces is hereditarily fuzzy normal ,then every countable subset of it is fuzzy closed. It also deals with the notion of fuzzy nabla product of spaces which is a quotient of fuzzy box product. Here the study deals the relation connecting fuzzy box product and fuzzy nabla product